Trying to fetch playlists on throws a 500 when trying to fetch same url with a different offset (like 0 or 100) throws a 200 with the right response. (There is a total of 175 playlists)
I am attempting to do a retrieve of all media items that a given Google Photos user has, irrespective of any album(s) that they are in. However when I attempt to use either the mediaItems.list or the methods, the pageSize param I am including in either request is either being ignored or not fully fullfilled.
Details of mediaItems.list request
Details of request
BODY { 'pageSize': <###> }
I have made a simple implementation of these two requests here as an example for this question, it just requires a valid accessToken to use:
Running this script with the following pageSize against a Google Photos account with 100s of photos and 10s of albums consistently returns the same unexpected amount of result for both methods:
Request pageSize
Returned media items count
I know that Google states the following for the pageSize parameter for both of these methods:
“Maximum number of media items to return in the response. Fewer media
items might be returned than the specified number. The default
pageSize is 25, the maximum is 100.”
I originally assumed that the reason fewer media items might be returned is because an account might have less media items in total than a requested pageSize, or that a request with a pageToken has reached the end of a set of paged results. However I am now wondering if this just means that results may vary in general?
Can anyone else confirm if they have the same experience when using these methods without an album ID for an account with a suitable amount of photos to test this? Or am I perhaps constructing my requests in an incorrect fashion?
I experience something similar. I get back half of what I expect.
If I don't set the pageSize, I get back just 13, If I set to 100, I get back 50.
Hi I am getting keyerror: 'groups' when trying to fetch nearby venues using Foursquare API. Following is my code:
LIMIT = 100 # limit of number of venues returned by Foursquare API
radius = 500 # define radius
venues_list = []
for lat, long, post, borough, neighborhood, hospital in zip(hospital_df['Latitude'], hospital_df['Longitude'], hospital_df['Pincode'], hospital_df['District'], hospital_df['Location'], hospital_df['Hospital_Name']):
url = "{}&client_secret={}&v=
results = requests.get(url).json()["response"]['groups'][0]['items']
v['venue']['categories'][0]['name']) for v in results])
nearby_venues = pd.DataFrame([item for venue_list in venues_list for item in venue_list])
nearby_venues.columns = ['PostalCode', 'Borough', 'Neighborhood', 'Hospital', 'Neighborhood_Latitude', 'Neighborhood_Longitude', 'VenueName', 'VenueLatitude', 'VenueLongitude', 'VenueCategory']
I keep getting the following error:
KeyError: 'groups'
I had the same issue "KeyError: 'groups'" with very similar code. What I found was that while my URL variable that I built was incorrectly formed (I added a filter for categoryId, but I passed an incorrectly formatted variable for this value).
Once I corrected this formula, the "results = requests.get(url).json()["response"]['groups'][0['items']" was able to process without errors.
My guess is that when I submitted the incorrectly formed URL, the JSON return was an error message without the correct formatting that included 'groups'.
This was due to exceeding the number of free calls to the Foursquare API in my case. I have very similar code, prewritten as part of an online course. I was running it fine for many days with no issues. Then, suddenly I got the 'groups' key error a few times. Then, I stopped working, and the next morning the code ran fine. Then, after a few calls I got the error again. So I checked the .json file, and it didn't contain the key 'groups' because it was basically a .json file telling me the quota was exceeded.
Try resetting your CLIENT SECRET from Foursquare account. It worked for me.
I have lots of sub-folders and here is my code for searching
"trashed = false
AND ( ".$folderIds." )
AND mimeType != 'application/'"
where the $folderIds are the subfolders, ex:
0B_123dSaMpleFolderId1 in parents or 0B_123dSaMpleFolderId2 in parents and 300 more folders
I know that limits are already posted here: What is the limit on Google Drive API usage?
but I would like to know the limits for this.. of how long should the parameter be when sending it to google drive api
The Google Drive API v3 allowed me to search within 598 folders:
f"mimeType!='application/' and
but not 599:
f"mimeType!='application/' and
*** googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 400 when requesting returned "The query is too complex.">
I don't know whether the 'query is too complex' error is triggered by the number of operators in the query, by the number of characters in the query, or by some other measure. The number of characters in the queries above are 29949 and 29999.
I've been trying to use the twitter API 1.1 Linq to Twitter (for c#) to search for tweets at #something.
This is what I came up with:
var query = (from tweet in twitterContext.Search
where tweet.Type == SearchType.Search &&
tweet.Query == "#something"
select tweet).SingleOrDefault();
The problem is that this query only returns 6 statuses and I want to get at least 100.
I've tried adding:
tweet.Count == 100
tweet.Statuses.Count == 100
with no luck, does anybody know what I am doing wrong?
tweet.Count is correct. Twitter is only returning 6 statuses. Twitter search isn't a normal search engine. Their search algorithm only goes back a certain number of days (undefined), doesn't necessarily return all matches, and won't return results for certain types of queries. You can test by performing the same search at
I'm trying to display more than 20 photos feed in a website like this:
There's any way to show?
Simple. Just append &count=-1 at the back of your api call.
For instance:
* Update April 2014 (credits: #user1406691): count=-1 is no longer available. Response:
"error_message":"Count must be larger than zero."}}
You may wish to use this instead:
There's also another method via rss + db but it's longer, although it's not limited to 30 calls / hour.
Actually, there is a chance to get the next 20 pictures, and after that the next 20 and so on...
In the JSON responce there is an "pagination" array:
"deprecation_warning":"next_max_id and min_id are deprecated for this endpoint; use min_tag_id and max_tag_id instead",
this is the information on specific API call and the object "next_url" shows the URL to get the next 20 pictures so just take that URL and call it for the next 20 pictures...
for more information about Instagram API check this out:
Instagram has a 20 image limit on their API, check out this thread and my answer:
What is the maximum number of requests for Instagram?
Also, have a look at this link to bypass the pagination and display all results: