Value not reflected on change in ItemCommand within RadGrid - telerik-grid

I am having a RadGrid which contains MasterTableView and a DetailView. I am trying to change the value of Sub Total present in MasterTableView on deleting DetailView Row. I am able to get the control in Parent Table and am able to change the value. However value is not reflecting. I tried multiple options e.g. Rebind() method as well as e.Item.OwnerTableView.DataBind(). Here is what my ItemCommand function looks like
Private Sub dbgView_ItemCommand(ByVal source As System.Object, ByVal e As Telerik.Web.UI.GridCommandEventArgs) Handles dbgView.ItemCommand
If e.CommandName.ToLower.Equals(GlobalConstants.Key_Delete_CommandName) And e.Item.OwnerTableView.Name = "Tax" Then
dataItem = DirectCast(e.Item.OwnerTableView.ParentItem, GridDataItem)
Dim numSubTotal As NumericBox = dataItem.FindControl("numAmount")
numSubTotal.Text = "New Value"
' e.Item.OwnerTableView.DataBind()
End If
Can someone help me understand why the new value is not reflecting? Here is how my grid looks like
<telerik:RadAjaxManager ID="RadAjaxManager1" runat="server">
<telerik:AjaxSetting AjaxControlID="dbgView">
<telerik:AjaxUpdatedControl ControlID="dbgView"></telerik:AjaxUpdatedControl>
<telerik:RadGrid ID="dbgView" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" AllowPaging="True"
PageSize="5" GridLines="Horizontal" Skin="Office2010Blue" Style="border: 0 none"
<PagerStyle Mode="NumericPages"></PagerStyle>
<MasterTableView Width="100%" CommandItemDisplay="Top" Name="GLLine" AllowNaturalSort="False"
PageSize="10" DataKeyNames="Key" NoDetailRecordsText="No records to display.">
<DetailTables> .....
On doing further digging i got to know that i need to Rebind the grid post my operation is performed. However while i am performing Rebind, i am getting exception
[HttpException (0x80004005): DataBinding: 'System.Collections.DictionaryEntry' does not contain a property with the name 'TaxID'.]
System.Web.UI.DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(Object container, String propName) +384
Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableView.PopulateDataKey(Object dataItem, DataKey key, String name) +457
Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableView.PopulateDataKeys(Object dataItem) +241
However i don't get this issue during my normal operations. I am able to find out this datakey otherwise for all normal operations. What might be going wrong?
As per below link from Telerik, master table would not be updated when a detail table row is deleted.
I am trying Rebind exactly mentioned as in this website. However i am getting exception for DataKeyValues as mentioned above. Any pointers would really help.

Issue has been resolved !! I got lot of links which directed me to perform Rebind() operation. However that started creating multiple other issues. This issue was handled by writing a Javascript method handling onclick event of GridButtonColumn by Passing control ids of field from DetailView and Master Table View.


Visual Studio Coded UI: Select HTML Element by CSS Selector

I have run into a problem selecting an item within Microsoft's CodedUI framework. I have a page full of items that can be added/removed via selecting a checkbox. The checkboxes do not have unique id on them, and I am having trouble selecting other than the first item when looking for a particular Tag/class combination. Is there some trick to doing this that isn't immediately obvious.
There are a couple different options here:
1. You could select the object by selecting the item related to it
<div id="parent">
<label id="checkbox1234">MyCheckBox</label>
<input checked="false"></input>
... could be selected as:
HtmlDiv parent = new HtmlDiv(browserWindow);
parent.SearchProperties["innerText"] = "MyCheckBox";
HtmlCheckBox target = new HtmlCheckbox(parent);
target.SearchProperties["TagName"] = "INPUT";
return target;
HtmlLabel sibling = new HtmlLabel(browserWindow);
sibling.SearchProperties["id"] = "checkbox1234";
UITestControlCollection col = sibling.GetParent().GetChildren();
foreach (UITestControl control in col)
if (control.ControlType.ToString().Equals("HtmlCheckBox"))
return (HtmlCheckBox)control;
You can use these test utilities created by Gautam Goenka. They worked wonders for me as far as identifying the content of an object and using it for assertions. Still, if you don't have any meaningful way of identifying the objects based on content, this won't help you either. When all else fails, add some useful identifying properties to the HTML.

