How to use the same route with different parameter types? -

I have an Api controller with two different actions that take different parameter types.
// GET: users/
public IHttpActionResult GetUser(string emailAddress)
// GET: users/1D8F6B90-9BD9-4CDD-BABB-372242AD9960
public IHttpActionResult GetUserByReference(Guid reference)
Problem is multiple actions are found matching when I make a request to either. Looking at other answers I thought I needed to setup routes in the WebApiConfig like so...
name: "apiEmail",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{email}"
name: "apiReference",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{reference}"
What do I need to do so that each action is called based on the parameter type I pass in?
I'm very new to Web.Api any additional explanation text would be appreciated.

You do like below method declaration with attribute routing enabled:
//declare method with guid 1st
// GET: users/1D8F6B90-9BD9-4CDD-BABB-372242AD9960
public IHttpActionResult GetUserByReference(Guid reference)
and declare other method like below
// GET: users/
public IHttpActionResult GetUser(string emailAddress)
Please let me know, is this work for you ?


Trying to implement a custom route in umbraco 7.5.3 but the overrided method FindContent does not get fired

I've trying to retrieve the rendermodel model into my custom hijacked method, but i always get null. The two optional parameters are correct.
This is my custom route :
controller = "ExternalLinkOperations",
action = "",
userId = UrlParameter.Optional,
code = UrlParameter.Optional
new ConfirmEmailRouteHandler(3290)
this is the ConfirmEmailRouteHandler class:
public class ConfirmEmailRouteHandler: UmbracoVirtualNodeByIdRouteHandler
public ConfirmEmailRouteHandler(int realNodeId) : base(realNodeId)
protected override IPublishedContent FindContent(RequestContext requestContext, UmbracoContext umbracoContext, IPublishedContent baseContent)
return base.FindContent(requestContext, umbracoContext, baseContent);
and this is the the method in the ExternalLinkOperationsController which inherit from rendermodel:
public async Task<ActionResult> ConfirmEmail(RenderModel model, string userId, string code)
so Im not getting the model parameter only the two optional parameter, what i could be doing wrong, I also tried to make this
new UmbracoVirtualNodeByIdRouteHandler(3290)
instead of
new ConfirmEmailRouteHandler(3290),
but without success, I'm using umbraco v 7.5.3. Debugging the code in any moment the overrided method FindContent gets fired, only when the constructor.
Thanks in advance for any help
I didn't realized the route property is incorrect, i have RouteTable.Routes.MapRoute, and i am supposed to be using RouteTable.Routes.MapUmbracoRoute
answer by Shannon Deminick here!

No routing convention was found to select an action for the OData path with template '~/entityset'

I have two Odata action methods defined. The one with parameter gets invoked while the other without parameter doesnt get invoked and throws error No routing convention was found to select an action for the OData path with template '~/entityset'.
Here is the code of my action methods
public IQueryable<User> GetUser()
return db.Users;
// GET: odata/User(5)
public SingleResult<User> GetUser([FromODataUri] int key)
return SingleResult.Create(db.Users.Where(user => user.Id == key));
The query that I am using are as follows
http://bureauservice/api/odata/UserOdata - Doesnt work
http://bureauservice/api/odata/UserOdata(1) - works
Could someone tell me why the first link doesnt work.
Please change the name of the method which returns entityset to "Get[EntitySetName]" or "Get".
Change from
public IQueryable<User> GetUser()
public IQueryable<User> GetUserOdata()
public IQueryable<User> Get()
Set the name of the first action as GetUsers (plural) because you are getting the whole collection of users while in the second you are asking for a single user.
You may want to add the parenthesis to the first URL:
If you are just starting to proactise odata, then Odata v4 is good start point, as it is an OASIS standard, but v3 is not.
Here is the v4 version Function sample:

Multiple controller types were found that match the URL. This can happen if attribute routes on multiple controllers match the requested URL

...guess I'm the first to ask about this one?
Say you have the following routes, each declared on a different controller:
[HttpGet, Route("sign-up/register", Order = 1)]
[HttpGet, Route("sign-up/{ticket}", Order = 2)]
... you could do this in MVC 5.0 with the same code except for the Order parameter. But after upgrading to MVC 5.1, you get the exception message in the question title:
Multiple controller types were found that match the URL. This can
happen if attribute routes on multiple controllers match the requested
So the new RouteAttribute.Order property is only controller-level? I know in AttributeRouting.NET you can do SitePrecedence too. Is the only way to have routes like the above when all actions are in the same controller?
Sorry, I should have mentioned these routes are on MVC controllers, not WebAPI. I am not sure how this affects ApiControllers.
If you know that ticket will be an int you can specify that type in the route to help resolve the route:
[HttpGet, Route("sign-up/register")]
[HttpGet, Route("sign-up/{ticket:int}")]
This approach worked for me, per user1145404's comment that includes a link to Multiple Controller Types with same Route prefix ASP.NET Web Api
In case of Attribute routing, Web API tries to find all the controllers which match a request. If it sees that multiple controllers are able to handle this, then it throws an exception as it considers this to be possibly an user error. This route probing is different from regular routing where the first match wins.
As a workaround, if you have these two actions within the same controller, then Web API honors the route precedence and you should see your scenario working.
There are two ways to fix this:
A regex constraint, like here: MVC Route Attribute error on two different routes
Or a custom route constraint, like here:
You can create custom route constraints by implementing the IRouteConstraint interface. For example, the following constraint restricts a parameter to set of valid values:
public class ValuesConstraint : IRouteConstraint
private readonly string[] validOptions;
public ValuesConstraint(string options)
validOptions = options.Split('|');
public bool Match(HttpContextBase httpContext, Route route, string parameterName, RouteValueDictionary values, RouteDirection routeDirection)
object value;
if (values.TryGetValue(parameterName, out value) && value != null)
return validOptions.Contains(value.ToString(), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
return false;
The following code shows how to register the constraint:
public class RouteConfig
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
var constraintsResolver = new DefaultInlineConstraintResolver();
constraintsResolver.ConstraintMap.Add("values", typeof(ValuesConstraint));
Now you can apply the constraint in your routes:
public class TemperatureController : Controller
// eg: temp/celsius and /temp/fahrenheit but not /temp/kelvin
public ActionResult Show(string scale)
return Content("scale is " + scale);
In my opinion, this isn't great design. There are no judgments about what URL you intended and no specificity rules when matching unless you explicitly set them yourself. But at least you can get your URLs looking the way you want. Hopefully your constraint list isn't too long. If it is, or you don't want to hard-code the route string parameter and its constraints, you could build it programmatically outside the action method and feed it to the Route attribute as a variable.

