Executing a command on remote via ssh doesn't work - linux

I am trying to execute a command on remote server using ssh. The command is as
ssh machine -l user "ls"
This command get stuck in between and finally we have to suspend it.
But, executing the command ssh machine -l user works fine and this command makes us connect to remote machine.
Can someone please help in getting the root cause of why the ls on remote server doesn't work by ssh.
EDIT 1 : Here is the ouput after using -v switch with SSH
debug1: Authentication succeeded (publickey).
debug1: channel 0: new [client-session]
debug1: Entering interactive session.
debug1: Sending environment.
debug1: Sending env LANG = en_US.UTF-8
debug1: Sending command: ls
After printing Sending command: ls the terminal stucks.

I suspect one of two things is happening. First of all, the ssh server may be set to start a particular command for the user, regardless of what command you asked to run. You'd see this behavior if the user was restricted to running SFTP in the usual manner, for example. There are two ways this may be set up:
A ForceCommand directive in the remote server's sshd configuration file.
A directive in the remote user's authorized_keys file for the key being used.
The simplest way to check this would be to log in to the remote server and examine the two files. Alternately, you could start one of these ssh sessions, let it hang, and then run "ps" on the remote server to see what actual processes are running for the user in question.
The other possibility is that the remote user has a line in his .bashrc or other shell startup script which is introducing a wait or else waiting for you to type something. Again, you should start one of these ssh sessions, let it hang, and then run "ps" on the remote server to see what actual processes are running for the user.

Does the problem occur on the commandline or within a script?
Are you prompted for your passowrd?
Is there any output? If yes: post it here.
And try
ssh -v user#host "ls"
ssh -v -l user host "ls"
and you will get additional output. You can use -v option upto 3 times for higher verbosity.
ssh -vvvl user host "ls"
If I had to debug this, I'd do the following:
go to the target machine, the one you want to 'ssh' to.
log in with the same user you tried with ssh
enter the "ls" command"
It is an unusal thing, but 'ls' is not necessarily what you expect it to be. At the commandline on the target-machine, try
which ls
and then use the output with the fully qualified name for your ssh call, e.g.:
ssh machine -l user "/bin/ls"
Remember, that when excuting a command via ssh you do not automatically have the same path as with a regular login.
Finally, examine your log-files on the target-machine. They usually reside under /var/log (at least under debian).
On linux machines, I've sometimes experienced a problem with the 'ls' command hanging without any output. This happend to me when there were filesystems in the directory which were in some way 'invalid'. For example if there was an invalid mount of an android mtpfs, the ls command couldn't deal with that and hung.
So try to 'ls' a different directory, e.g.
ssh host -l user "ls /tmp"
If this works, then check from the commandline whether there is a directory or a file whith some invalid state which causes the ls command to fail.


Issuing Command Via SSH Prompts for Password

I'm having an issue with a script used in a project I inherited that has little to no documentation, and am in the process of documenting everything. I'm trying to debug an issue with one line of a script that is executed on the host machine to call out to a LAN-attached Raspberry Pi with SSH to return some information about the Pi.
We already have working versions of this Raspberry Pi which can execute the script without issue, and I'm not sure what the difference is. When executed on the new one, it prompts for the root password on the Pi, but it has not done this on previous versions of the device. I assume it has something to do with the SSH configuration but I don't know enough about SSH to say what would be the cause.
The line in particular causing the issue is:
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {host_name} uname -a &>/dev/null
rc=$? #gets the return value of the remote command so we can read the uname info
{host_name} of course is the actual host name it's connecting to, but I've left that part out for privacy reasons. The script is the same on both machines.
Both Pi devices are the same model and I'm having trouble narrowing down what could cause me to not be able to execute this command. Does anyone know what I need to configure in order to be able to execute this command on the Pi remotely?
Quick fix:
sshpass -p 'password' ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no user#server
Detailed fix:
Most likely you would need to set up Async keys (public/Private) for proper passwordless login. Your command does not show you are using keys so I'm assuming you are not (e.g. -A or -i /path/to/key). Generally root user is blocked (I guess not your problem), I would set up another user for this or change sshd config. You could also Compare the sshd configurations between the Pi Boxes.
See: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/ssh/passwordless.md
Okay, so after some more digging around, I discovered that there was a separate .ssh directory under /root that contained an authorized_keys file. After copying this to the new Pi, it worked. I had been wondering all this time if there was a separate config folder for root, but I've never gone digging around /root, so I wasn't aware that it was there.

