Repartitioning of data in Cassandra when adding new servers - cassandra

Let's imagine I have a Cassandra cluster with 3 nodes, each having 100GB of available hard disk space. Replication Factor for this cluster is set to 3 and R/W CLs are set to 2, meaning I can tolerate one of my nodes going down without sacrificing consistency or availability.
Now imagine my servers have started to fill up (80GB as an example) and I would like to add another 3 servers of the same specification to my cluster, maintaining the same CLs and RFs.
My question is: after I've added the new nodes to my cluster and run the node repair tool, is it fair to assume that each of my nodes should roughly (more or less a few GBs) contain 40GB of data each?
If not, how can I add new nodes without having the fear of running out of hard disk space?
A little background of why I'm asking this question: I am developing an app that connects to a server that runs Cassandra for its data storage. As this is only developed by me, and I have limited resources in terms of money to buy servers, I've decided that I would like to buy small, cheap "servers" instead of the more expensive rack options but I'm really worried about the nodes running out of space if the disk allocation is not (at least partially)
Many thanks for you help,

My question is: after I've added the new nodes to my cluster and run
the node repair tool, is it fair to assume that each of my nodes
should roughly (more or less a few GBs) 40GB of data each
After also running nodetool cleanup you should see roughly 40GB of data on each node. Cleanup removes data which the node is no longer responsible for. If you don't run this command the old data will remain on the machine.


when to add nodes to cassandra cluster

What are the symptoms/signs that indicates that the existing cluster nodes are over-capacity and that the cluster would need more nodes to be added? Want to know what are the possible performance symptoms after which more nodes are to be added to the cluster.
It depends a lot on the configuration and your use cases. You may have to take a look at the different metrics from your existing cluster. A few metrics that you should keep an eye on includes.
CPU usage
Query Latency
Memory (Depends how you are using the heap memory)
Disk usage
Based on these metrics, you should make a decision whether to scale out the cluster or not.
These are the common scenarios you should look after for adding a new node
Performance of the cluster is degraded. You are not getting required throughput even after all the tunings.
Require more Disk space- Generally you can increase the disk space by adding a new disk but after a limit(2TB generally) it is advised to add a new node.
You have metrices in your hand to identify that your performance is degrading. For example you can use nodetool tablehistograms to identify read and write latency for a particular table. If read/write latency is under your required latencies then you are good and if you see your system is getting slower with more traffic, then it is sign that you should add a node to the cluster.

practicallity of having a single node cassandra multisitecluster(3 way)

Is it possible to put a Cassandra cluster with single node DC with 2 remote DC which is also having a single node assuming the replication factor is required to be 3 in this case? The remote cluster is in the same geographical area but not same building for HA. Or is there any hard rules that for high availability and consistency for a need for a local quorum node to achieve that?
Our setup may be smaller compared to big data and usually used to store time series data with approximately 2000/3000 (on different key) sampling per second.
Is there other implications other than read/write may be slow due to the comms delay?
disclaimer: I am new to cassandra.
Turns out I want to deploy a similar setup: 3 nodes on aws, each in its own AZ (But all in the same region). from what I read, this setup is just a single DC, with 3 nodes.
You need to use Ec2Snitch to reduce the latency between your clients and the nodes.
Using RF=3 provides you with the HA that you need, since every node has all the data
Inter-AZ communication should be fairly fast. refer to this:
becuase you'll be running in a single DC, local-quorum == quorum. so as long as you'll be writing to QUROUM (which requires 2/3 nodes (AZs) to be up), you'll be strongly consistent and HA.

Cassandra cluster on budget

I am learning Cassandra and want to run a cloud based cluster. I don't care much about speed.
What I want to really test is the replication and recovery features.
I would be running tests like
taking nodes offline every once in a while
kill -9 cassandra
powering off server
manually corrupting sstables/commitlog (not sure if this is recoverable)
I am thinking of going for a 4 node cluster.
Each node will have the following config:
2 CPUs (Virtual)
Two nodes will be in a European datacenter and other two will be in a North American data center.
I know 8GB is the recommended minimum for Cassandra. But that config would be quite expensive.
If it helps, I can run one more VM on a dedicated box. This VM can have 16 GB RAM and 8 virtual CPUs. I could also run 4 VMs with 4GB RAM each on this box. But I guess, having 4 separate VMs in different data centers would make a more realistic setup and bring to fore any issues that may arise out of network problems, latencies etc.
Is it okay to run Cassandra on machines with this config? Please share your thoughts.
Many people run multiple instances of cassandra on modern laptops using ccm ( ). If you just want to get an idea of what it does (create a 3 node cluster, add data, add a 4th node, create a snapshot, remove a node, add it back, restore the snapshot, etc), using ccm on a PC may be 'good enough'.
Otherwise, you can certainly run with less than 1GB of ram, but it's not always fun. There have been some clusters on tiny hardware ( ). Depending on your budget, making a cluster on raspberry pi's may be as cost effective as your 2 VM cluster.

