Changing Admin Panel Navigation bar Position - orchardcms

By Default in Orchard CMS, navigation bar is aligned to left as shown in picture on the below link. Is this possible to aligned to top or change its navigation theme to something else?

Yes it is possible to change the layout of the admin menu. To do this you will need to modify Layout.cshtml and Menu.cshtml to your liking.
From your screenshot it looks like you are using the default TheAdmin theme so that is where you could locate these views.


Liferay 7.0 Modify Navigation Menu for Certain pages

I have a Liferay portal set up for, I'd like to have a navigation menu for, and a different menu for any pages under
Bare minimum, would be that all pages under index the whole site, but all pages under only index pages under
I've experimented with configuring the Navigation Menu, but I can't seem to get the menu I want on, without destroying the menu at
My thought is that I should replicate the navigation menu item, call it Navigation Menu-MyPage, and include that at the top of all the pages. Is that something that can be done?
I'm new to liferay and not sure where on the file system the Navigation Menu resides (maybe just in the DB?) or how I can copy/rename it.
Or are Application Display Templates the way to go?
Navigation Menu is a built-in portlet that is included on every page by the theme. As you largely specify "Certain Pages", the criteria for your pages could be the use of a common theme: You can build a theme that simply embeds a different Navigation Menu, one that you create by yourself, on each page. Then select this theme for the site you want to use the modified version on.

Android Studio - How to change layout

In Eclipse, I can right - click on my layout (say LinearLayout) and click on Change Layout
In Android Studio, I dont see anything like that. I do see Morphing but that will now show up at all times. For example, if you create simple HalloWorld with RelativeLayout, if you right click on that Layout while in Graphical mode, Morphing will not show.
If you right click on a widget in that layout, Morphing shows but to change widget type, not layout type.
If you want to change the Layout, you can do Two things:
1. Simply click into your Xml file and select the "Text" option at the bottom on your screen
2.Change to layout
1.Just drag another layout in Design and put your items in it, delete your old layout PS. you can have layouts in other layouts
Hope I helped!
In Android Studio 3.6.3 the easiest way to change the Layout is to right-click on the layout in your Component Tree and click Convert view….
The other option is to delete this layout and create new activity layout with type you want to be.
You also can use AbsoluteLayout, just change RelativeLayout to AbsoluteLayout in activity_main.xml. With AbsoluteLayout you're more "free"

Adding horizontal menu bar in Social office theme

I am using Liferay 6.1.1 CE.
By default, menu bar in SO is placed as a side bar vertically,that we can add pages.
But i need another menu bar in top of the page horizontally,that i can add pages.
How can i add this to the SO?
You may have to work on theme. You can set it in navigation.vm

How can I change the twistie icon in view control?

Is there a way how can I change the twistie icon in view control? I mean the icon used for expand/collapse buttons for categories.
In HTML source I can see, its not managed by CSS, so I can't change it this way. It seems to be rather hardcoded.
<img id="view:_id1:viewPanel1:2:viewColumn1__shrink:" alt="expanded" src="/domjava/xsp/theme/common/images/collapse.gif">
click the ViewColumn and look for Expand/Collapse Image in the all properties view :-)

How to remove left side panel on component page?

I am using Joomla 1.6.5 with default theme "Beez2 - Default". I have created a top menu item with type as external link which has link 'index.php?option=com_sample'. When i click on this menu item i can see the output of the component 'sample'.
But on the left side there are few menus like User Menu, About Joomla, This Site. I want to remove that whole vertical panel so that i can use more space for my sample component.
I tried to search in administrator panel and on google but cant find anything to remove left panel.
How can i remove that panel? what code should i write in sample component file to make it not display the left panel..
Please guide me.... thanks in advance.!!
You need to set the menu not to appear when your component is the one used. Remove the show in all pages setting in the menu module.
