Follows a simple grammar with ANTLR v4. This grammar when walked produces a error message
**line 1:14 mismatched input '' expecting DimensionName*
for trivial input such as "sdarsfd integer" (without quotation marks).
SO has mention f similar errors and a bug perhaps were filed in 4.3 timeframe.
I have been using ANTLR 4.5.
Any help/pointer/solution?
A simple parser for a dimension declaration
grammar Simple;
definition : dim;
dim : DimensionName DataType;
DimensionName : LETTER (LETTER)*; // greedy
DataType: 'integer' | 'decimal';
LETTER : [a-zA-Z];
DIGIT : [0-9];
WS: [ \t\n\r]+ -> skip;
You just have to switch the two lexer rules DataType and DimensionName
DataType: 'integer' | 'decimal';
DimensionName : LETTER (LETTER)*; // greedy
As DimensionName matches every chars, 'integer' is typed as a DimensionName instead of a DataType. For "sdarsfd integer", the lexer produces two DimensionName token, so the dim rule cannot be matched. By switching the two lexer rules, the lexer produces a DimensionName token and a DataType token which match the dim rule.
Also, you can define LETTER and DIGIT as fragment:
fragment LETTER : [a-zA-Z];
fragment DIGIT : [0-9];
Unless you want them to be matched as independent token (in your grammar, "a" will be typed as a LETTER).
I need to match a token that can be combined from two parts:
"string" + any number; e.g. string64, string128, etc.
In the lexer rules I have
((DIGIT+ ('.' DIGIT*)?) | ('.' DIGIT+)) (E [-+]? DIGIT+)?
| '0x' HEX_DIGIT+;
In the parser, I defined
However, the parser doesn't not match and stop at expecting STRING token
How do I tell the parser that token has two parts?
You probably have some "identifier" rule like this:
: [a-zA-Z_] [a-zA-Z0-9_]*
which will cause input like string64 to be tokenized as an ID token and not as a STRING and NUMERIC_LITERAL tokens.
Also trying to match these sort of things in a parser rule like:
will go wrong when you're discarding white spaces in the lexer. If the input would then be "string 64" (string + space + 64) it could possible be matched by type_id_string, which is probably not what you want.
Either do:
: ID
or define these tokens in the lexer:
: ID
// Important to match this before the `ID` rule!
: [a-zA-Z] [0-9]+
: [a-zA-Z_] [a-zA-Z0-9_]*
However, when doing that, input like fubar1 will also become a TYPE_ID_STRING and not an ID!
The rule I am trying to match is: hello followed by a sequence of characters. If that sequence contains an alphabet in it, that should match the str rule, else it should match the num rule.
For e.g.
hello123 - 123 should be matched by num rule
hello1a3 - 1a3 should be matched by the str rule
The grammar I wrote is below:
grammar Hello;
r: 'hello'seq;
// seq: str | integ;
seq: num | str;
num : DIGITS;
str : CHARS;
DIGITS: [0-9]+;
CHARS : [0-9a-zA-Z]+;
WS : [ \t\n\r]+ -> skip;
While trying to visualize the parse tree (using grun) (against the first input example above) I got the below parse tree:
However if the input had space in between there was no problem. Please explain why the error.
Lexing in ANTLR (as well as most lexer generators) works according to the maximum munch rule, which says that it always applies the lexer rule that could match the longest prefix of the current input. For the input hello123, the rule 'hello' would match hello, whereas the rule CHARS would match the entire input hello123. Therefore CHARS produces the longer match and is chosen over 'hello'.
If your CHARS and DIGITS tokens can only appear after a 'hello' token, you can use lexer modes to make it so that these rules are only available after a 'hello' has been matched.
Otherwise, to get the behaviour you want, your best bet would probably be to create a single lexer rule that matches 'hello' [0-9a-zA-Z]* and then take apart the tokens generated by that in a separate step. Though it all depends on why you need this.
I'm trying to parse an existing language in ANTLR that's currently being parsed using the Ruby library Parslet.