CRM 2011 PLUGIN to update another entity

My PLUGIN is firing on Entity A and in my code I am invoking a web service that returns an XML file with some attributes (attr1,attr2,attr3 etc ...) for Entity B including GUID.
I need to update Entity B using the attributes I received from the web service.
Can I use Service Context Class (SaveChanges) or what is the best way to accomplish my task please?
I would appreciate it if you provide an example.
There is no reason you need to use a service context in this instance. Here is basic example of how I would solve this requirement. You'll obviously need to update this code to use the appropriate entities, implement your external web service call, and handle the field updates. In addition, this does not have any error checking or handling as should be included for production code.
I made an assumption you were using the early-bound entity classes, if not you'll need to update the code to use the generic Entity().
class UpdateAnotherEntity : IPlugin
private const string TARGET = "Target";
public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
//PluginSetup is an abstraction from:
var p = new PluginSetup(serviceProvider);
var target = ((Entity) p.Context.InputParameters[TARGET]).ToEntity<Account>();
var updateEntityAndXml = GetRelatedRecordAndXml(target);
var relatedContactEntity =
p.Service.Retrieve(Contact.EntityLogicalName, updateEntityAndXml.Item1, new ColumnSet(true)).ToEntity<Contact>();
UpdateContactEntityWithXml(relatedContactEntity, updateEntityAndXml.Item2);
private static void UpdateContactEntityWithXml(Contact relatedEntity, XmlDocument xmlDocument)
throw new NotImplementedException("UpdateContactEntityWithXml");
private static Tuple<Guid, XmlDocument> GetRelatedRecordAndXml(Account target)
throw new NotImplementedException("GetRelatedRecordAndXml");

Breeze & EFContextProvider - How to properly return $type when using expand()?

I am using Breeze with much success in my SPA, but seem to be stuck when trying to return parent->child data in a single query by using expand().
When doing a single table query, the $type in the JSON return is correct:
$type: MySPA.Models.Challenge, MySPA
However if I use expand() in my query I get the relational data, but the $type is this:
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary 2[[System.String, mscorlib],[System.Object, mscorlib]]
Because of the $type is not the proper table + namespace, the client side code can't tell that this is an entity and exposes it as JSON and not a Breeze object (with observables, entityAspect, etc.).
At first I was using my own ContextProvider so that I could override the Before/After saving methods. When I had these problems, I reverted back to the stock EFContextProvider<>.
I am using EF5 in a database first mode.
Here's my controller code:
public class DataController : ApiController
// readonly ModelProvider _contextProvider = new ModelProvider();
readonly EFContextProvider<TestEntities> _contextProvider = new EFContextProvider<TestEntities>();
public string Metadata()
return _contextProvider.Metadata();
[Queryable(AllowedQueryOptions = AllowedQueryOptions.All)]
public IQueryable<Challenge> Challenges()
return _contextProvider.Context.Challenges;
public SaveResult SaveChanges(JObject saveBundle)
return _contextProvider.SaveChanges(saveBundle);
public IQueryable<ChallengeNote> ChallengeNotes()
return _contextProvider.Context.ChallengeNotes;
Here's my BreezeWebApiConfig.cs
public static void RegisterBreezePreStart()
name: "BreezeApi",
routeTemplate: "breeze/{controller}/{action}"
Is there a configuration setting that I am missing?
Did you try "expanding" on server side? Is it needed to do expand on client side? I tried to do expand before but failed for me as well, did some research and decided I'd rather place it on server:
public IQueryable<Challenge> ChallengesWithNotes()
return _contextProvider.Context.Challenges.Include("ChallengeNotes");
This should be parsed as expected. On client side you would query for "ChallengeNotes" instead of "Challenges" and you wouldn't need to write expand part.
I strongly suspect that the problem is due to your use of the [Queryable] attribute.
You must use the [BreezeQueryable] attribute instead!
See the documentation on limiting queries.
We are aware that Web API's QueryableAttribute has been deprecated in favor of EnableQueryAttribute in Web API v.1.5. Please stick with BreezeQueryable until we've had a chance to write a corresponding derived attribute for EnableQuery. Check with the documentation for the status of this development.
