How to find common rows in multiple files using awk - linux

I have tab delimited text files in which common rows between them are to be found based on columns 1 and 2 as key columns.
Sample files:
aba 0 0
aba 0 0 1
abc 0 1
abd 1 1
xxx 0 0
xyz 0 0
aba 0 0 0 0
aba 0 0 0 1
xxx 0 0
abc 1 1
xyx 0 0
aba 0 0
aba 0 1 0
xxx 0 0 0 1
abc 1 1
The below code does the same and returns the rows only if the key column is found in all the N files (3 files in this case).
awk '
FNR == NR {
arr[$1,$2] = 1
line[$1,$2] = line[$1,$2] ( line[$1,$2] ? SUBSEP : "" ) $0
FNR == 1 { delete found }
{ if ( arr[$1,$2] && ! found[$1,$2] ) { arr[$1,$2]++; found[$1,$2] = 1 } }
num_files = ARGC -1
for ( key in arr ) {
if ( arr[key] < num_files ) { continue }
split( line[ key ], line_arr, SUBSEP )
for ( i = 1; i <= length( line_arr ); i++ ) {
printf "%s\n", line_arr[ i ]
' *.txt > commoninall.txt
xxx 0 0
aba 0 0
aba 0 0 1
However, now I would like to get the output if 'x' files have the key columns.
For example x=2 i.e. rows which are common in two files based on key columns 1 and 2. The output in this case would be:
xyz 0 0
abc 1 1
In real scenario I do have to specify different values for x. Can anybody suggest an edit to this or a new solution.

