IIS High CPU Usage in Visual Studio 2013 - iis

When we use Visual Studio 2013 for web development, we experience the following issues while debugging:
Web application takes a very long time to load
Client scripts take a long time to load
CPU usage by the IIS worker process increases enormously while debugging the application
Changing to a local IIS does not solve these problems.
What's going on here?

According to this site https://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/Question/Details/T102322
In Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, the Browser Link feature was introduced. It provides dynamic exchange between IDE and any open browser on your machine. With the help of this feature, you can test changes in page markup in browsers on the fly, inspect HTML objects, etc. However, the use of this feature might cause abovementioned problems in the debugging process.
A common solution is to disable Browser Link in Visual Studio:

For me, this was happening because I use Resharper and have a big file oppened (30k lines). I just disable resharper for some specific files.


running a vc++ command line application on non development machine,

When I run command line application (executable generated using visual studio 2008) on non development windows 7 machine it gives following run time error "application has requested run time to terminate in unusual way. Please contact application support team for more information". It runs fine on a development machine.
With VS 2005 and VS 2008, Visual C++ used a side-by-side versioning scheme that requires manifest entries embeddded in the EXE to really work correctly in all cases. It's possible you are dealing with one of these. See these articles for details on debugging these side-by-side issues.
Diagnosing SideBySide failures
Part 1: Troubleshooting VC++ Side by Side Problems
Part 2: Troubleshooting VC++ Side by Side Problems
Note that with VS 2010 and later, Visual C++ no longer uses this side-by-side scheme. That said, there are still lots of reasons to use embedded manifests anyhow. See this article.

Are there any tools similar to intellitrace

Do we have any alternative for intellitrace for visual studio 2012 professional version. It looks like Intellitrace is only available for Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate version.
A few alternatives that I've used:
Just amazing.. if the UI doesn't put you off, and you don't mind waiting an extra few minutes for the traces to be viewable. It contains the most used features of intellitrace: Exception Stacks, Threads, Processes, File Access, Registery Access, Network Access.
There are a few more ETW Tracers and viewers: Microsoft Message Analyzer, Windows Performance Analyzer, ....
Stackify Prefix or Glimpse
Very good for debugging problems with IIS. Runs on the server end as an IIS Http handler. Most used feature from these are: Application execution path, Exception stacks, request/response cycle with raw data.

Visual Studio 2012 RTM intellisense: fix for "hang/pause"?

I've just installed the Visual Studio 2012 RTM on a Windows 7 x64 desktop.
Unfortunately, I'm very underwelmed by the performance of the out-of-the-box installation. Everytime I try to rename a file in the solution explorer, change to a MVC cshtml editor, open a designer view, or intellisense pops up when I start typing with the c# editor, the whole visual studio applications hangs for 5-10 seconds.
There are no customizations, plugins, extensions enabled here that do not get applied with the standard installation.
Has anyone else experienced this? Has anyone else found a way to log the application faults which occur, or detect the hang. I need some way to determine what is going wrong, in order to identify what needs to be altered to rectify the installation.
The problem is you are consuming the lot more resources of the system which is causing hung state of VS. Please close any of other application who is using more RAM. You can take the help of Task Manager to close those application. Please keep in mind if you are running SQL standalone database instance services then its also causes the hand issue. The best is keep you system free from running unuseful application or Go for System upgrade. :-)

IIS 7.5 settings

I have a site and, when I start from Visual Studio, fiddler says main page takes 2 seconds to load( with setting use local IIS server). When I start from IIS (browse same page), fiddler says 16 seconds.
Any idea what I should be looking for (every time before loading page I close all webdev processes and I hit IIS reset)?
Thank you
I would definitely avoid using timings when starting the site from Visual Studio, you should prefer to use timings from browsing to the site independently of Visual Studio.
Also, make sure you're timing against a Release build and make sure that <compilation debug="false"> is set in your web.config. Finally, make sure you haven't accidentally still got Visual Studio running or have VS "Attach to process".
The ideal scenario would be to test against a machine that that closely matches exactly what your production environment is like.

How can I improve the edit-compile-test loop when developing a SharePoint workflow?

Recently I had to develop a SharePoint workflow, and I found the experience quite honestly the most painful programming task I've ever had to tackle. One big problem I had was the problems I encountered when I had to step through it in the debugger.
There's an article on how to debug a SharePoint workflow here that tells you how to set breakpoints etc. This involves copying the .pdb file into the GAC alongside the .dll file containing your workflow. You have to do this from a command prompt (or a batch file) because Windows Explorer doesn't let you view the relevant subdirectory of c:\windows\assembly.
However, if you do this, the next time you try to deploy the workflow from within Visual Studio, it complains that it can't be deployed because "the file may not be signed" and if you attempt to copy the new version of the dll into the GAC, it tells you that the .dll file is locked.
I've found that some of the time, you can get round this by doing an iisreset, but on other occasions you have to restart Visual Studio and there have been frequent times when I've even had to reboot the computer altogether because some mystery process has locked the file. When I don't use the debugger, on the other hand, everything works just fine.
Does anyone know of a simpler way of debugging workflows than this?
I've got a lot faster developing SharePoint-Solutions in general (not only Workflows) when i started using WSPBuilder. WSPBuilder has a Visual Studio Addin called WSPBuilder Extensions and in my opinion the WSPBuilder Extensions do a better job than the infamous Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Tools: Visual Studio 2008 Extensions, Version 1.2. Thanks to the WSPBuilder Menu deploy/upgrade/uninstall of a solution is just one click away!
The SharePoint team is currently working on MOSS extensions for VS 2008 which will allow this type of functionality. This was available in VS 2005 with MOSS extensions, but has to be run off Windows Server with a full MOSS installation and the correct permissions set.
One thing that would really help is if the SharePoint team provided interfaces for the SP-specific workflow services needed to run SP workflows. This would allow you to mock those interfaces and run the workflows outside of SP proper. AFAIK, you can't do that today.
I've personally found SharePoint extremely painful to develop against... not just with workflows, but overall. I understand the administrative wins and the end user productivity, but it's a fairly dreadful experience for Joe .NET Developer.
As for speeding up the IIS reset, Andrew Connell has some tips here as well
This brought my IIS reset time from 10+ seconds down to less than 2 seconds.
I'm not sure you need to get the pdb file into the GAC. (At least, the fix I'm about to describe works just fine for debugging SharePoint web parts in VS2005, which have a similar problem.)
There's a checkbox marked "Enable Just My Code (Managed Only)" in Tools-->Options-->Debugging; if you uncheck it, then Visual Studio will happily load your pdb's from the bin\Debug folder where it built them. Probably. Can't hurt to try, anyhow...
Check out STSDev on CodePlex by SharePoint MVPs like Ted Pattison, Andrew Connell, Scot Hillier, and more.
STSDEV is a proof-of-concept utility application which demonstrates how to generate Visual Studio project files and solution files to facilitate the development and deployment of templates and components for the SharePoint 2007 platform including Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS). Note that the current version of the stsdev utility only supports creating projects with the C# programming language.
