Is it possible to load balance Azure Queues or Topics using Azure Traffic Manager? - azure

I have read that it is possible to use Azure Traffic Manager to load balance (or failover) web apps and cloud services.
Is it possible to use Azure Traffic Manager to add failover capability to Azure Queues or Topics?

No, this feature is used for Azure Web Apps (former Azure Web Sites), Cloud Services and Virtual Machines.


Are there high-availability options for On-premise applications using Azure

We have some dedicated LOB application on-premise applications. Access to these apps is through the public Internet. Active Directory Domain Services is used to authenticate users.
In Azure, there are multiple ways to create high-availability; is there something similar for on-premise apps using Azure? By this I mean if one on-premise system is down, traffic is routed to another app.
I know there are some options such as Application Gateway, Traffic manager and Front-door including Azure LB, my question is - are these the right services we should use in an on-premise setting?
For your on premise environment, you can use Network Load balancing(NLB) feature of Windows Server. See details here, it has an Azure inspired feature too.

Deploying multiple web Apps on Azure App Service.. Is there any implications of this

I have a client coming on board to Azure from other cloud service provider. They would like to host up to 10 web apps on Azure and cost is really an issue for them.
Normally I'm suppose to create VM's that would host each of these web Apps; but they can't afford the price. Hence the choice of deploying all of them on the same Azure App service plan.
I think Azure App service offers only 50gb storage. The 10 Web Apps would require storage capacity far more than 50gb; is it scalable or can we link each of these Apps to an Azure storage account. And also is there any implications for deploying multiple web Apps on an Azure App Service plan
An App Service Plan is capable to run multiple Web Apps, each in its own sandbox. It's like a VM but as a PaaS service. Note that the storage included in the plan will be shared across all Web Apps so you'll have to use Azure Storage if you want to store more data.
An App Service Plan is designed to handle multiple web apps/Function apps, use BLOB Storage or similar for your data it will scale to whatever you need, depending on your needs you can add further services like Azure Front Door to load balance multiple apps on multiple app service plans
One important thing to remember is that the app service plan has limitations with outbound connections so even if each of your webapps are not so busy the sum of them all might bring you over the limit so be very careful how you handle your outbound connections.

Hosting a web application in Azure that consumes on premise web services and ActiveMQ

I'm looking at ways to host our web site in Azure. The Web application consumes on-premise web services and send/receive messages from ActiveMQ hosted on-premise. Is this possible? Any pointers will be helpful.
Short Answer: Yes, it's possible. Mixing Azure and On-Prem resources is what's called the Hybrid Cloud.
Long Answer:
You can use Azure App Service Environment to setup a Virtual Network with an Azure Web App that will allow for a VPN connection to be setup between your on-premises network and the Azure VNet. If VPN setup isn't an option of you, then you could use the Azure Service Bus Relay service to connect an on-premises WCF Web Service to the Azure Web App. Additionally, a Biztalk Hybrid Connection could be used to tunnel through the firewall between your on-premises resources and the Azure Web App. Hybrid Cloud is fully supported in Microsoft Azure and there are a few options to choose depending on which fits your needs / scenario best.
You can create a VPN on Azure, add the web site to it and then create a site to point VPN connection to add the VM that has the on-premise web service to it.
Another solution, if your web service is developed in WCF, you can use Service Bus Relay with your web service, this will make it accessible from your Azure web site.

Failover planning for Azure Mobile Services

I have an azure mobile service that is running on top of SQLAzure DB. The Database is geo-replicated. I am looking to setup a failover for mobile service in case if the primary endpoint goes down. I have looked into traffic manager but it does not support mobile service endpoints also setting up another mobile service that talks to the replicated DB not possible as the replicated copy is read-only.
What are the possibilities of setting up a failover for mobile services endpoints.
There are several mechanisms for hosting mobile APIs on Azure - Azure Mobile Services is tied to a single region, so you can't fail that over. Azure Mobile Apps is the next generation of Azure Mobile Services and is built on top of Azure App Service Web Apps - it's an extension of the work there. As a result, you can leverage all the cool features of Azure App Service for your mobile service. If you haven't taken a look yet, then take a look at migrating your service to Azure App Service Web Apps.
Once there, Traffic Manager is definitely what you want. You can read about the process of using Traffic Manager with an Azure web app here:

Azure Mobile Services: Failover and Redundancy

I am using Azure Mobile Services for a production mobile application. I am looking into failover configuration in Azure portal and can't find anything about it.
There is the "Traffic Manager" as described in the Azure documentation. But in my understanding it only deals with VMs and Networking, not the Mobile Services.
My guess is: failover management is included in the mobile services by design. In other word, if one MS azure server crashes, my mobile service URL will be rerouted on another server automagically.
Am I right?
Availability SLAs are only guaranteed on the Standard and Premium tiers, see Support and SLA in:
An Azure Mobile Services is tied to a single Azure region. So if your Azure region fails, you need to manually migrate to another Azure region. Details can be found in Recover your mobile service in the event of a disaster.
