How to rename a project in SonarQube 5.1? - sonarqube-5.0

I can't find how to rename a project in SonarQube 5.1.
Once created, how one can change project name, key, branch, from the web dashboard?
SonarQube's documentation doesn't help.

In SonarQube 5.1 the project name can't be changed from the web dashboard (Probably it will not be possible in the future as well).
I configure my SonarQube projects where I only have to change this line:
Rerun the analysis to see the result in the web dashboard.

You need to "update the project key" (I always think that the Sonar terminology here isn't very helpful)
and then re-run the analysis (with the new project key, so having updated your or build.xml or pom.xml, etc)

To change the projet name in UI run this SQL query :
UPDATE sonar.projects
long_name = 'NEW_PROJECT_NAME'

If you are using jenkins and your sonar build is a post build step. You may add the property mentioned by #adrianko to your goals.

In SonarQube 8.6 (PostgreSQL), execute SQL
UPDATE projects
UPDATE components
long_name = 'NEW_PROJECT_NAME'

CREATE PROCEDURE usp_ChangeProjectName
#CaseSensitiveProjectKeyToChange VARCHAR(300),
#NewProjectName VARCHAR(300)
IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.projects WHERE kee = #CaseSensitiveProjectKeyToChange and scope = 'PRJ') > 1
RAISERROR ('Operation would affect more than one record, cancelling for safety.', 16, 1)
name = #NewProjectName,
long_name = #NewProjectName
kee = #CaseSensitiveProjectKeyToChange and
scope = 'PRJ'
Sample Usage usp_ChangeProjectName2 '<project key>', '<new name>'

Just add or edit file as below:\:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_191
#----- Token generated from an account with 'publish analysis' permission
systemProp.sonar.login=your token goes here
Please change the path of JDK as per your system configuration, sonarqube server url, access token and finally the name of project that you want to give. By default in android studio project name is app
Just let me know if anybody face any problem while integration of sonarqube.

I tried all the way but it did not work for me . At last my bamboo server gave me some hint .
Instead of using projectName pror you can use "/n:" key..
i.e /n:"your project name".

There is no possibility to rename the project in the web frontend (tested with Sonarqube V 9.3).
But you can change the project name by running the sonar scanner commandline interface locally and passing the new project name (also the sonar token and the project key) as parameter
(If sonar-scanner is started in the same directory in which is located, the properties are also read from this file):
sonar-scanner -Dsonar.projectName="enter_new_projectname_here“ -Dsonar.login="your_sonar_token“ -Dsonar.projectKey="your_project_key“
On macOS the sonar scanner can be installed with homebrew:
brew install sonar-scanner
For other platform see


Google Cloud Natural Language Example

I have followed the getting started page closely.
The example code has the following: $projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID';
I fill in my project id taken from the json file and the Google console--e.g. "$projectID = 'myproject-197218'" and I always get a fatal error with "Permission Denied."
I have set the env variable, run composer to install the library. And, I created the Google json file. I am running the example in PHP code.
I am running the code on my local server (xampp).
I figured out my problem. The Google Cloud json file was stored on my drive d:, so in the env variable I referenced it as 'GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS= d:\xampp\htdocs\googapi\mproj.json', it did not work; when I moved it to the root of the c: drive and referenced it there (GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=c:proj.json), it worked fine.
Are you sure that the ID of your project is that one? I'm working in Google Cloud and I cannot see this project ID in our database, but if I type "my-project-197218" with a "-" between "my" and "project" I am able to find one project. please, to make sure that this is your correct project ID, run this command in your Google Cloud Shell to get the default project ID:
gcloud config list --format 'value(core.project)' 2>/dev/null

