Access test resources within Haskell tests - haskell

This is probably a basic question but I've been Googling for a while on it... I have a Cabal-ized Haskell project and I'm in the process of writing integration tests for it. I want to be able to include test resources for my project in the same repo and access them in tests. For example, here are a couple things I want to accomplish:
1) Check a dummy database instance into my repo, including a shell script that spins up a database process. I want to write an Hspec integration test that spins up the database process, makes some calls to it, and then shuts it down. So I need to be able to find the shell script so I can use System.Process.createProcess on it.
2) Check in paired "input" and "output" files. My test should process each of the input files and compare them to a corresponding output file to make sure they match. (I've read about "golden" but it doesn't seem to solve the problem of finding/reading the input files in the first place?)
In short, how can I go about creating a "resources" folder in the root folder of my Haskell project and find the path to it inside tests?

Have a look at an existing project that uses input and output file.
For example, take haddock, the source code is at They have the test files under a folder ( and they are referenced as extra-source-files in the cabal file ( Then the test code ( uses some CPP macro (__FILE__) to get the current directory, and can then resolve the files relative to that folder.


How do I use one .env as the source of truth

I am creating a build system for development purposes for the FreeCAD application. Repo is here if you want to get a better scope of what I'm talking about.
Essentially the folder structure is:
What I want to do is use the env variables in .env as a central source of truth for all the build scripts in the tree. But I don't want to have to explicitly define the path of the .env inside the files, absolute or relative paths, as I'm still iterating and I don't want to update all the files if I rearrange the tree. Alternatively, I don't want to put independent .env's in all the child dirs for the same reason (unless they auto update somehow)
My question is as follows:
How do I just explicitly define the "local" path of .env in each script, Dockerfile, etc but only have to modify one top level .env file to auto-update an evolving tree. In a cross platform way
Some things I thought through:
Windows uses "hard links" which are equivalent but non compatible with POSIX hardlinks. I thought about creating windows.env and posix.env in each child dir that point to the same main .env. But most config files can only take one .env path argument.
I thought about writing a script that will update all the .env's when run (would rather not have to), or alternatively, I will accept an answer that uses some dotenv tooling to accomplish the same goal as long as it's cross-platform, and runs locally. I'm just not super familiar with those toolings. I would prefer the tooling or script run as a service and not have to be run everytime in order to update the files.
IF I'm using Git AND only referring to shell scripts, then a command at the top of the script such as . /$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/.env works well but has major limitations for use with dockerfiles and other yml based file types.
I currently use a file at the top level dir that sources the .env and then calls the other files within it. This seems to be the most used pattern I see in other repos. But this means I need to have two files and run.pwsh which just seems extranuous and hacky to add extras files that are basically one liners.

Python ImportError when executing through windows scheduler

I did some searches for this topic and found some prior threads, but I did not understand any of them as I am still a total beginner in Python.
I have a Python script which has some long string variables stored in various .py files in a sub-directory. I'm importing the .py files from that sub-directory when I run the script. There is a file in the sub-directory. The only reason I'm using this setup is that the long string variables which I'm storing in those other files would make the code very difficult to read as they are SQL strings and can span 50-100 lines each.
Everything works perfectly when I run this script through PyCharm.
However, when I run the script through Windows Scheduler or a batch file, I get an ImportError for all of the .py files in the sub-directory. The problem is definitely related to the python script not knowing where to look for those .py files when it's run through Windows Scheduler. But I'm not sure how to fix it.
The action for the scheduler task is to run the python exe
with the argument as the script
So the full action looks like:
D:\Python35\python.exe "D:\python\tableaudatasourcebuilds\dcitechnicalperformance\"
The subdirectory which stores the long string variables .py files is:
The imports look like:
from dcitechnicalperformance.dcitechnicalperformance0.dciquer import nzsqldciwk
Does anyone know how to address this problem? Any help is much appreciated.
Good afternoon,
First of all i don't know how much sense there is to store long SQL querys on a module, I'm not by any means an expert, but something like a JSON file (or hell, even store them in a table inside the sql) seems like a better approach.
About your problem I think it resides on the current directory where the task is launched, let me explain:
In PyCharm when you run the code it launches from the location of the file, and with so, it's able to find the directory with the module.
With the scheduled task it may be launching in another directory and so, it's unable to find the module as the directory is not present.
If you decide to stick with your reproach a plausible solution would be to create a .bat file that browses to the project location:
cd D:\python\tableaudatasourcebuilds\dcitechnicalperformance\
And that should work.

How do I write a SCons script with hard-to-predict dynamic sources?