First attempt
I think you just need to modify the END block a little, and the command invocation:
awk -v num_files=${x:-0} '
…script as before…
if (num_files == 0) num_files = ARGC - 1
for (key in arr) {
if (arr[key] == num_files) {
split(line[key], line_arr, SUBSEP)
for (i = 1; i <= length(line_arr); i++) {
printf "%s\n", line_arr[i]
Basically, this takes a command line parameter based on $x, defaulting to 0, and assigning it to the awk variable num_files. In the END block, the code checks for num_files being zero, and resets it to the number of files passed on the command line. (Interestingly, the value in ARGC discounts any -v var=value options and either a command line script or -f script.awk, so the ARGC-1 term remains correct. The array ARGV contains awk (or whatever name you invoked it with) in ARGV[0] and the files to be processed in ARGV[1] through ARGV[ARGC-1].) The loop then checks for the required number of matches and prints as before. You can change == to >= if you want the 'or more' option.
Does it work?
I observed in a comment:
I'm not clear what you are asking. I took it that your code was working for the example with three files and producing the right answer. I simply suggested how to modify the working code to handle N files and at least M of them sharing an entry. I have just realized, while typing this, that there is a bit more work to do. An entry could be missing from the first file but present in the others and will need to be processed, therefore. It is easy to report all occurrences in every file, or the first occurrence in any file. It is harder to report all occurrences only in the first file with a key.
The response was:
It is perfectly fine to report first occurrence in any file and need not be only from the first file. However, the issue with the suggested modification is, it is producing the same output for different values of x.
That's curious: I was able to get sane output from the amended code with different values for the number of files where the key must appear. I used this shell script. The code in the awk program up to the END block is the same as in the question; the only change is in the END processing block.
while getopts n: opt
case "$opt" in
(n) num_files=$OPTARG;;
(*) echo "Usage: $(basename "$0" .sh) [-n number] file [...]" >&2
exit 1;;
shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
awk -v num_files=${num_files:-$#} '
FNR == NR {
arr[$1,$2] = 1
line[$1,$2] = line[$1,$2] (line[$1,$2] ? SUBSEP : "") $0
FNR == 1 { delete found }
{ if (arr[$1,$2] && ! found[$1,$2]) { arr[$1,$2]++; found[$1,$2] = 1 } }
if (num_files == 0) num_files = ARGC - 1
for (key in arr) {
if (arr[key] == num_files) {
split(line[key], line_arr, SUBSEP)
for (i = 1; i <= length(line_arr); i++) {
printf "%s\n", line_arr[i]
' "$#"
Sample runs (data files from question):
$ bash file?.txt
xxx 0 0
aba 0 0
aba 0 0 1
$ bash -n 3 file?.txt
xxx 0 0
aba 0 0
aba 0 0 1
$ bash -n 2 file?.txt
$ bash -n 1 file?.txt
abc 0 1
abd 1 1
That shows different answers depending on the value specified via -n. Note that this only shows lines that appear in the first file and appear in exactly N files in total. The only key that appears in two files (abc/1) does not appear in the first file, so it is not listed by this code which stops paying attention to new keys after the first file is processed.
However, here's a rewrite, using some of the same ideas, but working more thoroughly.
# SO 30428099
# Given that the key for a line is the first two columns, this script
# lists all appearances in all files of a given key if that key appears
# in N different files (where N defaults to the number of files). For
# the benefit of debugging, it includes the file name and line number
# with each line.
echo "Usage: $(basename "$0" .sh) [-n number] file [...]" >&2
exit 1
while getopts n: opt
case "$opt" in
(n) num_files=$OPTARG;;
(*) usage;;
shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
if [ "$#" = 0 ]
then usage
# Record count of each key, regardless of file: keys
# Record count of each key in each file: key_file
# Count of different files containing each key: files
# Accumulate line number, filename, line for each key: lines
awk -v num_files=${num_files:-$#} '
if (++key_file[$1,$2,FILENAME] == 1)
#printf "%s:%d: Key (%s,%s); keys = %d; key_file = %d; files = %d\n",
# FILENAME, FNR, $1, $2, keys[$1,$2], key_file[$1,$2,FILENAME], files[$1,$2];
sep = lines[$1,$2] ? RS : ""
#printf "B: [[\n%s\n]]\n", lines[$1,$2]
lines[$1,$2] = lines[$1,$2] sep FILENAME OFS FNR OFS $0
#printf "A: [[\n%s\n]]\n", lines[$1,$2]
#print "END"
for (key in files)
#print "Key =", key, "; files =", files[key]
if (files[key] == num_files)
#printf "TAG\n%s\nEND\n", lines[key]
print lines[key]
' "$#"
Sample output (given the data files from the question):
$ bash file?.txt
file1.txt 5 xxx 0 0
file2.txt 4 xxx 0 0
file3.txt 4 xxx 0 0 0 1
file1.txt 1 aba 0 0
file1.txt 2 aba 0 0 1
file2.txt 2 aba 0 0 0 0
file2.txt 3 aba 0 0 0 1
file3.txt 2 aba 0 0
file3.txt 3 aba 0 1 0
$ bash -n 2 file?.txt
file2.txt 5 abc 1 1
file3.txt 5 abc 1 1
$ bash -n 1 file?.txt
file1.txt 3 abc 0 1
file3.txt 1 xyx 0 0
file1.txt 4 abd 1 1
file2.txt 1 xyz 0 0
$ bash -n 3 file?.txt
file1.txt 5 xxx 0 0
file2.txt 4 xxx 0 0
file3.txt 4 xxx 0 0 0 1
file1.txt 1 aba 0 0
file1.txt 2 aba 0 0 1
file2.txt 2 aba 0 0 0 0
file2.txt 3 aba 0 0 0 1
file3.txt 2 aba 0 0
file3.txt 3 aba 0 1 0
$ bash -n 4 file?.txt
You can fettle this to give the output you want (probably missing file name and line number). If you only want the lines from the first file containing a given key, you only add the information to lines when files[$1,$2] == 1. You can separate the recorded information with SUBSEP instead of RS and OFS if you prefer.

Can't you simply use uniq to search for repeated lines in you files?
Something like:
cat file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt | uniq -d
For your complete scenario, you could use uniq -c to get the number of repetition for each line, and filter this with grep.


