for loop only reading one row - groovy

im trying use for loop on this to loop from datasheet, but its only reading one row, dont know where i did wrong any Ideas?
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.*;
cellDataFormatter = new DataFormatter()
//Create formula evaluator
fEval = new XSSFFormulaEvaluator(context.srcWkSheet.getWorkbook())
//Increment the rowcounter then read in the next row of items
RC = context.rowCounter;
if(RC<=context.srcWkSheet.getLastRowNum()){//Check if we've reached the last row
for(int i =0; i < RC; i++)
curTC = testRunner.testCase
sourceRow = context.srcWkSheet.getRow(i)//Get a spreadsheet row
//Step through cells in the row and populate property data
data1Cell = sourceRow.getCell(0)
curTC.setPropertyValue("data1",cellDataFormatter.formatCellValue(data1Cell ,fEval))
data2Cell = sourceRow.getCell(1)
curTC.setPropertyValue("data2",cellDataFormatter.formatCellValue(data2Cell ,fEval))
data3Cell = sourceRow.getCell(2)
curTC.setPropertyValue("data3",cellDataFormatter.formatCellValue(data3Cell ,fEval))
//Rename test cases for readability in the TestSuite log
curTC.getTestStepAt(0).setName("data1-" + curTC.getPropertyValue("BC"))
//Go back to first test request with newly copied properties

From the API documentation for testRunner.gotoStep(0):
Transfers execution of this TestRunner to the TestStep with the specified index in the TestCase
Execution will continue after the indexed step. You are probably expecting it will return back to your loop, which is incorrect!
You probably meant something like: curTC.getTestStepAt(0).run(context.testRunner, context); API documentation.

You could also have an issue with the excel file you are providing. XSSFFormulaEvaluator I believe is only for old style *.xls excel format. Could be an issue if you're feeding *.xlsx format excel file.
In SoapUI NG Pro there's a DataSource test step that simply allows you to point to a file (xls or xlsx) and feed in the data


Flutter - Convert data from firestore into Excel sheet

How to convert data from Firestore Into an Excel sheet on both Android app and flutter web?
Any response will be appreciated... thanks in advance!
Excel library for flutter
You can go through the documentation here.
Now as jay asked to explain in detail how you are gonna retrive the data and store it in the excel sheet,
First step,
var excel = Excel.createExcel(); //create an excel sheet
Sheet sheetObject = excel['SheetName']; //create an sheet object
Second step, commands to write in excel sheet,
where A is column id and 1 is row.
var cell = sheetObject.cell(CellIndex.indexByString("A1"));
cell.value = 8; // Insert value to selected cell;
Third step, getting data from firebase
QuerySnapshot _qs =
await _notificationRef.where('language', isEqualTo: selectedLang).get(); // Lets say I have some collection where I need to get some documents with specific language
//This loop will iterate in all of the documents in the collection
for (int i = 0; i <; i++) {
string data =[i].data()['names']; //Where name is the field value in the document and i is the index of the document.
Now if we combine second and third step
QuerySnapshot _qs =
await _notificationRef.where('language', isEqualTo: selectedLang).get();
for (int i = 0; i <; i++) {
var cell = sheetObject.cell(CellIndex.indexByString('A${i+1}')); //i+1 means when the loop iterates every time it will write values in new row, e.g A1, A2, ...
cell.value =[i].data()['names']; // Insert value to selected cell;
Once you are done with the data part you can save the file,
// Save the Changes in file
excel.encode().then((onValue) {
..createSync(recursive: true)
Once you are done with the saving you can choose any of the library to share your sheet to others,
Usually this libraries asks you to provide a file or file path
which you can easily provide using the last code block explained where I passed file path to join method

