Convert binary ( integer and fraction) from VHDL to decimal, negative value in C code - string

I have a 14-bit data that is fed from FPGA in vhdl, The NIos II processor reads the 14-bit data from FPGA and do some processing tasks, where Nios II system is programmed in C code
The 14-bit data can be positive, zero or negative. In Altera compiler, I can only define the data to be 8,16 or 32. So I define this to be 16 bit data.
First, I need to check if the data is negative, if it is negative, I need to pad the first two MSB to be bit '1' so the system detects it as negative value instead of positive value.
Second, I need to compute the real value of this binary representation into a decimal value of BOTH integer and fraction.
I learned from this link (Correct algorithm to convert binary floating point "1101.11" into decimal (13.75)?) that I could convert a binary (consists of both integer and fraction) to decimal values.
To be specified, I am able to use this code quoted from this link (Correct algorithm to convert binary floating point "1101.11" into decimal (13.75)?) , reproduced as below:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
double convert(const char binary[]){
int bi,i;
int len = 0;
int dot = -1;
double result = 0;
for(bi = 0; binary[bi] != '\0'; bi++){
if(binary[bi] == '.'){
dot = bi;
if(dot == -1)
for(i = dot; i >= 0 ; i--){
if (binary[i] == '1'){
result += (double) pow(2,(dot-i-1));
for(i=dot; binary[i] != '\0'; i++){
if (binary[i] == '1'){
result += 1.0/(double) pow(2.0,(double)(i-dot));
return result;
int main()
char bin[] = "1101.11";
char bin1[] = "1101";
char bin2[] = "1101.";
char bin3[] = ".11";
printf("%s -> %f\n",bin, convert(bin));
printf("%s -> %f\n",bin1, convert(bin1));
printf("%s -> %f\n",bin2, convert(bin2));
printf("%s -> %f\n",bin3, convert(bin3));
return 0;
I am wondering if this code can be used to check for negative value? I did try with a binary string of 11111101.11 and it gives the output of 253.75...
I have two questions:
What are the modifications I need to do in order to read a negative value?
I know that I can do the bit shift (as below) to check if the msb is 1, if it is 1, I know it is negative value...
if (14bit_data & 0x2000) //if true, it is negative value
The issue is, since it involves fraction part (but not only integer), it confused me a bit if the method still works...
If the binary number is originally not in string format, is there any way I could convert it to string? The binary number is originally fed from a fpga block written in VHDL say, 14 bits, with msb as the sign bit, the following 6 bits are the magnitude for integer and the last 6 bits are the magnitude for fractional part. I need the decimal value in C code for Altera Nios II processor.

OK so I m focusing on the fact that you want to reuse the algorithm you mention at the beginning of your question and assume that the binary representation you have for your signed number is Two's complement but I`m not really sure according to your comments that the input you have is the same than the one used by the algorithm
First pad the 2 MSB to have a 16 bit representation
16bit_data = (14_bit_data & 0x2000) ? ( 14_bit_data | 0xC000) : 14_bit_data ;
In case value is positive then value will remained unchanged and if negative this will be the correct two`s complement representation on 16bits.
For fractionnal part everything is the same compared to algorithm you mentionned in your question.
For integer part everything is the same except the treatment of MSB.
For unsigned number MSB (ie bit[15]) represents pow(2,15-6) ( 6 is the width of frationnal part ) whereas for signed number in Two`s complement representation it represents -pow(2,15-6) meaning that algorithm become
/* integer part operation */
while(p >= 1)
rem = (int)fmod(p, 10);
p = (int)(p / 10);
dec = dec + rem * pow(2, t) * (9 != t ? 1 : -1);
or said differently if you don`t want * operator
/* integer part operation */
while(p >= 1)
rem = (int)fmod(p, 10);
p = (int)(p / 10);
if( 9 != t)
dec = dec + rem * pow(2, t);
dec = dec - rem * pow(2, t);
For the second algorithm that you mention, considering you format if dot == 11 and i == 0 we are at MSB ( 10 integer bits followed by dot) so the code become
for(i = dot - 1; i >= 0 ; i--)
if (binary[i] == '1')
if(11 != dot || i)
result += (double) pow(2,(dot-i-1));
// result -= (double) pow(2,(dot-i-1));
// Due to your number format i == 0 and dot == 11 so
result -= 512
WARNING : in brice algorithm the input is character string like "11011.101" whereas according to your description you have an integer input so I`m not sure that this algorithm is suited to your case

