Replace every n'th occurrence in huge line in a loop - linux

I have this line for example:
I want to insert a newline (\n) every 2nd occurrence of "," (replace the 2nd, with newline) .

This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 's/,/\n/2;P;D' file

If I understand what you're trying to do correctly, then
echo '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10' | sed 's/\([^,]*,[^,]*\),/\1\n/g'
seems like the most straightforward way. \([^,]*,[^,]*\) will capture 1,2, 3,4, and so forth, and the commas between them are replaced with newlines through the usual s///g. This will print

Can't add comment to wintermutes answer but it doesn't need the first , section as it will have to have had a previous field to be comma separated.
sed 's/\(,[^,]*\),/\1\n/g'
Will work the same
Also I'll add another alternative( albeit worse and leaves a trailing newline)
echo "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10" | xargs -d"," -n2 | tr ' ' ','

I would use awk to do this:
$ awk -F, '{ for (i=1; i<=NF; ++i) printf "%s%s", $i, (i%2?FS:RS) }' file
It loops through each field, printing each one followed by either the field separator (defined as a comma) or the record separator (a newline) depending on the value of i%2.
It's slightly longer than the sed versions presented by others, although one nice thing about it is that you can alter the number of columns per line easily by changing the 2 to whatever value you like.
To avoid a trailing comma after the last field in the case where the number of fields isn't evenly divisible, you can change the ternary to i<NF&&i%2?FS:RS.


Extract values from a fixed-width column

I have text file named file that contains the following:
Australia AU 10
New Zealand NZ 1
If I use the following command to extract the country names from the first column:
awk '{print $1}' file
I get the following:
Only the first word of each country name is output.
How can I get the entire country name?
Try this:
$ awk '{print substr($0,1,15)}' file
New Zealand
To complement Raymond Hettinger's helpful POSIX-compliant answer:
It looks like your country-name column is 23 characters wide.
In the simplest case, if you don't need to trim trailing whitespace, you can just use cut:
# Works, but has trailing whitespace.
$ cut -c 1-23 file
New Zealand
Caveat: GNU cut is not UTF-8 aware, so if the input is UTF-8-encoded and contains non-ASCII characters, the above will not work correctly.
To trim trailing whitespace, you can take advantage of GNU awk's nonstandard FIELDWIDTHS variable:
# Trailing whitespace is trimmed.
$ awk -v FIELDWIDTHS=23 '{ sub(" +$", "", $1); print $1 }' file
New Zealand
FIELDWIDTHS=23 declares the first field (reflected in $1) to be 23 characters wide.
sub(" +$", "", $1) then removes trailing whitespace from $1 by replacing any nonempty run of spaces (" +") at the end of the field ($1) with the empty string.
However, your Linux distro may come with Mawk rather than GNU Awk; use awk -W version to determine which one it is.
For a POSIX-compliant solution that trims trailing whitespace, extend Raymond's answer:
# Trailing whitespace is trimmed.
$ awk '{ c=substr($0, 1, 23); sub(" +$", "", c); print c}' file
New Zealand
to get rid of the last two columns
awk 'NF>2 && NF-=2' file
NF>2 is the guard to filter records with more than 2 fields. If your data is consistent you can drop that to simply,
awk 'NF-=2' file
This isn't relevant in the case where your data has spaces, but often it doesn't:
$ docker ps
foo bar baz etc...
In these cases it's really easy to get, say, the IMAGE column using tr to remove multiple spaces:
$ docker ps | tr --squeeze-repeats ' '
foo bar baz
Now you can pipe this (without the pesky header row) to cut:
$ docker ps | tr --squeeze-repeats ' ' | tail -n +2 | cut -d ' ' -f 2