Excel handling in jmeter to add multiple dynamic rows

I need to create an excel file for upload scenario in jmeter. The excel has 3 columns and number of rows is a dynamic value coming from parameter file.
The row values cannot have same data for different excel. So I am using random string to create data. By hard coding number of rows I am able to create file with below code using apache poi but facing issues to handle dynamic number of rows. Can somebody please provide solution?
Below is the code which is working fine for creating 5 rows.
def path = FileServer.getFileServer().getBaseDir;
def separator = File.separator;
def sourceFileName = "CreateDynamicExcel";
HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Billing");
Object[] dataTypes = [
int rowNum = 0;
for (Object[] datatype:datatypes)
HSSFRow = sheet.createRow(rowNum++);
int colNum = 0;
for(Object filed:datatype){
HSSFCell cell = row.createCell(colNumn+=);
cell.setCellValue((String) filed);
cell.setCellValue((Integer) filed);
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File(path+separator+sourceFileName+".xls"));
catch(FileNotFoundException e){
I don't think you should be inlining JMeter Functions or Variables in Groovy scripts because:
It conflicts with Groovy GString Template Engine syntax
Only first occurrence will be cached and used for subsequent iterations
So you can use the following expressions instead:
org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomUtils.nextInt(100000000, 199999999)
In case of any problems - take a look at jmeter.log file, in case of any issues you should find the root cause or at least a clue there

How to read and write UTF-8 strings in excel using Groovy?

I am using a Groovy Script for automating a WEB Service test case in SOAPUI.
The groovy script will read an Excel sheet containing UTF-8 strings and send that as an input in the Web Service.
However the problem is that in Groovy I am not able to read the UTF-8 strings.
Can someone please suggest any solution?
I have tried to do the following:
Workbook workbook1 = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File("testdata.xls").getText("UTF-8"))
Sheet sheet1 = workbook1.getSheet(0)
numberOfRows = sheet1.getRows().toInteger()
testStep = myTestCase.getTestStepByName("Property -Looper")
testStep.setPropertyValue("Total", numberOfRows.toString())
counter = testStep.getPropertyValue("Count").toString()
counter = counter.toInteger()
next = (counter > numberOfRows-1?0: counter+1)
Cell qualifiedUser = sheet1.getCell(0,counter)
The testdata.xls file will be something like:

CSV generation possible with Apache POI?

I need to generate csv files and I stumbled on a module in our project itself which uses Apache POI to generate excel sheets aleady. So I thought I could use the same to generate csv. So I asked google brother, but he couldnt find anything for sure that says Apache POI can be used for CSV file generation. I was checking on the following api too and it only talks about xls sheets and not csv anywhere. Any ideas?
Apache Poi will not output to CSV for you. However, you have a couple good options, depending on what kind of data you are writing into the csv.
If you know that none of your cells will contain csv markers such as commas, quotes, line endings, then you can loop through your data rows and copy the text into a StringBuffer and send that to regular java IO.
Here is an example of writing an sql query to csv along those lines: Poi Mailing List: writing CSV
Otherwise, rather than figure out how to escape the special characters yourself, you should check out the opencsv project
If you check official web site Apache POI, you can find lots of example there. There is also an example that shows how you can have csv formatted output by using apache POI.
ToCSV example
Basic strategy:
1) Apache Commons CSV is the standard library for writing CSV values.
2) But we need to loop through the Workbook ourselves, and then call Commons CSV's Printer on each cell value, with a newline at the end of each row. Unfortunately this is custom code, it's not automatically available in XSSF. But it's easy:
// In this example we construct CSVPrinter on a File, can also do an OutputStream
Reader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(Paths.get(SAMPLE_CSV_FILE_PATH));
CSVPrinter csvPrinter = new CSVPrinter(reader, CSVFormat.DEFAULT);
if (workbook != null) {
XSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0); // Sheet #0
Iterator<Row> rowIterator = sheet.rowIterator();
while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
Row row =;
Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {
Cell cell =;
csvPrinter.print(cell.getStringCellValue()); // Call Commons CSV here to print
// Newline after each row
// at the end, close and flush CSVPrinter
An improved and tested version of gene b's response is this:
* Saves all rows from a single Excel sheet in a workbook to a CSV file.
* #param excelWorkbook path to the Excel workbook.
* #param sheetNumber sheet number to export.
* #param csvFile CSV file path for output.
* #throws IOException if failed to read the Excel file or create/write to a CSV file.
public static void excelToCsv(String excelWorkbook, int sheetNumber, String csvFile) throws IOException {
try (Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(new File(excelWorkbook), null, true); // Read-only: true
BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(csvFile));
CSVPrinter csvPrinter = new CSVPrinter(writer, CSVFormat.DEFAULT)) {
Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(sheetNumber);
DataFormatter format = new DataFormatter();
for (Row row : sheet) {
for (int c = 0; c < row.getLastCellNum(); c++) {
// Null cells returned as blank
Cell cell = row.getCell(c, Row.MissingCellPolicy.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK);
String cellValue = format.formatCellValue(cell);
The following improvements were made:
NullPointerException won't be thrown if a cell in an Excel Row was never edited. A blank value will be written to the CSV instead.
Excel values are rendered using DataFormatter allowing the CSV to match the visual representation of the Excel sheet.
try-with-source used for auto-close of the file objects.
The workbook is opened in the read-only mode.