Using local system as ssh client and server

I am using local system to learn ssh and what I am trying to do is execute a command on the remote server.
I have ssh server running on terminal1 and client on terminal2.
I used the following command on terminal2:
ssh user1# echo Display this.
but it echoes on terminal2. How would I know if the command actually worked if it's not displaying in terminal1?
Thank you.
It worked correctly. It ssh'd into the server, executed the command, and returned the stdout of that command back to you.
SSH gains access to the server, but not necessarily any TTY's active on it. You would have to jump through some hoops to send text to a specific TTY, such as your Terminal1.
A better test would be:
ssh user1# 'touch ~/testfile'
Then you can check on your server (which is localhost) to see if testfile was created in your user1 home folder. If it did, then the connection and the command succeeded.

how to write expect script to login and run command on remote box

i wanted to execute commands on remote linux box from windows and also wanted to collect result of executed command. Basically i have to pass 2 boxes to execute that command here is flow.
Login to a box
ssh to another box
run command
collect output of command locally (in file)
I tried following
F:\xyz>plink xyz#a1.b1.com -i F:\x\y\PRIVATEKEY.ppk -pw xyz
ssh -f root# yum upgrade Cyberc
but this is asking for password. I can do it by adding id_rsa.pub value in to authorized_keys but we dont have permission to do. So instead of that i wanted to write EXPECT script to pass user/pass and commands to complete my job.
Any help on EXPECT script would be much appreciated.
Unless the program on the remote linux host is interactive (i.e. it has prompts that the user must respond to), then you probably don't need to use expect - you can simply use plink to connect to the remote Linux host from your windows machine and run the command. You can specify the username and password to authenticate with the remote host in the plink command. See the following links for more info:

OpenSSH on Cygwin

I have a Linux box (Ubuntu Server 13.04) which needs to run a job on a Windows 7 box (with cygwin installed) under a specific user's account. I have set up a password-less login to access the Windows machine through openSSH.
The problem I face is the following: when I manually ssh into the Win7 machine and launch the job everything is fine. However, when I launch the job using ssh winuser#winmachine command, I end up connecting to the Windows machine under the privileged sshd user 'cyg_server':
$ whoami
$ ssh winuser#Win7
$ whoami
$ exit
$ ssh winuser#Win7 "whoami; exit"
>> This should be 'winuser' too.
Why could this be happening? I have tried running ssh-host-config again to no avail. I don't see what parameters might influence this in sshd_config either.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
I had similar issues when I was connecting to a Cygwin machine using SSH. I used to have no problems logging on until one day I noticed that my path wasn't set correctly. I spent ages recreating the configuration files with ssh-host-config only to find my answer in the man page for ssh:
If command is specified, it is executed on the remote host instead of
a login shell.
The problem was the alias I had used to connect to the machine had been changed to connect to a screen session automatically (screen -DR). That meant that if there wasn't already a screen session to attach to, screen was not being run as a child process of a user login shell and not inheriting any of the relevant user environment.
When you provide a command as an argument to ssh, the resulting command is run as a process started by cyg_server. Ensuring the SSH command is being run as part of a login shell should do what you want:
ssh winuser#Win7 "bash -l -c 'whoami; exit'"
Explanation (from the bash man page):
-c string If the -c option is present, then commands are read from string.
-l Make bash act as if it had been invoked as a login shell.

linux execute command remotely

how do I execute command/script on a remote linux box?
say I want to do service tomcat start on box b from box a.
I guess ssh is the best secured way for this, for example :
ssh -OPTIONS -p SSH_PORT user#remote_server "remote_command1; remote_command2; remote_script.sh"
where the OPTIONS have to be deployed according to your specific needs (for example, binding to ipv4 only) and your remote command could be starting your tomcat daemon.
If you do not want to be prompt at every ssh run, please also have a look to ssh-agent, and optionally to keychain if your system allows it. Key is... to understand the ssh keys exchange process. Please take a careful look to ssh_config (i.e. the ssh client config file) and sshd_config (i.e. the ssh server config file). Configuration filenames depend on your system, anyway you'll find them somewhere like /etc/sshd_config. Ideally, pls do not run ssh as root obviously but as a specific user on both sides, servers and client.
Some extra docs over the source project main pages :
ssh and ssh-agent
man ssh
an older tuto in French (by myself :-) but might be useful too :
ssh user#machine 'bash -s' < local_script.sh
or you can just
ssh user#machine "remote command to run"
If you don't want to deal with security and want to make it as exposed (aka "convenient") as possible for short term, and|or don't have ssh/telnet or key generation on all your hosts, you can can hack a one-liner together with netcat. Write a command to your target computer's port over the network and it will run it. Then you can block access to that port to a few "trusted" users or wrap it in a script that only allows certain commands to run. And use a low privilege user.
on the server
mkfifo /tmp/netfifo; nc -lk 4201 0</tmp/netfifo | bash -e &>/tmp/netfifo
This one liner reads whatever string you send into that port and pipes it into bash to be executed. stderr & stdout are dumped back into netfifo and sent back to the connecting host via nc.
on the client
To run a command remotely:
echo "ls" | nc HOST 4201
