Access a hidden file programatically in Windows RT? - c#-4.0

Is there any way to access hidden files programatically in Windows RT?
Whenever I try to do GetFileAsync for a hidden file, I get UnauthorizedAccessException.

Not from the Windows Runtime API.
If the file is in your app data folder you can use the Win32 file API to find and manipulate the hidden file, but your app won't have permissions to do that elsewhere in the file system.


Save file from the Azure AVD webclient to local machine

I have access to avd using webclient. When I open excel file and try to save it into my local machine I get an error and an empty tmp file is downloaded instead of the excel file.
When I copy an excel file to the download folder, it get it correctly. However not all users have access to windows desktop. So they can not copy to the download folder.
I used a Microsoft Remote desktop to do the same work and it works correctly when saving excel file.
Is it a limitation on when using web client or I missed a config on my browser?

Need help in developing a custom WebDav client using node.js

I am developing an open source application which should mount webdav share to local drive letter just like NETDRIVE and WEBDRIVE using node.js and electron-js, so in my application at present I am downloading all files from webdav share which takes a lot of time and not reliable for heavy data. Is there any other approach so that whenever user access a file, only that particular file should be fetched from webdav share, I’ve tried to display files meta data(dummy) structure in directory and kept that directory under file-watcher. So that when user tries to open a file then watcher should capture file open event to get which file was user trying to access, so that in background of application a service will triggered to fetch that particular file using file-path as reference, but none of them are unable to capture file open event. Is there any other approach to do so, correct me if I am in wrong direction.
I think you want virtual file-system and recommend Dokan library.
Dokan is the start point of Windows virtual file-system application.
Open Source : Dokan (
Commercial: EldoS CBFS (
Google, Naver use Dokan and NetDrive, RaiDrive(mine) use CBFS.

Possible to set local folder for automatic file uploads

Bit of a loose question so if it gets marked down I'll remove it.. but..
I'm using Primefaces/Spring/Hibernate for Java server.
My application knows a load of file names I need to upload. Those files are on my local computer. Is it possible to tell the application the root directory of these files, for it to then setup uploads for each of these files without me needing to browse for each file individually?
I assume this is a browser security issue, i.e. the user needs to explicitly state which file the application is allowed to know about etc?
If not I'll have to do it in a local application but I was hoping there was a way a mass upload could be kicked off from the browser by just setting the local directory of the files.
I decided to use the Primefaces uploader, upload all the files in the directory and let the application sort them out once it has them on the server.

Using DirectXTK to save screenshots in Windows Store app (Metro)

I'm working on a C++ Windows Store DirectX app and I'm trying to save screenshots to disk every so often.
I am using the DirectX Tool Kit (DirectXTK) and the function SaveDDSTextureToFile which returns an HRESULT.
The problem is that the returned HRESULT is always:
E_ACCESSDENIED General access denied error.
I assume this is some permissions/capabilities thing (it being a windows store app) but I can't find what I need to ask for permission for to be able to save files to disk.
The DirectX ToolKit says it is for Windows store applications as well as desktop applications but I can't find any information on their codeplex either.
Does anyone know what I need to have permission to do for this to work?
Thanks for your time.
Windows Store apps are sandboxed and have fewer permissions than desktop apps, especially when it comes to file access. By default, apps only have access to write to the local storage directory, which isn't easily accessible from the shell. If you want to save to the Pictures or Documents library, you will need to specify this access in the package manifest. Additionally, you will need to use the WinRT file APIs to write the DDS files. To do this, use SaveDDSTextureToMemory, then write the resulting raw DDS data to the StorageFile. Check out the File access sample for more info on the WinRT APIs involved in writing this data as a file.
I've managed to find a way to do it. Basically as MooseBoys says you cannot save to anywhere because the app is sandboxed.
You can however save to the TempState folder of your apps package in AppData, which is all I need because I'm using this feature for debugging.
So the line I call is:
DirectX::SaveWICTextureToFile(deviceContext, texture2D, GUID_ContainerFormatPng, L"C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\AppData\\Local\\Packages\\PACKAGENAME\\TempState\\test.png");
And this works great.

Program File saved file

I have developed an application in Visual When I install this application to a ProgramFiles/[Appname] folder, and I create a file that is saved in the same folder (a settings file, created from in the application), the file is not visible, yet the application can still read it.
Where is this file saved?
On Windows Vista and higher, writing to the Program Files directory requires administrative privileges. Your file is probably being affected by virtualization (a redirection of the write operation) to the virtual store. You can find it (in Windows 7) in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore.
The obvious solution is not to try to save the settings in the wrong location in the first place. Your app should create a folder under %APPDATA%, and write it's settings there instead. This answer to a related question can provide some links that might help.
