I want to know the source files for this liferay 6.2 search portlet(jsp and java) - liferay

I am working in liferay 6.2 search portlet. I want to know the source files for this search portlet(jsp and java). I have searched the files in my whole project but i cant find the files. Thanks in advance

Here are locations you are looking for:

JSP files can be found inside ROOT
1. /html/portlet/search
2. /html/taglib/ui/search (start.jsp)
For java files open portal-impl.jar file and search for all search API classes.

And if you really want the source - past and future versions of it - then please visit: Liferay Portal Github Page


Finding specfic jsp page and extenting functionality using hook

I am using liferay. I want to add new functionality to existing jsp page.
I will be using hooks for that purpose.
The problem is how to find existing jsp pages locations?
For example
I want to locate "Add regular Organization" page.
Pls help
Thank you
jsp files under source folder : html\portlet\users_admin\organization and html\portlet\users_admin\edit_organization.jsp are jsps for "Add regular Organization" page.
There are certain ways, liferay provides its functionalities using default portlets that comes with liferay-bundle. You can look at folder portal-web\docroot\html\portlet under portal-src, it will give you idea to locate jsp page locations.
Moreover you can look at portal-web\docroot\WEB-INF\portlet-custom.xml, portal-web\docroot\WEB-INF\struts-config.xml and portal-web\docroot\WEB-INF\tiles-defs.xml for portlet specific actions and respective jsps.

Integrating Alfresco and Liferay to show only one folder

I'm trying to integrate Alfresco and Liferay. I have configured CMIS integration following this guide. It works without problem.
But now, I want to configure that repository to show only one folder. I can set a start folder on "Document and Media Portlet", but if I try to add a folder of the Alfresco repository, it says that there are not folders.
Here is a screenshot of "Document and Media portlet" integrated with an Alfresco repository
And this is when I try to select one folder of the repository
Any help will be appreciated.
Finally I figured out where was the problem.
Alfresco's Solr indexes were corrupted. My CMIS queries were not working, so search documents within a folder by using CMIS, did not retuned results.
I have removed Solr Indexes, restarted Alfresco, and now Liferay is working without problem

Converting Vignette Portlets to Liferay Portlets

As the title states, i'm trying to convert these Vignette portlets into Liferay portlets.
Is there any documentation on this anywhere? I've searched the entire Internet
-When trying to deploy my WARs right off the bat, I'm getting a "missing liferay.plugin.packet.xml" which tells me the entire portlet must be reconfigured to work with Liferay.
-Running Liferay 6.1.1 ga2 on Web Logic 12c server
You mean "liferay-plugin-package.xml", don't you?
You will find such a file in the source of Liferay at /portal-web/docroot/WEB-INF/liferay-plugin-package.xml. For other examples just download sources from other Portlets (Github or Liferay-Marketplace).
Besides some other values, this file defines how Liferay should handle your war (layout-template, portlet, theme).
EDIT: As the marketplace does not allow (plz see the comment in: liferay-plugin-package_6_1_0.dtd) portlets having an liferay-plugin-package.xml, I would recommend to use the corresponding properties file.
Reference file (in the portal sources): /definitions/liferay-plugin-package_6_1_0.properties

search documents in liferay

I am a beginner with life-ray and I am facing a simple task,which I don't have the slightest idea of how to deal with:
I want to build a portlet which uses the API to add files to liferay. These files should appear in the global search portlet.
Please, tell me where to start I've read several tutorials like http://www.liferay.com/community/wiki/-/wiki/Main/Adding+search+capabilities+to+a+portlet and http://www.liferay.com/documentation/liferay-portal/6.1/development/-/ai/-asset-framewo-4
,but I feel that these tutorials skip some important steps.
You need not to build the custom portlet for adding files in liferay. They have provide in build portlet for it. you can just add Document and Media Portlet.

Liferay Search static text within all portlets

I would like to know if built in functionality exists or how to implement functionality to search the static text of JSPs not web content of all deployed portlets in liferay from a centralised portlet (or theme). Unfortunately, there does not seem to be help regarding this issue.
This could be helpful. You must get rid of long and ugly URLs and use Liferay API's mentioned in that Wiki.
