Node JS TCP Proxy: Reuse socket in callback function - node.js

I'm trying to implement a TCP proxy in Node JS. I only have some experience with Javascript so I met a lot of problems along the way. I've done a lot of searching for this one but had no luck.
The problem occurs when browser sends a CONNECT request for HTTPS. My proxy will parse the host name and port, and then create a new socket that connects to the server. If all these steps went well, I will start forwarding message.
Part of my code looks like this:
var net = require('net');
var server = net.createServer(function(clientSock) {
clientSock.on('data', function(clientData) {
var host = // get from data
var port = // get from data
if (data is a CONNECT request) {
// Create a new socket to server
var serverSock = new net.Socket();
serverSock.connect(port, host, function() {
clientSock.write('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n');
serverSock.on('data', function(serverData) {
Since the CONNECT request needs both client socket and server socket open until one side closes the connection, the code above doesn't have this behavior. Every time I receive some data from client, I will create a new socket to server and the old one is closed.
Is there a way to store the server socket as a global variable so that the data event handler can reuse it? Or is there any other way to solve this?
Thanks a lot!!!!

You can just move the variable up to a higher scope so it survives across multiple events and then you can test to see if its value is already there:
var net = require('net');
var server = net.createServer(function(clientSock) {
var serverSock;
clientSock.on('data', function(clientData) {
var host = // get from data
var port = // get from data
if (data is a CONNECT request) {
// Create a new socket to server
if (!serverSock) {
serverSock = new net.Socket();
serverSock.connect(port, host, function() {
clientSock.write('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n');
serverSock.on('data', function(serverData) {
} else {


Node js with express return connection closed before receiving a handshake response

I have a socket running in nodejs and using this socket in html page this is working fine and some times I'm receiving the error on developer console as like
failed: Connection closed before receiving a handshake response. In this time my update not getting reflect on the user screen. Actually whenever the changes updated in admin screen I written the login in laravel to store this values into the redis and I have used the laravel event broadcast and in node js read the redis value change and push the values into the user screens.
I have code in laravel as like,
Laravel Controller,
public function updatecommoditygroup(Request $request)
$request_data = array();
parse_str($request, $request_data);
app('redis')->set("ssahaitrdcommoditydata", json_encode($request_data['commodity']));
event(new SSAHAITRDCommodityUpdates($request_data['commodity']));
In this above controller when the api call receives just store the values into this redis key and broadcast the event.
In my event class,
public $updatedata;
public function __construct($updatedata)
$this->updatedata = $updatedata;
public function broadcastOn()
return ['ssahaitrdupdatecommodity'];
Finally I have written my file as like below,
var app = require('express')();
var http = require('http').Server(app);
var io = require('')(http);
var Redis = require('ioredis');
var redis = new Redis({ port: 6379 } );
redis.subscribe('ssahaitrdupdatecommodity', function(err, count) {
io.on('connection', function(socket) {
console.log('A client connected');
redis.on('pmessage', function(subscribed, channel, data) {
data = JSON.parse(data);
io.emit(channel + ':' + data.event,;
redis.on('message', function(channel, message) {
message = JSON.parse(message);
io.emit(channel + ':' + message.event,;
http.listen(3001, function(){
console.log('Listening on Port 3001');
When I have update the data from admin I'm passing to laravel controller, and controller will store the received data into redis database and pass to event broadcast.And event broadcast pass the values to socket server and socket server push the data whenever the redis key get change to client page.
In client page I have written the code as like below,
<script src="../assets/js/"></script>
var socket = io('http://ip:3001/');
socket.on("novnathupdatecommodity:App\\Events\\NOVNATHCommodityUpdates", function(data){
//received data processing in client
Everything working fine in most of the time and some times issue facing like
**VM35846 WebSocket connection to 'ws://host:3001/' failed: Connection closed before receiving a handshake response**
By this issue user page not getting update with new data. Could you please anyone help me to solve this issue and give the best solution for this issue.
I think this is because your socket connection timeout.
new io({
The above is the socket configuration. If you are not configuring socket sometime it behaves strangely. I do not know the core reason, but i too have faced similar issues that implementing the socket configuration solved it. Server
Similar configuration should be done on the client side. There is an option of timeout in client side Client
For example.
Say this is your front-end code
You connect to the socket server using the following command:
io('http://ip:3001', { path: '/demo/socket' });
In your server side when creating the connection:
const io = require("");
const socket = new io({
path: "/demo/socket",
serveClient: false /*whether to serve the client files (true/false)*/,
orgins: "*" /*Supports cross orgine i.e) it helps to work in different browser*/,
pingTimeout: 6000 /*how many ms the connection needs to be opened before we receive a ping from client i.e) If the client/ front end doesnt send a ping to the server for x amount of ms the connection will be closed in the server end for that specific client*/,
pingInterval: 6000 /* how many ms before sending a new ping packet */
To avoid complication start you http server first and then start you sockets.
There are other options available, but the above are the most common ones.
I am just describing what i see in the document available in github.socket_config. Hope this helps

