How can I update a value in a mutable HashMap? - hashmap

Here is what I am trying to do:
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn main() {
let mut my_map = HashMap::new();
my_map.insert("a", 1);
my_map.insert("b", 3);
my_map["a"] += 10;
// I expect my_map becomes {"b": 3, "a": 11}
But this raises an error:
Rust 2015
error[E0594]: cannot assign to immutable indexed content
--> src/
8 | my_map["a"] += 10;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot borrow as mutable
= help: trait `IndexMut` is required to modify indexed content, but it is not implemented for `std::collections::HashMap<&str, i32>`
Rust 2018
error[E0594]: cannot assign to data in a `&` reference
--> src/
8 | my_map["a"] += 10;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot assign
I don't really understand what that means, since I made the HashMap mutable. When I try to update an element in a vector, I get the expected result:
let mut my_vec = vec![1, 2, 3];
my_vec[0] += 10;
println! {"{:?}", my_vec};
// [11, 2, 3]
What is different about HashMap that I am getting the above error? Is there a way to update a value?

Indexing immutably and indexing mutably are provided by two different traits: Index and IndexMut, respectively.
Currently, HashMap does not implement IndexMut, while Vec does.
The commit that removed HashMap's IndexMut implementation states:
This commit removes the IndexMut impls on HashMap and BTreeMap, in
order to future-proof the API against the eventual inclusion of an
IndexSet trait.
It's my understanding that a hypothetical IndexSet trait would allow you to assign brand-new values to a HashMap, and not just read or mutate existing entries:
let mut my_map = HashMap::new();
my_map["key"] = "value";
For now, you can use get_mut:
*my_map.get_mut("a").unwrap() += 10;
Or the entry API:
*my_map.entry("a").or_insert(42) += 10;

let mut m = std::collections::HashMap::new();
m.insert("a", 1);
m.insert("b", 3);
let k = "c";
If the key already exists:
m.insert(k, 10 + m[k] );
If the key not exists:
You may update a value of the key:
m.insert(k, 10 + if m.contains_key(k) { m[k] } else { 0 });
Or first insert a key only if it doesn't already exist:
m.insert(k, 200 + m[k]);
Or update a key, guarding against the key possibly not being set:
*m.entry(k).or_insert(0) += 3000;
Finally print the value:
println!("{}", m[k]); // 3210

I will share my own Answer because I had this issue but I was working with Structs so, that way in my case was a little bit tricky
use std::collections::HashMap;
struct ExampleStruct {
pub field1: usize,
pub field2: f64,
fn main() {
let mut example_map = HashMap::new();
&example_map.insert(1usize, ExampleStruct { field1: 50, field2: 184.0});
&example_map.insert(6usize, ExampleStruct { field1: 60, field2: 486.0});
//First Try
(*example_map.get_mut(&1).unwrap()).field1 += 55; //50+55=105
(*example_map.get_mut(&6).unwrap()).field1 -= 25; //60-25=35
//Spliting lines
let op_elem = example_map.get_mut(&6);
let elem = op_elem.unwrap();
(*elem).field2 = 200.0;
let op_ok_elem = example_map.get_mut(&1);
let elem = op_ok_elem.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("This msg should not appear"));
(*elem).field2 = 777.0;
println!("Map at this point: {:?}", example_map);
let op_err_elem = example_map.get_mut(&8);
let _elem = op_err_elem.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Be careful, check you key"));
println!("{:?}", example_map);
You can play with this on Rust Playground

You can do this with .and_modify
let mut my_map = HashMap::new();
my_map.insert("a", 1);
my_map.entry("a").and_modify(|k| *k += 10);
assert_eq!(my_map[&"a"], 11);


Rust – moved variable forbids to borrow itself ("dropped here while still borrowed")

I'm trying to write a program that generates mathematical expressions and then evaluates them. Expressions can contain primitive operations (plus, minus, etc.) or other sub-expressions that consist of primitive operations.
The problem is that sub-expressions are local for the created expression and won't be needed anywhere else except their parent expression (so, I should not make them static), but I can't move parent expression somewhere, because local sub-expressions considered as dropped even if I move them to the parent expression struct.
Minimal example:
Rust Playground
trait Operation {
fn compute(&self) -> i32;
struct SumNumbers {
pub numbers: Vec<i32>,
impl Operation for SumNumbers {
fn compute(&self) -> i32 {
let mut result = 0;
for x in &self.numbers {
result += x;
struct Expression<'a> {
pub operations: Vec<&'a dyn Operation>,
sub_expr_holder: Vec<Expression<'a>>,
// Not working attempt to ensure sub_expr_holder will live longer than operations
// struct Expression<'a, 'b : 'a> {
// pub operations: Vec<&'a dyn Operation>,
// sub_expr_holder: Vec<Expression<'a, 'b>>,
// }
impl Operation for Expression<'_> {
fn compute(&self) -> i32 {
let mut result = 0;
for operation in &self.operations {
result += operation.compute();
fn build_single_expression() {
let static_sum2 = SumNumbers {
numbers: vec![1, 1],
let static_sum4 = SumNumbers {
numbers: vec![1, 3],
let static_sum6 = SumNumbers {
numbers: vec![4, 2],
let root_expr = {
let local_expr_sum10 = Expression {
operations: vec![&static_sum4 as &dyn Operation,
&static_sum6 as &dyn Operation],
sub_expr_holder: vec![]
let mut root_expr = Expression {
operations: vec![],
sub_expr_holder: vec![local_expr_sum10]
root_expr.operations = vec![&root_expr.sub_expr_holder[0], &static_sum2];
// Ideal option would be to keep it immutable:
// let root_expr = Expression {
// operations: vec![&local_expr_sum10, &static_sum2],
// sub_expr_holder: vec![local_expr_sum10]
// };
let root_expr = &root_expr as &dyn Operation;
let result = root_expr.compute();
assert_eq!(result, 12)
The errors I get are:
error[E0597]: `root_expr.sub_expr_holder` does not live long enough
--> src/gep_tools/
50 | let root_expr = {
| --------- borrow later stored here
61 | root_expr.operations = vec![&root_expr.sub_expr_holder[0], &static_sum2];
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
70 | };
| - `root_expr.sub_expr_holder` dropped here while still borrowed
Even though I move the local_expr_sum10 into the root_expr, the compiler says it doesn't live long enough to be borrowed from root_expr.operations. It seems the second error explains why:
error[E0505]: cannot move out of `root_expr` because it is borrowed
--> src/gep_tools/
61 | root_expr.operations = vec![&root_expr.sub_expr_holder[0], &static_sum2];
| ------------------------- borrow of `root_expr.sub_expr_holder` occurs here
69 | root_expr
| ^^^^^^^^^
| |
| move out of `root_expr` occurs here
| borrow later used here
As I understand, the compiler assumes that I can move the root_expr.sub_expr_holder out of the root_expr struct and it will be dropped while still borrowed by root_expr.operations.
Is there a way how I can force the compiler to forbid move of root_expr.sub_expr_holder out of the struct and therefore let me borrow it? Or any other approach that will let me borrow the local sub-expressions this way?
I want to use references specifically, because there may be a lot primitive expressions which are reused among all the expressions and it would be waste of memory to copy them each time. Also, the sub-expressions can be used in the root expression several times:
root_expr.operations = vec![&root_expr.sub_expr_holder[0], &static_sum2, &root_expr.sub_expr_holder[0]];
This doesn't make a lot of sense in this minimal example, but in my full code arguments can be passed to the sub-expressions, so it makes sense to put them in a single expression several times. So, again, it would be a waste of memory to copy them multiple times.
Someone marked this question as a duplicate of "self-referential struct problem" (it was re-opened since then), but as I said, this is just 1 of my attempts to solve my problem. As it turned out, the actual problem is called "Multiple Ownership" and as Chayim Friedman suggested, it can be solved with Rc.
As a simple conclusion: if you need to use a local struct that will be dropped at the end of the scope, but you can not move it and have to use references, then go with a reference counter.
A good place to read about Rc and multiple ownership is the Rust Book.
My solution:
Rust Playground
use std::rc::Rc;
trait Operation {
fn compute(&self) -> i32;
struct SumNumbers {
pub numbers: Vec<i32>,
impl Operation for SumNumbers {
fn compute(&self) -> i32 {
let mut result = 0;
for x in &self.numbers {
result += x;
struct Expression {
pub operations: Vec<Rc<dyn Operation>>,
impl Operation for Expression<> {
fn compute(&self) -> i32 {
let mut result = 0;
for operation in &self.operations {
result += operation.compute();
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn build_single_expression() {
let static_sum2 = SumNumbers {
numbers: vec![1, 1],
let static_sum4 = SumNumbers {
numbers: vec![1, 3],
let static_sum6 = SumNumbers {
numbers: vec![4, 2],
let root_expr = {
let local_expr_sum10: Rc<dyn Operation> = Rc::new(
Expression {
operations: vec![Rc::new(static_sum4),
Expression {
operations: vec![Rc::clone(&local_expr_sum10),
let root_expr = &root_expr as &dyn Operation;
let result = root_expr.compute();
assert_eq!(result, 22)
I'm not sure how good this solution is, but it completely solves my problem, and it should not affect performance.

Cannot borrow value from a hashmap as mutable because it is also borrowed as immutable

I want to get two values from a hashmap at the same time, but I can't escape the following error, I have simplified the code as follows, can anyone help me to fix this error.
use hashbrown::HashMap;
fn do_cal(a: &[usize], b: &[usize]) -> usize {
a.iter().sum::<usize>() + b.iter().sum::<usize>()
fn do_check(i: usize, j:usize) -> bool {
i/2 < j - 10
fn do_expensive_cal(i: usize) -> Vec<usize> {
fn main() {
let size = 1000000;
let mut hash: HashMap<usize, Vec<usize>> = HashMap::new();
for i in 0..size{
if i > 0 {
hash.remove(&(i - 1));
if !hash.contains_key(&i){
hash.insert(i, do_expensive_cal(i));
let data1 = hash.get(&i).unwrap();
for j in i + 1..size {
if do_check(i, j) {
if !hash.contains_key(&j){
hash.insert(j, do_expensive_cal(j));
let data2 = hash.get(&j).unwrap();
let res = do_cal(data1, data2);
println!("res:{}", res);
error[E0502]: cannot borrow hash as mutable because it is also borrowed as immutable
--> src/
19 | let data1 = hash.get(&i).unwrap();
| ------------ immutable borrow occurs here
26 | hash.insert(j, vec![1,2,3]);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ mutable borrow occurs here
29 | let res = do_cal(data1, data2);
| ----- immutable borrow later used here
For more information about this error, try rustc --explain E0502.
error: could not compile playground due to previous error
Consider this: the borrow checker doesn't know that hash.insert(j, …) will leave the data you inserted with hash.insert(i, …) alone. For the borrow checker, hash.insert(…) may do anything to any element in hash, including rewriting or removing it. So you can't be allowed to hold the reference data1 over hash.insert(j, …).
How to get over that? The easiest is probably to move let data1 = hash.get(…) so it doesn't have to live for so long:
let data1 = hash.get(&i).unwrap();
let data2 = hash.get(&j).unwrap();
let res = do_cal(data1, data2);
This will of course look up data1 every loop iteration (and it must, since hash.insert(j, …) may have resized and thus realocated the content of the hashmap, giving data1 a new storage location in the hashmap). For completeness's sake, there are ways to get around that, but I don't recommend you do any of this:
Clone: let data1 = hash.get(&i).unwrap().clone() (if your vecs are short, this may actually be reasonable…)
As a way of making the cloning cheap, you could use a HashMap<usize, Rc<Vec<usize>>> instead (where you only need to clone the Rc, no the entire Vec)
If you ever need mutable references to both arguments of do_call, you could combine the Rc with a RefCell: Rc<RefCell<Vec<…>>>
If you need to overengineer it even more, you could replace the Rcs with references obtained from allocating in a bump allocator, e.g. bumpalo.
Since the keys to the hash table are the integers 0..100 you can use a Vec to perform these steps, temporarily splitting the Vec into 2 slices to allow the mutation on one side. If you need a HashMap for later computations, you can then create a HashMap from the Vec.
The following code compiles but panics because the j - 10 calculation underflows:
fn do_cal(a: &[usize], b: &[usize]) -> usize {
a.iter().sum::<usize>() + b.iter().sum::<usize>()
fn do_check(i: usize, j:usize) -> bool {
i/2 < j - 10
fn main() {
let size = 100;
let mut v: Vec<Option<Vec<usize>>> = vec![None; size];
for i in 0..size {
let (v1, v2) = v.split_at_mut(i + 1);
if v1[i].is_none() {
v1[i] = Some(vec![1,2,3]);
let data1 = v1[i].as_ref().unwrap();
for (j, item) in (i + 1..).zip(v2.iter_mut()) {
if do_check(i, j) {
if item.is_none() {
*item = Some(vec![1,2,3]);
let data2 = item.as_ref().unwrap();
let res = do_cal(data1, data2);
println!("res:{}", res);

