What is the difference between the FIX Application Layer, FIX Presentation Layer, and FIX Session Layer?
FIX Session Layer is the part of the protocol responsible for the session framework. Things like authentication, connection control etc...
FIX Application Layer is the part responsible for actual application information. Things like order status, requests etc...
FIX Presentation Layer is the definition of how the protocol is actually commmunicated. Can be Tag=Value, Markup, Binary or others...
I am implementing a Hexagonal Architecture with Domain Driven Design.
I have a Value object called "Address" that has a "validate()" method.
I would like to have a default validation provider for the address that is within my domain, but also allow external users to provide an overridden validator.
So I created an AddressValidationAdapter interface that can be implemented by the outside world in "dependency inversion" manner.
My question is - what is the best way to call my AddressValidationAdapter from within my Address class ?
Do I need to add it as a dependency in its constructor ?
Should I use some sort of global / static context ?
Should I use event driven approach where I post a "ValidationEvent" within my domain and subscribe to a validation success notif ?
Should I create a Service that orchestrates everything ? (Seems not very DDD like)
Thank you very much for your thoughts.
Best Regards
You mention Domain Driven Design, which is a practice that requires all business related code to go in a domain layer, and all non-busines related code to go out of that domain layer. Other than that, DDD is more concerned by how you design and evolve your business model, not so much about application architecture. The author of the DDD concept states that it can be used with any software architecture.
You also mention Hexagonal Architecture, which addresses software architecture, and has more constraints on how you structure your code. Hexagonal Architecture defines 3 concentric layers in applications:
The domain layer validates that state changing values do not violate business rules;
The ports layer is a business representation of infrastructure interactions;
The adapters layer implements the actual communication with external infrastructure.
Hexagonal Architecture also states that type references should go inwards, which means ports are not allowed to reference adapters, and the domain model is not allowed to reference other layers. A good practice is also to forbid direct reference accross different adapters. However, this is not much of a concern in your situation.
Address validation is definitely not an adapter layer concern, because it is not related to how your application interacts with an external infrastructure or data structure. This means that address validation should not be implemented as an adapter, in the sense of Hexagonal Architecture. It is not a port either for the same reasons. Address validation should go in the domain layer, because business rules validation is the purpose of the domain layer (Hexagonal Architecture) and all business related code should go in the domain layer (DDD).
However, neither DDD nor Hexagonal Architecture state anything on how you should structure your domain layer internally, so it is up to you. If you want your application to use different validation implementations, you may want to use the adapter pattern in cunjunction with a dependency injection library. Note that "adapter", here, refers to a software engineering desing pattern that has inspired the Hexagonal Architecture concept of adapter layer, but is totally independant from it.
Since the purpose of the domain layer is to validate state changing data, there should be very little code apart from validation rules implementation and data structure. If you move the latter to a validator class, there will be little left to write in the domain model objects themselves. You are probably going to end with an anemic domain model this way. You might want to consider implementing Always Valid State domain model, where validation rules are implemented directly in the domain model's setters and constructors.
If you wrote an adapter class due to the fact that you need to retrieve external data to do the actual validation, this is a good evidence that your domain model is lacking information and should be extended, rather than violating Hexagonal Architecture constraints.
Do I need to add it as a dependency in its constructor ?
Absolutely no! Value object are data and you are putting yourself in a hell with serialization/deserialization for it
Should I use some sort of global / static context ?
Not sure what you mean, but global/static context is scary, what about multiple validation done in parallel?
Should I use event driven approach where I post a "ValidationEvent" within my domain and subscribe to a validation success notif ?
Domain events are related to entities state changes, nothing is changing when you do validation
Should I create a Service that orchestrates everything ? (Seems not very DDD like)
It could be...
but also allow external users to provide an overridden validator.
I'm very curious of the details of this, why an external user would need a different validation?
Could it be that an Address has some sort of generic validation that need to be always checked, but different use cases have more stricter rules?
If that's the case why the Address itself would need to know them? It is just a value! An Integer just know that it has to be a number if in certain usage you need it to be in a range of values it's something that you add to it, but it doesn't know about it
DI/IoC approach is good and I was thinking you could do something like:
class Address {
validate(AddressValidationAdapter customValidation) {
// generic validation then...
Whatever you are using as whatAreYouPassingHere, can't the code doing:
Address address = ...
just read the values needed from the address and do its own validation?
Recently I've been trying to make my web application use separated layers.
If I understand the concept correctly I've managed to extract:
Domain layer
This is where my core domain entities, aggregate roots, value objects reside in. I'm forcing myself to have pure domain model, meaning i do not have any service definitions here. The only thing i define here is the repositories, which is actually hidden because axon framework implements that for me automatically.
