Not able to read Excel 2013 file with Spreadsheet::ParseExcel in perl - excel

I have a simple piece of code,that is not loading the excel file. Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong :
my $parser = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel->new();
my $workbook = $parser->parse("test.xlsx");
if ( !defined $workbook ) {
print("Unable to load workbook \n");
I also tried running with the full path of the file.
The test.xlsx is an Excel 2013 file
I am running in Windows with Perl 5.14.2 and the file is in the same folder as the .pl file.

From the documentation for Spreadsheet::ParseExcel:
The Spreadsheet::ParseExcel module can be used to read information from Excel 95-2003 binary files.
The module cannot read files in the Excel 2007 Open XML XLSX format. See the Spreadsheet::XLSX module instead.


How to read an Excel file in PowerShell on Linux?

As many of you are aware, PowerShell can now be installed and used on Linux and it has worked surprisingly well for me so far. However, I wonder if the content of an Excel file can be read given that Excel cannot be installed on Linux. What I have found online is that the PS script to open an Excel file is:
# Script copied and pasted from
$excel = New-Object -com excel.application
$wb = $"c:\users\administrator\my_test.xls")
But I get the error:
New-Object: A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'com'.
When I remove the parameter and run the script, this is the error I get:
New-Object: Cannot find type [excel.application]: verify that the assembly containing this type is loaded.
Since I'm on Linux (ubuntu 22.04), I can use xls2csv on bash to convert the Excel file to csv and then use Get-Content on PowerShell. But I would like to know if there is a way to do it on PowerShell since I am currently learning it.
Thank you.
I am grateful to #Olaf who pointed out the ImportExcel module from Doug Finke.
After installing the module with:
Install-Module -Name ImportExcel
importing the file is as easy as:
$data = Import-Excel c:\users\administrator\my_test.xls

Convert PDF file to XLSX using liberoffice command line

I'm using the below command which is intended to convert PDF files to XLSX format
soffice --infilter="writer_pdf_import" --convert-to xlsx:"Calc MS Excel 2007 XML" excel.pdf --outdir test.xlsx
But I'm getting an error message which states Application Error. I need to know what is wrong with my command and solution to convert PDF files to XLSX.

What is the cause of Error: unexpected '$' in "$" and how to convert txt file into xlsx file in R?

I wanted to write a code to convert automatically a huge number of .txt files into .xlsx files (Excel). I saw a code at this page Powershell Script to convert txt to xlsx
and I modified just the name and the link of the folder. But when trying to run the code I get this error message:
Error: unexpected '$' in "$"
This is the code:
$xlFixedFormat = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFileFormat]::xlOpenXMLWorkbook
$wb.SaveAs("C:\Users\wascal\Desktop\transfo\Test.xlsx”, $xlFixedFormat)
Could someone explain me the cause of the error help me to solve the issue?
Thank you in advance.
There is a missing [ in :
$xlFixedFormat = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFileFormat]::xlOpenXMLWorkbook
correct code should be
$xlFixedFormat = [Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFileFormat]::xlOpenXMLWorkbook
Note that your
$wb.SaveAs("C:\Users\wascal\Desktop\transfo\Test.xlsx”, $xlFixedFormat)
Has another double quote at the end of the string.

Batch script to change many .xlsx files to .csv

I have a folder with many subfolders (1000+) and inside the subfolders are a few excel files, in .xlsx format. I want to run a batch script from the main folder, which goes into each sub folder and changes each .xlsx Excel file into a .csv Excel file.
The formatting of the file system:
From this thread: Convert XLS to CSV on command line, I figured out that I can't just rename each .xlsx to .csv, so I made the ExceltoCSV.vbs file (the modified ScottF answer, second one down). My understanding is that I can make a for loop in a batch file to run ExceltoCSV.vbs for each sub folder. The following line of code is something i attempted, but it didn't work. It usually says *.xlsx file is not found.
for /R %%F in ("C:\MainFolder") do cscript ExceltoCSV.vbs *.xlsx *.csv
Also tried this:
for /d /r "C:\MainFolder" %%F in (.) do cscript ExceltoCSV.vbs "%%F\*.xlsx" *.csv
Error message:
C:\MainFolder\ExceltoCSV.vbs(17,1) Microsoft Excel: 'C:\MainFolder\folder1\*.xlsx' could not be found. Check the spelling of the file name, and verify that the file location is correct.
The VBS script you got from SO only takes a string as an input. What you'll need to do is create a loop with a regex pattern that builds those file names dynamically and then run the script with an input string representing each file name. Pseudo code:
for loop (iterate over file names in dir){
set $file_name=$iterated_file_name_from_loop
ExceltoCSV.vbs "$file_name.xlsx" *.csv

How to convert BCP exported .xls file to actual Excel format file?

I have a batch file with the statement below. The export works fine and results are in the file Corp.xls. However, when I try to open this file, I get a warning 'The file you are trying to open is in a different format that that specified by the file extenion ..........
When I open the file and try to 'Save As', I find that it is in Text-tab delimted format.
Is there any way to convert such a file to excel without having to open the file - i.e from the batch file ?
Note: The batch file is very comples. Given below is just a modified snippet.
BCP "exec DBname.dbo.sp_abc '201503' " queryout "\\ABC\3_MAR\Corp.xls" -T -c -S SCC-SLDB