I think this should work:
float convert14BitsToFloat(int16_t in)
/* Sign-extend in, since it is 14 bits */
if (in & 0x2000) in |= 0xC000;
/* convert to float with 6 decimal places (64 = 2^6) */
return (float)in / 64.0f;
To convert any number to string, I would use sprintf. Be aware it may significantly increase the size of your application. If you don't need the float and what to keep a small application, you should make your own conversion function.


find the number of ways you can form a string on size N, given an unlimited number of 0s and 1s

The below question was asked in the atlassian company online test ,I don't have test cases , this is the below question I took from this link
find the number of ways you can form a string on size N, given an unlimited number of 0s and 1s. But
you cannot have D number of consecutive 0s and T number of consecutive 1s. N, D, T were given as inputs,
Please help me on this problem,any approach how to proceed with it
My approach for the above question is simply I applied recursion and tried for all possiblity and then I memoized it using hash map
But it seems to me there must be some combinatoric approach that can do this question in less time and space? for debugging purposes I am also printing the strings generated during recursion, if there is flaw in my approach please do tell me
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int recurse(int d,int t,int n,int oldd,int oldt,string s)
return 0;
return 0;
return 1;
string h=to_string(d)+" "+to_string(t)+" "+to_string(n);
return dp[h];
int ans=0;
return dp[h]=ans;
int main()
int n,d,t;
return 0;
You are right, instead of generating strings, it is worth to consider combinatoric approach using dynamic programming (a kind of).
"Good" sequence of length K might end with 1..D-1 zeros or 1..T-1 of ones.
To make a good sequence of length K+1, you can add zero to all sequences except for D-1, and get 2..D-1 zeros for the first kind of precursors and 1 zero for the second kind
Similarly you can add one to all sequences of the first kind, and to all sequences of the second kind except for T-1, and get 1 one for the first kind of precursors and 2..T-1 ones for the second kind
Make two tables
Zeros[N][D] and Ones[N][T]
Fill the first row with zero counts, except for Zeros[1][1] = 1, Ones[1][1] = 1
Fill row by row using the rules above.
Zeros[K][1] = Sum(Ones[K-1][C=1..T-1])
for C in 2..D-1:
Zeros[K][C] = Zeros[K-1][C-1]
Ones[K][1] = Sum(Zeros[K-1][C=1..T-1])
for C in 2..T-1:
Ones[K][C] = Ones[K-1][C-1]
Result is sum of the last row in both tables.
Also note that you really need only two active rows of the table, so you can optimize size to Zeros[2][D] after debugging.
This can be solved using dynamic programming. I'll give a recursive solution to the same. It'll be similar to generating a binary string.
States will be:
i: The ith character that we need to insert to the string.
cnt: The number of consecutive characters before i
bit: The character which was repeated cnt times before i. Value of bit will be either 0 or 1.
Base case will: Return 1, when we reach n since we are starting from 0 and ending at n-1.
Define the size of dp array accordingly. The time complexity will be 2 x N x max(D,T)
using namespace std;
int dp[1000][1000][2];
int n, d, t;
int count(int i, int cnt, int bit) {
if (i == n) {
return 1;
int &ans = dp[i][cnt][bit];
if (ans != -1) return ans;
ans = 0;
if (bit == 0) {
ans += count(i+1, 1, 1);
if (cnt != d - 1) {
ans += count(i+1, cnt + 1, 0);
} else {
// bit == 1
ans += count(i+1, 1, 0);
if (cnt != t-1) {
ans += count(i+1, cnt + 1, 1);
return ans;
signed main() {
ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false), cin.tie(nullptr);
cin >> n >> d >> t;
memset(dp, -1, sizeof dp);
cout << count(0, 0, 0);
return 0;