How to format decimal space using awk in linux

original file :
a|||a 2 0.111111
a|||book 1 0.0555556
a|||is 2 0.111111
now i need to control third columns with 6 decimal space
after i tried awk {'print $1,$2; printf "%.6f\t",$3'}
but the output is not what I want
result :
a|||a 2
0.111111 a|||book 1
0.055556 a|||is 2
that's weird , how can I do that will just modify third columns
Your print() is adding a newline character. Include your third field inside it, but formatted. Try with sprintf() function, like:
awk '{print $1,$2, sprintf("%.6f", $3)}' infile
That yields:
a|||a 2 0.111111
a|||book 1 0.055556
a|||is 2 0.111111
Print adds a newline on the end of printed strings, whereas printf by default doesn't. This means a newline is added after every second field and none is added after the third.
You can use printf for the whole string and manually add a newline.
Also I'm not sure why you are adding a tab to the end of the lines, so i removed that
awk '{printf "%s %d %.6f\n",$1,$2,$3}' file
a|||a 2 0.111111
a|||book 1 0.055556
a|||is 2 0.111111

How to use grep or awk to process a specific column ( with keywords from text file )

I've tried many combinations of grep and awk commands to process text from file.
This is a list of customers of this type:
John,Mills,81,Crescent,New York,NY,,19/02/1954
I am trying to separate these records into two categories, MEN and FEMALES.
I have a list of some 5000 Female Names , all in plain text , all in one file.
How can I "grep" the first column ( since I am only matching first names) but still printing the entire customer record ?
I found it easy to "cut" the first column and grep --file=female.names.txt, but this way it's not going to print the entire record any longer.
I am aware of the awk option but in that case I don't know how to read the female names from file.
awk -F ',' ' { if($1==" ???Filename??? ") print $0} '
Many thanks !
You can do this with Awk:
awk -F, 'NR==FNR{a[$0]; next} ($1 in a)' female.names.txt file.csv
Would print the lines of your csv file that contain first names of any found in your file female.names.txt.
awk -F, 'NR==FNR{a[$0]; next} !($1 in a)' female.names.txt file.csv
Would output lines not found in female.names.txt.
This assumes the format of your female.names.txt file is something like:
Try this:
grep --file=<(sed 's/.*/^&,/' female.names.txt) datafile.csv
This changes all the names in the list of female names to the regular expression ^name, so it only matches at the beginning of the line and followed by a comma. Then it uses process substitution to use that as the file to match against the data file.
Another alternative is Perl, which can be useful if you're not super-familiar with awk.
#!/usr/bin/perl -anF,
use strict;
our %names;
while (<ARGV>) {
$names{$_} = 1;
print if $names{$F[0]};
To run (assume you named this file
perl female.names.txt < records.txt
So, I've come up with the following:
Suppose, you have a file having the following lines in a file named test.txt:
abe 123 bdb 532
xyz 593 iau 591
Now you want to find the lines which include the first field having the first and last letters as vowels. If you did a simple grep you would get both of the lines but the following will give you the first line only which is the desired output:
egrep "^([0-z]{1,} ){0}[aeiou][0-z]+[aeiou]" test.txt
Then you want to the find the lines which include the third field having the first and last letters as vowels. Similary, if you did a simple grep you would get both of the lines but the following will give you the second line only which is the desired output:
egrep "^([0-z]{1,} ){2}[aeiou][0-z]+[aeiou]" test.txt
The value in the first curly braces {1,} specifies that the preceding character which ranges from 0 to z according to the ASCII table, can occur any number of times. After that, we have the field separator space in this case. Change the value within the second curly braces {0} or {2} to the desired field number-1. Then, use a regular expression to mention your criteria.

CSV grep but keep the header

I have a CSV file that look like this:
Is there an easy way to grep all the rows in which the B column is 2, and keep the header? For example, I want the output be like
I am working under linux
Using awk:
awk -F, 'NR==1 || $2==2' file
NR==1 -> if first line,
$2==2 -> if second column is equal to 2. Lines are printed if either of the above is true.
To choose the column using the header column name:
awk -F, -v col="B" 'NR==1{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i==col)break;print;next}$i==2' file
Replace B with the appropriate name of the column which you want to check against.
You can use addresses in sed:
sed -n '1p;/^[^,]*,2/p'
It means:
1p Print the first line.
/ Start a match.
^ Match the beginnning of a line.
[^,] Match anything but a comma
* zero or more times.
, Match a comma.
2 Match a 2.
/p End of match, if it matches, print.
If the header can contain the value you are looking for, you should be more careful:
sed -n '1p;1!{/^[^,]*,2/p}'
1!{ ... } just means "Do the following for lines other then the first one".
For column number n>2, you can add a quantifier:
sed -n '1p;1!{/^\([^,]*,\)\{M\}2/p}'
where M=n-1. The quantifier just means repetition, so the non-comma-0-or-more-times-comma thing is repeated M times.
For true CSV files where a value can contain a comma, switch to Perl and Text::CSV.
$ awk -F, 'NR==1 { for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) h[$i] = i; print; next } $h["B"] == 2' file
By the way, sed is an excellent tool for simple substitutions on a single line, for anything else, just use awk - the code will be clearer and MUCH easier to enhance in future if necessary.

