Fast kernel recompile - linux

I'm trying to automate the process of recompile a upgraded kernel. (I mean version upgrade)
What I do:
Backup the object files (*.o) with rsync
Remove the directory and make mrproper
Extract new source and patch
Restore object files with rsync
But I found it doesn't make sense. Since skip compiled things need to get a hash, this should removed it.
Question: What file do I need to keep? or it doesn't exists?
BTW: I already know ccache but it broke with a little config change.

You're doing it wrong™ :-)
Keep the kernel tree as-is and simply patch it using the appropriate incremental patch. For example, for 3.x, you find these patches here:
If you currently have 3.18.11 built and want to upgrade to 3.18.12, download the 3.18.11-12 patch:
(or the .gz file, if you don't have the xz utilities installed.)
and apply it. Then "make oldconfig" and "make". Whatever needs to be rebuilt will be rebuilt.
However, it's actually best to not rely on the object file dependency mechanism. Who knows if something might end up not being rebuilt even though it should due to a bug. So I'd recommend starting clean every time with a "make clean" before applying the patch, even though it will rebuild everything.
Are you really in such a big need to save build time? If yes, it might be a better idea to configure the kernel ("make menuconfig") and disable all functionality you don't need (like device drivers for hardware you don't have, file systems you don't care about, networking features you will not use, etc.) Such a kernel that's optimized for my needs only takes about 3 or 4 minutes to build (normally, the full kernel with everything enabled would need over half an hour; or even more these days, it's been a very long time since I've built non-optimized kernels.)
Some more info on kernel patches:

The incremental patch is a good way since it updates time stamps properly.
(GNU) Make use time stamps to identify rebuild so just keep the time stamps to avoid rebuild.
If we need rsync, we should use it with -t option.
Also for a patch doesn't have incremental patches, we can make it manually by comparing patched files.


Changing the configuration of an already-built kernel and recompiling only what's been changed

The scenario outlined is this:
Someone has built the Linux kernel from source code.
That person wants to change the build configuration.
They still have all of the object files and temporary files that were produced by the previous build operation.
Given all of that, what needs to be done to rebuild as few things as possible in order to save time?
I understand that these will trigger or necessitate a complete recompilation of the source code:
Running make clean.
Running make menuconfig.
make clean is an obvious course of action to avoid to achieve the desired goal because it deletes all object files, both those that would need to be rebuilt and those that could otherwise be left alone. I don't know why make menuconfig would cause the build system to recompile everything, but I've read on here that that is what it would do.
The problem I see with not having the second avenue open to me is that if I change the configuration manually with a text editor, the options that I change might require changes in other options that depend on them (e.g., IMA_TRUSTED_KEYRING depends on SYSTEM_TRUSTED_KEYRING) and I'd be working without an interface that would automatically make those required secondary changes.
It occurred to me that invoking scripts/kconfig/mconf, the program built and launched by make menuconfig, could possibly be a solution to the problems described in the previous paragraph since it was not stated that mconf is what makes the build system recompile everything. But, it possibly could be that very program, so I do not wish to try it until I know it won't do that.
Sooooo, how does one achieve the stated objective given the stated scenario?

Stripping source from linux kernel

Is there a (/an efficient) way of stripping unwanted source from the linux kernel? Would it be possible for the configurators (xconfig, menuconfig) to work?
As an example, I'm planning to create a different VFS design, which might break all the VFS-dependent kernel components. Also, working with the full kernel source (currently ~400 MB) is not desirable due to space reasons (I'm only interested in booting the system & debugging my code).
Note: I've thought about removing files, but I can't find how to remove the dependencies on them.
[edit] Note 2: Ok, I'll try again deciphering the Kbuild system.
If you don't mind the files just hanging there (which unless your hard disk is 50MB, it's usually not a problem), you can disable basically every disableable feature by configuring the kernel using it's own configuration tools.
For example, simply type
$ make menuconfig # or any other available configuration option
and start by saying no to everything you don't need. There's a LOT of stuff, so this may take some time! Read the README of the kernel. There's another option (which I don't remember the name) that starts the configuration with the minimum configuration automatically detected from your running kernel. That may make things easier.

Kernel compilation after a patch

I have the kernel source of version x.y.z already compiled (and the binary installed); then I
apply the patch to version x.y.z+1, why it recompile all kernel? There is little difference
between two patches.
There is a way to speedup the things?
If the patches apply to the source code (ie the patches aren't binary), and you've already compiled the kernel, then make will compile only the changed files provided that the object files generated by the previous compiling are still there. Therefore the compiling process is optimized.
make compiles only the modified files, which allows for sgnificant speed-ups on large projects when you modify only some files.
If the patch touches an important header file then you can end up with practically a full recompile just because everything includes that header.
ccache can speed things up, especially if you go back and forth between kernel versions.