Errors deploying Node.js app

So I am new to IBM Bluemix and all of their products and I am trying to do this project . I have done all of the modifying of the car and everything I am just having issues with the codes.
I have a few specific questions on part 2 step 2.b when you are entering in the information for the Cloudant database what information do I put in for the cradle connection and how do I acquire that information.
Second when I go to deploy the app Part 2 Step 2.4 how do I navigate to the application directory? I have looked at the help and googled to no avail. So if we fix these things I am hoping that I will be able to deploy the application. However currently when I go to deploy it I get this error.
cf push braincar
Updating app braincar in org / space dev as
Uploading braincar...
Error uploading application.
open /Users/codycornwell/.rnd: permission denied
I am green to all this so any help and explanation to understand it is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
In the tutorial's part 2, step 2.b, you need to specify your Cloudant credentials. There are several ways to get Cloudant credentials, but I'll focus on doing it within the context of Bluemix and the cf command line tool.
You will first need to create a Cloudant service instance, then create a set of service keys (credentials) and then view them.
Create a Cloudant service instance named myCloudantSvc using the Shared plan:
$> cf create-service cloudantNoSQLDB Shared myCloudantSvc
Create a set of service keys (credentials) named cred1:
$> cf create-service-key myCloudantSvc cred1
View the credentials for the service key you just created
$> cf service-key myCloudantSvc creed
With the last step above, you should see output which provides you with the username, password and host values that you'll need to place into your app.js code. It should look something like the following:
"host": "",
"password": "longSecretPassword",
"port": 443,
"url": "",
"username": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx-bluemix"
For your second question, it looks like you're performing the cf push from your $HOME directory (as mentioned in the comment by #vmovva). By default, the cf push command will send all files in the current directory to Bluemix/CloudFoundry.
Try running the command from the directory where your source code is located to reduce the files pushed to Bluemix. If your source code is intermingled in your $HOME directory, move your source into a different directory and then push from that directory.

How to establish a continuous deployment of non-.NET project/solution to Azure?

I have connected Visual Studio Online to my Azure website. This is not a .NET ASP.NET MVC project, just several static HTML files.
Now I want to get my files uploaded to Azure and available 'online' after my commits/pushes to the TFS.
When a build definition (based on GitContinuousDeploymentTemplate.12.xaml) is executed it fails with an obvious message:
Exception Message: The process parameter ProjectsToBuild is required but no value was set.
My question: how do I setup a build definition so that it automatically copies my static files to Azure on commits?
Or do I need to use a different tooling for this task (like WebMatrix).
I ended up with creating an empty website and deploying it manually from Visual Studio using webdeploy. Other possible options to consider to create local Git at Azure.
Alright, let me try to give you an answer:
I was having quite a similar issue. I had a static HTML, JS and CSS site which I needed to have in TFS due to the project and wanted to make my life easier using the continuous deployment. So what I did was following:
When you have a Git in TFS, you get an URL for the repository - something like:
, however in order to access the repository itself, you need to authenticate, which is not currently possible, if you try to put the URL with authentication into Azure:
It will not accept it. So what you do, in order to bind the deployment is that you just put the URL for repository there (the deployment will fail, however it will prepare the environment for us to proceed).
However, when you link it there, you can get DEPLOYMENT TRIGGER URL on the Configure tab of the Website. What it is for is that when you push a change to your repository (say to GitHub) what happens is that GitHub makes a HTTP POST request to that link and it tells Azure to deploy new code onto the site.
Now I went to Kudu which is the underlaying system of Azure Websites which handles the deployments. I figured that if you send correct contents in the HTTP POST (JSON format) to the DEPLOYMENT TRIGGER URL, you can have it deploy code from any repository and it even authenticates!
So the thing left to do is to generate the alternative authentication credentials on the TFS site and put the whole request together. I wrapped this entire process into the following PowerShell script:
# Windows Azure Website Configuration
# WAWS_username: The user account which has access to the website, can be obtained from portal on the Configure tab under DEPLOYMENT TRIGGER URL
# WAWS_password: The password for the account specified above
# WAWS: The Azure site name
$WAWS_username = ''
$WAWS_password = ''
$WAWS = ''
# Visual Studio Online Repository Configuration
# VSO_username: The user account used for basic authentication in VSO (has to be manually enabled)
# VSO_password: The password for the account specified above
# VSO_URL: The URL to the Git repository (branch is specified on the Configuration tab BRANCH TO DEPLOY
$VSO_username = ''
$VSO_password = ''
$VSO_URL = ''
$WAWS_URL = 'https://' + $WAWS + ''
$BODY = '
"format": "basic",
"url": "https://' + $VSO_username + ':' + $VSO_password + '#' + $VSO_URL + '"
$authorization = "Basic "+[System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($WAWS_username+":"+$WAWS_password ))
$bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($BODY)
$webRequest = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($WAWS_URL)
$webRequest.Method = "POST"
$webRequest.Headers.Add("Authorization", $authorization)
$webRequest.ContentLength = $bytes.Length
$webRequestStream = $webRequest.GetRequestStream();
$webRequestStream.Write($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length);
I hope that what I wrote here makes sense. The last thing you would need is to bind this script to a hook in Git, so when you perform a push the script gets automatically triggered after it and the site is deployed. I haven't figured this piece yet tho.
This should also work to deploy a PHP/Node.js and similar code.
The easiest way would be to add them to an empty ASP .NET project, set them to be copied to the output folder, and then "build" the project.
Failing that, you could modify the build process template, but that's a "last resort" option.