Finding the binary composition of a binary number

Very new to C#, so this could be a silly question.
I am working with alot of UInt64's. These are expressed as hex right? If we look at its binary representation, can we return such an array that if we apply the 'or' operation to, we will arrive back at the original UInt64?
For example, let's say
x = 1011
Then, I am looking for an efficient way to arrive at,
f(x) = {1000, 0010, 0001}
Where these numbers are in hex, rather than binary. Sorry, I am new to hex too.
I have a method already, but it feels inefficient. I first convert to a binary string, and loop over that string to find each '1'. I then add the corresponding binary number to an array.
Any thoughts?
Here is a better example. I have a hexadecimal number x, in the form of,
UInt64 x = 0x00000000000000FF
Where the binary representation of x is
I wish to find an array consisting of hexadecimal numbers (UInt64??) such that the or operation applied to all members of that array would result in x again. For example,
f(x) = {0x0000000000000080, // 00000....10000000
0x0000000000000040, // 00000....01000000
0x0000000000000020, // 00000....00100000
0x0000000000000010, // 00000....00010000
0x0000000000000008, // 00000....00001000
0x0000000000000004, // 00000....00000100
0x0000000000000002, // 00000....00000010
0x0000000000000001 // 00000....00000001
I think the question comes down to finding an efficient way to find the index of the '1's in the binary expansion...
public static UInt64[] findOccupiedSquares(UInt64 pieces){
UInt64[] toReturn = new UInt64[BitOperations.PopCount(pieces)];
if (BitOperations.PopCount(pieces) == 1){
toReturn[0] = pieces;
int i = 0;
int index = 0;
while (pieces != 0){
i += 1;
pieces = pieces >> 1;
if (BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(pieces) == 0){ // One
int rank = (int)(i / 8);
int file = i - (rank * 8);
toReturn[index] = LUTable.MaskRank[rank] & LUTable.MaskFile[file];
index += 1;
return toReturn;
Your question still confuses me as you seem to be mixing the concepts of numbers and number representations. i.e. There is an integer and then there is a hexadecimal representation of that integer.
You can very simply break any integer into its base-2 components.
ulong input = 16094009876; // example input
ulong x = 1;
var bits = new List<ulong>();
if ((input & x) == x)
x <<= 1;
} while (x != 0);
bits is now a list of integers which each represent one of the binary 1 bits within the input. This can be verified by adding (or ORing - same thing) all the values. So this expression is true:
bits.Aggregate((a, b) => a | b) == input
If you want hexadecimal representations of those integers in the list, you can simply use ToString():
var hexBits = bits.Select(b => b.ToString("X16"));
If you want the binary representations of the integers, you can use Convert:
var binaryBits = bits.Select(b => Convert.ToString((long)b, 2).PadLeft(64, '0'));

Arduino String to float

I'm trying to convert a string of HEX to a single float value. The string is 4 bytes long. It was defined as:
String B = "";
It is a substring of a longer string:
B = input.substring(6,14);
This results in the string I am trying to convert in to a single float value.
Online I found following code:
float y = *(float*)&B;
This compiles without an error, but when I run the code it's always 0.000000. I'm guessing I can't use that function with a string. A typical string can be "bb319ba6" which should be -0.002710083. For that I'm using a IEEE 754 converter I found online.
I basically need to do the same conversion on the Arduino. I hope somebody can help me with that.
You really shouldn't use String on these limited-RAM Arduinos. It can cause weird errors and hangs after random amounts of time (more info here). Just use a character array to hold the characters received from the sensor. Here's some code that will work with either String or a char[]:
uint8_t fromHex( char c )
if ((0 <= c) && (c <= '9'))
return (c - '0');
if ('A' <= c) && (c <= 'F'))
return (c - 'A');
if ('a' <= c) && (c <= 'f'))
return (c - 'a');
return 0; // not a hex digit
void foo()
float y;
uint8_t *yPtr = (uint8_t *) &y; // a pointer the the 4 bytes of `y`
for (uint8_t i=0; i<sizeof(y); i++) {
*yptr = fromHex( B[ 6+2*i ] ) << 4;
*yptr++ = fromHex( B[ 6+2*i + 1] );
It simply stores the 4 bytes into the float, since Arduino floats already use the IEEE 754 format. No need to decode the exponent, mantissa, etc.