Can I import INTO excel from a data source without iteration?

Currently I have an application that takes information from a SQLite database and puts it to Excel. However, I'm having to take each DataRow, iterate through each item, and put each value into it's own cell and determine highlighting. What this is causing is 20 minutes to export a 9000 record file into Excel. I'm sure it can be done quicker than that. My thoughts are that I could use a data source to fill the Excel Range and then use the column headers and row numbers to format only those rows that need to be formatted. However, when I look online, no matter what I seem to type, it always shows examples of using Excel as a database, nothing about importing into excel. Unless I'm forgetting a key word or to. Now, this function has to be done in code as it's part of a bigger application. Otherwise I would just have Excel connect to the DB and pull the information itself. Unfortunately that's not the case. Any information that could assist me in quick loading an excel sheet would be appreciated. Thanks.Additional Information:Another reason why the pulling of the information from the DB has to be done in code is that not every computer this is loaded on will have Excel on it. The person using the application may simply be told to export the data and email it to their supervisor. The setup app includes the needed dlls for the application to make the proper format.Example Code (Current):
For Each strTemp In strColumns
excelRange = worksheet.Cells(1, nCounter)
excelRange.Value2 = strTemp
excelRange.Interior.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Gray.ToArgb()
excelRange.BorderAround(Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous, Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlThin, Excel.XlColorIndex.xlColorIndexAutomatic, Type.Missing)
nCounter += 1
Now, this is only example code in terms of the iteration I'm doing. Where I'm really processing the information from the database I'm iterating through a dataTable's Rows, then iterating through the items in the dataRow and doing essentially the same as above; value by value, selecting the range and putting the value in the cell, formatting the cell if it's part of a report (not always gray), and moving onto the next set of data. What I'd like to do is put all of the data in the excel sheet (A2:??, not a row, but multiple rows) then iterate through the reports and format each row then. That way, the only time I iterate through all of the records is when every record is part of a report.
Ideal Code
excelRange = worksheet.Cells("A2", "P9000")
excelRange.DataSource = ds 'ds would be a queried dataSet, and I know there is no excelRange.DataSource.
'Iteration code to format cells
I know my examples were in VB, but it's because I was also trying to write a VB version of the application since my boss prefers VB. However, here's my final code using a Recordset. The ConvertToRecordset function was obtained from here.
private void CreatePartSheet(Excel.Worksheet excelWorksheet)
excelWorksheet.Name = "Part Sheet";
string[] strColumns = Constants.strExcelPartHeaders;
CreateSheetHeader(excelWorksheet, strColumns);
System.Drawing.Color clrPink = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(203, 192, 255);
System.Drawing.Color clrGreen = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(100, 225, 137);
string[] strValuesAndTitles = {/*...Column Names...*/};
List<string> lstColumns = strValuesAndTitles.ToList<string>();
