Add instance to Windows Azure Cloud Service - azure

I have an Azure Cloud Service out in production. I recently received the following message from Microsoft about upcoming service for their Cloud Services platform:
All Cloud Services running web and/or worker roles referenced below will experience downtime during this maintenance. Cloud Services with two or more role instances in different upgrade domains will have external connectivity at least 99.95 percent of the time. Please note that the SLA guaranteeing service availability only applies to services that are deployed with more than one instance per role. Azure updates one upgrade domain at a time. For more information about distribution of roles across upgrade domains and the update process, please visit the Update an Azure Service webpage.
The way I take the email, each instance is essentially a VM on a different host, and they'll be rebooting hosts throughout the maintentance period, so if I don't want to be out of service during this time, I need to ensure I have more than one instance. Is this accurate? If so, how do I "add" an instance?

That is correct.
You can increase your instance count by updating the configuration for the role. In Visual Studio, you can do this in the Properties window for the role and increase the Instance count setting. Then, redeploy the service.
A faster way is to download the configuration file (.cscfg) for the role from the Azure portal, update the instance count setting, and then upload the changed configuration file. The setting is in the Instances element shown here.
You can download the configuration file for the role from the Azure portal ( by going to the Cloud Service blade and clicking on Settings in the toolbar. In the Settings blade click Configuration. In the Configuration blade are where you will find Download and Upload buttons in the toolbar.

The way I take the email, each instance is essentially a VM on a
different host, and they'll be rebooting hosts throughout the
maintentance period, so if I don't want to be out of service during
this time, I need to ensure I have more than one instance. Is this
Your understanding is correct.
If so, how do I "add" an instance?
There are many ways to do it.
One would be to edit your role's configuration file (*.cscfg) and changing the Instances element's count property from 1 to 2 and then uploading this file through Azure Portal (Cloud Service --> Configure Tab --> Upload button)
Other one would be to change the instance count through "Scale" tab for Cloud Service in question. On this tab, you will see "Instance Count" setting. Just update it from 1 to 2.
Other options include PowerShell, writing code but I think the ones I mentioned above should be the easiest way to accomplish the task.


Azure Web Apps Monitoring Metrics and App Service Plan

I am looking into web Apps Monitoring in Microsoft Azure and I can see a variety of options in the portal. I have some questions in those which I will put forward one by one. The question length may be a bit long so apologies in advance :-)
Process Explorer
Here we can find process details per instance which are running for my Web App.In case of scale out we will also see multiple instances. I want to know why we are seeing 2 processes per instance and what is the significance of each process.
2.Metrics Per Instance (Apps)
While looking at this report, I can see 2 different tabs (see image), I am unable to map it to the instances I am having in my web apps.
2.A) Is it true that If I have multiple deployment slots/ scaled out instances I will see that many tabs in the report?
2.B) Is there a way by which I can map these to my Web App instances in the Process Explorer
3.Metrics Per Instance App Service Plan
Here Again we have to different indicators same as in Apps. Can some please help me how to decipher these.
Can you guys please help me out with the reports as it seems to be quite confusing and I am unable to map it with my Instances, Deployment Slots in relation to the app service Plan.
Once again apologies for a long question.
Thanks in Advance,
Looks like no one answered this in a long time. Let me see if I can explain this better.
This blade that you are talking about is accessible under "Diagnose and solve problems" options of an App Service Web App. Lot of changes has been made in the last few months to this feature. Read more about it here: App Lens - Azure App Service
1. Why we are seeing 2 processes per instance and what is the significance of each process.
In Azure App Service. For every web app there is another web app provisioned. This site is known as KUDU. So one w3wp.exe corresponds to the process hosting your code and the second w3wp.exe corresponds to the process hosting the KUDU. This process will have a SCM tag appended against it. You can read more about it here: Project Kudu - Github
2.Is it true that If I have multiple deployment slots/ scaled out instances I will see that many tabs in the report? Is there a way by which I can map these to my Web App instances in the Process Explorer
To answer the first part, YES, the tabs corresponds to the number of instances the app service plan is scaled out to. So if your web app is scaled out to 7 instances, then you will see 7 tabs in the report.
There is no straight approach to correlate the instance names to process explorer. There is an alternate way. I have a blog post using which you can connect to the KUDU site of a web app on a specific instance. See this: Connect to Kudu site of a specific instance
3. Metrics Per Instance App Service Plan Here Again we have to different indicators same as in Apps. Can some please help me how to decipher these.
as the name says, Metrics per instance (App Service Plan) displays data for the entire VM, while Metrics per Instance (Apps) displays data for a specific web app or process (w3wp.exe). In Azure App Service, you can provision several web apps inside a VM. So, this view provides a holistic view of the overall usage of the VM. This will help you in determining whether you need to scale out or scale up.
I hope this answers this question.

