Google cloud dns CNAME creation example - dns

I had been not able to create a new CNAME for a specific managed-zone.
I can see there are examples for A and TXT entries like:
$ gcloud dns record-sets transaction add -z MANAGED_ZONE \
--name my.domain. --ttl 1234 --type A ""
$ gcloud dns record-sets transaction add -z MANAGED_ZONE \
--name my.domain. --ttl 2345 --type TXT "Hello world" "Bye \
But I keep getting too few arguments error.
Currently I'm issuing:
$ gcloud dns record-sets -z=MYZONE transaction add\
--name="NAME" --type=CNAME --ttl 3600 --rrdatas="DEST"
I guess the issue is related to the rrdatas field but I have been unable to find any documentation.

The command does not have a rrdatas flag. You can just put the value you want for rrdatas at the end of the command as a positional argument. Also, note that the -z zone flag should be provided after all the commands. So:
$ gcloud dns record-sets -z=MYZONE transaction add --type=CNAME \
--name="" --ttl 3600 --rrdatas=""
should be changed to this:
$ gcloud dns record-sets transaction add -z=MYZONE --type=CNAME \
--name="" --ttl 3600 ""

According to the record types documented on the API, note that the rrdatas value should point to a valid record or must end with periods (.) in the case of fully-qualified DNS names.


Fetch the generated database name and substitute using bash

I have a terraform script which installs wordpress automatically. The terraform script runs fine but the issue is with the user data. I want to replace the localhost entry in the wp-config.php file to the rds db instance id. I am passing the file as the user data. Here is the code which i am using.
rds=$(aws rds --region us-east-2 describe-db-instances --query "DBInstances[*].Endpoint.Address" --output text)
cd /var/www/html
cp wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php
sed -i "s/database_name_here/WPTestDevRDS/g" wp-config.php
sed -i "s/username_here/admin/g" wp-config.php
sed -i "s/password_here/Adminhere1234/g" wp-config.php
sed -i "s/localhost/$rds/g" wp-config.php
The user data is getting executed but the issue is i am not able to replace the value of localhost to the value of$rds. The localhost entry is removed but the value of the variable $rds is not getting assigned. I have also tried using ${rds} in sed but it didnt work.Any help in this situation is appreciated.
I am expecting the value of $rds instead of localhost. A sample look of the wp-config.php file
define( 'DB_NAME', 'WPTestDevRDS' );^M
/** Database username */^M
define( 'DB_USER', 'admin' );^M
/** Database password */^M
define( 'DB_PASSWORD', 'Adminhere1234' );^M
/** Database hostname */^M
define( 'DB_HOST', 'localhost' );^M //i need to replace localhost with the value of $rds
Check the variable has the expected value or at least it's not empty
rds=$(aws rds --region us-east-2 describe-db-instances --query "DBInstances[*].Endpoint.Address" --output text)
if [[ -z "$rds" ]]; then
echo "ERROR" >&2
exit 1

How to add one IP in ip-set using aws wafv2 cli?

In waf-regional you can actually insert an IP in existing set but how I can do the same thing in WAFv2?
When I tried to do that it replaces the whole IP-set, I just want to add one IP in existing IP-set
After some research, I was able to do this with the existing API. Assign the values to all variables in starting of the script
# Get IP set
aws wafv2 get-ip-set --name=$NAME --scope REGIONAL --id=$ID --region $REGION > /root/IP_SET_OUTPUT
# Get token from the JSON
LOCK_TOKEN=$(jq -r '.LockToken' /root/IP_SET_OUTPUT)
# Get IP list from the JSON
arr=( $(jq -r '.IPSet.Addresses[]' /root/IP_SET_OUTPUT) )
# Add our ip to the list
arr+=( "${IP}/${BLOCK}" )
echo "${arr[#]}"
# Update IP set
aws wafv2 update-ip-set --name=$NAME --scope=REGIONAL --id=$ID --addresses "${arr[#]}" --lock-token=$LOCK_TOKEN --region=$REGION
You can't. The API was changed such that you cannot do delta change anymore.
You would need to do get-ip-set, make changes to the returned JSON model, and then call update-ip-set.

Map instance ID with private IP (VMSS)

My hello disapeared, so HELLO
Using the Azure CLI, I need to get the instances-id and private ip of my VMSS instances in one command.
I've already tried :
az vmss nic list-vm-nics : but I only have the private IP
az vmss list-instances : but I only have instance id
Do you know a cli command to get both of them ?
My need is to get instances that are unhealthy in my application gateway (the backend pool is my VMSS) and delete them.
I successfully got the unhealthy ip instances (with the command az network application-gateway show-backend-health), but I need to map these IP with an instance ID in order to use this command : az vmss delete-instances
And with all az vmss commands, I can't find a way to map a private IP with a instance id...
The goal is to run a job that automatically delete unhealthy instances.
Thanks for your help !
You could filter the virtual machine Id with a known private IP address like this,
az vmss nic list -g resourcegroupname --vmss-name vmssname --query "[?ipConfigurations[0].privateIpAddress == '']" -o tsv
I find what I was searching, and I used the query from Nancy, so I put my script here if it can help someone
set -e
set -o pipefail
az account set --subscription ${subscription}
# Get Actual Backend IPs
backend_ips=$(az network application-gateway show-backend-health --resource-group ${resource_group} --name ${appgw_name} | grep 'address')
backend_ips=$(sed 's/"//g;s/ //g;s/address://g' <<< ${backend_ips})
# Get Backend Health
backend_health=$(az network application-gateway show-backend-health --resource-group ${resource_group} --name ${appgw_name} | grep 'health\"')
backend_health=$(sed 's/"//g;s/ //g;s/health://g' <<< ${backend_health})
# Get Backend Count
backend_count=$(echo ${backend_ips} | awk -F "," '{print NF-1}')
# Put backend ips and health into tab
IFS=',' read -ra backend_ips <<< "${backend_ips}"
IFS=',' read -ra backend_health <<< "${backend_health}"
for (( i=0; i < ${backend_count}; i++))
echo -e "\n########\n# [IP] ${backend_ips[$i]}"
echo -e "# [Health] ${backend_health[$i]}\n########\n"
if [ "${backend_health[$i]}" == "Unhealthy" ]
echo -e " -> L'instance ${backend_ips[$i]} est à l'état Unhealthy."
unhealthy_instance_id=$(az vmss nic list -g ${resource_group} --vmss-name ${vmss_name} --query "[?ipConfigurations[0].privateIpAddress == '${backend_ips[$i]}']" -o tsv | cut -d "/" -f 11)
echo -e " -> Suppression de l'instance n°${unhealthy_instance_id}"
#az vmss delete-instances -g ${resource_group} -n ${vmss_name} --instance-ids ${unhealthy_instance_id}
exit 0

