I'm trying to get tidy up how my caching is working and thus would like to implement it into the hook of my model. This is what I've implemented so far and I can see that it is setting and getting the cache correctly.
hooks: {
beforeFind: function(opts,fn) {
cache.get(this.getTableName() + ':' + opts.where.id, function(err, result) {
if (result) {
return fn(null, result);
return fn(null, opts);
afterFind: function(result, options, fn) {
cache.set(this.getTableName() + ':' + result.getDataValue('id'), result, function () {
return fn(null, result);
The issue is, after the cache hit, it is still performing the database query and returning the result from the database.
Could someone please tell me how to return the result from the cache and not perform the db query in the scenario of a cache hit ?
Let's take a look at code findAll (because it is calling for all finds). You can see, that it will return Promise, where first executes hooks and in then block there is you query. That's why you can't implement cache in such way. There is a hot discussion in this issue about how sequelize need to implement plugin system(and cache in particular).
What can you do know? Take a look at this lib, where Cacher object is implement over models.
I use Node.js to provide an API for storing data on a MongoDB database.
I ran multiple tests on a read method, which takes ids and returns the corresponding documents. The point is that I must return these documents in the specified order. To ensure that, I use the following code:
// Sequentially fetch every element
function read(ids, callback) {
var i = 0;
var results = [];
function next() {
db.findOne(ids[i], function (err, doc) {
results.push(err ? null : doc);
if (ids.length > ++i) {
return next();
This way, documents are fetched one-by-one, in the right order. It takes about 11s on my laptop to retrieve 27k documents.
However, I thought that it was possible to improve this method:
// Asynchronously map the whole array
var async = require('async');
function read(ids, callback) {
async.map(ids, db.findOne.bind(db), callback):
After running a single test, I was quite satisfied seeing that the 27k documents were retrieved in only 8s using simpler code.
The problem happens when I repeat the same request: the response time keeps growing (proportionally to the number of elements retrieved): 9s 10s 11s 12s.... This problem does not happen in the sequential version.
I tried two versions of Node.js, v6.2.0 and v0.10.29. The problem is the same. What causes this latency and how could I suppress it?
Try to use async.mapLimit to prevent overload. You need some tests to tune limit value with your environment.
But find({_id: {$in: list}}) is always better, because single database request instead of multiple.
I suggest you to try to perform restore of original order client-side.
Something like this:
function read(ids, cb) {
{_id: {$in: ids.map(id => mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id))}},
function process(err, docs) {
if (err) return cb(err);
return cb(null, docs.sort(ordering))
function ordering(a, b) {
return ids.indexOf(b._id.toString()) - ids.indexOf(a._id.toString());
May be, find query needs to be corrected, I can't to know what exact mongodb driver you use.
This code is first-try, more manual sorting can improve performance alot. [].indexOf is heavy too(O(n)).
But I'm almost sure, even as-is now, it will work much faster.
Possible ordering replacement:
var idHash = {};
for(var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++)
idHash[ids[i]] = i;
function ordering(a, b) {
return idHash[b._id.toString()] - idHash[a._id.toString()];
Any sort algorithm has O(nlogn) in best case, but we already know result position of each found document, so, we can restore original order by O(n):
var idHash = ids.reduce((c, id, i) => (c[id] = i, c), {});
function process(err, docs) {
if (err) return cb(err);
return cb(null,
(c, doc) => (c[idHash[doc._id.toString()]] = doc, c),
ids.map(id => null))) //fill not_found docs by null
Functional style makes code flexier. For example this code can be easy modified to use async.reduce to be less sync-blocking.
I have been working on nodeJS + MongoDB, using the Express and Mongoose frameworks for a few months, and I wanted to ask you guys what is really happening in a situation such as the following:
Model1.find({}, function (err, elems) {
if (err) {
} else {
elems.forEach(function (el) {
Model2.find({[QUERY RELATED WITH FIELDS IN 'el']}, function (err, elems2) {
if (err) {
} else {
My best guess is that there's a main thread looping over elems, and then different threads attending each query over Model2, but I'm not really sure.
Is that correct? And also, is this a good solution? And if not, how would you code in a situation such as this, where you need the information in each of the elements you get from Model1 to get elements from Model2, and perform the actual functionality you are looking for?
I know I could elaborate a more complex query where I could get all the elements each of the 'el' in elems would yield, but I¡d rather not do that, because in that case i would be worried about the memory expense.
Also, I've been thinking about changing the data model, but I've gone over it and I'm confident it is well thought, and I don't think that's the best solution for my aplication.
NodeJS is a single threaded environment and it works asynchronously for blocking function calls such as network requests in your case. So there is only one thread and your query results will be called asynchronously so that nothing will be blocked due to intensive network operation.
In your scenario if the first query returns quite a lot of records such as 100000 thousands you may exhaust your mongo server in your loop as you will query your server as many as the result of first query instantly. This will happen because node won't stop for receiving the results of each query as it works asynchronously.
