RequireJS module load timeout when using bundles -

Have require js working fine without the bundles. But whenever i use a bundle, i get timeouts for the modules i am trying to import.
Here is how i build the bundles with the mvc bundler/minifier
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/test").Include(
bundles.EnableOptimizations = true;
Heres is the require js config in the cshtml file:
baseUrl: "/scripts",
paths: {
jquery: "jquery-1.11.2"
waitSeconds: 20,
shim: {
bootstrap: {
deps: ['jquery']
bundles: {
'#Scripts.Url("~/bundles/test").ToString()': [
And the js for the page (app/main/test):
require(['jquery', 'moment'], function ($, moment) {
Jquery, bootstrap and moment libraries are in the test bundle i have created, but i get load timeouts loading the page for moment.
Here's the chrome inspector error:
Any ideas?
thanks in advance.

This is happening because you are not requiring your bundle at all. Your require call has only jquery and moment. You have provided jquery file path, so requirejs uses that path to download and provide jquery module. But since there is no path definition for moment, it is only part of the bundle that you have created. So requirejs tries downloading moment by its module name as path and thus throws an error.
A simple fix for this is to require bundle itself.
require(['#Scripts.Url("~/bundles/test").ToString()'], function(bundle){
//At this point jquery, moment and bootstrap will be loaded.
You can choose to use jQuery, moment from global namespace in above example directly or you can try requiring them seperately in below example. I am not sure, but you may get into error with below example because of cyclic dependency.
require(['#Scripts.Url("~/bundles/test").ToString()', 'jquery', 'moment'], function(bundle, $, moment){
//At this point jquery, moment and bootstrap will be loaded.

Just remove 'jquery' from your bundles
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/test").Include(
bundles: {
'#Scripts.Url("~/bundles/test").ToString()': [
You already have it specified in the paths
paths: {
jquery: "jquery-1.11.2"
It seems require.js maps the modules to bundles so that once a module that is part of a bundle is loaded, that bundle is not loaded again.


RequireJS path 'alias' problems

Getting mighty tired fighting to get requireJS to work in a predictable manner. Its debugging support is underwhelming.
My config.js file as follows:
baseUrl: "Scripts",
paths: {
"jquery": "jquery-2.1.1.min",
"bootstrap": "bootstrap.min",
"knockout": "knockout-3.1.0"
shim: {
"bootstrap": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "$.fn.popover"
enforceDefine: true
require(["jquery", "bootstrap"], function ($, bootstrap) {
console.log("(A) loaded jq + bs");
if ($)
console.log("$ is present");
if (bootstrap)
console.log("bootstrap is present");
JavaScript in the /Scripts folder, which is where Config.js resides. 'jquery' is supposed to alias to a specific version, but when the browser loads it tries to load /Scripts/jquery.js
The aliased file /Scripts/jquery-2.1.1.min.js exists.
The same happens with bootstrap - it loads boostrap.js instead of bootstrap.min.js
I hate the way requireJS has this arcane way of mixing different behaviours into the same path setting, which changes based on string contents.
This link may help you.. the configuration file is being loaded asynchronously and has not been executed when you first call require()
Check this one
Require JS is ignoring my config

using ng-grid with angularjs & requirejs - "ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined"

My angularjs project works fine with requirejs.
I want to use the nggrid tables but somewhere the bootstrapping is not happening correctly and i am getting the "ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined" in ng-grid.debug
Here is my configuration:
app.js : Adding ngGrid module as the dependent module
angular.module('MyApp', ['controllers', 'services',
'filters', 'directives', 'ngGrid']); i already see Jquery being a dependency which should have been loaded loaded
paths: {
jquery: 'vendor/jquery',
angular: 'vendor/angular.min',
domReady: 'vendor/domReady'
shim: {
angular: {
deps: [ 'jquery'],
exports: 'angular'
In my experience, every time this error is thrown is because of the order you import the libraries. When I got this error, I had imported the ng-grid library with the other angular libraries, which was before jquery. Make sure it comes after both.
Not only does the order of the libraries matter also if you are using Visual studio MVC & web API the
#Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jquery") does not import the JQuery library immediately
Use the script tag and this will work out just fine
Mine scripts in my layout:
<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""> </script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/ng-grid.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Fail to load javascript template file using requireJS

The following code does not work:
'text!/app/js/templates/TreeCombo/TreeCombo.html' //Is this right?
], function($, _, Backbone, Mustache, MyTemplate){
I've got the following error messages in the console:
GET http://localhost:8888/app/js/text.js 404 (File not found)
It seems the requireJS is not recognizing the "text!" tag.
You need to include the "text" plugin within your project (and set up the path to it in the require.config if needed). It is not bundled in.

StealJS and CanJS

I'm having problems using canJS together with stealjs, i've cloned the repo of javascriptmvc (3.3 use canJS). Now i've this folder structure
In another part of my application i've a "standalone module" e.g layout (generated using the scaffolding tool).
I load this module using "js/steal/steal.js?path/to/module/layout" inside my page and it works. If I stole some jquery plugins (e.g. located in the main js folder) inside my layout.js like so:
steal('plugins/jqueryplugin.js', 'plugins/jqueryplugin.css', function() {
// my code here
it still work, but when i try to add in the list of "dependecies" some component from "canJS" (even fixture.js generated with the tool...because it stoles can.fixture) it just stops to work and breaks everything. I've also tried using:
steal('that').then('this', function() {});
But i've the same!!! anyone have any hints?
Ok i found the problem. There is nothing wrong with stealjs and canjs, but
canjs just load its own version of jquery
that will break my application. Now I need to find a way to load canjs and jquery separately (i use yii and some extensions need to have jquery loaded at a certain time so cannot wait for canjs).
Is the issue the version of jQuery or the order of dependencies?
You can configure steal via the stealconfig.js to use another version of jQuery and manage any dependencies.
An example can be found in the github repo: (this example does not show dependencies so i added one below)
map: {
"*": {
"jquery/jquery.js": "jquery", // Map to path
"bootstrap/bootstrap.js": "bootstrap",
"can/util/util.js": "can/util/jquery/jquery.js"
paths: {
"jquery": "can/lib/jquery.1.8.3.js", // Path to jQuery
"bootstrap": "lib/bootstrap.js"
"yui/yui.js" : "can/lib/yui-3.7.3.js",
shim : {
jquery: {
exports: "jQuery"
bootstrap: { // A dependency example
'deps': ['jquery']
ext: {
js: "js",
css: "css",
less: "steal/less/less.js",
coffee: "steal/coffee/coffee.js",
ejs: "can/view/ejs/ejs.js",
mustache: "can/view/mustache/mustache.js"
Note: this is an untested example, hope this helps.
i had problem too with stealJs i have known that it work well with JavascriptMVC,
now i'm using AMD requireJs to dependency manage, an it works great with canjs.
here is the documentation, i hope that it help you!

Load timeout for modules while including a module with dependency

I am getting an error:
"Error: Load timeout for modules"
While trying to include a module with dependencies.
Am I doing this incorrectly?
My bootstrap:
baseUrl: "js",
paths: {
JqueryUiLatest: "jquery-ui-1.10.1.custom",
], function(OutlookPopupModule){
My module:
], function ($, JqueryUI) {
it seems to work if I replace "JqueryUiLatest" with the actual file "jquery-ui-1.10.1.custom" in the module, but this seems to defeat the purpose of being able to use the config.
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong here?
By my experience requirejs often fails with timeout when shim dependency module is a plain JS script, not wrapped AMD module. The only solution I have now - load such files manually prior to requirejs or load them explicitly in require/define calls by full name (including .js extensions). In require/define no timeout occurs.