NullPointerException while displaying the same page after some taks in jsf

First I want to tell :
I saw How to use JSF's h:selectBooleanCheckbox with h:dataTable to create one object per row?
and my problem is like same but not solved problem.
Following is my code :
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="resolveTxn" value="#{verifyTransactionBean.checked[]}"/>
.//Some code here
<h:commandButton value="Resolve" action="#{verifyTransactionBean.resolveToTxn}" styleClass="btn" />
and following is my code
private Map<Long, Boolean> checked = new HashMap<Long, Boolean>();
public void resolveToTxn() {
List<ToVerifyTxnDTO> list = new ArrayList<ToVerifyTxnDTO>();
for (ToVerifyTxnDTO dTO : toVerifyTxnDTOList) {
if(checked.get(dTO.getId())){//I got null pointer exception here
Long id=dTO.getId();
What I want to do ?
I want to pass checked row id as parameter on following :
And after clicking the button Resolve some operation should be done and refresh dataTable and display same page. Operation is done but getting null pointer exception while displaying (Reddering) the same page
The if () test on a Boolean will throw NullPointerException if the Boolean itself is actually null instead of true or false. In other words, the checked.get(dTO.getId()) has unexpectedly returned null for some reason.
That can have several causes:
The JSF implementation hasn't properly updated the checked map with the value from <h:selectBooleanCheckbox> for some reason.
The EL implementation was using Boolean instead of boolean for some reason.
The toVerifyTxnDTOList has incompatibly changed during the process which caused that the currently iterated dTO isn't the one which was been displayed in the table at the moment checkboxes were clicked (perhaps because the bean is request scoped instead of view scoped).
The toVerifyTxnDTOList contains more items than present in the checked map because you're using pagination and displaying only a subset at once.
In any case, to fix the NullPointerException, just add an additional nullcheck:
Boolean dtoChecked = checked.get(dTO.getId());
if (dtoChecked != null && dtoChecked) {
// ...
This however doesn't fix the underlying cause of your problem. My best guess would be that the toVerifyTxnDTOList contains more items than actually being displayed in the table. Thus, it's one of the last mentioned two causes mentioned in the list. The first mentioned two causes are theoretically possible, but in practice I haven't seen this before.

SubReport is not working after adding parameter

I am working on RDLC report On VS2012
When I am trying add a parameter on my Sub report then my report is not working and I am getting this error “Error: Sub report could not be shown.”
And after adding parameter this event LocalReport_SubreportProcessing(object sender, SubreportProcessingEventArgs e) is not even called.
I realize that I'm late to the party here but this question came up during my searches so maybe this will help someone. I finally got sup reports working in my main report of my web application.
in Page_Load I added
ReportViewer1.LocalReport.SubreportProcessing += new Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.SubreportProcessingEventHandler(SetSubDataSource);
then in I added the event
public void SetSubDataSource(object sender, SubreportProcessingEventArgs e)
var report = ((LocalReport)sender).DataSources[0];
var tableid = e.Parameters["tableId"].Values[0];
ObjectDataSource2.SelectParameters[0].DefaultValue = tableid;
e.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("DataSet2", ObjectDataSource2));
You'll also need to make sure that your main report's sub report has the correctly defined parameter and data as well as the sub report itself. This works for me using a stored procedure with one parameter but I assume it's easy to add additional params once this is firing correctly. I also set the general options of my sub report data type to Integer (the type my sproc was expecting) and to allow nulls as well as set the default value as "Specify values" and left it as (Null).
Things finally started working when I added
<asp:Parameter Name="tableId" Type="Int32" />
inside the ObjectDataSource2 node of my sub reports data source object, your mileage may vary.