Executing Concatenation for all rows

I'm working with GWAS data.
Using p-link command I was able to get SNPslist,, SNPs.ped.
Here are the data files and commands I have for 2 SNPs (rs6923761, rs7903146):
$ cat
0 rs6923761 0 0
0 rs7903146 0 0
$ cat SNPs.ped
6 6 0 0 2 2 G G C C
74 74 0 0 2 2 A G T C
421 421 0 0 2 2 A G T C
350 350 0 0 2 2 G G T T
302 302 0 0 2 2 G G C C
bash commands I used:
echo -n IID > SNPs.csv
cat | awk '{printf ",%s", $2}' >> SNPs.csv
echo >> SNPs.csv
cat SNPs.ped | awk '{printf "%s,%s%s,%s%s\n", $1, $7, $8, $9, $10}' >> SNPs.csv
cat SNPs.csv
This is about 2 SNPs, so I can see manually their position so I added and called using the above command. But now I have 2000 SNPs IDs and their values. Need help with bash command which can parse over 2000 SNPs in the same way.
One awk idea that replaces all of the current code:
awk '
BEGIN { printf "IID" }
# process 1st file:
FNR==NR { printf ",%s", $2; next }
# process 2nd file:
FNR==1 { print "" } # terminate 1st line of output
{ printf $1 # print 1st column
for (i=7;i<=NF;i=i+2) # loop through columns 7-NF, incrementing index +2 on each pass
printf ",%s%s", $i, $(i+1) # print (i)th and (i+1)th columns
print "" # terminate line
' SNPs.ped
NOTE: remove comments to declutter code
This generates:
You can use --recodeA flag in plink to have your IID as rows and SNPs as columns.

Is there a way to make permutations for file names in a for loop in linux bash?

The idea is that you have 3 text files lets name it A B C where you only have a unique column with strings (doesn't matter the content in this example). What you want is to make a join function between these three, so you'll have a join for A - B another one for B - C and a last one for A - C as if it is a permutation.
Let's make a graphic example.
The individual code would be
join -1 1 -2 1 A.txt B.txt > AB.txt
and so on for the other 2
Imagine A has
B has
C has
So A - B comparison (AB.txt) would be:
A - C comparison (AC.txt):
B - C comparison (BC.txt):
And you'll have three output file named after the comparisons AB.txt, AC.txt and BC.txt
A solution might look like this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Read positional parameters into array
# Loop over all but the last element
for ((i = 0; i < ${#list[#]} - 1; ++i)); do
# Loop over the elements starting with the first after the one i points to
for ((j = i + 1; j < ${#list[#]}; ++j)); do
# Run the join command and redirect to constructed filename
join "${list[i]}" "${list[j]}" > "${list[i]%.txt}${list[j]%.txt}".txt
Notice that the -1 1 -2 1 is the default behaviour for join and can be skipped.
The script has to be called with the filenames as the parameters:
./script A.txt B.txt C.txt
A function that does nothing but generate the possible combinations of two among its arguments:
combpairs() {
local a b
until [ $# -lt 2 ]; do
for b in "${#:2}"; do
echo "$a - $b"
combpairs A B C D E
A - B
A - C
A - D
A - E
B - C
B - D
B - E
C - D
C - E
D - E
I would put the files in an array, and use the index like this:
files=(a.txt b.txt c.txt) # or files=(*.txt)
for ((i=0; i<${#files[#]}; i++)); do
f1=${files[i]} f2=${files[i+1]:-$files}
join -1 1 -2 1 "$f1" "$f2" > "${f1%.txt}${f2%.txt}.txt"
Using echo join to debug (and quoting >), this is what would be executed:
join -1 1 -2 1 a.txt b.txt > ab.txt
join -1 1 -2 1 b.txt c.txt > bc.txt
join -1 1 -2 1 c.txt a.txt > ca.txt
Or for six files:
join -1 1 -2 1 a.txt b.txt > ab.txt
join -1 1 -2 1 b.txt c.txt > bc.txt
join -1 1 -2 1 c.txt d.txt > cd.txt
join -1 1 -2 1 d.txt e.txt > de.txt
join -1 1 -2 1 e.txt f.txt > ef.txt
join -1 1 -2 1 f.txt a.txt > fa.txt
LC_ALL=C; files(*.txt) would use all .txt files in the current directory, sorted by name, which may be relevant.
One in GNU awk:
$ gawk '{
a[ARGIND][$0] # hash all files to arrays
END { # after hashing
for(i in a) # form pairs
for(j in a)
if(i<j) { # avoid self and duplicate comparisons
f=ARGV[i] ARGV[j] ".txt" # form output filename
print ARGV[i],ARGV[j] > f # output pair info
for(k in a[i])
if(k in a[j])
print k > f # output matching records
}' a b c
Output, for example:
$ cat ab.txt
a b
All files are hashed in the memory in the beginning so if the files are huge, you may run out of memory.
Another variation
declare -A seen
for a in {A,B,C}; do
for b in {A,B,C}; do
[[ $a == $b || -v seen[$a$b] || -v seen[$b$a] ]] && continue
comm -12 "$a.txt" "$b.txt" > "$a$b.txt"