Counter for two binary strings C++

I am trying to count two binary numbers from string. The maximum number of counting digits have to be 253. Short numbers works, but when I add there some longer numbers, the output is wrong. The example of bad result is "10100101010000111111" with "000011010110000101100010010011101010001101011100000000111000000000001000100101101111101000111001000101011010010111000110".
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
bool isBinary(string b1,string b2);
int main()
string b1,b2;
long binary1,binary2;
int i = 0, remainder = 0, sum[254];
cout<<"Get two binary numbers:"<<endl;
while (binary1 != 0 || binary2 != 0){
sum[i++] =(binary1 % 10 + binary2 % 10 + remainder) % 2;
remainder =(binary1 % 10 + binary2 % 10 + remainder) / 2;
binary1 = binary1 / 10;
binary2 = binary2 / 10;
if (remainder != 0){
sum[i++] = remainder;
cout<<"Result: ";
while (i >= 0){
}else cout<<"Wrong input"<<endl;
return 0;
bool isBinary(string b1,string b2){
bool rozhodnuti1,rozhodnuti2;
for (int i = 0; i < b1.length();i++) {
if (b1[i]!='0' && b1[i]!='1') {
}else rozhodnuti1=true;
for (int k = 0; k < b2.length();k++) {
if (b2[k]!='0' && b2[k]!='1') {
}else rozhodnuti2=true;
if(rozhodnuti1==false || rozhodnuti2==false){ return false;}
else{ return true;}
One of the problems might be here: sum[i++]
This expression, as it is, first returns the value of i and then increases it by one.
Did you do it on purporse?
Change it to ++i.
It'd help if you could also post the "bad" output, so that we can try to move backward through the code starting from it.
EDIT 2015-11-7_17:10
Just to be sure everything was correct, I've added a cout to check what binary1 and binary2 contain after you assing them the result of the atol function: they contain the integer numbers 547284487 and 18333230, which obviously dont represent the correct binary-to-integer transposition of the two 01 strings you presented in your post.
Probably they somehow exceed the capacity of atol.
Also, the result of your "math" operations bring to an even stranger result, which is 6011111101, which obviously doesnt make any sense.
What do you mean, exactly, when you say you want to count these two numbers? Maybe you want to make a sum? I guess that's it.
But then, again, what you got there is two signed integer numbers and not two binaries, which means those %10 and %2 operations are (probably) misused.
EDIT 2015-11-07_17:20
I've tried to use your program with small binary strings and it actually works; with small binary strings.
It's a fact(?), at this point, that atol cant handle numerical strings that long.
My suggestion: use char arrays instead of strings and replace 0 and 1 characters with numerical values (if (bin1[i]){bin1[i]=1;}else{bin1[i]=0}) with which you'll be able to perform all the math operations you want (you've already written a working sum function, after all).
Once done with the math, you can just convert the char array back to actual characters for 0 and 1 and cout it on the screen.
EDIT 2015-11-07_17:30
Tested atol on my own: it correctly converts only strings that are up to 10 characters long.
Anything beyond the 10th character makes the function go crazy.

Given length and number of digits,we have to find minimum and maximum number that can be made?