Enabling vNodes in Cassandra 1.2.8

I have a 4 node cluster and I have upgraded all the nodes from an older version to Cassandra 1.2.8. Total data present in the cluster is of size 8 GB. Now I need to enable vNodes on all the 4 nodes of cluster without any downtime. How can I do that?
As Nikhil said, you need to increase num_tokens and restart each node. This can be done one at once with no down time.
However, increasing num_tokens doesn't cause any data to redistribute so you're not really using vnodes. You have to redistribute it manually via shuffle (explained in the link Lyuben posted, which often leads to problems), by decommissioning each node and bootstrapping back (which will temporarily leave your cluster extremely unbalanced with one node owning all the data), or by duplicating your hardware temporarily just like creating a new data center. The latter is the only reliable method I know of but it does require extra hardware.
In the conf/cassandra.yaml you will need to comment out the initial_token parameter, and enable the num_tokens parameter (by default 256 I believe). Do this for each node. Then you will have to restart the cassandra service on each node. And wait for the data to get redistributed throughout the cluster. 8 GB should not take too much time (provided your nodes are all in the same cluster), and read requests will still be functional, though you might see degraded performance until the redistribution of data is complete.
EDIT: Here is a potential strategy to migrate your data:
Decommission two nodes of the cluster. The token-space should get distributed 50-50 between the other two nodes.
On the two decommissioned nodes, remove the existing data, and restart the Cassandra daemon with a different cluster name and with the num_token parameters enabled.
Migrate the 8 GB of data from the old cluster to the new cluster. You could write a quick script in python to achieve this. Since the volume of data is small enough, this should not take too much time.
Once the data is migrated in the new cluster, decommission the two old nodes from the old cluster. Remove the data and restart Cassandra on them, with the new cluster name and the num_tokens parameter. They will bootstrap and data will be streamed from the two existing nodes in the new cluster. Preferably, only bootstrap one node at a time.
With these steps, you should never face a situation where your service is completely down. You will be running with reduced capacity for some time, but again since 8GB is not a large volume of data you might be able to achieve this quickly enough.
No you need to restart servers once the config has been edited
The problem is that enabling vnodes means a lot of the data is redistributed randomly (the docs say in a vein similar to the classic ‘nodetool move’

Best way to shrink a Cassandra cluster

So there is a fair amount of documentation on how to scale up a Cassandra, but is there a good resource on how to "unscale" Cassandra and remove nodes from the cluster? Is it as simple as turning off a node, letting the cluster sync up again, and repeating?
The reason is for a site that expects high spikes of traffic, climbing from the daily few thousand hits to hundreds of thousands over a few days. The site will be "ramped up" before hand, starting up multiple instances of the web server, Cassandra, etc. After the torrent of requests subsides, the goal is to turn off the instances that are not longer used, rather than pay for servers that are just sitting around.
If you just shut the nodes down and rebalance cluster, you risk losing some data, that exist only on removed nodes and hasn't replicated yet.
Safe cluster shrink can be easily done with nodetool. At first, run:
nodetool drain
... on the node removed, to stop accepting writes and flush memtables, then:
nodetool decommission
To move node's data to other nodes, and then shut the node down, and run on some other node:
nodetool removetoken
... to remove the node from the cluster completely. The detailed documentation might be found here:
From my experience, I'd recommend to remove nodes one-by-one, not in batches. It takes more time, but much more safe in case of network outages or hardware failures.
When you remove nodes you may have to re-balance the cluster, moving some nodes to a new token. In a planed downscale, you need to:
1 - minimize the number of moves.
2 - if you have to move a node, minimize the amount of transfered data.
There's an article about cluster balancing that may be helpful:
Balancing Your Cassandra Cluster
Also, the begining of this video is about add node and remove node operations and best strategies to minimize the cluster impact in each of these operations.
Hopefully, these 2 references will give you enough information to plan your downscale.
First, on the node, which will be removed, flush memory (memtable) to SSTables on disk:
-nodetool flush
Second, run command to leave a cluster:
-nodetool decommission
This command will assign ranges that the node was responsible for to other nodes and replicates the data appropriately.
To monitor a process you can use command:
- nodetool netstats
Found an article on how to remove nodes from Cassandra. It was helpful for me scaling down cassandra.All actions are described step-by-step there.
