caching on ramdisk - finding stalest file to delete - linux

I have a nice caching system in linux that uses a ramdisk to cache both image files and the HTML output of various pages of my website.
My website is rather large and the ramdisk space required to cache everything exceeds 15GB (excluding image output) and I only have 2GB available for the cache.
Writing to and reading from cache is relatively fast but the problem is trying to figure out how to quickly find the stale-most file(s) when I run out of space in order to make room for a new file. I believe using "ls -R" and scanning the large output is a slow process.
My only other option which is inefficient to me is to flush the entire cache frequently in order to never run out of ramdisk space.
My cache allows my website to load many pages with a time to first byte (TTFB) of under 200ms which is what google likes, so I want to try to keep that 200ms as a maximum TTFB value when loading a file from cache, even if files are deleted as a result from lack of ramdisk space.
I thought of using direct access memory via pointers for cache, but because the output to cache is of various sizes, I would feel that option would waste memory space at best or use alot of cpu to find the next free memory location.
Anyone got an idea on how I can quickly seek and then remove the stalest file from my cache?

ls -latr should not be slow while working with a ramdisk. but this may be closer to what you are looking for:
find -type f -printf '%T+ %p\n' | sort | head -1


How does du estimate file size?

I am downloading a large file with wget, which I ran in the background with wget -bqc. I wanted to see how much of the file was downloaded so I ran
du -sh *
in the directory. (I'd also be interested to know a better way to check wget progress in this case if anyone knows...) I saw that 25 GB had been downloaded, but for several attempts afterwards it showed the same result of 25 GB. I became worried that du had somehow interfered with the download until some time later when du showed a result of 33 GB and subsequently 40 GB.
In searching stackoverflow and online, I didn't find whether it is safe to use du on files being written to but I did see that it is only an estimate that can be somewhat off. However, 7-8 GB seems like a lot, particularly because it is a single file, and not a directory tree, which it seems is what causes errors in the estimate. I'd be interested to know how it makes this estimate for a single file that is being written and why I would see this result.
The operating system has to go guarantee safe access.
du does not estimate anything. the kernel knows the size of the file and when du asks for it that's what it learns.
If the file is in the range of gigabytes and the reported size is only with that granularity, it should not be a surprise that consecutive invocations show the same size - do you expect wget to fetch enough data to flip to another gigabyte in between your checks? You can try running du without sh in order to get a more accurate read.
Also wget will hold some amount of data in ram, but that should be negligible.
du doesn't estimate, it sums up. But it has access to some file-system-internal information which might make its output be a surprise. The various aspects should be looked up separately as they are a bit too much to explain here in detail.
Sparse files may make a file look bigger than it is on disk.
Hard links may make a directory tree look bigger than it is on disk.
Block sizes may make a file look smaller than it is on disk.
du will always print out the size a directory tree (or several) actually and really occupy on disk. Due to various facts (the three most common are given above) this can be different from the size of the information stored in theses trees.

Searching through really big files

I need to search through a TB of raw hard disk data. I need to find a couple of things inside. I tried using sudo cat /dev/sdc | less but this fails because it puts everything into RAM that is read. I only have 8 GB of RAM and 8 in swap space so putting a whole TB of data into RAM will not work.
I was wondering if I could somehow make less forgot what it has read after the 1GB mark or maybe use another editor.
I accidentally repartitioned my drive and lost some important files. I tried some utilities but none of them worked so I tried this. I got a few of the files but I can't get the rest because the computer freezes and runs out of RAM.
I learned my lesson, I need to make more frequent backups. Any help is greatly appreciated.
The -B option to less is exactly what you ask for. It allows less to be forgetful. Combine with -b1048576 to allocate 1G (the -b unit is K)
Or do it the interactive way: run less normally, scroll down until the point where it starts to get a little laggy, then just type -B at the less prompt to activate the option (did you know you can set less options interactively?)
Just don't try to scroll backward very far or you'll be forgotten-content land, where weird things happen.
(Side note: I've done this kind of recovery before, and it's easier if you can find the filesystem structures (inode blocks etc.) that point to the data, rather than searching for the data in a big dump. Even if some of the inodes are gone, by first recovering everything you can from the surviving inodes you narrow down the range of unknown blocks where the other files might be.)

how to get size of folder including apparent size of sparse files? (du is too slow)

I have a folder containing a lot of KVM qcow2 files, they are all sparse files.
Now I need to get the total size of folder, the qcow2 file size should be counted as apparent size(not real size).
for example:
image: c9f38caf104b4d338cc1bbdd640dca89.qcow2
file format: qcow2
virtual size: 100G (107374182400 bytes)
disk size: 3.3M
cluster_size: 65536
the image should be treated as 100G but not 3.3M
originally I use statvfs() but it can only return real size of the folder. then I switch to 'du --apparent-size', but it's too slow given I have 10000+ files and it takes almost 5 minutes to caculate.
anybody knows a fast way that can get the size of folder counting qcow2's virtual size? thank you
There is no way to find out this information without stat()ing every file in the directory. It is slow if you have this many files in a single directory. stat() needs to retrieve the inode of every single file.
Adding more memory might help due to caching.
You could use something like this:
find images/ -name "*.qcow2" -exec qemu-img info {} \; | grep virtual | cut -d"(" -f2 | awk '{ SUM += $1} END { print SUM }'
Modern Unix*ish OSes provide a way to retrieve the stats of all entries of a directory in one step. This also needs to look at all inodes but probably it can be done optimized in the file system driver itself and thus might be faster.
Apparently you are not looking for a way to do this using system calls from C, so I guess a feasible approach could be to use Python. There you have access to this feature using the function scandir() in module os.

