Attachments Overrides existing while adding from VendorMaint graph - acumatica

I am importing data and documents from third party application into Acumatica.
After importing, I am creating Vendor dynamically using below code along with attachments.
VendorMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<VendorMaint>();
VendorR row1 = null;
row1 = new VendorR();
row1.AcctName = VendorName;
row1.NoteID = noteid; // Existing - GUID created while importing
If attachment already exists then it should update instead of duplicating.
In this case if Vendor already exists with files attached, then my code overrides these attachments and remove all previous files attached to that existing vendor.
I want to add the attachment instead of override the existing attachment. Any suggestion?

Try to use insert method of view:
VendorMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<VendorMaint>();
var row1 = new VendorR();
row1 = graph.BAccount.Insert(row1);
if (row1 == null) // already inserted or wasn't able to insert
//some logic with newly created vendor
//some logic with existed
row1.AcctName = "vendor name";
row1.NoteID = noteid; // Existing - GUID created while importing

I have found the solution for the issue. Below code helps to create a new attachment and does not override any existing attachments for an existing Vendor.
// Getting the FileID of the attached file from DACClass
UploadFile uf = PXSelectJoin<UploadFile,
InnerJoin<NoteDoc, On<NoteDoc.fileID, Equal<UploadFile.fileID>>,
InnerJoin<DACClass, On<DACClass.noteID, Equal<NoteDoc.noteID>>>>,
Where<DACClass.noteID, Equal<Required<DACClass.noteID>>>>.Select(this, noteid);
if (uf != null)
PXNoteAttribute.SetFileNotes(graph.BAccount.Cache, graph.BAccount.Current, uf.FileID.Value);
NoteDoc doc = new NoteDoc();
doc.NoteID = uf.FileID.Value;
doc.FileID = new Guid();


Embedding Excel Add-Ins with OpenXml

My team is working on an Office 365 add-in for Excel, and as part of the project, we’re creating Excel documents through the GraphAPI with the end goal of having the add-in already setup for the document. We’re using the .NET OpenXml library to create the document before copying it through the GraphAPI.
We haven’t been able to find many resources for how to setup an add-in through OpenXml and have not been able to get anything working. The last thing we tried was copying the example we found here, but we couldn’t get it working. Does anyone know how to setup add-ins using the OpenXml library?
Note: the add-in is already in the Office Add-Ins store, and we have information like the AppSource ID.
Thank you!
We're actually about to publish a new sample around this scenario. The sample shows how to create an Excel document using OOXML, embed your add-in, and then upload the file to OneDrive. It also creates a Team chat that links to the file.
You can try out the sample here: Open data from your web site in a spreadsheet in Microsoft Teams
Or give us feedback on the PR:
To answer your question about how to embed the add-in, you need to create a web extension section. I've copied the relevant code here. Note this is the same code from the Office-OOXML-EmbedAddin sample you already looked at. We reused it for the new sample. You can change the CUSTOM MODIFICATION section to provide any custom properties you want to your add-in when it opens.
// Embeds the add-in into a file of the specified type.
private void EmbedAddin(SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheet)
var webExTaskpanesPart = spreadsheet.AddWebExTaskpanesPart();
// Adds child parts and generates content of the specified part.
private void CreateWebExTaskpanesPart(WebExTaskpanesPart part)
WebExtensionPart webExtensionPart1 = part.AddNewPart<WebExtensionPart>("rId1");
// Generates content of webExtensionPart1.
private void GenerateWebExtensionPart1Content(WebExtensionPart webExtensionPart1)
// Add web extension containg Id for Script Lab add-in
We.WebExtension webExtension1 = new We.WebExtension() { Id = "{635BF0CD-42CC-4174-B8D2-6D375C9A759E}" };
webExtension1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("we", "");
// Add store information for Script Lab add-in
We.WebExtensionStoreReference webExtensionStoreReference1 = new We.WebExtensionStoreReference() { Id = "wa104380862", Version = "", Store = "en-US", StoreType = "OMEX" };
We.WebExtensionReferenceList webExtensionReferenceList1 = new We.WebExtensionReferenceList();
We.WebExtensionPropertyBag webExtensionPropertyBag1 = new We.WebExtensionPropertyBag();
// Add the property that makes the taskpane visible.
We.WebExtensionProperty webExtensionProperty1 = new We.WebExtensionProperty() { Name = "Office.AutoShowTaskpaneWithDocument", Value = "true" };
// Add the property that specifies the snippet to import.
string snippetToImportValue = string.Format("{{\"type\":\"gist\",\"id\":\"{0}\"}}", "{72189570-AE11-4207-9DEE-C8BDE4B83188}");
We.WebExtensionProperty webExtensionProperty2 = new We.WebExtensionProperty() { Name = "SnippetToImport", Value = snippetToImportValue };
We.WebExtensionBindingList webExtensionBindingList1 = new We.WebExtensionBindingList();
We.Snapshot snapshot1 = new We.Snapshot();
snapshot1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "");
webExtensionPart1.WebExtension = webExtension1;
// Generates content of part.
private void GeneratePartContent(WebExTaskpanesPart part)
Wetp.Taskpanes taskpanes1 = new Wetp.Taskpanes();
taskpanes1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wetp", "");
Wetp.WebExtensionTaskpane webExtensionTaskpane1 = new Wetp.WebExtensionTaskpane() { DockState = "right", Visibility = true, Width = 350D, Row = (UInt32Value)4U };
Wetp.WebExtensionPartReference webExtensionPartReference1 = new Wetp.WebExtensionPartReference() { Id = "rId1" };
webExtensionPartReference1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "");
part.Taskpanes = taskpanes1;

