Store countByKey result into Cassandra - cassandra

I want to count the number of IndicatePresence messages for each user for any given day (out of a Cassandra table), and then store this in a separate Cassandra table to drive some dashboard pages. I managed to get the 'countByKey' working, but now cannot figure out how to use the Spark-Cassandra 'saveToCassandra' method with a Map (it only takes RDD).
JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);
CassandraJavaRDD<CassandraRow> indicatePresenceTable = javaFunctions(sc).cassandraTable("mykeyspace", "indicatepresence");
JavaPairRDD<UserDate, CassandraRow> keyedByUserDate = indicatePresenceTable.keyBy(new Function<CassandraRow, UserDate>() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public UserDate call(CassandraRow cassandraIndicatePresenceRow) throws Exception {
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
return new UserDate(cassandraIndicatePresenceRow.getString("userid"), sdf.format(cassandraIndicatePresenceRow.getDate("date")));
Map<UserDate, Object> countByKey = keyedByUserDate.countByKey();
writerBuilder("analytics", "countbykey", ???).saveToCassandra();
Is there a way use a Map directly in a writerBuilder? Or should I write my own custom reducer, that returns an RDD, but essentially does the same thing as the countByKey method? Or, should I convert each entry in the Map into a new POJO (eg UserDateCount, with user, date, and count) and use 'parallelize' to turn the list into an RDD and then store that?

The best thing to do would be to never return the result to the driver (by using countByKey). Instead do a reduceByKey to get another RDD back in the form of (key, count). Map that RDD to the row format of your table and then call saveToCassandra on that.
The most important strength of this approach is we never serialize the data back to the driver application. All the information is kept on the cluster and saved from their directly to C* rather than running through the bottleneck of the driver application.
Example (Very Similar to a Map Reduce Word Count):
Map each element to (key, 1)
Call reduceByKey to change (key, 1) -> (key, count)
Map each element to something writeable to C* (key,count)-> WritableObject
Call save to C*
In Scala this would be something like
.map(_.1, 1) // Take the Key portion of the tuple and replace the value portion with 1
.reduceByKey( _ + _ ) // Combine the value portions for all elements which share a key
.map{ case (key, value) => your C* format} // Change the Tuple2 to something that matches your C* table
.saveToCassandra(ks,tab) // Save to Cassandra
In Java it is a little more convoluted (Insert your types in for K and V)
.mapToPair(new PairFunction<Tuple2<K,V>,K,Long>>, Tuple2<K, Long>(){
public Tuple2<K, Long> call(Tuple2<K, V> input) throws Exception {
return new Tuple2(input._1(),1)
}.reduceByKey(new Function2(Long,Long,Long)(){
public Long call(Long value1, Long value2) throws Exception {
return value1 + value2
}.map(new Function1(Tuple2<K, Long>, OutputTableClass)(){
public OutputTableClass call(Tuple2<K,Long> input) throws Exception {
//Do some work here
return new OutputTableClass(col1,col2,col3 ... colN)
}.saveToCassandra(ks,tab, mapToRow(OutputTableClass.class))


HazelcastJet rolling-aggregation with removing previous data and add new

We have use case where we are receiving message from kafka that needs to be aggregated. This has to be aggregated in a way that if an updates comes on same id then existing value if any needs to be subtracted and the new value has to be added.
From various forum i got to know that jet doesnt store raw values rather aggregated result and some internal data.
In such case how can i achieve this?
Balance 1 {id:1, amount:100} // aggregated result 100
Balance 2 {id:2, amount:200} // 300
Balance 3 {id:1, amount:400} // 600 after removing 100 and adding 400
I could achieve a simple use where every time add. But i was not able to achieve the aggregation where existing value needs to be subtracted and new value has to be added.
rollingAggregation(AggregatorOperations.summingDouble(<login to add remove>))
Balance 1,2,3 are sequnce of messages
The comment shows whats the aggregated value at each message performed by jet.
My aim is to add new amount (if id comes for the first time) and subtract amount if an updated balance comes i. e. Id is same as earlier.
You can try a custom aggregate operation which will emit the previous and currently seen values like this:
public static <T> AggregateOperation1<T, ?, Tuple2<T, T>> previousAndCurrent() {
return AggregateOperation
.withCreate(() -> new Object[2])
.<T>andAccumulate((acc, current) -> {
acc[0] = acc[1];
acc[1] = current;
.andExportFinish((acc) -> tuple2((T) acc[0], (T) acc[1]));
The output should be a Tuple of the form (previous, current). Then you can apply rolling aggregate again to the output. To simplify the problem as input I have a pair of (id, amount) pairs.
Pipeline p = Pipeline.create();
p.drawFrom(Sources.<Integer, Long>mapJournal("map", START_FROM_OLDEST)) // (id, amount)
.rollingAggregate(previousAndCurrent(), (key, val) -> val)
.rollingAggregate(AggregateOperations.summingLong(e -> {
long prevValue = e.f0() == null ? 0 : e.f0().getValue();
long newValue = e.f1().getValue();
return newValue - prevValue;
JetConfig config = new JetConfig();
config.getHazelcastConfig().addEventJournalConfig(new EventJournalConfig().setMapName("map"));
JetInstance jet = Jet.newJetInstance(config);
IMapJet<Object, Object> map = jet.getMap("map");
map.put(0, 1L);
map.put(0, 2L);
map.put(1, 10L);
map.put(1, 40L);
This should produce as output: 1, 2, 12, 42.

