saving the output of a pipe to a variable [duplicate] - linux

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I just assigned a variable, but echo $variable shows something else
(7 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
This seems very easy (and it probably is), but I'm having some problems with saving a result of a pipe to a variable.
Let's say this is the output of the pipe:
Which look exactly as I want. However, if I try to store the pipe into variable:
The output of the echo $var will be:
This is the output of the pipe
Also tried with printf, but it doesn't work either.

Your assignment is fine, but you need to quote the variable in echo:
echo "$var"
It is probably best practice to put quotes on the assignment and write var="$(...)", but it's not actually necessary since word splitting does not occur on the RHS of an assignment.


Bash Scripting, Reading From A File [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
While loop stops reading after the first line in Bash
(5 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I'm trying to select lines that have F starting them from my .txt file, and then find the average of the numbers, here's my code, I don't know why it's not adding up.
function F1()
while read line; do
if (grep \^"F");
for i in $( awk '{ print $3; }')
total=$(echo $total+$i )
echo "scale=2; $total / $count"
echo $line
done < $file
my output
If you are using Awk anyway, use its capabilities.
awk '/^F/ { sum+=$3; count++ } END { print (count ? sum/count : 0) }' users.txt
This is a standard Awk idiom which will typically be an exercise within the first hour of any slow-paced basic beginner Awk tutorial, or within ten minutes of more directed learning.
Your shell script had at least the following errors;
grep without an argument will read in the rest of your input lines in one go. Running it in a subshell (i.e. inside parentheses) does nothing useful, and costs you a process.
The shell does not perform any arithmetic unless you separately request it; variables are simply strings. If you want to add two numbers, you need to explicitly use an arithmetic evaluation like ((total+=i)) ... like you already did in another place.
read without any options will mangle backlashes in your input; if you don't specifically require this behavior, you should always use read -r.
All except one of those semicolons are useless.
You should generally quote all your variables; see When to wrap quotes around a shell variable
If you are using Awk anyway, you should probably use it for as much as possible. The shell is very slow and inefficient when it comes to processing a file line by line, and horribly clunky when it comes to integer arithmetic (let alone then dividing numbers which are not even multiples of each other).
This is probably not complete; also try before asking for human assistance.
On Stack Overflow, try to reduce your problem so that it really only asks a single question. There are duplicate questions for all of these issues, but I'll just mark this as a duplicate of the one you are actually asking about.
You don't perform an addition for the variable total. On the first iteration, the line
total=$(echo $total+$i )
(assuming that i, for instance, is 4711) is expanded to
So the variable total is set to a 6-character string, not a number. To actually add here, you would have to write
((total = total + i))

Unterstanding the dollar in shell with pwd and awk [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Backticks vs braces in Bash
(3 answers)
Brackets ${}, $(), $[] difference and usage in bash
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have two questions and could use some help understanding them.
What is the difference between ${} and $()? I understand that ()
means running command in separate shell and placing $ means passing
the value to variable. Can someone help me in understanding
this? Please correct me if I am wrong.
If we can use for ((i=0;i<10;i++)); do echo $i; done and it works fine then why can't I use it as while ((i=0;i<10;i++)); do echo $i; done? What is the difference in execution cycle for both?
The syntax is token-level, so the meaning of the dollar sign depends on the token it's in. The expression $(command) is a modern synonym for `command` which stands for command substitution; it means run command and put its output here. So
echo "Today is $(date). A fine day."
will run the date command and include its output in the argument to echo. The parentheses are unrelated to the syntax for running a command in a subshell, although they have something in common (the command substitution also runs in a separate subshell).
By contrast, ${variable} is just a disambiguation mechanism, so you can say ${var}text when you mean the contents of the variable var, followed by text (as opposed to $vartext which means the contents of the variable vartext).
The while loop expects a single argument which should evaluate to true or false (or actually multiple, where the last one's truth value is examined -- thanks Jonathan Leffler for pointing this out); when it's false, the loop is no longer executed. The for loop iterates over a list of items and binds each to a loop variable in turn; the syntax you refer to is one (rather generalized) way to express a loop over a range of arithmetic values.
A for loop like that can be rephrased as a while loop. The expression
for ((init; check; step)); do
is equivalent to
while check; do
It makes sense to keep all the loop control in one place for legibility; but as you can see when it's expressed like this, the for loop does quite a bit more than the while loop.
Of course, this syntax is Bash-specific; classic Bourne shell only has
for variable in token1 token2 ...; do
(Somewhat more elegantly, you could avoid the echo in the first example as long as you are sure that your argument string doesn't contain any % format codes:
date +'Today is %c. A fine day.'
Avoiding a process where you can is an important consideration, even though it doesn't make a lot of difference in this isolated example.)
$() means: "first evaluate this, and then evaluate the rest of the line".
Ex :
echo $(pwd)/myFile.txt
will be interpreted as
echo /my/path/myFile.txt
On the other hand ${} expands a variable.
echo ${MY_VAR}/myFile.txt
will be interpreted as
echo toto/myFile.txt
Why can't I use it as bash$ while ((i=0;i<10;i++)); do echo $i; done
I'm afraid the answer is just that the bash syntax for while just isn't the same as the syntax for for.
your understanding is right. For detailed info on {} see bash ref - parameter expansion
'for' and 'while' have different syntax and offer different styles of programmer control for an iteration. Most non-asm languages offer a similar syntax.
With while, you would probably write i=0; while [ $i -lt 10 ]; do echo $i; i=$(( i + 1 )); done in essence manage everything about the iteration yourself