How to cut first n and last n columns?

How can I cut off the first n and the last n columns from a tab delimited file?
I tried this to cut first n column. But I have no idea to combine first and last n column
cut -f 1-10 -d "<CTR>v <TAB>" filename
Cut can take several ranges in -f:
Columns up to 4 and from 7 onwards:
cut -f -4,7-
or for fields 1,2,5,6 and from 10 onwards:
cut -f 1,2,5,6,10-
The first part of your question is easy. As already pointed out, cut accepts omission of either the starting or the ending index of a column range, interpreting this as meaning either “from the start to column n (inclusive)” or “from column n (inclusive) to the end,” respectively:
$ printf 'this:is:a:test' | cut -d: -f-2
$ printf 'this:is:a:test' | cut -d: -f3-
It also supports combining ranges. If you want, e.g., the first 3 and the last 2 columns in a row of 7 columns:
$ printf 'foo:bar:baz:qux:quz:quux:quuz' | cut -d: -f-3,6-
However, the second part of your question can be a bit trickier depending on what kind of input you’re expecting. If by “last n columns” you mean “last n columns (regardless of their indices in the overall row)” (i.e. because you don’t necessarily know how many columns you’re going to find in advance) then sadly this is not possible to accomplish using cut alone. In order to effectively use cut to pull out “the last n columns” in each line, the total number of columns present in each line must be known beforehand, and each line must be consistent in the number of columns it contains.
If you do not know how many “columns” may be present in each line (e.g. because you’re working with input that is not strictly tabular), then you’ll have to use something like awk instead. E.g., to use awk to pull out the last 2 “columns” (awk calls them fields, the number of which can vary per line) from each line of input:
$ printf '/a\n/a/b\n/a/b/c\n/a/b/c/d\n' | awk -F/ '{print $(NF-1) FS $(NF)}'
You can cut using following ,
-d: delimiter ,-f for fields
\t used for tab separated fields
cut -d$'\t' -f 1-3,7-
To use AWK to cut off the first and last fields:
awk '{$1 = ""; $NF = ""; print}' inputfile
Unfortunately, that leaves the field separators, so
aaa bbb ccc
To do this using kurumi's answer which won't leave extra spaces, but in a way that's specific to your requirements:
awk '{delim = ""; for (i=2;i<=NF-1;i++) {printf delim "%s", $i; delim = OFS}; printf "\n"}' inputfile
This also fixes a couple of problems in that answer.
To generalize that:
awk -v skipstart=1 -v skipend=1 '{delim = ""; for (i=skipstart+1;i<=NF-skipend;i++) {printf delim "%s", $i; delim = OFS}; printf "\n"}' inputfile
Then you can change the number of fields to skip at the beginning or end by changing the variable assignments at the beginning of the command.
You can use Bash for that:
while read -a cols; do echo ${cols[#]:0:1} ${cols[#]:1,-1}; done < file.txt
you can use awk, for example, cut off 1st,2nd and last 3 columns
awk '{for(i=3;i<=NF-3;i++} print $i}' file
if you have a programing language such as Ruby (1.9+)
$ ruby -F"\t" -ane 'print $F[2..-3].join("\t")' file
Try the following:
echo a#b#c | awk -F"#" '{$1 = ""; $NF = ""; print}' OFS=""
-f doesn't work if you have "tabs" in the text file.