So usually manually throttling the requests to network operations is a good practice. This is not trivial when working on asynchronous environment. One way to do is to use recursive function call. Basically you split your tasks into groups and do each group in batch, once you are done with one batch you start with your next group.
Here is a simple example on how to do it, I have used promises instead of callback functions, Q is a promise library that is very useful for handling promises:
var rows = [...]; // array of many
function handleRecursively(startIndex, batchSize){
var promises = [];
for(i = 0; i < batchSize && i + batchSize < rows.length; i++){
var theRow = rows[startIndex + i];
//you wait until you handle all tasks in this iteration
startIndex += batchSize;
if(startIndex < rows.length){ // if there is still task to do continue with next batch
handleRecursively(startIndex, batchSize); }
handleRecursively(0, 1000);
Here is the best solution :
Model1.find({}, function (err, elems) {
if (err) {
} else {
function loopAllElements(startIndex,elems){
if (startIndex==elems.length) {
return "success";
Model2.find({[QUERY RELATED WITH FIELDS IN elems[startIndex] ]}, function (err, elems2) {
if (err) {
return "error";
} else {
loopAllElements(startIndex+1, elems);
Assume that I have a Collection called Tasks which has few tasks in it.I call a method to return a task array to the user but for some reason it doesn't return anything.
Here is a code for example:
if (Meteor.isClient) {
// This code only runs on the client
tasks: function () {
// Show newest tasks first
Meteor.call("getTasks", function(error, result) {
return result; // Doesn't do anything..
getTasks: function() {
return Tasks.find({}, {sort: {createdAt: -1}});
Any ideas why when I call the method it doesn't return anything?
Tasks.find() returns a cursor, which makes no sense to transmit to the client via DDP.
You probably mean to return Tasks.find().fetch(), but that defeats the purpose of Meteor's very nice data synchronization mechanism.
Have you read Understanding Meteor's publish/subscribe?
I have a problem, but I have no idea how would one go around this.
I'm using loopback, but I think I would've face the same problem in mongodb sooner or later. Let me explain what am I doing:
I fetch entries from another REST services, then I prepare entries for my API response (entries are not ready yet, because they don't have id from my database)
Before I send response I want to check if entry exist in database, if it doesn't:
Create it, if it does (determined by source_id):
Use it & update it to newer version
Send response with entries (entries now have database ids assigned to them)
This seems okay, and easy to implement but it's not as far as my knowledge goes. I will try to explain further in code:
//This will not work since there are many async call, and fixedResults will be empty at the end
var fixedResults = [];
//results is array of entries
results.forEach(function(item) {
Entry.findOne({where: {source_id: item.source_id}}, functioN(err, res) {
//Did we find it in database?
if(res === null) {
//Create object, another async call here
} else {
//Update object, another async call here
callback(null, fixedResults);
Note: I left some of the code out, but I think its pretty self explanatory if you read through it.
So I want to iterate through all objects, create or update them in database, then when all are updated/created, use them. How would I do this?
You can use promises. They are callbacks that will be invoked after some other condition has completed. Here's an example of chaining together promises https://coderwall.com/p/ijy61g.
The q library is a good one - https://github.com/kriskowal/q
This question how to use q.js promises to work with multiple asynchronous operations gives a nice code example of how you might build these up.
This pattern is generically called an 'async map'
var fixedResults = [];
var outstanding = 0;
//results is array of entries
results.forEach(function(item, i) {
Entry.findOne({where: {source_id: item.source_id}}, functioN(err, res) {
//Did we find it in database?
if(res === null) {
//Create object, another async call here
DoCreateObject(function (err, result) {
if (err) callback(err);
fixedResults[i] = result;
if (--outstanding === 0) callback (null, fixedResults);
} else {
//Update object, another async call here
DoOtherCall(function (err, result) {
if(err) callback(err);
fixedResults[i] = result;
if (--outstanding === 0) callback (null, fixedResults);
callback(null, fixedResults);
You could use async.map for this. For each element in the array, run the array iterator function doing what you want to do to each element, then run the callback with the result (instead of fixedResults.push), triggering the map callback when all are done. Each iteration ad database call would then be run in parallel.
Mongo has a function called upsert.
It does exactly what you ask for without needing the checks. You can fire all three requests asnc and just validate the result comes back as true. No need for additional processing.
I have a codebase which contains code similar to the code below many times:
function(doc, callback) {
doSomething(function(err) {
if(err) return callback(err);
callback(null, doc);
I'm wondering if there are any downsides to just combining the explicit error check into:
function(doc, callback) {
doSomething(function(err) {
callback(err, doc);
I understand that callback handlers are expected to check the err on callback, but in this case it's just bubbling up.
I suppose I'm wondering if based on the way callbacks are generally used, if this is an issue?
There is no difference, the code is doing the same thing. First one is just easier to edit later if you want to add some postprocessing.
Technically, second example provides a "doc" and first don't, but if somebody rely on that, they're doing it very wrong.