How to run cron as non root user? - linux

I have been trying to run a command on scheduled basis via a cron job.
I am logged in as a non-root user. The command requires the exact PATH (bash_profile) of user.
I tried to exporting the PATH using /home/<user>/.bash_profile file but it is not exporting the entire path.
Any help?


Node script runs manually but fails in crontab

Currently am running a few js files manually on a semi weekly bases for my company. I stumbled on the possibility of automating these runs in to cron jobs. Im fairly novice to shell scripts and was able to achieve this on an outdated personal mac mini I have.
When trying to replicate the same setup on a company owned device, I hit a wall. I think it has something to do with user permissions or current user cron differing from sudo cron. (The user I have is the only user on the device.)
I can manually run this script on the current user macserver#Mac-mini ~ % , utilizing the node NVM_BIN I downloaded through homebrew and it runs fine.
Terminal entry like this:
cd Desktop/main-tool && /Users/macserver/.nvm/versions/node/v18.12.1/bin/node main.js
I then try accessing cron using the nano editor EDITOR=nano crontab -e adding the command above except with the scheduling expression and nothing happens.
Cron entry like this:
* * * * * cd Desktop/main-tool && /Users/macserver/.nvm/versions/node/v18.12.1/bin/node main.js
Is there a way to view if cron jobs are running instead of just viewing an active list? Not sure where to start trouble shooting as the information I have come across references anywhere from changing root variables for users to complete environment overhaul which I would like to avoid.
Let me know if any other info might help.

How do I start a cron service on a web server programatically?

I have been stuck on this for a while and this is new territory for me so I need some help. I am working on a project where a cron service is created when a user is created with a web application. However, I am running into problems actually getting the cron service to run. Here is what I have tried
1) Creating a cron service using
crontab -l | { cat; echo "'comand'"; } | crontab -
This creates the job fine. However, it creates it with www-data as the user and those do not show to execute.
I should mention that I am setting path to
as I am running a python script that I have made executable using chmod +x and put the appropriate headers to make sure it runs properly (which it does). In addition, all paths are full paths. To be more clear, here is the actual command I am using inside the crontab
*/10 * * * * /home/user/path-to script/ --user_id 1 --db_file /home/user/path-to-file/file.db
However, the script never runs.
2) Creating a file under /etc/cron.d, but from my testing, I have realized that this only works if the file is created as a root user, which since the user creating the file is www-data, the job will again, not execute.
for reference, I am doing that as such:
*/10 * * * * user /home/user/path-to script/ --user_id 1 --db_file /home/user/path-to-file/file.db
What does work is repeating steps 2 & 3 using a user that is part of the sudo group or is the root user. This tells me that I need to create the cron job using one of those two users, but I am not sure how to do that programmatically when www-data is being used for web activities.
Another option I have considered is using crontab -u user to programmatically add the job to a user I know works, but the issue with that is that in order to do that I need sudo access and I don't want to pass in the sudo password when creating the cronjob or do something that might be potentially dangerous (like removing the need to use sudo as I know that is possible, but in my opinion could be very bad is someone gains access to the account and therefore has escalated privileges)
Help would really be appreciated.
As for the stack, if it's helpful, I am using Ubuntu 18.04.3 (LTS) x64 and Apacahe2

Is it possible to allow jenkins to access the files that only root or some specific programs have access to?

What I'm basically trying to do is allow jenkins access my android-sdk-linux folder and all the sub-directories. My boss does not want to change permissions on the folder himself. I am supposed to do it during the build process. I have seen some examples that run some commands in the execute shell during the build process. Is there some commands that can I can run in that execute shell so that jenkins can have read write and execute authority on my android-sdk-linux folder?
As bcolfer said, you should be able to just run your shell commands with "sudo" in front of it. You will want to be sure that the user that started the Jenkins slave is a sudoer.
As root, run "visudo", this will open the /etc/sudoers file. At the bottom add a line similar to this if it is not a current sudoer:
"Jenkins" being the user that started the slave.
You could try adding the user to the group that owns that directory. IF you run "ls -l" you should be able to see the permissions and then the user, and the group that owns the directory. Once you know the group, as root run:
usermod -a -G group Jenkins
"Jenkins" being the user that started the slave, and "group" being the actual group name.
One possibility is to use sudo to run commands that specifically target those files. There are a bunch of ways to manage the sudo privileges limit and log what actions happen on those files.

Apache 2: calling 'a2ensite' from a bash script in Linux

I am currently writing an admin page for my webserver, to make it easier on myself to create new apache domains from my browser. Everything is pretty much working as I want it to, except for one thing.
To elaborate: I have a cron job on my server running a bash script as root that checks a file containing a list of domain names that I want to be created. If the file contains a domain name, it automatically creates a new virtual host for this domain, edits my hosts file, and restarts the server. This all works perfectly, however what I would like for the script to do, is that it activates the domain that it automatically creates before it restarts the server. I tried doing this using apache 2's a2ensite command, however the script returns an error saying the command is not found.
Is there a way to call this command from a bash script, or is there an alternative to this command that I can call?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
$ which a2ensite
Usually, cron has a quite restrictive $PATH, not including /usr/sbin or /sbin, which are system binaries (for use by root). It's always a good idea to use fully qualified path names. So either call /usr/bin/a2ensite in your script, or define a variable:

Cronjob on Amazon EC2 Deleted?

I had a cronjob set up to run a php script daily, which went well for about a month. Today, I realized it didn't run the script so I opened up the crontab. The crontab is completely empty - what happened?
I don't know too much about cronjobs, but as far as I understand, they do not delete themselves if the server is reset. How can I make sure cronjobs are always running and that it doesnt get deleted?
It is probably under a different user. Check root user sudo crontab -e. Each user has it's own crontab and there's one for the whole system. Note: Through the crontab configuration you can disable per-user crontabs.