System.Data.DataSet ds = _dataFactory.GetDataSet(Queries.strExport);
ADODB.Recordset rs = ConvertToRecordset(ds.Tables[0]);
excelRange = excelWorksheet.get_Range("A2", "ZZ" + rs.RecordCount.ToString());
excelRange.Cells.CopyFromRecordset(rs, rs.RecordCount, rs.Fields.Count);
int nFieldCount = rs.Fields.Count;
for (int nCounter = 0; nCounter < rs.RecordCount; nCounter++)
int nRowCounter = nCounter + 2;
List<ReportRecord> rrPartReports = _lstReports.FindAll(rr => rr.PartID == nCounter).ToList<ReportRecord>();
excelRange = (Excel.Range)excelWorksheet.get_Range("A" + nRowCounter.ToString(), "K" + nRowCounter.ToString());
excelRange.NumberFormat = "#";
if (rrPartReports.Count > 0)
excelRange.Interior.Color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(230, 216, 173).ToArgb(); //Light Blue
foreach (ReportRecord rr in rrPartReports)
if (lstColumns.Contains(rr.Title))
excelRange = (Excel.Range)excelWorksheet.Cells[nRowCounter, lstColumns.IndexOf(rr.Title) + 1];
excelRange.Interior.Color = rr.Description.ToUpper().Contains("TAG") ? clrGreen.ToArgb() : clrPink.ToArgb();
if (rr.Description.ToUpper().Contains("TAG"))
rs.Find("PART_ID=" + (nCounter + 1).ToString(), 0, ADODB.SearchDirectionEnum.adSearchForward, "");
excelRange.AddComment(Environment.UserName + ": " + _dataFactory.GetTaggedPartPrevValue(rs.Fields["POSITION"].Value.ToString(), rr.Title));
if (nRowCounter++ % 500 == 0)
progress.ProgressComplete = ((double)nRowCounter / (double)rs.RecordCount) * (double)100;
progress.Message = "Done Exporting to Excel";
Can you use ODBC?
dbName = "c:\docs\test"
scn = "DRIVER=SQLite3 ODBC Driver;Database=" & dbName _
& ";LongNames=0;Timeout=1000;NoTXN=0;SyncPragma=NORMAL;StepAPI=0;"
Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.Open scn
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open "select * from test", cn
Worksheets("Sheet3").Cells(2, 1).CopyFromRecordset rs
BTW, Excel is quite happy with HTML and internal style sheets.
I have used the Excel XML file format in the past to write directly to an output file or stream. It may not be appropriate for your application, but writing XML is much faster and bypasses the overhead of interacting with the Excel Application. Check out this Introduction to Excel XML post.
There are also a number of libraries (free and commercial) which can make creating excel document easier for example excellibrary which doesn't support the new format yet. There are others mentioned in the answers to Create Excel (.XLS and .XLSX) file from C#
Excel has the facility to write all the data from a ADO or DAO recordset in a single operation using the CopyFromRecordset method.
Code snippet:
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").CopyFromRecordset rst
I'd normally recommend using Excel to pull in the data from SQLite. Use Excel's "Other Data Sources". You could then choose your OLE DB provider, use a connection string, what-have-you.
It sounds, however, that the real value of your code is the formatting of the cells, rather than the transfer of data.
Perhaps refactor the process to:
have Excel import the data
use your code to open the Excel spreadsheet, and apply formatting
I'm not sure if that is an appropriate set of processes for you, but perhaps something to consider?
Try this out:
Perhaps post some code, and we might be able to track down any issues.
I'd consider this chain of events:
query the SQLite database for your dataset.
move the data out of ADO.NET objects, and into POCO objects. Stop using DataTables/Rows.
use For Each to insert into Excel.