How to speed up reading of a fixed set of small files on linux?

I have 100'000 1kb files. And a program that reads them - it is really slow.
My best idea for improving performance is to put them on ramdisk.
But this is a fragile solution, every restart need to setup the ramdisk again.
(and file copying is slow as well)
My second best idea is to concatenate the files and work with that. But it is not trivial.
Is there a better solution?
Note: I need to avoid dependencies in the program, even Boost.
You can optimize by storing the files contiguous on disk.
On a disk with ample free room, the easiest way would be to read a tar archive instead.
Other than that, there is/used to be a debian package for 'readahead'.
You can use that tool to
profile a normal run of your software
edit the lsit of files accesssed (detected by readahead)
You can then call readahead with that file list (it will order the files in disk order so the throughput will be maximized and the seektimes minimized)
Unfortunately, it has been a while since I used these, so I hope you can google to the resepctive packages
This is what I seem to have found now:
sudo apt-get install readahead-fedora
Good luck
If your files are static, I agree just tar them up and then place that in a RAM disk. Probably be faster to read directly out of the TAR file, but you can test that.
edit:: instead of TAR, you could also try creating a squashfs volume.
If you don't want to do that, or still need more performance then:
put your data on an SSD.
start investigating some FS performance test, starting with EXT4, XFS, etc...

Disadvantages to creating/removing many hard links?

I need to create hundreds to thousands of temporary hard or symbolic links that will be deleted shortly after creation. For my purposes both types of links will work (i.e. the target is not a directory and it always exists on the same file system)
As I understand it, symbolic links create a small file that contains the path to the original file. Whereas a hardlink creates a reference to the data in the same inode. So maybe if I am going to be creating/deleting thousands of these links is it better to be creating and deleting thousands of tiny files (symlinks) or thousands of these references (hardlinks)? It seems like one taxes the hard drive (maybe fragmentation) while the other might tax the file system itself? Where are inode references stored. Do I risk corrupting the file system by making so many hard links? What about speed?
Thanks for your expertise!
This a work around to be able to use ffmpeg to encode a movie out of an arbitrary subset of images from a directory. Since ffmpeg requires that the files be named properly (e.g. frame%04d.jpg) I realized I can just create hard/sym links to the subset of files and just name the links appropriately. This avoids renaming the original files and having to actually copy the data. It works great but it requires creating and deleting many thousands of links, repeatedly.
Sort of addresses this problem too I believe:
convert image sequence using ffmpeg
If this activity breaks your file system, then your file system is at fault, not you. File systems are generally pretty reliable, so don't worry about that.
Both options require adding an entry in the directory. The symbolic link requires creating a file as well. When you access the file the hard link jumps directly to the content, while accessing a symlink requires finding the symlink file, reading it, finding the directory with the content, finding where the content is, and then accessing that. Therefore symlinks are more work for the filesystem all around.
But the difference is minute when compared to the work of actually reading the data in the files. Therefore I would not worry about it, and just go with whichever one best gives you the semantics you want.
Since you are not trying to create hundreds of thousands to the same file, hard links are marginally better performing.
However, symbolic links in /tmp if /tmp is tmpfs is even better performing yet.
Oh, and symlinks are too small to cause fragmentation issues.
Both options require the addition of a file entry in the directory inode, the directory structure may grow by allocating new blocks.
But a symbolic link requires the allocation of an inode and the filesystem has a limit for inodes. Your hundreds of thousands symlinks may hit that limit and you may get the "Not enough space for file" error message even with gigabytes free.
By default, the file system creation tool choose the maximum number of inodes according to the physical partition size. For instance for Linux ext2/3/4, mkfs.ext3 uses a bytes-per-inode ratio you can find in your /etc/mke2fs.conf.
For an existing filesystem, here is a command to get information about inodes:
# dumpe2fs /dev/sda1 | grep -i inode | less
Inode count: 979200
Free inodes: 742304
Inodes per group: 16320
Inode blocks per group: 510
First inode: 11
Inode size: 128
Journal inode: 8
First orphan inode: 441066
Journal backup: inode blocks
As a conclusion, you should prefer hard links mainly for resource consumption on disk and in memory (VFS structures in caches).
Another advice: do not create too many files in the same directory, 2'000 files is a reasonable limit to avoid performance issues.
