How do I convert from using `grep -P` to `grep -E`? - linux

I have a script that we use on Ubuntu (Linux) and I'd like to convert it to be used on both Ubuntu (Linux) and MacOS X. grep on Linux is different than grep on FreeBSD (i.e. MacOS X); grep on MacOS X doesn't support the -P option. Unfortunately, using the -E option on both platforms doesn't give the same results. Consider the following code that works on Linux:
wip_scenarios=$(grep -oP "^\d+ scenarios?" log/report.log | grep -oP "\d+")
echo "\n"
echo $wip_scenarios
This returns a 0 on Linux. Replacing all the -P with -E makes this work on MacOS X, but on Linux, this just returns a null which doesn't help the rest of my script when I use conditionals like this:
if [ $wip_scenarios != 0 ];then
One solution is to put a flag at the front and use the appropriate option set depending on the platform, but I was hoping for a cross-platform solution. Is there a way to do this?

For the regex you gave here, this is simple: Change \d to [[:digit:]].
wip_scenarios=$(grep -Eo '^[[:digit:]]+ scenarios[?]' <report.log | grep -Eo '[[:digit:]]+')
If your script starts with #!/bin/bash (and thus will only ever be run with bash), I'd also consider skipping the dependency on the non-standard extension grep -o, and instead depending on bash itself to separate out the numbers you care about:
# This works with any POSIX-compliant grep, but requires that the shell be bash
wip_scenarios_re='([[:digit:]]+) scenarios[?]'
wip_scenarios_line=$(grep -E '^[[:digit:]]+ scenarios[?]' <report.log)
[[ $wip_scenarios_line =~ $wip_scenarios_re ]] && {


How to get list of commands used in a shell script?

I have a shell script of more than 1000 lines, i would like to check if all the commands used in the script are installed in my Linux operating system.
Is there any tool to get the list of Linux commands used in the shell script?
Or how can i write a small script which can do this for me?
The script runs successfully on the Ubuntu machine, it is invoked as a part of C++ application. we need to run the same on a device where a Linux with limited capability runs. I have identified manually, few commands which the script runs and not present on Device OS. before we try installing these commands i would like to check all other commands and install all at once.
Thanks in advance
I already tried this in the past and got to the conclusion that is very difficult to provide a solution which would work for all scripts. The reason is that each script with complex commands has a different approach in using the shells features.
In case of a simple linear script, it might be as easy as using debug mode.
For example: bash -x 2>&1 | grep ^+ | awk '{print $2}' | sort -u
In case the script has some decisions, then you might use the same approach an consider that for the "else" cases the commands would still be the same just with different arguments or would be something trivial (echo + exit).
In case of a complex script, I attempted to write a script that would just look for commands in the same place I would do it myself. The challenge is to create expressions that would help identify all used possibilities, I would say this is doable for about 80-90% of the script and the output should only be used as reference since it will contain invalid data (~20%).
Here is an example script that would parse itself using a very simple approach (separate commands on different lines, 1st word will be the command):
# 1. Eliminate all quoted text
# 2. Eliminate all comments
# 3. Replace all delimiters between commands with new lines ( ; | && || )
# 4. extract the command from 1st column and print it once
cat $0 \
| sed -e 's/\"/./g' -e "s/'[^']*'//g" -e 's/"[^"]*"//g' \
| sed -e "s/^[[:space:]]*#.*$//" -e "s/\([^\\]\)#[^\"']*$/\1/" \
| sed -e "s/&&/;/g" -e "s/||/;/g" | tr ";|" "\n\n" \
| awk '{print $1}' | sort -u
the output is:
There are many more cases to consider (command substitutions, aliases etc.), 1, 2 and 3 are just beginning, but they would still cover 80% of most complex scripts.
The regular expressions used would need to be adjusted or extended to increase precision and special cases.
In conclusion if you really need something like this, then you can write a script as above, but don't trust the output until you verify it yourself.
Add export PATH='' to the second line of your script.
Execute 2>&1 > /dev/null | grep 'No such file or directory' | awk '{print $4;}' | grep -v '/' | sort | uniq | sed 's/.$//'.
If you have a fedora/redhat based system, bash has been patched with the --rpm-requires flag
--rpm-requires: Produce the list of files that are required for the shell script to run. This implies -n and is subject to the same limitations as compile time error checking checking; Command substitutions, Conditional expressions and eval builtin are not parsed so some dependencies may be missed.
So when you run the following:
$ bash --rpm-requires
There are some limitations here:
command and process substitutions and conditional expressions are not picked up. So the following are ignored:
command1 && command2 || command3
commands as strings are not picked up. So the following line will be ignored
commands that contain shell variables are not listed. This generally makes sense since
some might be the result of some script logic, but even the following is ignored
This point can however be bypassed by using envsubst and running it as
$ bash --rpm-requires <(<script envsubst)
However, if you use shellcheck, you most likely quoted this and it will still be ignored due to point 2
So if you want to use check if your scripts are all there, you can do something like:
while IFS='' read -r app; do
[ "${app%%(*}" == "executable" ] || continue
app="${app#*(}"; app="${app%)}";
if [ "$(type -t "${app}")" != "builtin" ] && \
! [ -x "$(command -v "${app}")" ]
echo "${app}: missing application"
done < <(bash --rpm-requires <(<"$0" envsubst) )
If your script contains files that are sourced that might contain various functions and other important definitions, you might want to do something like
bash --rpm-requires <(cat source1 source2 ... <(< envsubst))
Based #czvtools’ answer, I added some extra checks to filter out bad values:
if test "$argv[1]" = ""
echo "Give path to command to be tested"
exit 1
set commands (cat $argv \
| sed -e 's/\"/./g' -e "s/'[^']*'//g" -e 's/"[^"]*"//g' \
| sed -e "s/^[[:space:]]*#.*\$//" -e "s/\([^\\]\)#[^\"']*\$/\1/" \
| sed -e "s/&&/;/g" -e "s/||/;/g" | tr ";|" "\n\n" \
| awk '{print $1}' | sort -u)
for command in $commands
if command -q -- $command
set -a resolved (realpath (which $command))
set resolved (string join0 $resolved | sort -z -u | string split0)
for command in $resolved
echo $command