Transform JavaPairDStream to Tuple3 in Java

I am experimenting with the Spark job that streams data from Kafka and produces to Cassandra.
The sample I am working with takes a bunch of words in a given time interval and publishes the word count to Cassandra. I am also trying to also publish the timestamp along with the word and its count.
What I have so far is as follows:
JavaPairReceiverInputDStream<String, String> messages =
KafkaUtils.createStream(jssc, zkQuorum, groupId, topicMap);
JavaDStream<String> lines =;
JavaDStream<String> words = lines.flatMap(x -> Arrays.asList(SPACE.split(x)).iterator());
JavaPairDStream<String, Integer> wordCounts = words.mapToPair(s -> new Tuple2<>(s, 1))
.reduceByKey((i1, i2) -> i1 + i2);
Now I am trying to append to these records the timestamp. What I have tried is something like this:
Tuple3<String, Date, Integer> finalRecord = -> new Tuple3<>(s._1(), new Date().getTime(), s._2()));
Which of course is shown as wrong in my IDE. I am completely new to working with Spark libraries and writing in this form (I guess lambda based) functions.
Can someone help me correct this error and achieve what I am trying to do?
After some searching done on the web and studying some examples I was able to achieve what I wanted as follows.
In order to append the timestamp attribute to the existing Tuple with two values, I had to create a simple bean with which represents my Cassandra row.
public static class WordCountRow implements Serializable {
String word = "";
long timestamp;
Integer count = 0;
Then, I had map the (word, count) Tuple2 objects in the JavaPairDStream structure to a JavaDStream structure that holds objects of the above WordCountRow class.
JavaDStream<WordCountRow> wordCountRows =<Tuple2<String, Integer>, WordCountRow>)
tuple -> new WordCountRow(tuple._1, new Date().getTime(), tuple._2));
Finally, I could call foreachRDD method on this structure (which returns objects of WordCountRow) which I can write to Cassandra one after the other.
final SparkConf sc=rdd.context().getConf();
final CassandraConnector cc=CassandraConnector.apply(sc);
try(Session session=cc.openSession()){
String query=String.format(Joiner.on(" ").join(
"INSERT INTO test_keyspace.word_count",
"(word, ts, count)",
"VALUES ('%s', %s, %s);"),

Losing data on bulk inserts in Cassandra

I'm in trouble for losing data on insert in my Cassandra.
I am doing great bulk inserts from csv files which I read via Stream. The data is duplicated into two tables, because of different queries. Every 30,000th element I split my data to new partition (chunkCounter).
private PersistenceInformation persist(final String period, final String tradePartner, final Integer version, Stream<Transaction> transactions) {
int elementsInChunkCounter = 0;
int chunkCounter = 1;
int elementCounter = 0;
Iterator<Transaction> iterator = transactions.filter(beanValidator).iterator();
List<List<?>> listImportData = new ArrayList<>(30000);
List<List<?>> listGtins = new ArrayList<>(30000);
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Transaction tr =;
List<Object> importTemp = new ArrayList<>(9);
List<Object> gtinTemp = new ArrayList<>(8);
if (elementsInChunkCounter == 30000) {
elementsInChunkCounter = 0;
if (!listImportData.isEmpty()) {
if (!listGtins.isEmpty()) {
return new PersistenceInformation();
private void ingestImportData(List<List<?>> list) {
String cqlIngest = "INSERT INTO import_data (pd, tp , ver, chunk, mdh_id, gtin, qty, id, ts) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
cassandraOperations.ingest(cqlIngest, list);
private void ingestGtins(List<List<?>> list) {
String cqlIngest = "INSERT INTO gtins (pd, tp, ver, chunk, mdh_id, gtin, qty, ts) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
cassandraOperations.ingest(cqlIngest, list);
This worked pretty well until I noticed that sometimes a dataset goes missing. There is an entry in the second table (gtins) but the data set in the main table was not inserted. The application counted it but the database did not write it.
The table is built this way:
CREATE TABLE import_data (
tp text,
pd text,
ver int,
chunk int,
mdh_id uuid,
gtin text,
qty float,
id text,
ts timestamp
PRIMARY KEY ((tp, pd, ver, chunk), ts, mdh_id)) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (ts DESC);
The mdh_id is a UUID from my application, so that every data set has a unique key and is not accidentally overridden.
The Cassandra log files didn't even show a warning.
At the moment I am evaluating BatchStatement but I need to insert every 8th dataset because of the 5kb limit, otherwise the database lost even more entries.
Any suggestions whats going wrong in my application is highly appreciated. Thanks a lot.