Implementing an update/upgrade system for embedded Linux devices

I have an application that runs on an embedded Linux device and every now and then changes are made to the software and occasionally also to the root file system or even the installed kernel.
In the current update system the contents of the old application directory are simply deleted and the new files are copied over it. When changes to the root file system have been made the new files are delivered as part of the update and simply copied over the old ones.
Now, there are several problems with the current approach and I am looking for ways to improve the situation:
The root file system of the target that is used to create file system images is not versioned (I don't think we even have the original rootfs).
The rootfs files that go into the update are manually selected (instead of a diff)
The update continually grows and that becomes a pita. There is now a split between update/upgrade where the upgrade contains larger rootfs changes.
I have the impression that the consistency checks in an update are rather fragile if at all implemented.
Requirements are:
The application update package should not be too large and it must also be able to change the root file system in the case modifications have been made.
An upgrade can be much larger and only contains the stuff that goes into the root file system (like new libraries, kernel, etc.). An update can require an upgrade to have been installed.
Could the upgrade contain the whole root file system and simply do a dd on the flash drive of the target?
Creating the update/upgrade packages should be as automatic as possible.
I absolutely need some way to do versioning of the root file system. This has to be done in a way, that I can compute some sort of diff from it which can be used to update the rootfs of the target device.
I already looked into Subversion since we use that for our source code but that is inappropriate for the Linux root file system (file permissions, special files, etc.).
I've now created some shell scripts that can give me something similar to an svn diff but I would really like to know if there already exists a working and tested solution for this.
Using such diff's I guess an Upgrade would then simply become a package that contains incremental updates based on a known root file system state.
What are your thoughts and ideas on this? How would you implement such a system? I prefer a simple solution that can be implemented in not too much time.
I believe you are looking wrong at the problem - any update which is non atomic (e.g. dd a file system image, replace files in a directory) is broken by design - if the power goes off in the middle of an update the system is a brick and for embedded system, power can go off in the middle of an upgrade.
I have written a white paper on how to correctly do upgrade/update on embedded Linux systems [1]. It was presented at OLS. You can find the paper here:
[1] Ben-Yossef, Gilad. "Building Murphy-compatible embedded Linux systems." Linux Symposium. 2005.
I absolutely agree that an update must be atomic - I have started recently a Open Source project with the goal to provide a safe and flexible way for software management, with both local and remote update. I know my answer comes very late, but it could maybe help you on next projects.
You can find sources for "swupdate" (the name of the project) at
Currently, there are quite a few Open Source embedded Linux update tools growing, with different focus each.
Another one that is worth being mentioned is RAUC, which focuses on handling safe and atomic installations of signed update bundles on your target while being really flexible in the way you adapt it to your application and environment. The sources are on GitHub:
In general, a good overview and comparison of current update solutions you might find on the Yocto Project Wiki page about system updates:
Atomicity is critical for embedded devices, one of the reasons highlighted is power loss; but there could be others like hardware/network issues.
Atomicity is perhaps a bit misunderstood; this is a definition I use in the context of updaters:
An update is always either completed fully, or not at all
No software component besides the updater ever sees a half installed update
Full image update with a dual A/B partition layout is the simplest and most proven way to achieve this.
For Embedded Linux there are several software components that you might want to update and different designs to choose from; there is a newer paper on this available here:
File moved to:
If you are working with the Yocto Project you might be interested in - the open source project I am working on. It consists of a client and server and the goal is to make it much faster and easier to integrate an updater into an existing environment; without needing to redesign too much or spend time on custom/homegrown coding. It also will allow you to manage updates centrally with the server.
You can journal an update and divide your update flash into two slots. Power failure always returns you to the currently executing slot. The last step is to modify the journal value. Non atomic and no way to make it brick. Even it if fails at the moment of writing the journal flags. There is no such thing as an atomic update. Ever. Never seen it in my life. Iphone, adroid, my network switch -- none of them are atomic. If you don't have enough room to do that kind of design, then fix the design.

How to reduce compilation cost in GCC and make?

I am trying to build some big libraries, like Boost and OpenCV, from their source code via make and GCC under Ubuntu 8.10 on my laptop. Unfortunately the compilation of those big libraries seem to be big burden to my laptop (Acer Aspire 5000). Its fan makes higher and higher noises until out of a sudden my laptop shuts itself down without the OS gracefully turning off.
So I wonder how to reduce the compilation cost in case of make and GCC?
I wouldn't mind if the compilation will take much longer time or more space, as long as it can finish without my laptop shutting itself down.
Is building the debug version of libraries always less costly than building release version because there is no optimization?
Generally speaking, is it possible to just specify some part of a library to install instead of the full library? Can the rest be built and added into if later found needed?
Is it correct that if I restart my laptop, I can resume compilation from around where it was when my laptop shut itself down? For example, I noticed that it is true for OpenCV by looking at the progress percentage shown during its compilation does not restart from 0%. But I am not sure about Boost, since there is no obvious information for me to tell and the compilation seems to take much longer.
Thanks, brianegge and Levy Chen! How to use the wrapper script for GCC and/or g++? Is it like defining some alias to GCC or g++? How to call a script to check sensors and wait until the CPU temperature drops before continuing?
I'd suggest creating a wrapper script for gcc and/or g++
sleep 10
exec gcc "$#"
Save the above as "gccslow" or something, and then:
export CC="gccslow"
Alternatively, you can call the script gcc and put it at the front of your path. If you do that, be sure to include the full path in the script, otherwise, the script will call itself recursively.
A better implementation could call a script to check sensors and wait until the CPU temperature drops before continuing.
For your latter question: A well written Makefile will define dependencies as a directed a-cyclical graph (DAG), and it will try to satisfy those dependencies by compiling them in the order according to the DAG. Thus as a file is compiled, the dependency is satisfied and need not be compiled again.
It can, however, be tricky to write good Makefiles, and thus sometime the author will resort to a brute force approach, and recompile everything from scratch.
For your question, for such well known libraries, I will assume the Makefile is written properly, and that the build should resume from the last operation (with the caveat that it needs to rescan the DAG, and recalculate the compilation order, that should be relatively cheap).
Instead of compiling the whole thing, you can compile each target separately. You have to examine the Makefile for identifying them.
Tongue-in-cheek: What about putting the laptop into the fridge while compiling?
