Using Gmail API to update website when receiving an email - gmail

new to programming on the web so bear with me.
I've figured out that OAuth2.0 (the authorization protocol used by Gmail) is used for applications where Site A is given permission to information in Site B (in this case Gmail) by User X.
I am trying to create a website that updates when I receive an email from a specific sender. So, I am not using any of my website users' email information. I'm only using my own. I cannot seem to figure out (or even understand at a high level) how to permanently give my website access to my gmail account without doing some kind of user authentication on myself. What is the high-level process for giving my website this permanent authentication?
Let me know if I can make this clearer. Thank you in advance!

I've never done what you are trying to do, but you may find some useful answers here :)
Getting e-mail ID of sender while fetching mails from Gmail
I hope this helps if not I'm sorry. :)
After reading that link a little bit more there are parts of it where they are getting the sender. You can always write a code to compare the sender by implementing what you need from that link. :)


Is there an effective way to display Gmail correspondence using Node.js or React

I'm building a CRM that has individual contacts arrive through a contact page on the main website. Each contact needs to be emailed individually and the application will need to display the email correspondence. Essentially a client of Gmail.
I'm having a very difficult time tracking down a good starting point for this problem, and I was curious if any one else has given this a try, perhaps using the Gmail API.

User account email verification links not working

I am having a lot of troubles getting verification emails to work, when a user signs up with parse-server (using MailGun & Heroku).
The verification link sent to the user has this form:
but it does not work/
I get this, when clicking it:
Cannot GET /apps/.......
And even if I type only this in the web browser:
I still get this:
Cannot GET /apps/
At one point I was suspecting I could have made some confusion between parse-server-mailgun and parse-server-simple-mailgun-adapter (I am in fact not fully aware of the difference between the two), so I tried both but I still got the same kind of error.
Since, I can reach the point where a user account is actually created and a verification email is sent, I suppose I must have only made some detail mistake in my settings; but I can't see where. Any help or relevant hint from some experienced person would be highly apreciated.
In case someone think I should share some code because the explanation above is not enough, please tell me what you need to know to clarifly my point. And I will provide the necessary information.
You should see your publicServerURL to

nodejs - how to fetch email from gmail

I have developed web application in node.js, and now I want to fetch email(s) from gmail and store in my application database. I have read/checked mail-listener2, but it give me some error about authentication. I have raised issue for that, but I am still looking for a trusted library like this. Does anybody worked with this library, or any other solution for the same? In short I am looking for a code/sample/library which is fetch email(s) (including attachment and header detail (I need uniqueid/threadid of email, so I can make a ticketing solution) from G Mail account.

How to block spammers from using my public email api

I am working on a web application which allows users to share stuff on a web-page by clicking on an 'email to friend' link; similar to what extole is doing here
on this page if you click on the email icon near "REFER & GET $15", you will see a pop-up where you can enter your own email and a friends email and can edit the subject of the email. When you click send the data is sent to the backend as json. They are using a plain simple url to do this i.e.
The problem for me is that somehow spammers got hold of my url (can't mention here) and now they are using it to spam others by using some sort of a script. What I did is I placed a check in the backend api to block an ip if more than 5 share requests originate from it, but it seems that the spammers have a lots of ips (more than 30,000 from what I counted in my logs) so they are still able to send lots of email. One possible solution is to use a captcha to thwart the spamming script. But I am curious that how extole is doing it. They aren't using any captchas; and they are famous too, so it is unlikely that spammers don't know about their publicly accessible api. Can any one shed some light on this?
1. I am using a third party email service to send the emails.
2. Users are not required to sign in as this defeats the purpose of sharing on a simple website
3. Users can edit the subject and body, thus these are sent to the api call and this is what allows the spammers to abuse the api with their own stuff.

User authorization in google talk with nodejs and node-xmpp

I'm writing a bot in node.js using node-xmpp. So far it's pretty straight forward except I'm having an issue with figuring out how google Talk handles it's user authorization (when dealing with requesting to chat with someone NOT on your roster).
I'm catching all stanzas coming through and logging them to the console but there is no data coming from the user that is requesting authorization.
Any explanations of what I should be looking for or if this event even happens over the jabber protocol.
[appended] I know that technically when a subscription request is made a presence stanza is sent with the subscription request. I can't see these coming over the wire using node-xmpp for some reason. Also, I need to find out a way to determine what presence requests are "pending" when my bot logs in. I thought (innacurrately) that they would be listed in the roster with some sort of flag, but that's not correct.
Any help with finding out where to go from here would be useful.
Ok, I finally figured out how to get the subscription requests after they have been made. There isn't much info on it out there so I'll put together a blog post, but I feel that answering it here might be good as well.
I found that if I did a google roster query based on the below information:
example stanza:
<iq from="" type="get" id="google-roster-1"><query xmlns="jabber:iq:roster" xmlns:gr="google:roster" gr:ext="2"/></iq>
The server would respond first with your pending server subscription "presence" stanzas
<presence type="subscribe" from="" to="" xmlns:stream="" xmlns="jabber:client"/>
and then the rest of your roster's "presence" stanzas. It's important to note that your subscription "presence" stanzas don't get sent to you from the server unless you do a roster query. I'm not sure why this is and why it's not documented somewhere is beyond me. Anyways, at least I can get the list of people trying to get access to my bot now.
Note: This is not my area of knowledge just an interest of mine. I have not got practical experience just a bit of research. This would have been a comment however doing some more searching on the topic, I have come up with some more things that might help.
Here's a google chat chat room homepage you can get the source
Those links came from which has quite a few other resources that might be helpful. has some code about that, I've not done it but the topic is interesting.
I hope if you do find the answer your after you write up a blog post and or a project and share it. It would be of interest to me.
