Current theme for Liferay error page - liferay

I have a liferay service with many sites. Those sites has the same theme but each has different color scheme. How to set a theme to a /html/portal/status.jsp ( error page) of the current site ? I don't want to create an error page for each site and I don't want all the sites to have the same error page.

One way is override this JSP (using hook / ext) and create themeCSSPath using themeDisplay, as following:
themeCSSPath is the path of the main.css of the theme applied on current page.
CSS path
String themeCSSPath = themeDisplay.getPortalURL() +
themeDisplay.getPathThemeCss() + "/main.css";
CSS link
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<%=themeCSSPath %>" />

I don't want to create an error page for each site and I don't want
all the sites to have the same error page."
This doesn't make sense.
"/html/portal/status.jsp" is an external JSP page, not part of Portal/Site pages. So, Liferay theme plugin won't work here. You have to design the JSP pages similar to you have on Portal/Site pages.


Using custom Webfonts on Teachable

I am trying to use a custom font on my client's course marketing page on Right now the course is not currently live, so unfortunately I can't share a link to preview.
I am trying to follow the Google Webfonts pattern of attributes in the link tag:
<link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin>
I am hosting this webfont and the respective font files on a different hosting provider (standard Apache hosting). When I view the source of my page, I can see that file is being referenced - no 404 errors or access origin errors in the console.
This is the CSS:
html, body, main, div, p { font-family: 'Avenir LT Pro'; }
I can see in the inspector that declaration is being applied, no other font-family is set or overriding this. But the webfont will not load.
Any insights or ideas would be appreciated!
Check out the codepen on the readme of this repo.
It has a working example:

Doesn't Azure AD B2C Page UI Customization Support Bootstrap?

I'm trying to customize the page UI on Azure AD B2C unified sign in/sign up page.
I was able to create my template and upload all the assets i.e. html page, images and css to my Azure Blob Storage container with the right CORS settings.
When I pull up the page, however, it looks absolutely HORRIBLE! It doesn't seem to support Bootstrap. I read somewhere that no JavaScript is allowed. Is that the reason for this?
Once I upload my custom HTML page, Azure AD B2C seems to be stripping off a lot of the design elements necessary for my customization such as id and style in my body tag -- see below:
<!-- Omitted for brevity -->
<body id="my-login-class" style="url: ('')">
<div id="some-important-id" class="my-important-class">
<div class="col-xs-8">
<div>Some important message</div>
<div class="col-xs-4">
<div id="api">
When I inspect the page source once my custom page is rendered, I see that all my classes and Id's are removed along with Bootstrap references e.g. css and js.
Am I getting this right? No Bootstrap which means Azure AD B2C only supports customization of the most basic kind?
Your HTML template can include any external, head, or inline styles but it can't include scripts.
An example of a customized page can be found at the WoodGrove sign-up or sign-in page.
The HTML template for this customized page can be found in the WoodGrove GitHub repository.
This HTML template includes Bootstrap's Reboot styles as well as the WoodGrove's specific styles.
Azure AD B2C creates the head and body elements and then copies the child elements for each of these head and body elements from your HTML template to its HTML document.
Therefore, you shouldn't add attributes to the body element in your HTML template, because they aren't copied.
You can import the bootstrap references. Please see this document:
See also:
It looks horrible for a reason. No styling is applied to the page so that it can be fully customizable. You can reference Bootstrap for CSS; however, I have run in to issues when using bootstrap.js for modals since it appears the Azure B2C API uses bootstrap for modals...In my experience, it is best to rely on Vanilla JS and to leave off any references to third-party JS.
It is possible to use JavaScript if you are using your own custom policies. There are some limitations to JavaScript and the best approach is to try to accomplish anything using the policy first.
To enable JavaScript use the following as guide:
<DefaultUserJourney ReferenceId="SignUpOrSignIn" />
When referencing external CSS/JS files, the URL must be absolute. This is true for the head section of HTML files as well as any references within JavaScript. Relative URL's can only be referenced within a CSS file.
<link href="./css/assets.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

In the Orchard CMS, how do you make your site look at a Twitter Boostrap on a CDN instead of within the Theme folder

I am using Orchard v.
I have my custom theme with a layout page that starts off like this:
#using Orchard.UI.Resources;
// css
Using Script.Include, I thought loading the CDN reference would work, but when building the project and viewing it locally, the reference is not there and instead renders like this:
<link href="/Themes/HotToddy5K/Styles/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Why does Orchard do this? I can't seem to find where in the base/core it's applying this. I tried to delete that bootstrap.min.css file in that "scripts" folder, hoping it would then fall back to my CDN reference, but no luck.
Any ideas?
You can easily do this on your ResourceManifest.cs.
Actually it is better, because you can provide fallbacks as for debugging files. you can manage this feature from the Settings section in the Admin.
Where is says "Resource Mode", in 1.9x you can trigger the CDN too.
I use Script/Style.Require instead of Include as it gives me more control. it also maintains your script/style dependencies.

How can I output a favicon <link> in the HTML head section using JSF 2.0?

Using h:outputStylesheet I can embed CSS resources in the HTML head section, but how can I build a <link> for a favicon image resource which renders HTML like in this example:
HTML output:
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="favicon.png" />
The image resource is located in <web>/resources/images.
If I use direct HTML code in the JSF template like href="/resources/images/favicon.png" the resource is not found - navigating to /resources/images/favicon.png leads to the error
not found
(I have set index.jsf as index page in web.xml which might explain this path)
Your webapp is apparently running on a non-empty context path. The leading slash / brings you to the domain root. Use #{request.contextPath} to dynamically inline the context path.
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="#{request.contextPath}/resources/images/favicon.png" />
(note that I fixed the rel as well to make it crossbrowser compatible)
The href="/resources/images/favicon.png" is actually looking in the root direcotry of your server http://localhost/resources/images/favicon.png and not inside your web application directory.
Your href location will need to include the web application directory href="/webappname/resources/images/favicon.png" http://localhost/webappname/resources/images/favicon.png
If your .xhtml file is in the same directory as your resources folder then removing the forward slash at the being should work as well.

How to change the default InfoPath form server Url for a form library in SharePoint

By default MOSS directs browser enabled InfoPath forms to the /_layouts/formserver.aspx page, with the query string parameters that define the form to display or edit. We have defined our own page (for a number of reasons) and would like to direct the forms in the form library there. The page can be hosted in that same _layouts folder, in a document library, it doesn't really matter.
Seems like there should be a linkeage (hopefully in a form of a configuration setting) that tells SharePoint where to direct the forms.
If you are using the SharePoint lists or form libraries to display the list of forms, you could add a jquery rewrite (in either a Custom Editor Web Part or Master Page) to look for links to the FormServer.aspx link.
<script type="text/javascript" src="~/_layouts/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//Rewrite Form Links to Open in Custom Page
var formFileName = this.href.figureOutWhatFormAndParamsYouNeed()
var formServerUrl = ''
this.href = formServerUrl
Have a look at the ServerFiles in the 12 Hive under 'Template\XML'. This has file extensions and a mapping to a redirect URL.
You can see there is a mapping for XSN and XML files in relation to InfoPath.
I haven't tried this and obviousily the normal caveats apply when altering files in the 12 Hive.
