In Vim, how can I undo opening? - vim

I started using NERDTree recently.
When I opened a file while having split window, the window of a new file was not I intended.
Consequently, I had lost my unsaved buffer by opening a file.
Is there any way to undo opening files or reopen my unsaved buffer?

You can go back to the previous file in a buffer using Ctrl6.

You haven't lost anything (yet), the buffer was hidden. Since it is the alternate buffer of that window, you can just switch back via <C-^>. You'll also find it in the buffer list of :ls (with a h prefix for hidden), from which you can re-edit it via its buffer number, e.g. :buffer 42 or :sbuf 42.
If there are unsaved changes, Vim will prompt you on :quit (unless you provide a ! to it).


Find file in vim, switch to next file without saving current file

Vim newbie here.
I use :find command to open a file and make some changes.
Suppose I want to open another file without saving the current changes, then how should I do it.
What is the best way to list all open files and quickly open them again for editing.
Thanks in advance.
:e! filename
will allow you to open a named file in a new buffer (note the exclamation mark overrides the warning re. an unsaved file).
CTRL-W + cursor
will move between visible buffers and does not enforce the saving of your file as you navigate.
will list your open buffers and allow you to navigate to each one (albeit with some cryptic flags indicating which buffers are visible/hidden/amended etc.)
:help buffers
will tell you about all the buffer-related features.
:help :wincmd
will tell you all about windows navigations
See also the VIM buffer FAQ

Returning to an initial buffer with a directory in Vim

I first open a directory in Vim. Then I browse it and open a file. After I'm done with a file, I close it, whether by :w or :bd or :q -- doesn't matter, and I expect to come back the same buffer where I were initially -- the directory. But when I close the file, it also quits Vim. How can I just close that file and return to the initial buffer with the directory?
:w should be :wq.
Anyway, you don't need to "close" that buffer. Just go back to the file listing with :b#, or <C-^>, or :Rex[plore].
If you absolutely need to "close" that buffer you can go back to the listing with :b# (# represents the previous buffer) and close that unwanted buffer with :bd#. In short:

How to check in Vim why my buffers stopped working? Or how to reload Vim?

Sometime when I open file and open buffer list :ls my buffer list is empty even when I had some open files before.
Then I have to quit vim and open again to get buffers works.
Is the way to restart/reload vim without closing window?
For now I know that it usually happens when I close buffer by :bd or :BD(bfkill) or maybe it can be related with closing open split window.
This is my vimrc:
My guess is you might have bufhidden set to unload, delete or wipeout
Check that with
:verbose set bufhidden

Opening the most recently hidden buffer in Vim

Assuming that I have two buffers. One is NERDTree, the other is an actually file I'm editing. I accidentally open an another file from NERDTree and the new file hides the previous file I was editing.
A similar case occurs whether I use NERDTree or not.
How can I bring back the previous state by opening the mostly recently hidden file? I'm using the word "hide" because this is probably not "closing".
I use ctrl-6 to switch back to the previous buffer in the window.

Unsaved buffer warning when switching files/buffers

I am using FuzzyFinder with Vim to open files and switch between buffers. It works like a charm except when the current file I am working on has some changes. Vim wouldn't let me switch the buffer till I save it:
"E37: No write since last change (add ! to override)".
Is there a way of suppressing this warning unless I am quitting the editor? All I want to do it switch to a different buffer for referencing some code and switch back.
I think you can use :set hidden.
Use the :set hidden option and Vim will hide the buffer until you come back to it.
You can also use :set confirm to deal with the unsaved buffer warning more conveniently.