sed command that works for Solaris, Linux and HPUX

I need to change a directive in a config file and got it working in Linux but in Solaris, it says command garbled.
Here is the directive
enable-cache passwd yes
I need to simply change the yes to no. How can I do with with sed that will work for Solaris, HPUX and Linux?
Here is the sed command that worked in Linux. Solaris doesn't like the -r
sed -r 's/^([[:space:]]*check-files[[:space:]]+passwd[[:space:]]+)yes([[:space:]]*)$/\1no\2/' inputfile
The end goal is to put this command in a script and run it across the enterprise.
I also posted something similar yesterday which worked for Linux but not for the others.
Solaris has /usr/bin/sed and /usr/xpg4/bin/sed. None of these support an -r option, which option for Linux is to use an extended regex. sed in Solaris does not have any option to set the regex like that. You can use other tools, specifically awk, if you want simpler portability. Or you will have to use two flavors of regex, one with -r and an extended regex, one without -r and a different regex. And you probably want to specify /usr/xpg4/bin/sed on Solaris boxes only:
sun=`expr index Solaris $(uname -a)`
if [ $sun -ne 0 ] ; then
/usr/xpg4/bin/sed [longer regex here ]
/usr/bin/sed -r [ extended regex here ]
This is not strictly equivalent as :space: match more characters but I assume only space and tab are to be expected in your file. I'm only using standard shell and sed commands so this should work on Solaris, Linux and HP-UX:
space=$(printf " \t")
sed 's/^\(['"$space"']*check-files['"$space"']+passwd['"$space"']+\)yes\(['"$space"']*\)$/\1no\2/' inputfile
Note that your script doesn't match your sample directive as it expects check-files but is given enable-cache.
The GNU [[:space:]] is usually equivalent to just [ \t]. And you need to escape the parentheses. And + is not supported. So with these replacements, your working sed command becomes:
sed 's/^\([ \t]*check-files[ \t][ \t]*passwd[ \t][ \t]*\)yes\([ \t]*\)$/\1no\2/' inputfile
Further note: The older sed's don't have a -i option for doing in-place changes, so you might first have to copy your target to a temporary file, and apply sed to it, redirecting the output to the target.