Running Script on Azure Web Role Instances

Is there a way to execute some script on Azure Web Role Instances ? I am kind off new to Azure and Azure Management APIs.
Basically what i want to achieve is, depending on the environment type, i would like to switch ON/OFF couple of services in all Azure Web Role Instances. So for e.g. if i have a single web role with 5 instances, then the script should execute in all the 5 instances.
Determine the staging/production environment
Get all the web roles for staging and production environment
For each role get all the instances
Run script in all instances (remotely)
Any help here would be much appreciated.
EDIT: I am able to fetch the staging/production environment details and the web role details for each environment as well. I am using the Service Management Rest APIs and the Get Cloud Service Properties method:
The above URL returns a list of role instance with their IP address.
But when i am trying to hit the Cloud Service (Web API) it is giving 404 error. Not sure if we can use the IP to hit a web api project hosted on IIS.
Thanks in advance,
Not exactly sure what you are trying to achieve. But if you have a Cloud Service with Web/Worker roles you cannot directly access each individual instance from the Internet. There is an Azure load balancer that sits in front of your deployment and routes Internet requests to instances. This would be useful for you to read.
What you can do, however, is to implement RoleEntryPoint class exactly like you would do for a Worker Role. Then you could check at regular intervals for a trigger - say a Blob in a container, a record in Table Storage, etc. When this happens - decide what to do: fetch special URL from Localhost, directly execute script with Process.Start(). Your choice, you have full control. All you have to do is to add a new class in your Web project that inherits from RoleEntryPoint.
You can refer to this resources for a bit more information on the use of RoleEntryPoint in WebRole projects:

Diagnostics to find out why Azure Web Role doesn't start

I am trying to deploy a large web site to Azure as a Web Role. However, Azure on the Instances tab of the Azure dashboard, it tells me it suffers an error during start up, causing it to restart over and over again.
Where can I find log files that will tell me what specifically is going wrong? The site doesn't seem to have any.
First, debug on your dev machine. Make sure you deployed the right .cscfg file, you don't have any broken connection strings, you're referencing the right version of the DLLs (the same as Azure's VMs) or are copying newer versions to Azure. If those fail, read this topic on and the topics in this node on MSDN. The Hello World code sample also has a basic demonstration of diagnostics that should be helpful.
The basics of diagnostics in Windows Azure:
Must be manually enabled for each role by importing the Diagnostics module in your ServiceDefinition.csdef file
A storage location needs to be configured for the resulting logs in your ServiceConfiguration.cscfg file, such as the storage emulator, or a Windows Azure Storage account. Depending on the types of logs, they are stored in either blobs or tables.
You can either configure diagnostics collection programmatically or with a file that is read when your role starts and can be updated on-the-fly
You can set up and control how often diagnostics data is downloaded to your storage account (important because transactions/transfer/storage costs money), performance counters, or other metrics you need
There are a series of 4 blog posts at which will walk you through step by step how to troubleshoot a role startup failure including log file locations, etc.

Windows Azure for simulation

We are thinking of using Windows Azure for simulation. ~100 VM nodes each working on it's problem set and reporting back the result to a Master node.
I have created VM instances from the web UI. In order for this to work, we would need to use Azure API to bring servers up and shut them down once they are done.
Does anyone have any experience with something like this? I am looking for advise, gotchas etc.
You sure can do it and I have helped other to make it happen on hundreds on nodes. Take a look at Windows Azure Rest API to configure your role as described here. While others may have other idea, I think the general steps would be as below:
Create a master machine or a webrole to manage your roles using REST API
Create a worker role instance and use it to clone multiple instances as if needed
Use REST API to start and shutdown worker role along with update the instance count when in need
Use Azure Boot Strapper to bootstrap the VM depend on your requirement
Azure REST based Service Management API can work from a web app or a standalone app, so you can also have a web role to make it happen from anywhere in world. This way you don't need any on premise components at all as it will be totally cloud solution. If you need any help on creating web role I sure can help.
You can provision Virtual Machines using Service Management REST API (there's also a managed API on NuGet).
But in your case you might want to consider using Cloud Services (PaaS). With Cloud Services you simply build your application, you package it and deploy it. Then using the portal or the management API you can simply configure the number of instances. There is even a command line tool (csmanage.exe) which allows you to to change the number of instances through the service configuration.

Published Web app to Azure, how do I browse to it, monitor it?

I have created my first app for azure. It's has an MVC3 web role which writes some data to table storage.
It also has a worker role that does some work behind the scenes to the same data.
It all works fine in the emulator.
I've uploaded it all to Azure as a staging deployment, the hosted service it is reports all roles as "ready". The health for all roles is "healthy", though the worker role appears to crash and goes to "degraded" and then resets itself (I assume this is what is happening).
So what now? I have found a "DNS Name" on my Web Role in the form "http://{guid}"
Clicking on that link just gives me a network access error, can't find it either.
What am I missing? Where can I see diagnostics similar to the emulator? I've set "Enable Diagnostics" to use my Azure storage account in each role. How do I get into the storage to see if it has traced anything? Can this be done through the Management Portal?
I've tried searching through MSDN, but I can't find a page that says "and then you click the DNS name link and your website will launch. I'm sure there is a lovely page like that but I can't find it.
thanks in advance!
In August 2011, the Windows Azure role templates were updated to work with the ASP.NET Universal Providers. As such, when you create a new project, the session state provider is backed by SQL Express by default. If you don't change this to SQL Azure or Cache (or disable session state), you'll run into issues.
I'm not sure this is exactly the issue you're running into, but it's a common one. See Nate Totten's blog post for more information about this (Nate calls out this issue a few pages down, under IMPORTANT NOTE).
You can access diagnostics data directly from Visual Studio Server Explorer.
Here you have all necessary information: Browsing Storage Resources with Server Explorer
Personally I use Azure Diagnostics Manager from Cerebrata that is easy and has a good dashboard