Getting document attachments using Kentico API

I created book store site on Kentico i used only their adminstration and display the data from my website using Kentico API's but am strugled in getting attachment files related to specific document i've got document data with no problem using
TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);
var documents = tree.SelectNodes("CMS.Product");
need also to get related attachment files like book PDFs.. i've tried to use
classes but i couldn't get the data .. I would appreciate if any one help me in that.
Actually am searching about something like GetAttachment().Where("AttachmentFile","Ënglish File")
You can filter the returned attachments based on their values in columns (CMS_Attachment table) by using a code like this:
var attachment = AttachmentInfoProvider.GetAttachments()
.WhereEquals("AttachmentName", "Englishfile")
.WhereEquals("AttachmentExtension", "jpg")
if (attachment != null)
// attachment was found
This code will get one .jpg file where attachment name equals to "EnglishFile"
Solved after using something like
var Attachment = AttachmentInfoProvider.GetAttachments(226, true);
This is from Kentico documentation. This example shows how to add an attachment and modify its metadata. You can ignore that part.You will have to make it generic to work for all examples.
Kentico 9 API Links
// Creates a new instance of the Tree provider
TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);
// Gets a page
TreeNode page = tree.SelectSingleNode(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, "/Articles", "en-us");
if (page != null)
// Gets an attachment by file name
AttachmentInfo attachment = DocumentHelper.GetAttachment(page, "file.png", tree);
// Edits the attachment's metadata (name, title and description)
attachment.AttachmentName += " - modified";
attachment.AttachmentTitle = "Attachment title";
attachment.AttachmentDescription = "Attachment description.";
// Ensures that the attachment can be updated without supplying its binary data
attachment.AllowPartialUpdate = true;
// Saves the modified attachment into the database

How to mark a SalesOrder Picked then Packed using NetSuite SuiteTalk WebServices

My objective is to respond to a picked event in an external system and mark the SalesOrder "Picked" in NetSuite and later respond to a pack event in an external system and mark the SalesOrder "Packed" in NetSuite.
I am using the code from the SuiteTalk sample application. I first get a copy of the existing ItemFulfillment record and then populate a new ItemFulfillment record.
The code works great when I respond to the pick event. Unfortunately, when I respond to the pack event, when I try to get a copy of the existing ItemFulfillment Record for the SalesOrder I get this error.
"You must have at least one valid line item for this transaction."
I assumed that NetSuite is complaining that there are no more line items to fulfill, so I tried not adding any ItemFulfillmentItem(s) when I set the status to picked, but NetSuite didn't like that either.
The only documentation that I could find referenced a task Id, /app/accounting/transactions/ This approach seemed credible because when I brought up Fiddler, this is the call that it made when I click the "Mark Packed" button in the UI. However, I would prefer not to introduce a different paradigm for talking to the NetSuite server.
I have found that NetSuite will let me go straight to the Pack state if I set shipStatus and shipStatusSpecified in the ItemFulfillment.
Can I move a SalesOrder through both the picked and packed states using only NetSuite SuiteTalk?
I was going about the problem incorrectly. Instead of adding items to a new packed item fulfillment, the correct approach is to find the existing ItemFulfillment and change its status to packed.
This is the search that finds an existing ItemFulfillment for a SalesOrder:
TransactionSearch xactionSearch = new TransactionSearch
basic = new TransactionSearchBasic
type = new SearchEnumMultiSelectField
#operator = SearchEnumMultiSelectFieldOperator.anyOf,
operatorSpecified = true,
searchValue = new System.String[]
createdFrom = new SearchMultiSelectField
#operator = SearchMultiSelectFieldOperator.anyOf,
operatorSpecified = true,
searchValue = new RecordRef[1]
new RecordRef
internalId = salesOrderInternalId,
type = RecordType.salesOrder,
typeSpecified = true
This is the code that updates the ItemFulfillment:
ItemFulfillment update = new ItemFulfillment { internalId = existing.internalId, shipStatus = status, shipStatusSpecified = true };
WriteResponse res = _service.update(update);

How to add a new entity to MS CRM

I want to create an new entity in crm
OrganizationService_orgService ;
var connection = CrmConnection.Parse(conn);
_orgService = new OrganizationService(connection);
Entity newEntity = new Entity("this_is_a_new_entity");
Guid newEntityID = _orgService.Create(newEntity);
I wrote the above code where the conn is the connection string in the format which is correct (i checked)
string conn = "Url=;; Password=XXXXXXXXX;";
but when i run the code i get an exception {"The entity with a name = 'this_is_a_new_entity' was not found in the MetadataCache."}
i am asuming i got this error because my crm does not have defination for the entity this_is_a_new_entity .
Is it possible to retrive And update the metadata cache of my MS CRM ?(I AM USING Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 )
If you use new Entity("new_entity_name") you are telling the code that you want to create a new record inside the already existing entity named new_entity_name.
To create a new entity altogether you have to issue a CreateEntityRequest (link to MSDN)
CreateEntityRequest createrequest = new CreateEntityRequest
//Define the entity
Entity = new EntityMetadata
SchemaName = _customEntityName,
DisplayName = new Label("Bank Account", 1033),
DisplayCollectionName = new Label("Bank Accounts", 1033),
Description = new Label("An entity to store information about customer bank accounts", 1033),
OwnershipType = OwnershipTypes.UserOwned,
IsActivity = false,
// Define the primary attribute for the entity
PrimaryAttribute = new StringAttributeMetadata
SchemaName = "new_accountname",
RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
MaxLength = 100,
Format = StringFormat.Text,
DisplayName = new Label("Account Name", 1033),
Description = new Label("The primary attribute for the Bank Account entity.", 1033)
To create new entity you should use Create Entity Request. Your code creates record of this_is_a_new_entity.

Spotfire Automation Xlsx DataWriter

I was wondering if anybody here attempted creating an Automation Service to Export a DataTable to Xlsx in Spotfire Automation Services? I have been trying to create one but I am having issues. If anybody has been able to do this can you please share your project?
THis is the code I have thus far but having issues with Accessing the DataSource and DataTable.
protected override TaskExecutionStatus ExecuteCore(TaskExecutionContext context)
DataRowReader dataRowReader;
///Create a DataWriter
DataWriter writer = context.Application.CreateDataWriter(DataWriterTypeIdentifiers.ExcelXlsDataWriter);
///Call the DataWriter Core from here or call a class that will do the relevant work
///<toDO>Need to find a way to access the current DataTable of the Open Analysis</toDo>
Document doc = context.Application.Document;
if(doc == null)
return new TaskExecutionStatus(false, "NoAnalysisLoaded");
DataManager data = doc.Context.GetService<DataManager>();
DataTable table = data.Tables.Add(doc.ActiveDataTableReference, dataSource);
string fileName = context.ExpandTags(this.filePath);
FileStream fs = File.OpenWrite(fileName);
//See how to properly impliment the writers
writer.Write(fs, table, new IndexSet(table.RowCount, true), table.Columns.Names);
return new TaskExecutionStatus(true);
To get the active data table reference you should use
DataTable mytable = Application.Document.ActiveDataTableReference;
and then you can use mytable further in the code.