magento exclude bundled items from search results

Currently, when one searches for an item, the quick search also brings up any bundles that contain items that fit the search criteria. How would I stop this?
A solution that filters out all bundled items from search results all together would be fine too.
I don't want the items to show in either the catalogue or search, but am using them as upsell items. This seems to leave two options:
I could amend the search results controller to omit bundled items (the method I was asking about), or
I could change the Upsell.php script to include "Don't show individually" items.
The second is perhaps easier? Currently the filter applied is:
How would I change this so it shows don't show individually items?
Apologies for the incomplete initial question.
Second Update:
Ok, I've added
and it already has
But there is no change.
Essentially, if I don't have either of:
Then I get the following error:
SELECT 1 AS status, e.entity_id, e.type_id, e.attribute_set_id, price_index.price, price_index.tax_class_id, price_index.final_price, IF(price_index.tier_price IS NOT NULL, LEAST(price_index.min_price, price_index.tier_price), price_index.min_price) AS minimal_price, price_index.min_price, price_index.max_price, price_index.tier_price,, e.short_description, e.sku, e.price, e.special_price, e.special_from_date, e.special_to_date, e.manufacturer, e.manufacturer_value, e.small_image, e.thumbnail, e.news_from_date, e.news_to_date, e.tax_class_id, e.url_key, e.required_options, e.image_label, e.small_image_label, e.thumbnail_label, e.price_type, e.weight_type, e.price_view, e.shipment_type, e.links_purchased_separately, e.links_exist, e.is_imported, e.rc_manufacturer, e.rc_manufacturer_value, e.rc_vehicle, e.rc_vehicle_value, e.rc_assembly_type, e.rc_assembly_type_value, e.surface_type, e.surface_type_value, e.rc_drive, e.rc_drive_value, e.rc_scale, e.rc_scale_value, e.rc_motor_type, e.rc_motor_type_value, e.rc_engine_start_type, e.rc_engine_start_type_value, e.rc_engine_size, e.rc_engine_size_value, e.rc_form_factor, e.rc_form_factor_value, e.rc_frequency, e.rc_frequency_value, e.rc_gear_material, e.rc_gear_material_value, e.rc_operation, e.rc_operation_value, e.rc_torque_6v, e.rc_torque_6v_value, e.rc_speed_6v, e.rc_speed_6v_value, e.rc_bearing_type, e.rc_bearing_type_value, e.rc_waterproofing, e.rc_waterproofing_value, e.rc_battery_application, e.rc_battery_application_value, e.rc_input_supply, e.rc_input_supply_value, e.rc_power_output_amps, e.rc_power_output_amps_value, e.rc_power_output_watts, e.rc_power_output_watts_value, e.rc_lead_connector_type, e.rc_lead_connector_type_value, e.rc_gear_pitch, e.rc_gear_pitch_value, e.rc_nitro_content, e.rc_nitro_content_value, e.rc_exhaust_type, e.rc_exhaust_type_value, e.rc_engine_starter_type, e.rc_engine_starter_type_value, e.rc_head_fitting, e.rc_head_fitting_value, e.rc_temperature_rating, e.rc_temperature_rating_value, e.rc_oil_type, e.rc_oil_type_value, e.rc_container_size, e.rc_container_size_value, e.rc_class, e.rc_class_value, e.rc_paint_application, e.rc_paint_application_value, e.rc_size, e.rc_size_value, e.rc_colour, e.rc_colour_value, e.rc_pack_contents, e.rc_pack_contents_value, e.rc_spare_part_type, e.rc_spare_part_type_value, e.rc_oil_weight, e.rc_oil_weight_value, e.rc_glue_type, e.rc_glue_type_value, e.rc_usage, e.rc_usage_value, e.rc_tool_type, e.rc_tool_type_value, e.rc_engine_spare_type, e.rc_engine_spare_type_value, e.rc_tune_up_type, e.rc_tune_up_type_value, e.rc_bearing_pack_type, e.rc_bearing_pack_type_value, e.rc_driver_type, e.rc_driver_type_value, e.rc_nut_type, e.rc_nut_type_value, e.rc_plane_type, e.rc_plane_type_value, e.rc_boat_type, e.rc_boat_type_value, e.pre_order, e.pre_order_value, e.msrp_enabled, e.msrp_display_actual_price_type, e.msrp, links.link_id, link_attribute_position_int.value AS position FROM catalog_product_flat_1 AS e
INNER JOIN catalog_product_index_price AS price_index ON price_index.entity_id = e.entity_id AND price_index.website_id = '1' AND price_index.customer_group_id = 0
INNER JOIN catalog_product_link AS links ON links.linked_product_id = e.entity_id AND links.link_type_id = 4
LEFT JOIN catalog_product_link_attribute_int AS link_attribute_position_int ON link_attribute_position_int.link_id = links
I've also tried the following, but get the error:
Thanks for the help.
Based on your updated question:
If you are not using Enterprise Edition TargetRule or some other module which automates upsells (i.e. the upsells are defined explicitly by the admin), then likely the simplest approach is that which you've specified - rewrite the Upsell block to not add the visibility filter. As a guess, to be optimal you may want to call setVisibility(null) and addStoreFilter() on the collection to trigger normal limiting behavior.
EDIT: Original answer below
Admin > Catalog > Manage Products grid
Choose "Bundle Product" from the filters area at the top, click "Search"
Click "Select All"
Select "Update Attributes" from the mass action block's "Action" dropdown, click "Submit"
Change the "Visibility" attribute to "Catalog"
I solved it by modifying the custom module so that I didn't need to worry about this. It may be of some use as it involved using:
$collection->addAttributeToFilter('type_id', array('neq' => 'bundle'));
Which just excludes all bundle items from a collection.

Coded UI Test SetProper issues

public HtmlComboBox NetworkSelectBox
HtmlComboBox networkSelectBox = new HtmlComboBox(ConfigVMPage);
networkSelectBox.SearchProperties[HtmlComboBox.PropertyNames.Id] = "vnic";
networkSelectBox.SearchProperties[HtmlComboBox.PropertyNames.Name] = "vnic";
networkSelectBox.FilterProperties[HtmlComboBox.PropertyNames.ControlDefinition] = "style=\"WIDTH: auto\" id=vnic name=vnic r";
return networkSelectBox;
Above is the code I define an UI element and I want to set the property
NetworkSelectBox.SelectedItem = "LabNetworkSwitch";
I've used this way on other elements and all success, but in this one i got the error message
Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.ActionNotSupportedOnDisabledControlException: Cannot perform 'SetProperty of SelectedItem with value "LabNetwokrSwitch"' on the disabled or read-only control.
How can I change the control type?
I don't think you want to change the control type. I would suggest trying either waitforready() or find(). What is likely happening is when the control is initially found it is disabled, and find() will sync the actual control with the current networkSelectBox. WaitForReady() is probably the preferable method here though it will implicitly refresh the values of the combo box until it is available for input or the time out has expired.
I doubt you will run into this issue with HtmlComboBoxes but with a couple of WinComboBoxes I have had issues where they could not be set using SelectedItem or SelectedIndex. I ended up doing KeyBoardSendkeys(Combobox,"firstLetterOfItem") until the selected value was correct.