How to Format grep Output When Saving to a Variable [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to preserve line breaks when storing command output to a variable?
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
If I grep our syslogs for a specific term, I get a nice output of those logs matching my term and each entry on a separate line.
If I save that to a variable so I can use it in a script as such:
results=$( grep "term" logs )
echo $results
then all the logs run together and are not human readable.
How can I make it look cleaner so when I do echo $results, I can actually read the output?
Quote it:
echo "$results"
This preserves all the whitespace, instead of using it for word splitting.
In general, you should almost always quote variables, unless you have a specific reason not to.

Difference between ${} and $() in Bash [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Backticks vs braces in Bash
(3 answers)
Brackets ${}, $(), $[] difference and usage in bash
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have two questions and could use some help understanding them.
What is the difference between ${} and $()? I understand that ()
means running command in separate shell and placing $ means passing
the value to variable. Can someone help me in understanding
this? Please correct me if I am wrong.
If we can use for ((i=0;i<10;i++)); do echo $i; done and it works fine then why can't I use it as while ((i=0;i<10;i++)); do echo $i; done? What is the difference in execution cycle for both?
The syntax is token-level, so the meaning of the dollar sign depends on the token it's in. The expression $(command) is a modern synonym for `command` which stands for command substitution; it means run command and put its output here. So
echo "Today is $(date). A fine day."
will run the date command and include its output in the argument to echo. The parentheses are unrelated to the syntax for running a command in a subshell, although they have something in common (the command substitution also runs in a separate subshell).
By contrast, ${variable} is just a disambiguation mechanism, so you can say ${var}text when you mean the contents of the variable var, followed by text (as opposed to $vartext which means the contents of the variable vartext).
The while loop expects a single argument which should evaluate to true or false (or actually multiple, where the last one's truth value is examined -- thanks Jonathan Leffler for pointing this out); when it's false, the loop is no longer executed. The for loop iterates over a list of items and binds each to a loop variable in turn; the syntax you refer to is one (rather generalized) way to express a loop over a range of arithmetic values.
A for loop like that can be rephrased as a while loop. The expression
for ((init; check; step)); do
is equivalent to
while check; do
It makes sense to keep all the loop control in one place for legibility; but as you can see when it's expressed like this, the for loop does quite a bit more than the while loop.
Of course, this syntax is Bash-specific; classic Bourne shell only has
for variable in token1 token2 ...; do
(Somewhat more elegantly, you could avoid the echo in the first example as long as you are sure that your argument string doesn't contain any % format codes:
date +'Today is %c. A fine day.'
Avoiding a process where you can is an important consideration, even though it doesn't make a lot of difference in this isolated example.)
$() means: "first evaluate this, and then evaluate the rest of the line".
Ex :
echo $(pwd)/myFile.txt
will be interpreted as
echo /my/path/myFile.txt
On the other hand ${} expands a variable.
echo ${MY_VAR}/myFile.txt
will be interpreted as
echo toto/myFile.txt
Why can't I use it as bash$ while ((i=0;i<10;i++)); do echo $i; done
I'm afraid the answer is just that the bash syntax for while just isn't the same as the syntax for for.
your understanding is right. For detailed info on {} see bash ref - parameter expansion
'for' and 'while' have different syntax and offer different styles of programmer control for an iteration. Most non-asm languages offer a similar syntax.
With while, you would probably write i=0; while [ $i -lt 10 ]; do echo $i; i=$(( i + 1 )); done in essence manage everything about the iteration yourself

grok when to use quotes in shell scripting [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I learn how to get quoting right in bash?
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
When BASH scripting, I am often confused when to put variables in quotes or just have them called without quotes.
"$i" vs. $i
echo hello vs echo "hello"
-eq vs ==
Could someone point me to a resource that explains this well or give me some basic tips? Thanks.
Here's the basic tip: always double-quote your variable usages in Bash, unless you know for sure you need to not quote them. Quoting them is safer, as it prevents word splitting; you will know during development when you need word splitting and therefore should not quote a variable.
