Cannot Retrieve Data from Excel File Created using Aspose.Cells - excel

I create an Excel file (.xlsx) using the Aspose.Cells library. But I'm not able to read the data (retrieve rows) using OleDb commands after that, until I open the file and save it manually. I'm running something as simple as this one:
new OleDbDataAdapter("select * from [Sheet1$]", conn); // etc...
Saving the file increases the size of the file as well. Please note that this happens only with the .xlsx format, for the old .xls everything works fine. I even tried the demo code that they have on their website, but the result is the same. Am I missing something?

It seems you need to set the ExportCellName name property to true before saving to xlsx/xlsm format.
Please see the following sample.
//Create your workbook
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(filePath);
//Do your processing
//Save your workbook with export cell as true
OoxmlSaveOptions opts = new OoxmlSaveOptions();
opts.ExportCellName = true;
workbook.Save("output.xlsx", opts);
Note: I am working as Developer Evangelist at Aspose


Not able to download Suitelet through suitescript 1.0

I have created a button to export the form data to simple Excel.
Everything is working file, even if i try to save this excel file in the file cabinet it gets saved correctly.
But when i try to downlaod the excel file, downloads wierd single cell file with special characters or system gives either an error or saves an empty excel file.
Can anyone help me in how to download the excel file from button click. I think i have issue in my responce.
My Code example is as follows:
xmlString += '</Table></Worksheet></Workbook>';// this is my xml string
var xlsFile = nlapiCreateFile('test.xls', 'EXCEL', nlapiEncrypt(xmlString, 'base64'));
error screenshot:
I think the reason for the response issue is because you are calling a non-existent variable "xmlFile" in writeFile();
try using this writeFile(xlsFile);

Apache POI appending data to xlsx file when task ran twice

I have a template.xls file that I'm adding data to from some database queries. I add the data and generate a new file named yyyyMMddHHmmss.xls. This works great. The file size is getting large so I'm trying to do the same with an xlsx file. When I generate the file the first time it works great. If I run the process again (even if I restart my java app) it's somehow retaining the last file in memory and appending the data to that file. In both cases it's pulling the source file from template.xls(x) which is an unmodified file.
The code between the two is identical except I'm passing in xlsx instead of xls in the latter case.
ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
File file = new File(Objects.requireNonNull(classLoader.getResource("template.xlsx")).getFile());
Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(file);
// write data
Date date = new Date();
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
String currentDate = formatter.format(date);
FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(currentDate + ".xlsx");
I'm using Java 8u201 and org.apache.poi:poi:4.1.0 (also tried 4.0.1)
As told in Apache POI - FileInputStream works, File object fails (NullPointerException) already, creating a XSSFWorkbook from a File has the disadvantage, that all changes which was made in that workbook always will be stored into that file while XSSFWorkbook.write. This is true even if write writes to another file. But writing explicitly to the same file is not even possible because the File stays open after the workbook was created and so writing into that same file leads to exceptions.
So creating a XSSFWorkbook from a File using
Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(file);
is not a good idea when file is a *.xlsx file. Instead the Workbook needs to be created using a FileInputstream:
Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(new FileInputStream(file));
Although the linked SO Q/A is from 2017, the same problem always nor occurs today using apache poi 4.1.0.

Not saving over template

I have an XLS template which I am modifying via Apache POI.
The aim is to modify the template and then email this modified xls spreadsheet.
Once the workbook has been modified accordingly - is there a way to keep this file in memory without saving over the original
POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream("template.xls"));
//do some processing
FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("template.xls");
I want to keep this template in tact for the next run. I would have used Apache freemarker but couldnt see xls support.

Implementing fpSpreadsheet Lazarus

I need to export some data from a few tables to a excel file. The thing is, the only working extension is '.xls', which is too old. So when I open this file it shows in protected exibition mode, even if I uncheck all boxes in Excel Protected Exibition Mode Options.
I'm not sure why I can't save in other extensions, like .xlsx, because if I use the native function to save as .xlsx: STR_OOXML_EXCEL_EXTENSION or just write .xlsx it saves, but does not open the document.
Shows this message: Excel cannot open the file 'file.xlsx' bacause the format or extension is not valid. Check if the document is corrupted or the extension matches the file format.
This is the code I'm using to create the file:
MyWorkbook := TsWorkbook.Create;
MyWorksheet := MyWorkbook.AddWorksheet('Orçamento');
And this is the one I'm using to save:
MyWorkbook.WriteToFile(MyDir + orcamento + '.xls', OUTPUT_FORMAT, True);
The only option I can think of, is using another package, Excel or OpenOffice could help.
Settings: Lazarus 1.4.2 with FPC 2.6.4 and fpSpreadsheet 1.6.0, running on Windows 7 64-bit.
I'm not sure what your variable or constant OUTPUT_FORMAT contains but if you specify a format it should be one of these:
sfExcel2, sfExcel5, sfExcel8, sfOOXML, sfOpenDocument,
sfCSV, sfHTML, sfWikiTable_Pipes, sfWikiTable_WikiMedia
So if you want to save as .xlsx you could do this (use sfOOXML as format):
uses fpspreadsheet, fpstypes, xlsxooxml;
MyWorkbook.WriteToFile(MyDir + orcamento + '.xlsx', sfOOXML, True);
You could also do this:
uses fpspreadsheet, fpstypes, xlsxooxml;
MyWorkbook.WriteToFile(MyDir + orcamento + '.xlsx', True);
It will automatically detect the .xlsx extension and save the proper format.
You do need to include xlsxooxml in your uses clause because that unit registers the xlsx-format (automatically).

Open XML SDK - Save a template file (.xltx to .xlsx)

I have the following code to open Excel template file and save it as .xlsx file and I get the error below when I try to open the new file. Please help to resolve this.
Excel cannot open the file ‘sa123.xlsx’ because the file format or the extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file.
string templateName = "C:\\temp\\sa123.xltx";
byte[] docAsArray = File.ReadAllBytes(templateName);
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
stream.Write(docAsArray, 0, docAsArray.Length); // THIS performs doc copy
File.WriteAllBytes("C:\\temp\\sa123.xlsx", stream.ToArray());
In order to do this you will need to use the Open XML SDK 2.0. Below is a snippet of code that worked for me when I tried it:
byte[] byteArray = File.ReadAllBytes("C:\\temp\\sa123.xltx");
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
stream.Write(byteArray, 0, (int)byteArray.Length);
using (SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheetDoc = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(stream, true))
// Change from template type to workbook type
File.WriteAllBytes("C:\\temp\\sa123.xlsx", stream.ToArray());
What this code does is it takes your template file and opens it into a SpreadsheetDocument object. The type of this object is Template, but since you want it as a Workbook you call the ChangeDocumentType method to change it from a Template to a Workbook. This will work since the underlying XML is the same between a .xltx and a .xlsx file and it was just the type that was causing you an issue.
Excel sees the .xlsx extension and tries to open it as a worksheet file. But it isn't. It's a template file. When you have a template open in Excel and save it as a .xlsx file, it converts it to the worksheet format. What you are doing is the same as changing the extension in the filename. Try it in Windows Explorer and you will get the same result.
I believe you should be able to accomplish what you want by using the Excel Object Model. I have not used this though.
