Can't find 'Web Content' in Control Panel (Beginner) - liferay

newbie to Liferay here. I'm trying to follow the documentation from here. The first line says:
Go back to the Control Panel and select Web Content from the content section.
However, when I go to the control panel of my Liferay site, I do not see any content section or a "Web Content" category. Here is a screenshot of what my control panel looks like:
Any help would be very much appreciated.

I found it. From the Control Panel, You have to click on "Manage Liferay" on the bottom, and the content section can be seen on the sidebar on the left.

The difference is that the document you are referring is of Liferay 6.1 (see selected value of dropdown positioned on left-top below navigation) and the version you are using is Liferay 6.2
You can select relevant documentation from changing dropdown to Liferay 6.2
While, you can navigate to "Web Content" section by clicking:
Top-bar > Admin > Content


How do I get a menu on the left hand side of my SharePoint page?

I have created a SharePoint site using Office 365 and I am trying to get the menu to show down the left hand side as currently it is along the top of the page. The site layout is set to Seattle but the menu does not show. Some of the articles I've read talk about clicking on Navigation link in site settings but I cannot see this link. Not sure if there is something I need to enable.
How can I get this to show?
Site Settings
Left Hand Side of Page
You could enable publishing feature, you'll see the setting.

How can you disable blog comments in Orchard CMS?

How can you disable blog comments in Orchard CMS? I can't see how to do this. There's nothing about disabling comments in settings.
You can add control functionality on your site by enabling and disabling features exposed by the modules that are installed to Orchard. To view the available features, click Features under the Modules heading in the Orchard admin panel.
I think you will have one called Orchard.Comments
To disable the feature, simply click Disable for that feature.
Also, you can modify the page content type in Orchard to not allow comments.
Log in as an administrator and then head over to the Admin Dashboard. On the left hand navigation, select the Content item.
Then click on the Content Types tab at the top.
Find the Page Content Type and click the edit link.
Click the Add Parts button.
And then uncheck the Comments part check box.
Click Save on this page and then Save again on the Page content type.
Also, when you create a new Page in your Orchard site you will see the Allow new comments check box so that your users can leave comments on the page/article that you create.

SP2013 - Adding a Content Editor web part to a custom layout page

In sharepoint 2013, I have 2 custom layout pages:
1 associated with Content Type = Article Page, and
1 associated with Content Type = Welcome Page.
I add a Web Part zone to both layout pages.
I create a web page from either layout page.
When I edit the web page to fill in the Web Part zone, no Web Part zone appears and this appears in its place: $Resources:core,ContentEditorWebPartTitle;
Any clues?
I'm adding the steps of my process hoping that may make things clearer:
access desired site.
went to Design Manager
clicked "Edit Page Layouts"
clicked desired custom page layout
clicked "Snippets"
clicked "Web Parts / Media and Content"
clicked "Content Editor"
clicked "Copy to Clipboard"
opened custom page layout (.html) in Sharepoint Designer 2013
copied the clipbboard contents within the "asp:ContentPlaceHolder" tags
returned to browser
went back to "Design Manager"
and "Publish a Major Version" of the custom layout page
clicked "Add a Page"
goto "Page" tab
click "Page Layout"
select my custom layout page
then scroll to examine my new page (while in "Edit" mode)
I see the text "$Resources:core,ContentEditorWebPartTitle;",
but no box for adding content.
Im new to Sharepoint myself, but this sounds like your snippet might be wrong. If you can access the snippet manager, how to do this is on MSDN SharePoint 2013 Design Manager snippets.
Then what you want to do is create the snippet using the snippet manager, try the Content Editor inside the Media and Content section, you can then add this to your MasterPage inside the MainContent user control.
You could try adding this snippet to your PageLayout.html instead of MasterPage.html in place of the current web part thats failing, to see if that works.
Remove the web part zones from your layout pages.
Open the layout page in design manager and navigate to snippet manager.
Copy the snippet for web part zone and place them in the layout as desired.
Publish the layout.
Hope this will help to resolve your issue
Your problem is on Step#10 you should put your code inside the following tag:
asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="PlaceHolderMain" runat="server"

Insert Link/Picture "From SharePoint" grayed out in the ribbon

In the ribbon, I want to insert a picture or a link into a content page, but the "From Sharepoint" button is grayed out and I can only upload an image or insert a link "From Address". My field is rich text. I'm using SharePoint 2010.
How can I make the link available?
Do not muck with the ribbon to make this work!
Totally depends on how you want to use it.
First of all, the Publishing feature must be active on Site Collection level and on the site where you want to add your rich content.
Then, if you activate the Wiki Home page feature you will have the SharePoint option availabe on the page.
If you want to use it in a custom list, it gets a bit more complicated.
The normal Rich Text field greys out the SharePoint option. And you can not add the Full HTML with publishing field directly to a custom list. So the solution is to create a new site column based on the Full HTML field. And then add that site column to the custom list. This field is part of the publishing infrastructure. So only available on SharePoint Server 2010
Unless you have the "SharePoint Server Publishing feature" under "Site Settings" -> "Site Features" activated, these options are not made available to you.
Usually ribbon button is grayed out if you didn't add CommandUIHandler element for it in your CustomAction XML.
For more details, you can see this MSDN article:
Also, you can find useful this article (with sample code and screenshot):

Accidentally deleted a webpart, how can I get it back

I have deleted "New comment" webpart on the Blog Post detailed Page on the my SharePoint blog site, I am unable to find it in the webpart list.
How can I get undo / add the webpart back.
If you have clicked the X button in the top-right corner of the web part, it is simply closed. You can get it back as follows:
Click on Actions, Edit Page
Click Add a web part
Click Advanced Web Part Gallery in the top bottom-right corner of the dialog
Click on Closed Web Parts in the tool pane on the right
Drag the closed web part from the tool pane back onto the page
If you have actually used the drop-down menu on the web part and clicked Delete, it really is deleted. If you have check-in/out available to the page you can go back to a previous version to restore it. Otherwise you will need to restore from backup if you have one.
A very usefull way to see all web parts on the page, including closed ones, is the Web Part Maintenance Page, which is accessed by simply adding '?Contents=1' to the page address
I faced the same problem (it was my mistake :(), but I am able to get my “New Comment” webpart back on the page by using SharePoint Designer.
Steps to get “New Comment” webpart back on the page
Create New blog site just to get “New Comment” list form Webpart
Open Newly created blog site in SharePoint designer and address]/ Lists/Posts/Post.aspx page and
Copy the full XSLT code of “New Comment” list form Webpart
Go back to your production blog site and place the copied XSLT just after “comments” list view Webpart on the page
Provide “your comments list GUID” under List Name property of the copied XSLT
Save and close.
That’ it. Your “New comment” Webpart is back on the page
Moorthy Annadurai
"If you have actually used the drop-down menu on the web part and clicked Delete, it really is deleted."
Here is a solution that does not require SP Designer and fixes the problem in a couple minutes.
In fact, it is only the Default View associated to the webpart that is deleted. Click on View All Site Content. Then on the defective library link. It will open the listedit.aspx page. Go down to the Views section. Select another view or create a new view and make it the one by default. That's it. You are back in business. Of course, you need to correct the library link in the Quick Launch section.
Pierre Audette
In my case it was a "Summary Link Web Part" that was added to a Document Library and the user accidentally "x'd" out off it. I found the "closed" web part by doing the following:
Click on "Site Actions | Edit Page"
Click on "Add a Web Part"
In the "Categories" list box on the left the last folder is "Closed Web Parts". Select the Web Part and re-add it.