Socket IO doesn't get emitted from client - Node JS

I am working on Socket IO, the connection between the client and the server is established successfully. I am facing two problems:
1 - When the initial connection is made between the client and the server, the on server and on client side, both are the same, but when I refresh the client page, the id of the client changes to other one, but on the server it is still the same. Does it makes any issue / problem while communicating with the server or even with the client using sockets, while not having the same ids ? or does the id on the server get changed when the client page is refreshed ?
2 - On the initial connection establishment the socket passes a messages, using socket.emit() from server and receives as socket.on() on client. But when I try to emit anything from client it doesn't get received on server.
Socket Connections
function Globals() {
this.socketConnection = async function() {
let p = new Promise(function(res, rej) {
io.on("connection", function(socket) {
if (socket.connected) {
} else {
rej("Socket Connection Error !");
return await p;
new Globals().socketConnection().then(function(soc) {
socket = soc;
soc.on("Nady", function() {
console.log("I am called");
Client Side Connection
function Globals() {
this.socketConnection = async function() {
var socket = io('http://localhost:8080');
let p = new Promise(function(res, rej) {
socket.on('connect', function() {
if (socket.connected) {
return await p;
var socket;
new App().socketConnection().then(function(s) {
socket = s;
function ScrapJobs() {
var socket;
new App().socketConnection().then(function(s) {
socket = s;
var _this = this;
this.attachListeners = function() {
qs("#init-scrap").ev("click", _this.startScrapping);
this.startScrapping = function() {
console.log("I am cliced");
socket.on("Hi", function() {
console.log("Hi Nadeem");
When the initial connection is made between the client and the server, the on server and on client side, both are the same, but when I refresh the client page, the id of the client changes to other one, but on the server it is still the same. Does it makes any issue
The client side value is set on the client socket object after the connect event is received and is updated (e.g. modified) upon a reconnect event.
It appears that the infrastructure will keep them the same on client and server. If the client disconnects and then reconnects, there will be a new connection with a new id on both client and server. It is possible you are attempting to hang onto the old socket object on the server after the client has disconnected it (we can't really see enough of your server code to evaluate that).
On the initial connection establishment the socket passes a messages, using socket.emit() from server and receives as socket.on() on client. But when I try to emit anything from client it doesn't get received on server.
You'd have to show us a reproducible case. This does not happen if you are coding things correctly. I would guess that you do not have the right listeners for messages on the right socket in order to see the messages you are sending. I promise you that sending a message from client to server works just fine when implemented properly.
A general comment about your code. Both code blocks you show appear to be stuffing a socket object into a higher scoped (or perhaps even global) variable. That is likely part the cause of your problem because that socket object can become dead if the client reconnects for any reason. Plus putting any sort of socket object into a global or module level variable makes your server only capable of serving one client - it's simply not how you design multi-client servers.

Multiple connections, but single websocket.on("message") event emitter

I have a single device establishing two WebSocket connections to the Einaros/ws WebSocket server. Whenever the second WebSocket connection sends a message to the server, only the first websocket.on("message") event emitter responds. There is no way to differentiate which WebSocket the message is coming from because there seems to be only a single websocket.on("message") event emitter object.
How can I differentiate from which WebSocket connection the message is being received from without passing an ID from the client side?
I apologize if I am overlooking something simple, I am a node.js and coding novice. From the code below it looks like there should be separate event emitter objects created for each WebSocket connection so that the server knows which connection the message is coming from. My code looks like this:
var connections = new Map();
var idCounter = 0;
wss.on("connection", function connection(ws) {
var connectionID = idCounter++;
connections.set(connectionID, ws);
var session = connections.get(connectionID);
session.on("message", function incoming(message) {
--- Update ---
I have performed another test. With the code below "objectTest" contains the unique WebSocket connection distinguished by 'sec-websocket-key' printed to the console. However "this.send(message);" and "console.log(this);" both refer to the first established WebSocket connection even while "objectTestMap" contains the second "objectTest" that is unique.
var connections = new Map();
var idCounter = 0;
wss.on("connection", function connection(ws) {
var connectionID = idCounter++;
connections.set(connectionID, ws);
var session = connections.get(connectionID);
var sendThis = String(connectionID);
var objectTestMap = new Map();
var objectTest = session.on("message", function incoming(message) {
objectTestMap.set(connectionID, objectTest);
Their was an error on my client application that was connecting to the server. No problems with WS and the above code works as it should.

Pool Websocket Connections - NodeJS

I'm looking to build a node app that will accomplish the following:
Open several websocket connections, almost as if each of them were a
Allow each websocket to have a unique/dynamic URL
Create a pool of websocket connections in an object based off some kind of DB query (so I can dynamically add/remove connections)
I've decided to use the ws library ( since its the fastest and least bloated option available. I currently have the following function, which only supports a single ws connection:
chat.prototype.connect = function() {
var self = this; = new ws(url);'message', function(data, flags) {
var message = JSON.parse(data);
This code listens to a single websocket URL and passes the message(s) to my handler to process the message. Instead, I want to make this function listen to multiple (potentially hundreds) of websocket URL's.
Does anyone have some ideas on how to accomplish this?
Say that you have the list of url's you need to connect to stored in an instance property called urls. You could set up the connections like this:
chat.prototype.connect = function() {
chat.prototype.connectOne = function(url) {
var handle = this.handle.bind(this);
var conn = this.connections[url] = new ws(url);
conn.on('message', function(data, flags) {
var message = JSON.parse(data);
To implement adding new connections, periodically query your database and check if each URL is already present in this.connections; if not, you can use this.connectOne() to add it. You'd do something similar to remove a connection.

How to handle multiple incoming connections in Node.js?

I create a server with Node.js:
var net = require('net');
var PORT = 8181;
var server = net.createServer(
function(socket) {
socket.on('data', function(data) {
var msg = data.toString().replace(/\n$/, '');
console.log('got: ' + msg);
function() {
var chunk =;
if (chunk !== null) {
Now, when multiple connections are coming in, this server sends out the typed in line only to the first connection.
I have two questions:
what is a standard way to handle this, i.e. to store the incoming sockets into an array?
exactly what happens that causes the readable event not to reach the other connections' callback function?
I would highly recommend using a library like It makes handling connect/disconnect as well as placing sockets in rooms very simple. Additionally you can get the full list of available rooms and connected sockets through the adapter class it offers. A functional example is available in the docs.
