How to connect Sybase from client tool for password Encrypted db - sap-ase

Our back end Sybase db password encryption is enabled and for this I am unable to connect the db using any client tool. here is the exception:
Error connecting to datasource "UAT"
SQL Error [1640] [S1000]: Adaptive Server requires encryption of the login password on the network.
SQL Error [4002] [S1000]: Login failed
SQL Error [4002] [S1000]: Login failed.
Adaptive Server requires encryption of the login password on the network.
From java/ property file I ma bale to connect using below properties

Have you tried isql (the command line tool) to confirm if your connection details are correct?
The basic command would be:
isql -U username -S servername -X
This will help determine if it is something more fundamental that is causing the problem.


AWS lambda getting 'unauthorized to perfrom action' when using MongoClient, works fine with mongoose, works fine when running command from shell

Here is the architecture:
I have a MongoDB running on an EC2. When I ssh to the EC2 and run mongo dbname -u username -p password I am able to perform insert into the collection so that should mean that the user has permission in dbname to perform insert on collection
On the other side I have an AWS lambda, VPC is configured. When using mongodb.MongoClient to connect I am authenticated and client.isConnected() returns true but db.collection().insertOne(...) raises an error saying that I'm not authorized to perform action insert on dbname.
The connection string used to connect contains the same username and password used to connect to mongo shell.
I tried using the same options for connection to mongodb, but used mongoose instead and it didn't raise any errors
what is the connection string used?
can you try to simulate what the lambda is doing locally? can you try connecting with local mongo client to your db using the same connection string that your lambda use?
are you connecting to the right db? is your user setup on your custom db or on the default admin db? are your update rights setup on the right db?

Db2 (Warehouse) on Cloud: How to use APIKEY or ACCESSTOKEN to connect from CLP?

I have an instance of Db2 on IBM Cloud. I would like to use my local CLP to connect to it. I set everything up to be able to connect using a username and password. Now, however, I would like to make use of either an APIKEY or ACCESSTOKEN as documented.
My attempts result in either
SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "25" ("CONNECTION
SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "24" ("USERNAME
I have successfully create an APIKEY and also was able to generate an access token using that API key. But what is needed to connect?
connect to clouddb ACCESSTOKEN "my long token here"
It was a matter of the right setup and correct steps:
IAM support only works with SSL connections
for SSL, I had to use the right port number (50001) and keywords (security ssl) when cataloging the node and database
my Db2 client required additional setup for GSKit and encryption key database
I wrote up a blog post with all the steps and a collection of error message on how to setup a Db2 client to authenticate using either API key or access token. Basically, it is to catalog the server:
db2 catalog tcpip node Db2oCfra remote
server 50001 security ssl
Then catalog the database:
db2 catalog db bludb as fradb at node db2ocfra
Thereafter, connect:
db2 connect to fradb APIKEY myIBMCloudplatformApiKey
There might be additional steps in order to install GSKit and properly configure SSL support.

Unable to reset AD User password using python

I am working on project which requires me to reset AD User password. But I have not found useful resources so far in the web.
I am using ldap3 to reset AD User password but it's not working.
I have visited these links to get some idea to implement the code
1. Update Active Directory Password using ldap python
2.Python 3.5, ldap3 and modify_password()
from ldap3 import Server, Connection, NTLM, ALL
server = Server('',use_ssl=True, get_info=ALL)
conn = Connection(server, user='user1', password='oldpassword', authentication=NTLM, auto_bind=True)
pwd = 'newpassword'
enc_pwd = '"{}"'.format(newpassword).encode('utf-16-le')
conn.modify('cn=user1, ou=ou_name, dc=mydomain, dc=com', {'unicodePwd': [(MODIFY_REPLACE, [enc_pwd])]})
Error: raise LDAPSocketOpenError('unable to open socket',
exception_history) ldap3.core.exceptions.LDAPSocketOpenError: ('unable
to open socket', [(LDAPSocketOpenError('socket ssl wrapping error:
[WinError 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the
remote host'),
It's a network level error, in my case I was using AWS Managed AD and out of the box it does not support TLS and needed to spin up a CA to enable TLS over LDAP.
Basically LDAP is there a connection is established but when trying to lift the connection to TLS it fails because TLS was not supported on my LDAP server at the time.

Mongo Atlas: Connection authentication failed with custom databases

I am trying the Mongo Atlas Cloud. I create a cluster and i am trying a connection with the mongo shell: (same problem with mongo drivers)
mongo mongodb://***-cluster-shard-00-00-***,***-cluster-shard-00-01-***,***-cluster-shard-00-02-*******-Cluster-shard-0 --ssl --username ***** --password *****
this is the connection string in the documentation. And this is the error:
MongoDB shell version: 3.2.7
connecting to: mongodb://***-cluster-shard-00-00-***,***-cluster-shard-00-01-***,***-cluster-shard-00-02-******-Cluster-shard-0
2016-07-07T01:31:17.535-0300 I NETWORK [thread1] Starting new replica set monitor for ***-Cluster-shard-0/***-cluster-shard-00-00-***,***-cluster-shard-00-01-***,***-cluster-shard-00-02-***
2016-07-07T01:31:17.535-0300 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitorWatcher] starting
2016-07-07T01:31:20.084-0300 E QUERY [thread1] Error: Authentication failed. :
exception: login failed
I can connect to the database only when i use admin database "/admin?" in the connection string.
I need to connect to a custom database with the console or mongo drivers.
PD: i protect my data with "***"
You authenticate with the admin database. From there you can switch the database.
When connecting using Mongo drivers, your connection string needs add the auth source:
Adding to Nath's answer, use "--authenticationDatabase admin" if your connecting via the mongo shell and use "authSource=admin" for drivers.
Tested with [MongoDB shell version: 3.2.8]
"authSource=admin" Is a requirement for All Atlas connections.
I also faced the same issue. "admin" user would be created at the time of db creation. If you forgot the password for the default admin user, then it is difficult to connect with the database and access the collections.
You could create one more database user under "Security->Database Access" section and select "Atlas admin" as a role.
If your password contains any special character, then this would be encrypted internally. Hence, use this link ( to encrypt your password (plain text) and use the encrypted string to establish a connection.

postgres: Grant access to my windows user

I am trying to setup a local database in a windows 10 computer, and grant access to my local windows-user. But when I try to access the database through my node-application I get the following error-message: error: password authentication failed for user "windowsuser" using the following db-url: postgres://localhost:5432/testdb
I am using the module "pg" to connect to the database, and everything works when I specify a username and password in the URL - but I want to connect using my windows credentials.
I have setup a superuser with the same name as my windowsuser:
And setup a database windowsuser as owner:
WITH OWNER = windowsuser
TABLESPACE = pg_default
GRANT ALL ON DATABASE testdb TO windowsuser;
The windows user has no password, and I want to be able to just login with the current system user. Am I missing something essential here to get proper access?
I believe you cannot simply authenticate without a password. Have a look at the PostgreSQL doc here:
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.4: Authentication Methods
You will need to setup "Trust Authentication" instead of "Password Authentication".
19.3.2. Password Authentication
"PostgreSQL database passwords are separate from operating system user passwords. The password for each database user is stored in the pg_authid system catalog. Passwords can be managed with the SQL commands CREATE USER and ALTER ROLE, e.g., CREATE USER foo WITH PASSWORD 'secret'. If no password has been set up for a user, the stored password is null and password authentication will always fail for that user."
Is there a specific reason why you are opting to use a Windows system account, as well as no password?