Bash command substitution with a variable

I'm new to bash scripting and I've been learning as I go with a small project I'm taking on. However, I've run into a problem that I cannot seem to get past.
I have a variable that I need to include in a command. When ran directly in the shell (with the variable manually typed), the command returns the expected result. However, I can't get it to work when using a variable.
So, if I manually run this, it correctly returns 0 or 1, depending if it is running or not.
ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep -c ProcessName
However, when I try to embed that into this while clause, it always evaluates to 0 because it's not searching for the correct text.
while [ `ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep -c {$1}` -ne 0 ]
sleep 5
Is there a way I can accomplish this? I've tried a myriad of different things to no avail. I also tried using the $() syntax for command substitution, but I had no luck with that either.
I think that instead of {$1} you mean "$1". Also, you can just do pgrep -c "$1" instead of the two pipes.
In addition, there's also no need to compare the output of grep -c with 0, since you can just see if the command failed or not. So, a much simplified version might be:
while pgrep "$1" > /dev/null
sleep 4
You should really use -C with ps rather than the messy pipes if you're using the full process name. If you're interested in substring matching, then your way is the only thing I can think of.

Linux command to list all available commands and aliases

Is there a Linux command that will list all available commands and aliases for this terminal session?
As if you typed 'a' and pressed tab, but for every letter of the alphabet.
Or running 'alias' but also returning commands.
Why? I'd like to run the following and see if a command is available:
ListAllCommands | grep searchstr
You can use the bash(1) built-in compgen
compgen -c will list all the commands you could run.
compgen -a will list all the aliases you could run.
compgen -b will list all the built-ins you could run.
compgen -k will list all the keywords you could run.
compgen -A function will list all the functions you could run.
compgen -A function -abck will list all the above in one go.
Check the man page for other completions you can generate.
To directly answer your question:
compgen -ac | grep searchstr
should do what you want.
Add to .bashrc
function ListAllCommands
echo -n $PATH | xargs -d : -I {} find {} -maxdepth 1 \
-executable -type f -printf '%P\n' | sort -u
If you also want aliases, then:
function ListAllCommands
COMMANDS=`echo -n $PATH | xargs -d : -I {} find {} -maxdepth 1 \
-executable -type f -printf '%P\n'`
ALIASES=`alias | cut -d '=' -f 1`
echo "$COMMANDS"$'\n'"$ALIASES" | sort -u
There is the
type -a mycommand
command which lists all aliases and commands in $PATH where mycommand is used. Can be used to check if the command exists in several variants. Other than that... There's probably some script around that parses $PATH and all aliases, but don't know about any such script.
The others command didn't work for me on embedded systems, because they require bash or a more complete version of xargs (busybox was limited).
The following commands should work on any Unix-like system.
List by folder :
ls $(echo $PATH | tr ':' ' ')
List all commands by name
ls $(echo $PATH | tr ':' ' ') | grep -v '/' | grep . | sort
Use "which searchstr". Returns either the path of the binary or the alias setup if it's an alias
If you're looking for a list of aliases, you can use:
alias -p | cut -d= -f1 | cut -d' ' -f2
Add that in to whichever PATH searching answer you like. Assumes you're using bash..
Try this script:
echo $PATH | tr : '\n' |
while read e; do
for i in $e/*; do
if [[ -x "$i" && -f "$i" ]]; then
echo $i
For Mac users (find doesn't have -executable and xargs doesn't have -d):
echo $PATH | tr ':' '\n' | xargs -I {} find {} -maxdepth 1 -type f -perm '++x'
Alternatively, you can get a convenient list of commands coupled with quick descriptions (as long as the command has a man page, which most do):
apropos -s 1 ''
-s 1 returns only "section 1" manpages which are entries for executable programs.
'' is a search for anything. (If you use an asterisk, on my system, bash throws in a search for all the files and folders in your current working directory.)
Then you just grep it like you want.