Understanding clones borrow

I'm fairly new to rust, and still learning the rust ownership model. I'm working on a piece of code where I hold a reference to a point in the data structure. I want to store multiple copies of this data structure, where on each copy the reference point hold different values. I (tried to) solve this by creating a mutable reference to the point inside the data structure, and after each update of the reference create a clone of the original data structure.
I was able to create this simple example that is analogue to what i'm trying to do and produces the same error.
fn main() {
let mut v = vec![1, 1, 1];
let mut c = Vec::new();
for i in &mut v {
*i += 1;
println!("{:?}", v);
which produces the following error
error[E0502]: cannot borrow `v` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable
--> src/
105 | for i in &mut v {
| ------
| |
| mutable borrow occurs here
| mutable borrow later used here
106 | *i += 1;
107 | c.push(v.clone());
| ^ immutable borrow occurs here
With some help of the handy rust book i was able to interpret the error message. I believe this tells me that I cannot have both a mutable, and an immutable reference that are alive at the same time. What is (or is there) an rust-idiomatic method of iteratively creating duplicates of a data structure and updating a reference within said data structure?
The example above might be too minified and not highlight the actual problem I'm having. What would be the rust-idiomatic way to write something like the example below.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
enum Tree {
Node { l: Box<Tree>, r: Box<Tree>, },
fn main() {
let mut tree = Tree::Node {
l: Box::new(Tree::Node { l: Box::new(Tree::Leaf), r: Box::new(Tree::Leaf), }),
r: Box::new(Tree::Node { l: Box::new(Tree::Leaf), r: Box::new(Tree::Leaf), }),
let augmenting_trees = vec![
Tree::Node { l: Box::new(Tree::Leaf), r: Box::new(Tree::Leaf), },
Tree::Node { l: Box::new(Tree::Node { l: Box::new(Tree::Leaf), r: Box::new(Tree::Leaf), }), r: Box::new(Tree::Leaf), },
Tree::Node { l: Box::new(Tree::Leaf), r: Box::new(Tree::Node { l: Box::new(Tree::Leaf), r: Box::new(Tree::Leaf), }), },
let mut trees: Vec<Tree> = Vec::new();
let leaf = find_some_leaf_in_tree(&mut tree);
for augmenting_tree in augmenting_trees {
*leaf = augmenting_tree;
println!("trees: {:?}", trees);
fn find_some_leaf_in_tree<'a>(tree: &'a mut Tree) -> &'a mut Tree {
match tree {
Tree::Leaf => tree,
Tree::Node { l, .. } => find_some_leaf_in_tree(l),
What is (or is there) an rust-idiomatic method of iteratively creating duplicates of a data structure and updating a reference within said data structure?
The general answer is “don't use a reference for the purpose you're trying to use a reference”. In this case, you have a vector, so use indices instead of references:
fn main() {
let mut v = vec![1, 1, 1];
let mut c = Vec::new();
for i in 0..v.len() {
v[i] += 1;
dbg!(v, c);
Note that this doesn't mean you can't use references at all. For example, the code could be written in terms of a mutable reference to v instead:
fn modify_and_snapshot(v: &mut Vec<u32>) -> Vec<Vec<u32>> {
let mut c = Vec::new();
for i in 0..v.len() {
v[i] += 1;
fn main() {
let mut v = vec![1, 1, 1];
let c = modify_and_snapshot(&mut v);
dbg!(v, c);
The necessary condition is that when you want to snapshot v, you don't have a mutable reference to less than all of v — you can own the whole vector or you can have a mutable reference to the whole vector, but you can't do anything with the whole of the vector while a mutable reference to part of it exists.