Download ClickOnce fails from setup.exe

I have a problem regarding the download of a ClickOnce application.
I have succesfully deployed my ClickOnce application to an IIS server. The ClickOnce files are in path on the IIS:
When i from another machine navigate to the standard publish page of the ClickOnce I can either click "launch" or install.
The difference is:
- "launch" URL is to ThisIsTheApplication.application file.
- install URL is to setup.exe file
When I click the launch file I can succesfully install the apllication. If I use the setup.exe it fails when i try executing that file.
The setup.exe basicly checks whether my prerequiteses are installed or not (only .NET 4.5 for this).
The log file says:
The following properties have been set:
Property: [AdminUser] = true {boolean}
Property: [InstallMode] = HomeSite {string}
Property: [NTProductType] = 3 {int}
Property: [ProcessorArchitecture] = AMD64 {string}
Property: [VersionNT] = 6.2.0 {version}
Running checks for package 'Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 (x86 and x64)', phase BuildList
Reading value 'Version' of registry key 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full'
Read string value '4.5.51641'
Setting value '4.5.51641 {string}' for property 'DotNet45Full_TargetVersion'
The following properties have been set for package 'Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 (x86 and x64)':
Property: [DotNet45Full_TargetVersion] = 4.5.51641 {string}
Running checks for command 'DotNetFX45\dotNetFx45_Full_x86_x64.exe'
Result of running operator 'ValueEqualTo' on property 'InstallMode' and value 'HomeSite': true
Result of checks for command 'DotNetFX45\dotNetFx45_Full_x86_x64.exe' is 'Bypass'
Running checks for command 'DotNetFX45\dotNetFx45_Full_setup.exe'
Result of running operator 'ValueNotEqualTo' on property 'InstallMode' and value 'HomeSite': false
Result of running operator 'VersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo' on property 'DotNet45Full_TargetVersion' and value '4.5.50709': true
Result of checks for command 'DotNetFX45\dotNetFx45_Full_setup.exe' is 'Bypass'
'Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 (x86 and x64)' RunCheck result: No Install Needed
Launching Application.
URLDownloadToCacheFile failed with HRESULT '-2146697208'
Error: An error occurred trying to download ''.
Why does the "launch" work and not the setup.exe?
I had the same problem here. My log file looked very similar (there were no stack traces or anything in it) and the last two lines were similar. The setup.exe failed, but the … .application URL worked ok. I'm on a corporate network/domain and our system administrators had set up a lot of group policies overriding the default security zone settings. The problem was solved by removing the policies and then clicking buttons:
“IE -> Tools -> Internet options -> Security -> Reset all zones to default level”
and “Advanced -> Restore advanced settings”.
I've found the following guide here:
Start Microsoft Internet Explorer by pressing Win+R, enter ‘iexplore’ and finally press enter
Go to ‘Tools’ Menu
Make sure to uncheck the mark at ‘Work Offline’
Execute KeyRocket_Setup.exe again
With that said, I think it's easier to create someone's own "clickonce" experience, in order to avoid any interference with Internet Explorer whatsoever.

TermStore Count is 0

I am observing a really strange behaviour with code which attempts to retrieve the TermStore from the TaxonomySession. The code looks like this:
using (SPSite mySite = new SPSite(url))
TaxonomySession session = new TaxonomySession(mySite);
// Get all the TermStores associated with the provided site.
TermStoreCollection stores = session.TermStores;
Here is the issue:
The above code does not return any TermStores, i.e. the count is zero
If I run the following PowerShell script from the same command prompt, I get 1 TermStore in the count.
$site = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite("https://mysite")
$session = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomySession($site)
I have tried the following:
My Managed Metadata Application Proxy is a part of the default proxy group
The administrator for the Managed Metadata Service is configured correctly
The permissions for the Managed Metadata Service are configured correctly
The Managed Metadata application pool is running under the farm account
Modifying the code above to run under elevated privileges
The weird thing is that the first block of code above DOES NOT retrieve any TermStore(s) when compiled as an executable and invoked from a command window, which is running under the farm credentials. IN THE SAME window, I can copy and paste the second block of the equivalent PowerShell scripts and have it run!
Also, this issue is only happening on our Production environment. The same executable ran successfully on our DEV, TEST and Pre Prod environments.
Any help at this stage will be much appreciated.
We encountered exactly the same issue in our test environment. But, our development servers are working as expected. My colleague was able to narrow down the issue and resolve it by updating hotfix available in Microsoft support.
The following are the details of the hotfix and information he could come across while researching on that particular issue.
Support download link
For additional information:
Please consult your system administrator before updating any hotfix to servers. Hope this help you to fix the issue in your production environment.