apropos -s 1 '' | grep xdg
xdg-desktop-icon (1) - command line tool for (un)installing icons to the desktop
xdg-desktop-menu (1) - command line tool for (un)installing desktop menu items
xdg-email (1) - command line tool for sending mail using the user's preferred e-mail composer
xdg-icon-resource (1) - command line tool for (un)installing icon resources
xdg-mime (1) - command line tool for querying information about file type handling and adding descriptions for new file types
xdg-open (1) - opens a file or URL in the user's preferred application
xdg-screensaver (1) - command line tool for controlling the screensaver
xdg-settings (1) - get various settings from the desktop environment
xdg-user-dir (1) - Find an XDG user dir
xdg-user-dirs-update (1) - Update XDG user dir configuration
The results don't appear to be sorted, so if you're looking for a long list, you can throw a | sort | into the middle, and then pipe that to a pager like less/more/most. ala:
apropos -s 1 '' | sort | grep zip | less
Which returns a sorted list of all commands that have "zip" in their name or their short description, and pumps that the "less" pager. (You could also replace "less" with $PAGER and use the default pager.)
Try to press ALT-? (alt and question mark at the same time). Give it a second or two to build the list. It should work in bash.
Here's a solution that gives you a list of all executables and aliases. It's also portable to systems without xargs -d (e.g. Mac OS X), and properly handles paths with spaces in them.
(echo -n $PATH | tr : '\0' | xargs -0 -n 1 ls; alias | sed 's/alias \([^=]*\)=.*/\1/') | sort -u | grep "$#"
Usage: [grep-options] pattern, e.g. to find all commands that begin with ls, case-insensitive, do:
myscript -i ^ls
It's useful to list the commands based on the keywords associated with the command.
Use: man -k "your keyword"
feel free to combine with:| grep "another word"
for example, to find a text editor:
man -k editor | grep text
shortcut method to list out all commands.
Open terminal and press two times "tab" button.
Thats show all commands in terminal
You can always to the following:
1. Hold the $PATH environment variable value.
2. Split by ":"
3. For earch entry:
ls * $entry
4. grep your command in that output.
The shell will execute command only if they are listed in the path env var anyway.
it depends, by that I mean it depends on what shell you are using. here are the constraints I see:
must run in the same process as your shell, to catch aliases and functions and variables that would effect the commands you can find, think PATH or EDITOR although EDITOR might be out of scope. You can have unexported variables that can effect things.
it is shell specific or your going off into the kernel, /proc/pid/enviorn and friends do not have enough information
I use ZSH so here is a zsh answer, it does the following 3 things:
dumps path
dumps alias names
dumps functions that are in the env
sorts them
here it is:
feed_me() {
(alias | cut -f1 -d= ; hash -f; hash -v | cut -f 1 -d= ; typeset +f) | sort
If you use zsh this should do it.
The problem is that the tab-completion is searching your path, but all commands are not in your path.
To find the commands in your path using bash you could do something like :
for x in echo $PATH | cut -d":" -f1; do ls $x; done
Here's a function you can put in your bashrc file:
function command-search
for p in ${PATH}
ls $p | grep $1
export IFS=${oldIFS}
Example usage:
$ command-search gnome
FYI: IFS is a variable that bash uses to split strings.
Certainly there could be some better ways to do this.
maybe i'm misunderstanding but what if you press Escape until you got the Display All X possibilities ?
compgen -c > list.txt && wc list.txt
Why don't you just type:
In the terminal.
The shell will say somehing like
seacrhstr: command not found
Ok, I take the downvote, because the answer is stupid, I just want to know: What's wrong with this answer!!! The asker said:
and see if a command is available.
Typing the command will tell you if it is available!.
Probably he/she meant "with out executing the command" or "to include it in a script" but I cannot read his mind ( is not that I can't regularly it is just that he's wearing a
mind reading deflector )
in debian: ls /bin/ | grep "whatImSearchingFor"

How can I randomize the lines in a file using standard tools on Red Hat Linux?