Find rows common in more than two files using awk [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to find common rows in multiple files using awk
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have tab delimited text files in which common rows between them are to be found based on columns 1 and 2 as key columns.
Sample files:
aba 0 0
abc 0 1
abd 1 1
xxx 0 0
xyz 0 0
aba 0 0 0 0
xxx 0 0
abc 1 1
xyx 0 0
aba 0 0
aba 0 1 0
xxx 0 0 0 1
abc 1 1
I would like to get rows common in 2 files or 3 files using columns 1 and 2 as key to search. For the common rows based on column 1 and 2 reporting the first occurrence in any file would do the job.
Sample Output for rows common in 2 files:
abc 1 1
Sample output for rows common in 3 files:
aba 0 0
xxx 0 0
In real scenario I do have to specify different values for number of files. Can anybody suggest a generalized solution to pass the value for number of files in which it has to be common.
I have this piece of code which looks for rows common in all files.
awk '
FNR == NR {
arr[$1,$2] = 1
line[$1,$2] = line[$1,$2] ( line[$1,$2] ? SUBSEP : "" ) $0
FNR == 1 { delete found }
{ if ( arr[$1,$2] && ! found[$1,$2] ) { arr[$1,$2]++; found[$1,$2] = 1 } }
num_files = ARGC -1
for ( key in arr ) {
if ( arr[key] < num_files ) { continue }
split( line[ key ], line_arr, SUBSEP )
for ( i = 1; i <= length( line_arr ); i++ ) {
printf "%s\n", line_arr[ i ]
' *.txt > commoninall.txt
This should work:
cat file[123].txt | sort | awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t"; V1=""; V2=""}
{if (V1==$1 && V2==$2) { b=b+1 } else
{ print b":"$0; b=1; V1=$1; V2=$2} }' |grep "2:"|awk '
BEGIN{FS=":"} {print $2}'
I cat all file in one stream, sort the lines, check if the first two tab seperated colums are equal (if they are then print the line) and then filter out all duplicated lines.
BTW: I took this nice file[123].txt globbing idea from the comment of William Pursell.
This should work too
I put all the lines in an array (b) with two first values and accumulate in a the number of repetitions. If number > 1 it will be printed from b which has the last line saved for this pair combination column1/column2
cat *.txt | awk -F" " '{a[$1$2]=a[$1$2]+1; b[$1$2]=$0} END{ for (i in a){if(a[i]>1){print b[i]}}}'
Is it ok too?
To show all lines in all files, you need just a little more:
cat *.txt | awk -F" " '{a[$1$2]=a[$1$2]+1; c=a[$1$2]; b[$1$2c]=$0} END{ for (i in a){if(a[i]>1){for(c=1; c<=a[i];++c){print b[i c]}}}}'
Very thanks to #PeterPaulKiefer for the cat *txt idea