Why do I get "no method named `join` found for type `[usize]` in the current scope"?

fn example(books: Vec<usize>, n_books: usize) {
let fbooks = books[0..n_books].join(" ");
error[E0599]: no method named `join` found for type `[usize]` in the current scope
--> src/
2 | let fbooks = books[0..n_books].join(" ");
| ^^^^ method not found in `[usize]`
I tried mapping usize to String, collecting into Vec and some more random stuff. I don't understand what's going on.
Since map() transforms one iterator into another iterator, you should provide an iterator first.
Try this:
fn example(books: Vec<usize>, n_books: usize) -> String {
.map(|u| u.to_string())
.join(" ")
fn main() {
let books: Vec<usize> = vec![1, 2, 3];
let n_books: usize = 2;
let result = example(books, n_books);
println!("{}", result); //"1 2"
You should not join the usize vector items with &str type. You need to convert usize to string first then join it:
map(|u| u.to_string())
The standard library's join is defined only for slices, so the following code works:
let books: &[_] = &["1", "2", "3"];
let n_books: usize = 2;
let result = books[0..n_books].join(" ");
println!("{}", result); // "1 2"
From your comment:
What's the difference using take(n) or a subscript operator (re-slicing books[0..n_books])
A slice is a type composed of a length and a pointer to a memory.
You may use .take(n_books) instead of re-slicing, which is an iterator that only iterates over the first n iterations of iter, try this:
let books: Vec<usize> = vec![1, 2, 3];
let n_books: usize = 2;
let result = books
.map(|u| u.to_string())
.join(" ");
println!("{}", result); //"1 2"

Why can't I make a reference to memory inside "if"?

I could make a copy of this vector, but that will take time and memory.
I could write another println, but this is just an example — instead of println there may be several loops — and it will take space and complicate the code. I could perform the conversion in main and write two versions of the function call, but changing the reference is much easier.
fn foo(mut a: &Vec<i32>) {
let mut c: Vec<i32>;
if a[0] == 0 {
c = vec![1; 3];
a = &c;
println!("{:?}", a);
fn main() {
let a: Vec<i32> = vec![0; 3];
Error: 9:15 error: `c` does not live long enough a = &c;
The rules of lifetime in rust are quite (very) strict: if you have a reference to an object, this object must live longer than the reference, in both direction.
This means the reference must be created after the object.
In your case, a exists before c, so the assignment a = &c is invalid. A simple fix can be to create a copy of the reference after c is created and work on this copy:
fn foo(vec_ref: &Vec<i32>){
let mut c: Vec<i32>;
let mut a = vec_ref
if a[0] == 0 {
c = vec![1; 3];
a = &c;
or in a more rusty way:
fn foo(vec_ref: &Vec<i32>){
let mut c: Vec<i32>;
let a = if vec_ref[0] == 0 {
c = vec![1; 3];
} else {
