Get Samsung warranty bit programmatically - samsung-mobile

I would like to get, among other things, the status of the warranty bit on Samsung devices programmatically. Much like the information that is displayed in Odin mode.
I understand that the bit is not meant for polling, but I would like to know if there is any way to get it without having to create a container or during attestation.
Much like the KNOX Status Samsung app on GP

You can get the warranty state like this:
adb shell getprop ro.boot.warranty_bitandadb shell getprop ro.warranty_bit
If both return 1 the warranty_bit is set 0x1


Custom print on DNP DS620 cutting problems

Hi everyone i'm currently using a DNP DS620 on a raspberry pi and i'm doing some printing with the lpr commands like lpr -P printername -o landscape picturename
This gave me a picture of 4x6 inch (10x15cm)
So i'm able to order some prints with a command system (good yeah!) but i don't find any way to use the cutting option to have a double 2x6inch picture at the end.
I know that some Epson printers use the source=DocFeedCut command but it didn't work in my case.
So does everyone know the command for that or a way to do that?
So I contact someone from the driver's developer's team explaining my issue to him, this operation wasn't possible at that time on this device. They made some modifications to enable this kind of process on this new kind of printer, now it's possible.

How does vim capture keystrokes?

There are multiple questions that ask about capturing keystrokes, but the solutions provided have some complications.
ncurses termios structure/stty
-Changes the console settings so that SIGSTOP/SIGTERM would leave the setting in effect for the terminal.
X based solutions
-requires X server to be running(not that is is a huge problem, but it seems unnecessary to bring X server calls into a console application)
-requires root
Vim seems to be able to capture keystrokes without root, an X server, and without changing the console settings. Does anyone know how vim is able to achieve this in linux?
Look at TTY raw mode -- there is a ioctl call which allows you to get individual keystrokes -- i.e. taking the tty out of line mode which is the default.
A quick search on ioctl raw give this link which looks ok.

Can't send AT commands to Bluetooth module with UART interface

I want to change the pairing code of a device. It's a chinese clone of a MiniELM327 adapter with a Bluetooth interface. If I power it up through its OBD2 connector supplying 12V, the whole device is on. Through the Bluetooth Serial Port I can communicate with the ELM327 chip and send AT Commands, receiving correct answers.
But that is not what I want to do. I want to change the pairing code of the bluetooth interface itself.
The module is a RG-BT10-10 from Redgoo based on a Beken BK3211 chip. I have the datasheet and the command set (not sure if it's the right one). Unfortunately it is all in chinese and the customer support is in chinese too (they use automatic translators).
www .
www .
www .
I tried to contact the manufacturer and they said that I have to send the following commands:
AT+EN1 (enter command mode)
AT+EN0 (exit command mode)
and then reset the module.
I bought a ftdi-based USB-to-UART converter at
www .
Then I wired the pins on the USB-to-UART with the corresponding contacts on the RG-BT10-10 (Tx and Rx are switched of course).
According to the datasheets, the parameters are:
Baud Rate: 38400
Parity: None
Data bits: 8
Stop bit: 1
And the AT commands should be terminated with \r\n that is CR+LF if I'm not mistaken.
No information on flow control. The RTS pin on the board is not even soldered, meaning that it's not used during device normal operation.
From here on, I'm lost. I tried with several programs (Hyperterminal, Putty, Tera Term etc.) to send the AT command which should yield an "OK" but no response has ever arrived.
To be clear, if I fiddle with the wires (like grounding and releasing RTS or turning the RG-BT10-10 on and off) I sometimes get some chars so the flow of data from the module to the computer physically works.
Is there some basic theory I'm missing? I can't get enough information from the manufacturer (language barriers...). And I believe that I have all the hardware that I need, so I just have to understand how to set it correctly :)
Thank you very much for your help!
I had exactly your problem. No response to AT from PuTTY or HyperTerminal at 9600 Baud (which is correct/default for the SPP-CA).
All I would see is:
when powering up.
I then tried the Serial Monitor that comes with the Arduino IDE, www Changed line endings to "Both NL & CR" and at 9600 Baud, it came to life:
+VERSION=+BOLUTEK Firmware V2.2, Bluetooth V2.1
I hope this helps someone.
You can also use Putty to send
Ctrl+M : Carriage Return(“\r”)
Ctrl+J : Line Feed(“\n”)
This worked for me in getting a response:

How can I determine touch screen device in a bash script?

I am trying out the eGalax touch screen driver for my touch screen, as an alternative to the evdev/xinput_calibrator combination.
The calibration tool that comes with the eGalax driver, TKCal, takes the device to which the touch screen is connected as a command line argument.
Now I would like to start the calibration tool from a bash script. Is there some smart way to determine the device within the script, instead of hard coding "/dev/hidraw0" as in this example:
TKCal /dev/hidraw0 Cal
I presume that I can't rely on the touch screen landing on hidraw0 every time, can I? If I run my software on a different system, with a mouse and a keyboard and touch screen, I guess I have to handle that the devices can be conneted to different hdrawX devices. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Thank you very much!
/Fredrik Israelsson
Try looking at /sys/class/hidraw/hidraw*/device/uevent.
The guys developing the eGalax drive told be to try a much simpler solution:
Write a udev rule that will map the touch screen to a device name of my choice.

auto permissions on udev'd device files?

This is a dupe from . Folks over there weren't smart enough or willing to help me out; maybe it's more a programmer question than an administrator one:
I have an app that reads input from 4 (four) mice that are plugged in via USB in addition to the built-in touchpad. This is no problem for Ubuntu 9.10: hald notices the new devices and udev's them brand new entries called /dev/input/mouse4 ... mouse7.
My app runs as a normal user app. The files in /dev belong to root and aren't readable to anyone else.
I don't have a problem doing chmod a+r mouse? once, but the devices come and go with every reboot and every time the dang rodents are plugged in or out.
Can someone please tell me a script or something to manipulate so my chmod happens automagically?
This information is easily discoverable, I just had to look at /etc/udev/rules.d/91-permissions.rules on a Debian configuration. :-)
Some interesting examples pasted from there:
# default permissions for block devices
SUBSYSTEM=="block", GROUP="disk"
Looks like there's this "GROUP" thing to determine the group owner...
And, you can chmod stuff apparently:
KERNEL=="pty*", MODE="0666", GROUP="tty"
Note the MODE part...
I'm sure RTFM-ing for the udev config file format will give you even more information. :-)