Using an if/else statement in the middle of AWK

I have a 5-column file:
PS 6 15 0 1
PS 1 17 0 1
PS 4 18 0 1
that I would like to get it in this 7-column format:
PS.15 PS 6 N 1 0 1
PS.17 PS 1 P 1 0 1
PS.18 PS 4 N 1 0 1
To create 6 of the 7 columns requires just grabbing directly (and sometimes applying small arithmetic) from columns in the original file. However, to create one column (column 4) requires an if-else statement.
Specifically, to create new columns 1, 2, 3, I use:
cat File | awk '{print $1"."$3"\t"$1"\t"$2}'
and to create new columns 5, 6,7, I use:
cat testFileB | awk '{print $4+$5"\t"$4/($4+$5)"\t"$5/($4+$5)}'
and to create new column 4, I use:
cat testFileB | awk '{if ($2 == 1 || $2 == 2 || $2 == 3) print "P"; else print "N";}'
These three statements work fine independently and get me what I want (the correct values for the columns that are all separated by tabs). However, when I try to apply them simultaneously (create all 7 columns at once), I can only do so with unwanted new lines (instead of tabs) before and after column 4 (the if/else statement column):
For instance, my attempt to simultaneously create columns 1, 2, 3, 4:
cat File | awk '{print $1"."$3"\t"$1"\t"$2; if ($2 == 1 || $2 == 2 || $2 == 3) print "P"; else print "N";}'
results in unwanted new lines before column 4:
PS.15 PS 6
PS.17 PS 1
PS.18 PS 4
Similarly, my attempt to simultaneously create columns 4, 5, 6, 7:
cat File | awk '{if ($2 == 1 || $2 == 2 || $2 == 3) print "P"; else print "N"; print $4+$5"\t"$4/($4+$5)"\t"$5/($4+$5)}'
results in unwanted new lines after column 4:
1 0 1
1 0 1
1 0 1
Is there a solution so that I can create all 7 columns at once, and there are only tabs between them (no new lines)?
If you don't want automatic line feeds, you can just use printf instead of print. I'm not quite sure if you want a tab separating the N1 or not, but that's easy enough to adjust;
cat testfile | awk '{printf "%s.%s\t%s\t%s\t",$1,$3,$1,$2; if ($2 == 1 || $2 == 2 || $2 == 3) printf "P"; else printf "N"; print $4+$5"\t"$4/($4+$5)"\t"$5/($4+$5)}'
PS.15 PS 6 N1 0 1
PS.17 PS 1 P1 0 1
PS.18 PS 4 N1 0 1
Simply set your OFS (instead of repeating a \t all across the line), and use the ternary operator to print P or N:
$ awk -v OFS='\t' '{s=$4+$5;print $1"."$3,$1,$2,($2~/^[123]$/?"P":"N"),s,$4/s,$5/s}' file
PS.15 PS 6 N 1 0 1
PS.17 PS 1 P 1 0 1
PS.18 PS 4 N 1 0 1

How to select rows in which column two and three are not equal to each other and to 0 or 1?(with awk)

I have a file like this:
AX-75448119 0 1
AX-75448118 0.45 0.487179
AX-75474642 0 0
AX-75474643 0.25 0.820513
AX-75448113 1 0
AX-75474641 1 1
and I want to select the rows that column 2 and 3 are not equal each other and 0 or 1 (both of them)! (i.e if column 2 and 3 are similar but equal to 0.5 (or any other number except 0 and 1) I would like to have that row)
so the output would be:
AX-75448119 0 1
AX-75448118 0.45 0.487179
AX-75474643 0.25 0.820513
AX-75448113 1 0
I know how to write the command to select the rows that column 2 and 3 are equal to each other and are equal to 0 or 1 which is this:
awk '$2=$3==1 || $2=$3==0' test.txt | wc -l
but I want exactly the opposite, to select every rows that are not the output of the above command!
Thanks, I hope I was able to explain what I want
It might work for you if I get your requirements correctly.
awk ' $2 != $3 { print; next } $2 == $3 && $2 != 0 && $2 != 1 { print }' INPUTFILE
See it in action at
This might work for you:(?)
awk '($2==0 || $2==1) && ($3==0 || $3==1) && $2==$3{next}1' file
