how to setup a excel chart with data points - excel

I have a excel spreadsheet that has been exported from a kendo-ui grid. I have zero experience with excel and I need help turning this data into a excel chart. the attached spreadsheet is what i am working with. Every subdivision name is its own series with (sqft,price) points. is there a way to make one chart with the supplied data?
attached is link to the excel spreadsheet
excel spreadsheet
update from first answer

First you need a table with just one header-row (create a new column for the Arbor .. Values).
The value of this column is the name for the diagram line (instead of serie1 etc.)


Programmatically add rows to an Excel data model via C#

We're looking at allowing our customers to download an Excel file from our web application which contains a raw export of their data along with some basic charts and pivot tables based on that data.
The basic way, we want to make this work is that we have a fixed Excel file which contains all the reporting elements in one worksheet and have room for the underlying data in another worksheet. When the user requests their Excel report, we programmatically fill out the data worksheet with their results and send them the final Excel file.
Everything seemed a bit to easy when doing the prototyping with a fixed set of data. The dataset we worked with was added to the Excel Data Model and we then set up the charts and other reporting elements. However, when using that file as the template for the generated Excel file in our application we are finding that the definition of the data model still remains - meaning, that we built the "protype" with a table definition of $A$1:$T$5879
but when generating the report, that definition isn't changed to contain whatever size the added dataset might have.
We're using EPPlus to work with the generation of our Excel sheets and have so far been unable to find any sort of solution to this kind of problem. This might very much be due to us being quite Excel novices. The goal is to have the user experience, that the charts and pivot tables contained in the Excel sheet reflects the total dataset contained in the Excel file without them having to do anything.
Ok, I've actually found a solution for it.
The solution was right infront of us.
We define the dataset as a named set - this is done under under the "Formulas" and inside the "Name Manager". We have a range which defines our dataset - the "Refers To" field when defining a range can take a formula. So intead of giving it a fixed size, we use this: =OFFSET(Data!$A$1;0;0;COUNTA(Data!$A:$A);COUNTA(Data!$1:$1))
This counts the amount of rows and columns, with reference to A1 in our Data worksheet. All our pivots are set to reload on startup and that seems to work.

Excel: Create dynamic table from named range in another sheet

I'm creating templates reports to be filled by Apache-Poi.
I made some graph reports using named ranges, without problems. So, I don't need to know the amount of rows to graph it.
I have my presentation sheet separately from my data sheet (so I can hide the data sheet).
How can I have a table in the presentation sheet created from the data of the data sheet?
For instance, with my application I fill the table in the data sheet having 3 rows, I want to have a formatted table in the presentation sheet (with filters) populated with those 3 rows in the data sheet. And then if I fill the data sheet with 9 rows, well, you get the point. Any idea?
Edited: I'm working in an Export to Excel functionality for an application. What I do is to use an excel file as a report template, then with Apache POI, I clone the file, populate it with the report data, and then serve this file to be downloaded by the client browser.
I only fill the data in the Data sheet with Apache POI. Now, on the other reports, with my graphs on the presentation sheet, I don't have to do anything more than complete the data table (because I'm using named ranges).
I'm adding some screenshots with dummy data in order to explain a little more.
-- Data Sheet --
-- Presentation Sheet -- (what I want to achieve)

Pivot chart (Excel) fails to render the data the way I want

I'm creating a piece of Java code to fill data into an excel file. The file is pre-created, inlcuding a pivot chart and some vba code.
Though the java code works, I have some problems getting the pivot chart itself to work. I've included a screenshot with some demodata.
There are several Problems I'd like to solve:
The X-Achis seems to behave like a category-axis, though it is formatted as a date-axis.
Dates are not ordered automatically, but only if I order the according column in the pivot-table
All dates have the same distance, though there is a gap of 1.5 years in the data
The chartline of cathy has a gap. But i do want the line rendered, even if there are dates without data for cathy
Am I using the wrong chart, did I miss the an important checkbox in the chart options or do I really have to interpolate the data programmatically for every day before filling it into the table?
The last option would be not only be disappointing, but also distort the chart since I want to have the datapoints marked with symbols (like the squares and diamonds on the screenshot)
Any help is appreciated.
By now this is my solution:
First of all: pivot charts are great, unless you want to visualize randomly ordered dates
I'm going to copy the pivot-data via vba into another sheet and use a regular chart
Gaps in the chartline can be avoided by using a point-diagram (X/Y-data) and selecting "connect datapoints with line" in the Dialog in "datasource > hidden and empty cells" (roughly translated from the german locale)
The vba-code will be extended to set up the diagram to my needs (adjusting range of input data and so on)
Still I'm kind of disappointed. I would have thought this was a usual usecase.
I set up trial workbook.
I based a line chart on a range of data that had a column of dates.
It was NOT pivot chart, just an ordinary one
When I went to the x-axis formatting options and chose "Date axis" I was presented with choices about how to span the dates out (to do what you want).
When I created a chart based on a pivot table using the same data, the x-axis formatting options did not give me the same choices
It would seem that pivot charts do not allow dates to be spanned out.
So you might like to consider basing your chart on a range of data not a pivot table.
I also found this useful page, all about this sort of thing:

Excel : Selecting data and keeping it up to date

I'm not a hero when it comes to Excel...
I have an Excel file with one sheet that contains all data. It's basically a list of tickets, displaying the ticket ID, type, value and 5 dates per row.
I'm looking for a way to have new sheets in the Excel that actually display only tickets of a specific type. So on the sheet Bug Tickets I want to diplay like a filtered sub-set of the raw data in the first sheet.
However, this new sheet needs to refresh it's data automatically when I add new data to the main list.
Is this possible in Excel?
Ok here is a way using a Pivot Tables and Tables.
You should set it up like below: (in the SS, I put the pivot in the same sheet but you can put it in another).
You need to create a table out of your data. See here on how to do it.
Then create a Pivot Table out of your table. See here on how to do it
After that you just need to format it the way you want.
The Pivot table will update everytime you add data on your table.
It will display what you've filtered.(in my example I filtered type A).
Notice: Apologies I cannot create a step by step procedure for you(very tedious). I wouldn't have posted this as answer if only it would fit as comment.

dynamic linking of word and excel

This is my first question and it would have been nice to include an image but it seems that I can't. I have seen some answers to my problem but they always seen to be in one direction. Excel->Word. However I want Word->Excel->Word as described below.
I have an excel workbook that draws a graph. Some of the input data is pre-calculated and one or two parameters are entered manually and entered in a table in the spreadsheet.
I want to do the following.
The graph and the data entry table are to be displayed in word. The table in Word is also part of the spreadsheet but must be displayed separately. I want to be able to enter the variables in the table in the word document. These values are linked to the excel sheet, the graph will be changed and the actualised version displayed in the word document. I have attached two images, the data entry able. The entry fields are those in green and an image of the resulting graph. Any help would be appreciated.
I can't see your pictures, so the following is theoretical.
1) Open Word
2) Insert Chart - this opens a instance of Excel which is directly linked to the Chart, which I'll refer to as ExcelChartData to avoid confusion.
3) Edit the range in ExcelChartData to match what you have in your Excel data workbook.
4) Link the ranges in ExcelChartData to the required ranges in your Excel data workbook.
Changing the values in your Excel data workbook will then change the chart.