Removing DNS entries with gcloud

Adding a DNS record with gcloud is all good
gcloud dns record-sets transaction start -z my-zone
gcloud dns record-sets transaction add -z my-zone --name "" --ttl 0 --type TXT "test"
gcloud dns record-sets transaction execute -z my-zone
But when I try to remove that entry
gcloud dns record-sets transaction start -z my-zone
gcloud dns record-sets transaction remove -z my-zone --name "" --ttl 300 --type TXT "test"
gcloud dns record-sets transaction execute -z my-zone
I always get this error
ERROR: (gcloud.dns.record-sets.transaction.remove) Invalid value for
'': '' (code: 400)
The DNS zone file standard requires complete domain names to end with a trailing '.' character. Since this is a common mistake, other gcloud dns ... commands automatically append a trailing '.' to domain names if the user forgets to add one. However, this particular command does not seem to be doing that. This will be fixed soon.
Meanwhile, to workaround it, you need to add a trailing '.' in the domain name. So:
gcloud dns record-sets transaction remove -z my-zone --name "" --ttl 300 --type TXT "test"
Alternatively, you can use import/export as follows:
gcloud dns record-sets export -z my-zone RECORDS-FILE
Edit RECORDS-FILE to remove the records you do not need. Then:
gcloud dns record-sets import -z my-zone --delete-all-existing RECORDS-FILE
If you want to clear all records you have created, leaving the NS and SOA records intact, you can /dev/null as import file:
gcloud dns record-sets import -z my-zone --delete-all-existing /dev/null

Kubernetes: VPN server and DNS issues

I spinned a docker-openvpn container in my (local) Kubernetes cluster to access my Services securely and debug dependent services locally.
I can connect to the cluster via the openVPN server. However I can't resolve my Services via DNS.
I managed to get to the point where after setting routes on the VPN server:
I can ping a Pod by IP (subnet
I can ping a Service by IP (subnet like the DNS which is at
I can curl to a Services by IP and get the data I need.
but when i nslookup kubernetes or any Service, I get:
nslookup kubernetes
;; Got recursion not available from, trying next server
;; Got SERVFAIL reply from, trying next server
I am still missing something for the data to return from the DNS server, but can't figure what I need to do.
How do I debug this SERVFAIL issue in Kubernetes DNS?
Things I have noticed and am looking to understand:
nslookup works to resolve Service name in any pod except the openvpn Pod
while nslookup works in those other Pods, ping does not.
similarly traceroute in those other Pods leads to the flannel layer and then stops there.
from this I guess ICMP must be blocked at the flannel layer, and that doesn't help me figure where DNS is blocked.
I finally figured how to get nslookup to work: I had to push the DNS search domain to the client with
push "dhcp-option DOMAIN-SEARCH cluster.local"
push "dhcp-option DOMAIN-SEARCH svc.cluster.local"
push "dhcp-option DOMAIN-SEARCH default.svc.cluster.local"
add with the -p option in the docker-openvpn image
so i end up with
docker run -v /etc/openvpn:/etc/openvpn --rm kylemanna/openvpn ovpn_genconfig \
-u udp:// \
-n \
-n \
-n \
-n \
-n \
-s \
-d \
-p "route" \
-p "route" \
-p "dhcp-option DOMAIN cluster.local" \
-p "dhcp-option DOMAIN-SEARCH svc.cluster.local" \
-p "dhcp-option DOMAIN-SEARCH default.svc.cluster.local"
Now, nslookup works but curl still does not
finally my config looks like this:
docker run -v /etc/openvpn:/etc/openvpn --rm kylemanna/openvpn ovpn_genconfig \
-u udp:// \
-n \
-n \
-n \
-n \
-n \
-s \
-N \
-p "route" \
-p "route" \
-p "dhcp-option DOMAIN-SEARCH cluster.local" \
-p "dhcp-option DOMAIN-SEARCH svc.cluster.local" \
-p "dhcp-option DOMAIN-SEARCH default.svc.cluster.local"
-u for the VPN server address and port
-n for all the DNS servers to use
-s to define the VPN subnet (as it defaults to which is used by Kubernetes already)
-d to disable NAT
-p to push options to the client
-N to enable NAT: it seems critical for this setup on Kubernetes
the last part, pushing the search domains to the client, was the key to getting nslookup etc.. to work.
note that curl didn't work at first, but seems to start working after a few seconds. So it does work but it takes a bit of time for curl to be able to resolve.
Try curl -4. Maybe it's resolving to the AAAA even if A is present.