How can I randomize the lines in a file using standard tools on Red Hat Linux?
I don't have the shuf command, so I am looking for something like a perl or awk one-liner that accomplishes the same task.
Um, lets not forget
sort --random-sort
shuf is the best way.
sort -R is painfully slow. I just tried to sort 5GB file. I gave up after 2.5 hours. Then shuf sorted it in a minute.
And a Perl one-liner you get!
perl -MList::Util -e 'print List::Util::shuffle <>'
It uses a module, but the module is part of the Perl code distribution. If that's not good enough, you may consider rolling your own.
I tried using this with the -i flag ("edit-in-place") to have it edit the file. The documentation suggests it should work, but it doesn't. It still displays the shuffled file to stdout, but this time it deletes the original. I suggest you don't use it.
Consider a shell script:
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]
echo "Usage: $0 [file ...]"
exit 1
for i in "$#"
perl -MList::Util -e 'print List::Util::shuffle <>' $i > $
if [[ `wc -c $i` -eq `wc -c $` ]]
mv $ $i
echo "Error for file $i!"
Untested, but hopefully works.
cat yourfile.txt | while IFS= read -r f; do printf "%05d %s\n" "$RANDOM" "$f"; done | sort -n | cut -c7-
Read the file, prepend every line with a random number, sort the file on those random prefixes, cut the prefixes afterwards. One-liner which should work in any semi-modern shell.
EDIT: incorporated Richard Hansen's remarks.
A one-liner for python:
python -c "import random, sys; lines = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines(); random.shuffle(lines); print ''.join(lines)," myFile
And for printing just a single random line:
python -c "import random, sys; print random.choice(open(sys.argv[1]).readlines())," myFile
But see this post for the drawbacks of python's random.shuffle(). It won't work well with many (more than 2080) elements.
Related to Jim's answer:
My ~/.bashrc contains the following:
unsort ()
LC_ALL=C sort -R "$#"
With GNU coreutils's sort, -R = --random-sort, which generates a random hash of each line and sorts by it. The randomized hash wouldn't actually be used in some locales in some older (buggy) versions, causing it to return normal sorted output, which is why I set LC_ALL=C.
Related to Chris's answer:
perl -MList::Util=shuffle -e'print shuffle<>'
is a slightly shorter one-liner. (-Mmodule=a,b,c is shorthand for -e 'use module qw(a b c);'.)
The reason giving it a simple -i doesn't work for shuffling in-place is because Perl expects that the print happens in the same loop the file is being read, and print shuffle <> doesn't output until after all input files have been read and closed.
As a shorter workaround,
perl -MList::Util=shuffle -i -ne'BEGIN{undef$/}print shuffle split/^/m'
will shuffle files in-place. (-n means "wrap the code in a while (<>) {...} loop; BEGIN{undef$/} makes Perl operate on files-at-a-time instead of lines-at-a-time, and split/^/m is needed because $_=<> has been implicitly done with an entire file instead of lines.)
When I install coreutils with homebrew
brew install coreutils
shuf becomes available as n.
Mac OS X with DarwinPorts:
sudo port install unsort
cat $file | unsort | ...
FreeBSD has its own random utility:
cat $file | random | ...
It's in /usr/games/random, so if you have not installed games, you are out of luck.
You could consider installing ports like textproc/rand or textproc/msort. These might well be available on Linux and/or Mac OS X, if portability is a concern.
On OSX, grabbing latest from and something like
sudo make install
...should give you /usr/local/bin/sort --random-sort
without messing up /usr/bin/sort
Or get it from MacPorts:
$ sudo port install coreutils
$ /opt/local//libexec/gnubin/sort --random-sort