As the question states,we are given a positive integer M and a non-negative integer S. We have to find the smallest and the largest of the numbers that have length M and sum of digits S.
(S>=0 and S<=900)
(M>=1 and M<=100)
I thought about it and came to conclusion that it must be Dynamic Programming.However I failed to build DP state.
This is what I thought:-
dp[i][j]=First 'i' digits having sum 'j'
And tried to make program.This is how it looks like
"When in doubt, use brute force. :D"
-Founder of
using namespace std;
#define pb push_back
#define mp make_pair
#define nline cout<<"\n"
#define fast ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false),cin.tie(0)
#define ull unsigned long long int
#define ll long long int
#define pii pair<int,int>
#define MAXX 100009
#define fr(a,b,i) for(int i=a;i<b;i++)
int main()
int m,s;
int dp[m+1][s+1];
dp[i][j]=min(dp[i-1][j-k]+k,dp[i][j]); //Tried for Minimum
return 0;
Please guide me about this DP state and what will be the time complexity of the program.This is my first try of DP.
dp solution goes here :-
using namespace std;
int dp[102][902][2] ;
void print_ans(int m , int s , int flag){
return ;
print_ans(m-1 , s-dp[m][s][flag] , flag );
return ;
int main(){
//int t;
int m , s ;
cout<<(m==1?"0 0":"-1 -1");
return 0;
for(int i = 0 ; i <=m ; i++){
for(int j=0 ; j<=s ;j++){
for(int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++){
for(int i = 2 ; i<=m ; i++){
for(int j = 0 ; j<=s ; j++){
int flag = -1;
int f = -1;
for(int k = 0 ; k <= 9 ; k++){
if( j>=k && flag==-1 && dp[i-1][j-k][0]!=-1)
flag = k;
for(int k = 9 ; k >=0 ;k--){
if( j>=k && f==-1 && dp[i-1][j-k][1]!=-1)
f = k;
print_ans(m , s , 0);
cout<<" ";
cout<<"-1 -1";
// }
The DP state is (i,j). It can be thought of as the parameters of a mathematical function defined in terms of recurrences(Smaller problems ,Hence sub problems!)
More deeply,
State is generally the number of parameters to identify the problem uniquely , so that we always know on what we are computing on!!
Let us take the example of your question only
Just to define your problem we will need Number of Digits in the state + Sums that can be formed with these Digits (Note: You are kind of collectively keeping the sum while traversing through digits!)
I think that is enough for the state part.
Running time of Dynamic Programming is very simple.
First Let us see how many sub problems exist in a problem :
You need to fill up each and every state i.e. You have to cover all the unique sub problems smaller than or equal to the whole problem !!
Which problem is smaller than the other is known by the recurrent relation !!
For example:
Fibonacci Sequence
Note the base case , is always the smallest sub problem .!!
Note Here for F(n) We have to calculate F(n-1) and F(n-2) , And it will reach a stage where n=1 , where you need to return the base case!!
Hence the total number of sub problems can be said as all the problems between the base case and the current problem!
In bottom up , we need to process each and every state in terms of size between this base case and problem!
Now, This tells us that the Running time should be
O(Number of Subproblems * Time per each subproblem).
So how many subproblems exist in your solution DP[0][0] to DP[M][S]
and for every problem you are running a loop of 10
O( M*S (Subproblems ) * 10 )
Chop that constant of!
But it is not necessarily a constant always!!
Here is some code which you might want to look! Feel free to ask anything !
using namespace std;
bool DP[9][101];
int Number[9][101];
int main()
DP[0][0]=true; // It is possible to form 0 using NULL digits!!
int N=9,S=100,i,j,k;
return 0;
You can rather use backtracking rather than storing the numbers directly just because your constraints are high!
DP[i][j] represents if it is possible to form sum of digits using i digits only!!
is my laziness to avoid typing a backtrack way(Sleepy, its already 3A.M.)
I am trying to add all the possible digits to extend the state.
It is essentially kind of forward DP style!! You can read more about it at Topcoder