Infrastructure layer
This is where the axon implements the repository definitions for my aggregates in the domain layer
Projection layer
This is where the event handlers are implemented to project the data for the read model using MongoDB to persist it. It does not know anything other than event model (plain data classes in kotlin)
Application layer
This is where the confusion starts.
Controller layer
This is where I'm implementing the GraphQL/REST controllers, this controller layer is using the command and query model, meaning it has knowledge about the Domain Layer commands as well as the Projection Layer query model.
As I've mentioned the confusion starts with the application layer, let me explain it a bit with simplified example.
Considering I want a domain model to implement Pokemon fighting logic. I need to use PokemonAPI that would provide me data of the Pokemon names stats etc, this would be an external API i would use to get some data.
Let's say that i would have domain implemented like this:
(Keep in mind that I've stretched this implementation so it forces some issues that i have in my own domain)
Pokemon {
id: ID
PokemonFight {
id: ID
pokemon_1: ID
pokemon_2: ID
handle(cmd: Create) {
handle(cmd: ProvidePokemonStats) {
//providing the stats for the pokemons
handle(cmd: Start) {
//fights only when the both pokemon stats were provided
The flow of data between layers would be like this.
User -> [HTTP] -> Controller -> [CommandGateway] -> (Application | Domain) -> [EventGateway] -> (Application | Domain)
Let's assume that two of pokemons are created and the use case of pokemon fight is basically that when it gets created the stats are provided and then when the stats are provided the fight automatically starts.
This use case logic can be solved by using event processor or even saga.
However as you see in the PokemonFight aggregate, there is [ProvidePokemonStats] command, which basically provides their stats, however my domain do not know how to get such data, this data is provided with the PokemonAPI.
This confuses me a bit because the use case would need to be implemented on both layers, the application (so it provides the stats using the external api) and also in the domain? the domain use case would just use purely domain concepts. But shouldn't i have one place for the use cases?
If i think about it, the only purpose saga/event processor that lives in the application layer is to provide proper data to my domain, so it can continue with it's use cases. So when external API fails, i send command to the domain and then it can decide what to do.
For example i could just put every saga / event processor in the application, so when i decide to change some automation flow i exactly know what module i need to edit and where to find it.
The other confusion is where i have multiple domains, and i want to create use case that uses many of them and connects the data between them, it immediately rings in my brain that this should be application layer that would use domain APIs to control the use case, because I don't think that i should add dependency of different domain in the core one.
What layer should be responsible of implementing the automated process between aggregates (can be single but you know what i mean) if the process requires some external API data.
What layer should be responsible of implementing the automated process between aggregates that live in different domains / micro services.
Thank you in advance, and I'm also sorry if what I've wrote sounds confusing or it's too much of text, however any answers about layering the DDD applications and proper locations of the components i would highly appreciate.
I will try to put it clear. If you use CQRS:
In the Write Side (commands): The application services are the command handlers. A cmd handler accesses the domain (repositories, aggreagates, etc) in order to implement a use case.
If the use case needs to access data from another bounded context (microservice), it uses an infraestructure service (via dependency injection). You define the infraestructure service interface in the application service layer, and the implementation in the infra layer. The infra then access the remote microservice via http rest for example. Or integration through events.
In the Read Side (queries): The application service is the query method (I think you call it projection), which access the database directly. There's no domain here.
Hope it helps.
I do agree your wording might be a bit vague, but a couple of things do pop up in my mind which might steer you in the right direction.
Mind you, the wording makes it so that I am not 100% sure whether this is what you're looking for. If it isn't, please comment and correct my on the answer I'll provide, so I can update it accordingly.
Now, before your actual question, I'd firstly like to point out the following.
What I am guessing you're mixing is the notion of the Messages and your Domain Model belonging to the same layer. To me personally, the Messages (aka your Commands, Events and Queries) are your public API. They are the language your application speaks, so should be freely sharable with any component and/or service within your Bounded Context.
As such, any component in your 'application layer' contained in the same Bounded Context should be allowed to be aware of this public API. The one in charge of the API will be your Domain Model, that's true, but these concepts have to be shared to be able to communicate with one another.
That said, the component which will provide the states to your aggregate can be viewed from two directions I think.
It's a component that handles a specific 'Start Pokemon Match' Command. This component has the smarts to know to firstly retrieve the states prior to being able to dispatch a Create and ProvidePokemonStats command, thus ensuring it'll consistently create a working match with the stats in it by not dispatching any of both of the external stats-retrieval API fails.
