Google does not find my google site - google-sites

I have created a website via google site (at the beginning of this year).
Now google does not find it. Neither if I search for relevant key words, nor if I even search for the correct address.
The site can be access without any problems though.
How does this happen?

Is your site shared publicly? Go to your Site's Sharing and Permissions settings (open the site while logged in, click the gear a the top right and select Manage Site near the bottom of the list. Select Sharing and Permissions at the right) and select the top level of the site listing. Then select the first item in the Who Has Access list and make sure you have selected Public on the Web.


Why is the Sharepoint Site Owners group missing from Site Permissions?

I have a dev Sharepoint site with unique permissions (and fake users seen below). In the SharePoint manage access blade, the permissions appear as such:
However, when I click through to the Advanced Permissions link just below that, the permissions look as such:
MaksSite Owners is missing in the 2nd listing, though it appears in the first listing. This group appears to be the default Owners group that came with the SharePoint site. It is also missing when queried through the SharePoint REST API (via /sites/MaksSite/_api/web/GetFileByServerRelativeUrl('/sites/MaksSite/path/to/file')/ListItemAllFields/RoleAssignments?$expand=member). Which listing is right, and if it is the first listing, how do I get it to appear, at least with the API?
By default, the Site Owners group is hidden in the list. To make it appear, please take the following steps:
Click List Settings under Settings.
Scroll down to Views, click Detail View.
In Filter section, choose show all items in this view. Then save the view.
The Site Onwers group will appear in the list:
You could try to use the below Rest API:

Sharepoint online Site Permission

I created a publishing site in sharepoint online and provided unique permissions. Two users (one internal & other external) provided full permissions. Internal user can access site but external user can't access site. Can anyone please assist what is the problem ?
The problem is solved now. The problem was that there was limitation of external domains in site collection feature. If want to limit external sharing of site, follow below steps:
1- Got to and click on Admins.
2- Click on Sharepoint in Admin Centers.
3- Click "More features" in left side.
4- Click "Open" on "Classic site collection page" in right side.
5- Select the site collection of the site and click on Sharing.
6- Go to Site Collection additional settings and add (if there is already domain added, put space between two domains).
7- Click save button.
Now access the site using external user account.

User in SharePoint Group get access is required message

I have a SharePoint Site where I created a List and I want to give read and add access to this list only to a limited group of people.
First I created in the SP site the List "ListX"
In the ListX settings I went to list permissions and I stopped inheriting permissions from the site and I created unique permissions
On the site advanced permission settings I created a new permission level "Add and View Only" where I selected the following options:
On the list permissions section
(a) Add Items - Add items to lists and add documents to document libraries
(b) View Items - View items in lists and documents in document libraries
The moment I selected those two options the following options have been automatically selected for me on the site permissions section:
(a) View Pages - View pages in a Web site
(b) Open - Allows users to open a Web site, list, or folder in order to access items inside that container
Then on the site permission I created a SharePoint group "ListX Users" and I gave the permission level "Add and View Only"
Then I added several users in the SP group "ListX Users"
Then I granted permissions on the ListX permissions to the "ListX Users" SP group
However the user gets the message "Sorry you don't have access" when they try to go to the top level of the site so that they can click on the ListX link and they are prompted to request access.
Any idea why that happens and how to give such Add and View access to the ListX only? Thanks
Best (and easiest) imo is to work down. Give them permissions on site level and break inheritance on each library that shouldn't be visible for everyone.
That way the navigation is the easiest and for maintenance has the easiest overview.
I partially solved my issue by adding two more options in the List permissions permission levels of "Add and View Only". See below.
Open Items - View the source of documents with server-side file handlers
View Application Pages - View forms, views, and application pages. Enumerate lists
However in this case the user need to have a direct link to the list and cannot navigate via the site.

Sharepoint 2010: Move button disappears in site content and structure

I have a sub-site (http://mysite/documentcenter). My user is in Site Collection Administrators, so I can see and click the move button in site content and structure of sub-site.
But the other users, who has contribute access to all documents, can't see the Move button - it completely disappeared, it's not greyed out.
How can I make the move button display for the other users?
I know this question is a bit old but, you need to have the following Permission Level enabled or Move is not available.
Manage Web Site - Grants the ability to perform all administration tasks for the Web site as well as manage content.
I would be very careful assigning this permission though as it adds a whole slew of additional access for the user(s).
Make sure Add and Customize Pages permissions is present. There could be a Deny mask coming in from User Policy from central admin, which can overwrite Site Collection admin permissions.

Why can't users in the "Visitors" group access my SharePoint 2010 publishing site. It works when i promote them to the "Members" group

When I place a test AD account in the Visitors group they are unable to view any pages on my new intranet site. The users receives the "Error access denied" sharepoint screen and indicates that the account was able to authenticate, but that some authorisation rule is permitting it from viewing the page.
When i remove then and place them in the Members or Owners groups they are able to view the pages as well as perform the expected functions like editing content and creating subsites.
Interesting, while in only the Visitors group, users can view the "All Site Content" page that is located here: /_layouts/viewlsts.aspx but not /pages/default.aspx.
Has anyone experienced this before?
Environment info:
1 Web application, 1 Site collection using the Publishing Portal template. A few custom master pages, lots of custom page layouts and user controls. All deployed via features.
Sharepoint 2010 Standard edition, 64bit running on Windows Server 2008 against SqlServer 2008 Enterprise Edition. Authentication is against AD, not any other forms auth providers etc.
One likely reason for such behavior is that it tries to access a resource on a page which might not have been published to a major version. For example, if versioning was turned on on images library and an image's version is 0.1, if that image was used on version 1.0 (published) of the page, the server would deny access to the visitor and ask for credentials.
Make sure following:
At least one major version of the page exists (page was published at least once)
All resources (images, movie files etc) used on the page are published (to major version)
You can use "Draft Check" button on Page Tab of the Page's ribbon to check the unpublished resources that are used by the page.
I had the same issue and I've finaly found out how to do this:
If you check OOB group access, you can find that Visitors group has limited number of pages where it has granted access.
Navigate to /yourweb/_catalogs/masterpage. Here you'll find many
.aspx files (including default.master).
Open this default.master`s permissions and you see it inherits from
Master Page Gallery.
Click this permissions inheritance and you can see that Master Page
Gallery permissions are not inherited from site collection
Give here the Contribute permissions to Style Resource Readers (or
modify it as you'd like) and all users will have access to this web
with no permissions to edit etc..
I had a similar issue and the thing I noted in your Environmental comments was the custom master pages. Go to your Site Settings and ensure that your custom master pages have been published. If you need to publish them also check the corresponding html pages after they have been published as they may need to be republished also.
This worked for me.
