How do I only replace the first instance of a number in a string? - string

I am taking a description of the weather using rainfall in millimeters and converting it to inches. I have worked out to calculate the rainfall in inches and replace it in the string. Because the description also has other numbers, I want to only replace the first instance of the number I converted (rainfall is listed first).
weatherConverted = weatherConverted.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("\(precipitationInMillimeters)", withString: "\(precipitationInInches)")
precipitationInMillimeters is an Integer, hence the escape sequence. I know that the function rangeOfString(_:) will return the range of the first instance of the string I put in it, but I don't know the proper syntax for calling that function and getting it to return to the range parameter.


How to convert a string value to float value

I have these quantities and i want to transform it to a float variable, but i have to quit the letter at the end, I tried like the next code:
But it doesn't work, because I have a until the end. How could I remove the letter and just have the numeric value? I can't remove it manually because I have a huge list of values.

How to sum up all numbers in an array

I have an array which outputs the following:
charges = [5.00, 26.00, 8.00, 4.00, 4.00, -8.00, 54.00, 52.48]
When I try to perform a sum using this:
It gives me:
I am assuming I need to convert it from a string to a float so I did:
Float.valueOf((String) charges.sum())
and it gives me an error which states 'multiple points'.
My question is how do I add all of these figures up?
If your list is actually of strings, you can quickly do the conversion with sum()'s closure form.
charges.sum { it.toBigDecimal() }
It is unclear what your list has in it, it seems like the entries in your list are actually strings (since sum concatenates them), or something that prints a string value (has a toString method that returns a string showing the value so you think it is numeric even though it isn’t) . They are definitely not numeric, so convert each of them to a numeric type before summing:
charges.collect { new BigDecimal(it.toString()) }.sum()
(What your code was doing was concatenating the string values together, then converting that to a numeric type.)
You must delete the cast (String)

Set position according part of an objectname

I'm trying to script something in blender3D using python.
I've got a bunch of objects in my scene and want to translate them using a the numerical part of their objectname.
First of all i collect objects from the scene by matching a part of their name.
root_obj = [obj for obj in scene.objects if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(, "*_Root")]
This gives me a list with:[['01_Root'],['02_Root'],['03_Root'],['00_Root']]
My goal is to move these objects 15x their corresponding part of the name. So '00_Root' doesnt have to move, but '01_Root' has to move 15 blender units and '02_Root' 30 blender units.
How do i exctract the numberpart of the names and use them as translation values.
I'm a pretty newb with python so i would appreciate all the help i can get.
A string is a list of characters, each character can be accessed by index starting with 0, get the first character with name[0], the second with name[1]. As with any list you can use slicing to get a portion of the list. If the value is always the first two characters you can get the value with name[:2] you can them turn that into an integer with int() or a float with float(). Combined that becomes,
val = int(name[:2])
You then have a number you can calculate the new location with.
obj.location.x = val * 15
If the number of digits in the name might vary you can use split() to break the string on a specific separating character. This returns a list of items between the specified character, so if you want the first item to turn into an integer.
name = '02_item'
val = int(name.split('_')[0])
Using split also allows multiple values in a name.
name = '2_12_item'
val1 = int(name.split('_')[0])
val2 = int(name.split('_')[1])

Trying to compare a string to an array and return string, instead of a value

I'm trying to write a function that looks at the string in a cell and depending on the first 2-3 letters write a string in the cell next to it.
For example:
"LSH T1402A" should return "High-Level Safety"
"FI P1402A" should return "Flow Indicator"
(I know in the second case there are only 2 symbols, but in the array I would include the space in the string so that shouldn't give any problems)
At first I was thinking of using an IF function, but quickly abandoned the idea because it would become too lengthy.(many different strings/types of sensors)
Currently I've broken down my problem in 4 steps
Read String
Return first 3 symbols
Compare to array/matrix
Write string corresponding.
The first two parts I think I can solve by using "=LEFT(TRIM([CEL]);3) but I am stuck on how to compare it to an array. The MATCH function comes close but only returns a value for which position the cell is on I believe?
Does anyone have an idea how I should continue solving this problem? Many thanks!
If your array was say in G1:H10 then you could
lookup your 3 character code in G1:G10 using MATCH
return the corresponding value from H1:H10 using INDEX
Function will return a #N/A if no match is found

How and when are variant type are converted to regular data types

When the actual data type of a variable will be decided?
For ex:
x=10 here x will hold integer
x="Hello" here x will hold string
My basic question is msgbox "2"+"3" is 23 because these are strings and + is for concatenation so the result is 23
Then how the result of msgbox "2"*"3" becomes 6? where the string will be converted to integers and returns 6
If you are talking about using Visual Basic (you have not specified a language) then here is what I believe is happening:
The MsgBox function is expecting a and Object to turn into a String. (or at least it is trying to convert a String before it is displayed). Since "+" is a legit operator for concatenation, the first example can be directly converted to a String and returned.
In the second example, the asterisk is not a legit String operator, so it then has to attempt to convert your String segments into Integers. It does, then multiplies them, then the MsgBox converts the numerical expression back into a String and displays it.