Here is a stripped down version of my grammar:
grammar FilterMin;
filter : condition_set;
condition_set: condition_set_type (property_condition)?;
condition_set_type: '=' | '^=';
property_condition: property_lhs CONDITION_SEPARATOR property_rhs;
property_lhs: QUOTED_STRING;
property_rhs: entity_rhs | contains_rhs;
contains_rhs: CONTAINS_OP '(' contains_value ')';
contains_value: QUOTED_STRING;
// operators
MATCH_OP: '~';
NOT_OP: '^';
CONTAINS_OP: 'contains';
STRING: (~['\\])*;
QUOTE: '\'';
This parses fails to parse both ='foo':'bar' and ='foo':contains('bar') with the same either: mismatched input ':' expecting ':' or mismatched input ':contains(' expecting ':'.
Why aren't these inputs parsing?
Your STRING rule matches everything that isn't a backslash or a single quote. So it overlaps with all of your other lexical rules except QUOTED_STRING. Since the lexer will always pick the rule that produces the longest match and that's almost always STRING, your lexer will produce a bunch of STRING tokens and never any CONDITION_SEPERATOR tokens.
Since you never use STRING in your parser rules, it doesn't need to be an actual type of token. In fact, you never want STRING tokens to be generated, you only ever want it to be matched as part of a QUOTED_STRING token. Therefore it should be a fragment.
I have what I thought a very simple grammar to write:
I want it to allow token called fact. These token can start with a letter and then allow a any kind of these: letter, digit, % or _
I want to concat two facts with a . but the the second fact does not have to start by a letter (a digit, % or _ are also valid from the second token)
Any "subfact" (even the initial one) in the whole fact can be "instantiated" like an array (you will get it by reading my examples)
For example:
I tried to write such grammar but I can't get it working:
grammar Common;
* Parser Rules
fact: INITIALFACT instance? ('.' SUBFACT instance?)*;
instance: '[' (LITERAL | NUMERIC) (',' (LITERAL | NUMERIC))* ']';
* Lexer Rules
INITIALFACT: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9%_]*;
SUBFACT: [a-zA-Z%_]+;
ASSIGN: ':=';
LITERAL: ('\'' .*? '\'') | ('"' .*? '"');
NUMERIC: ([1-9][0-9]*)?[0-9]('.'[0-9]+)?;
WS: [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip;
For example, if I tried to parse Foo.Bar, I get: Syntax error line 1 position 4: mismatched input 'Bar' expecting SUBFACT.
I think this is because ANTLR first finds Bar match INITIALFACT and stops here. How can I fix this ?
If it is relevent, I am using Antlr4cs.
Using ANTLR 4.2, I'm trying a very simple parse of this test data:
Using a minimal grammar:
grammar Tiny;
thing : RRV N HASH ID ;
RRV : 'RRV' ;
N : [0-9]+ ;
HASH : '#' ;
ID : [a-zA-Z0-9]+ ;
WS : [\t\r\n]+ -> skip ; // match 1-or-more whitespace but discard
I expect the lexer RRV to match before ID, based on the excerpt below from Terence Parr's Definitive ANTLR 4 reference:
BEGIN : 'begin' ; // match b-e-g-i-n sequence; ambiguity resolves to BEGIN
ID : [a-z]+ ; // match one or more of any lowercase letter
Running the ANTLR4 test rig with the test data above, the output is
line 1:0 mismatched input 'RRV0' expecting 'RRV'
I can see the first token is <4> for ID, with the value 'RRV0'
I have tried rearranging the lexer item order. I have also tried using implicit lexer items by explicitly matching in the grammar rule (rather than through an explicit lexer item). I tried making matches non greedy too. Those were not successful for me.
If I change the lexed ID item to not match upper case then the RRV item does match and the parse will get further.
I started in ANTLR 4.1 with the same issue.
I checked in ANTLRWorks and from the command line, with the same result both ways.
How can I change the grammar to match lexer item RRV in preference to ID ?
The grammar order resolution policy only applies when two different lexer rules match the same length of token. When the length differs, the longest one always wins. In your case, the ID rule matches a token with length 4, which is longer than the RRV token that only matches 3 characters.
This strategy is especially important in languages like Java. Consider the following input:
String className = "";
Along with the following two grammar rules (slightly simplified):
CLASS : 'class';
ID : [a-zA-Z_] [a-zA-Z0-9_]*;
If we only considered grammar order, then the input className would produce a keyword followed by the identifier Name. Rearranging the rules wouldn't solve the problem because then there would be no way to ever create a CLASS token, even for the input class.