Why does Spark not invoke reduceByKey when the Tuple2's key is the original object in mapToPair

I have a JavaDStream as in JavaDStream sourceDStream for stream processing.
In mapToPair for this DStream, I use the input object as the key and value for Tuple2 as in
Case 1:
public Tuple2<SourceObject, SourceObject> call(SourceObject sourceObject)
Tuple2<WidgetDetail, WidgetDetail> tuple2;
tuple2 = new Tuple2<> (sourceObject, sourceObject);
return tuple2;
where sourceObject also implements equals () because it is also used as the key in mapToPair and reduceByKey.
I also call cache on both sourceDStream and rdd to ensure that they are processed before reduceByKey as in
sourceDStream = sourceDStream.cache ();
rdd = sourceDStream.mapToPair ()
rdd = rdd.cache ();
reducedRdd = rdd.reduceByKey ();
reducedRdd.foreachRDD ();
reducedRdd.foreachPartition ();
However, Spark
When a sourceDStream's size is small, say 50 or less, Spark does not call SourceObject's equals, so in turn reduceByKey is not called at all.
So the duplicate keys are not reduced / merged when foreachPartition is called.
Even when sourceDStream's size is larger say 100+, Spark only call SourceObject's equals for a small subset of objects,
even though there are more objects in sourceDStream with the same key. So reduceByKey is not called for the remaining many objects with the same key.
Both above conditions result in excessive number of objects with the same key that foreachPartition needs to process.
Yet when I use a wrapper object as a key for sourceObject as in the code below
Case 2:
public class SourceKey {
private SourceObject sourceObject;
public void setSourceObject (SourceObject sourceObject) {
this.sourceObject = sourceObject;
public boolean equals (Object obj) {
public Tuple2<SourceKey, SourceKey> call(SourceObject sourceObject)
Tuple2<WidgetDetail, WidgetDetail> tuple2;
SourceKey sourceKey = new SourceKey ();
tuple2 = new Tuple2<> (sourceKey, sourceKey);
return tuple2;
then Spark works as expected where it calls SourceKey's equals for all objects in sourceDStream. So reduceByKey is called for all objects with the same key.
For case 1, why does Spark skip calling SourceObject's equals when SourceObject is also used as the key / value in Tuple2 of mapToPair ?
How do you solve this issue and have Spark calls SourceObject's equals for all objects in sourceDStream, so that objects with the same keys are reduced ?

How to create Spark broadcast variable from Java String array?

I have Java String array which contains 45 string which is basically column names
String[] fieldNames = {"colname1","colname2",...};
Currently I am storing above array of String in a Spark driver in a static field. My job is running slow so trying to refactor code. I am using above String array while creating a DataFrame
DataFrame dfWithColNames = sourceFrame.toDF(fieldNames);
I want to do the above using broadcast variable to that it don't ship huge string array to every executor. I believe we can do something like the following to create broadcast
String[] brArray = sc.broadcast(fieldNames,String[].class);//gives compilation error
DataFrame df = sourceFrame.toDF(???);//how do I use above broadcast can I use it as is by passing brArray
I am new to Spark.
This is a bit old question, however, I hope my solution would help somebody.
In order to broadcast any object (could be a single POJO or a collection) with Spark 2+ you first need to have the following method that creates a classTag for you:
private static <T> ClassTag<T> classTag(Class<T> clazz) {
return scala.reflect.ClassManifestFactory.fromClass(clazz);
next you use a JavaSparkContext from a SparkSession to broadcast your object as previously:
In case of a collection, say, java.util.List, you use the following:
The return variable of sc.broadcast is of type Broadcast<String[]> and not String[]. When you want to access the value, you simply call value() on the variable. From your example it would be like:
Broadcast<String[]> broadcastedFieldNames = sc.broadcast(fieldNames)
DataFrame df = sourceFrame.toDF(broadcastedFieldNames.value())
Note, that if you are writing this in Java, you probably want to wrap the SparkContext within the JavaSparkContext. It makes everything easier and you can then avoid having to pass a ClassTag to the broadcast function.
You can read more on broadcasting variables on
ArrayList<String> dataToBroadcast = new ArrayList();
dataToBroadcast .add("string1");
dataToBroadcast .add("stringn");
//Creating the broadcast variable
//No need to write classTag code by hand use akka.japi.Util which is available
Broadcast<ArrayList<String>> strngBrdCast = spark.sparkContext().broadcast(
//Here is the catch.When you are iterating over a Dataset,
//Spark will actally run it in distributed mode. So if you try to accees
//Your object directly (e.g. dataToBroadcast) it would be null .
//Cause you didn't ask spark to explicitly send tha outside variable to each
//machine where you are running this for each parallelly.
//So you need to use Broadcast variable.(Most common use of Broadcast)
someSparkDataSetWhere.foreach((row) -> {
ArrayList<String> stringlist = strngBrdCast.value();