Your angle in the question is to have an Event Handling Component that reacts on the creation of a Match. From here, I'd state a short-lived saga would be in place, as you'd need to deal with the fault scenario of not being able to retrieve the stats. A regular Event Handler is likely to lean to deal with this correctly.
Regardless of the two options you select, this service will deal with messages, a.k.a. your public API. As such it's within your application and not a component others will deal with directly, ever.
When it comes to your second question, I feel the some notion still holds. Two distinct applications/microservices only more so suggests your talking about two different Bounded Contexts. Certainly then a Saga would be in place to coordinate the operations between both contexts. Note that between Bounded Contexts, you want to share consciously when it comes to the public API, as you'd ideally not expose everything to the outside world.
Hope this helps you out and if not, like I said, please comment and provide me guidance how to answer your question properly.
I've seen lots of book and article examples saying to put validation code in your Service Layer. Keep the Domain Objects "dumb" (aka, pure POCO's) and handle all validation that a Domain Object might do in the Service Layer.
The Service Layer is responsible for so much it seems (or at least it can be); user authentication, role authentication, scripting dependency objects for IoC's (loggers, error-handlers, etc...), scripting Domain Objects, scripting repositories and passing Domain Objects to and from the repository... whew!
Doesn't creating all these rules in the Service Layer pose a substantial threat to your Domain Objects? For instance, what happens is some programmer decides to write consuming code directly against your Domain Objects and just bypasses the Service Layer altogether? That would be bad, but a believable situation.
If you are going to put a lot of the responsibilities in the Service Layer, including all Domain Object validation, is there a way to "protect" your Domain Objects is someone tries to script them directly? For instance, maybe some way your Domain Objects now they're not being used by a certain client (in this case, the Service Layer?).
Good design makes me think the Domain Objects should know nothing about who's calling them and how they're being called.
If there is no way to "lock down" the Domain Objects, then why are so many articles, books, etc suggesting that putting Domain Object validation in the Service Layer the way to go? I would imagine by taking a defensive programming position, that you should build your Domain Objects to be bullet-proof, and rely on your Service Layer for a simple layer of code to forwarding and receiving requests between the UI and the BAL/DAL.
Has anyone had some real-life project experiences with "abuse" of their Domain Objects from people that have bypassed their Service Layer?
I think you may misunderstand the purpose of a POCO. A POCO, as I understand it, is not an anemic domain object with only properties and attributes. Rather a POCO simply is not tied to a framework or complicated inheritance model. The object is flexible and only concerned about its role in the domain.
They are 2 different design philosophies. Rich Domain Model vs Anemic Domain Model.
The short answer is yes, you can prevent direct access to your domain objects.
You can do so with a number of techniques:
1) You can make all public facing domain objects immutable (i.e. you can't change the data) via only having the only public methods be getters. All methods that modify your objects can be protected or package private so only the correctly packaged services can access them (in Java at least)
2) You can expose only separate classes to your external developers -- so if you have a Person domain class you can have a PersonInfo class that you pass up, that does nothing but contain info.
3) You should expose a coherent API to your app consumers. You basically prevent them from bypassing your Service layer.
I need to understand how the subject is stored and propagated in Weblogic.
Once authenticated, where is the subject stored at the HTTP layer?
Internally, is it stored in HTTPSession?
Same way, where is it stored at the EJB layer?
I have an application where a lot of principals are updated in the subject at the HTTP and EJB layers. In some corner cases, I'm getting a concurrent modification exception. Although the fix is simple, just to synchronize, I need to understand the internals of where the subject is stored at the HTTP and EJB layers.
This refers to WebLogic implementation internals, which may even change from version to version so I would keep away from it.
You will find official information just for the public Security APIs.
I have an widget-based front end talking to a REST layer. To use the front-end, a human needs to log in with a username and password. Once in, the user can interact with the widgets, which make calls to the REST layer. At this point, no authorization is done at the REST layer. If you have logged in successfully, you can do whatever you want.
However, I want to ensure that only users who have logged in can hit the REST layer. If you try to hit it with a browser or other client, you should get a 404.
We have managed to do this with OpenSSO, but it is complex. And its future is in doubt with its transformation to OpenAM. Also, there will be the need to integrate with other REST layers where Java code at the REST layer I have built will act as a client to other services secured by conceivably anything.
Thus, I have an issue with securing my stuff and security pluggability with other stuff.
I have been reading up on OAuth and CAS and OpenID and JOSSO and on and on and find myself confused as to which problems they all solve. I thought my problem was fairly basic, but I am at a loss. Any insight is appreciated.
That's depends what framework your are using for your REST layer.
For example, in restlet.org framework you can extend org.restlet.security.SecretVerifier
and implement your authentication scheme based on session, cookies etc.