I'm trying to set up a build system involving a code generator. The exact files generated are unknown until after the generator is run, but I'd like to be able to run further build steps by pattern matching (run some program on all files with some extension). Is this possible?
Some of the answers here involving code generation seem to assume that the output is known or a listing of generated files is created. This isn't impossible in my case, but I'd like to avoid it since it makes things more complicated. seems to indicate that it's possible to add additional targets during Builder actions, but while I could get the build to run and list the generated files, any build steps introduced don't run. uses Scanners to add build steps. I put a glob(...) in a scanner, and it succeeds in detecting the generated files, but the files are inexplicably deleted before it actually runs the dependent step.
Is this use case possible? And why is SCons deleting my generated files?
A toy example
source (the file referenced in SConscript)
An example generator, constructs 3 files (not easily known to the build system) and puts them in the argument folder
echo "echo 1" > $1/gen1.txt
echo "echo 2" > $1/gen2.txt
echo "echo 3" > $1/gen3.txt
Just sets up a variant_dir
SConscript('SConscript', variant_dir='build')
The goal is for it to:
"Compile" the generator (in this toy example, just copies a file called 'source' and adds execute permissions
Run the "compiled" generator ('source' is a script that generates files)
Perform some operation on each of those generated files by extension. This example just runs the "compile" copy operation on them (for simplicity).
env = Environment()
env.Append(BUILDERS = {'ExampleCompiler' :
Builder(action=[Copy('$TARGET', '$SOURCE'),
Chmod('$TARGET', 0755)])})
generator = env.ExampleCompiler('generator', 'source')
env.Append(BUILDERS = {'GeneratorRun' :
generated_dir = env.GeneratorRun(Dir('generated'), generator)
Everything's fine up to here, where all the targets are explicitly known to the build system ahead of time.
Attempting to use this block of code to glob over the generated files causes SCons to delete (!!) the generated files:
for generated in generated_dir[0].glob('*.txt'):
generated_run = env.ExampleCompiler(generated.abspath + '.sh', generated)
Attempting to use an action to update the build tree results in additional actions not being run:
def generated_scanner(target, source, env):
for generated in source[0].glob('*.txt'):
print "scanned " + generated.abspath
generated_target = env.ExampleCompiler(generated.abspath + '.sh', generated)
Alias('TopLevelAlias', generated_target)
env.Append(BUILDERS = {'GeneratedOperation' :
dummy = env.GeneratedOperation(generated_dir[0].File('#dummy'), generated_dir)
Alias('TopLevelAlias', dummy)
The Alias operations are suggested in above dynamic source generator guide, but don't seem to do anything. The prints do execute and indicate that the action gets run.
Running some build pattern on special file extensions is possible with SCons. For C/CPP files this is the preferred scheme, for example:
env = Environment()
env.Program('main', Glob('*.cpp'))
The main task of SCons, as a build system, is to do the minimum amount of work such that all your targets are up-to-date. This makes things complicated for the use case you've described above, because it's not clear how you can reach a "stable" situation where no generated files are added and all targets are built.
You're probably better off by using a simple Python script directly...I really don't see how using SCons (or any other build system for that matter) is mission-critical in this case.
At some point you have to tell SCons about the created files (*.txt in your example above), and for tracking all dependencies properly, the list of *.txt files has to be complete. This the task of the Emitter within SCons, which is responsible for returning the list of resulting target and source files for a Builder call. Note, that these files don't have to exist physically during the "parse" phase of SCons. Please also have a look at my answer to Scons: create late targets , which goes into some more detail.
Once you have a proper Emitter in place (see also , "Using Emitters") you should be able to use the Glob('*.txt') call, which will detect and track your created files automatically.
Finally, on our page "Talks and Slides" ( ) you can find my talk from the PyCon FR.2014, "Why SCons is Not Slow", which explains shortly how SCons works internally. This might be helpful in understanding this problem better and coming up with a full solution.

The easiest way to develop the Yeoman generator's template itself

Sample situation
I have my own Yeoman generator, which has a folder with "template" of the resulting project.
The generator takes some information from user, interpolates the "template" with the information and then outputs a simple working project.
I want to ensure the "template" is actually working, at least in one positive scenario if not with all combination of inputs. I can write integration tests (which will run the generator with some data and then try to run the resulting code and verify whether all works as expected), but still, that's sometimes too much work and it's inconvenient for trial and error kind of development or some prototyping.
Is there an easy way how to work with the "template" itself, how to run it or use it locally, manually, without the need to run the generator first every time I change a single letter in files of the "template"?
Maybe some sort of build step, which would run the generator for me with some preset data? Is there anything ready in form of npm module? Does a best practice exist?
After running the integration test, you can spawn some commands in the generated project folder and see if those are passing fine.
So far, the best solution I found is to create a script, which:
Creates a temporary sandbox directory.
Performs npm link
Alters the PATH so it does not contain .bin of your local node_modules (this is needed to prevent locally installed Yeoman take precedence over the global one when the script is ran e.g. as npm run develop).
Sets an environment value NON_INTERACTIVE to something truthy.
Runs yo <your generator> in the sandbox directory.
Runs npm start in the sandbox directory to run the freshly generated server code.
Change your generator so it is able to automatically provide some dummy default values for required prompts without default values if process.env.NON_INTERACTIVE is truthy.
Then run the script as:
$ nodemon --watch <directory with your template> --exec <path to your script> --ext js
It's slow, but it works. This way you can develop the template itself and avoid filling the generator every time you need to try out something.

save MATLAB code file along with results in one folder?

I'm processing a data set and running into a problem - although I xlswrite all the relevant output variables to a big Excel file that is timestamped, I don't save the code that actually generated that result. So if I try to recreate a certain set of results, I can't do it without relying on memory (which is obviously not a good plan). I'd like to know if there's a command(s) that will help me save the m-files used to generate the output Excel file, as well as the Excel file itself, in a folder I can name and timestamp so I don't have to do this manually.
In my perfect world I would run the master code file that calls 4 or 5 other function m-files, then all those m-files would be saved along with the Excel output to a folder names results_YYYYMMDDTIME. Does this functionality exist? I can't seem to find it.
There's no such functionality built in.
You could build a dependency tree of your main function by using depfun with mfilename.
depfun(mfilename()) will return a list of all functions/m-files that are called by the currently executing m-file.
This will include all files that come as MATLAB builtins, you might want to remove those (and only record the MATLAB version in your excel sheet).
As pseudocode:
% get all files:
dependencies = depfun(mfilename());
for all dependencies:
if not a matlab-builtin:
copyfile(dependency, your_folder)
As a "long term" solution you might want to check if using a version control system like subversion, mercurial (or one of many others) would be applicable in your case.
In larger projects this is preferred way to record the version of source code used to produce a certain result.
