Is it possible to have a node_modules directory shared between projects - node.js

I have a project setup that is as follows:
└gulp (and gulp-plugins, express etc.)
Now I want to execute the gulpfile in the project directories:
set NODE_PATH='C:\workspace\cache\node_modules\'
cd C:\workspace\project1\
C:\workspace\nodejs\node.exe C:\workspace\cache\node_modules\gulp\bin\gulp.js watch
and I get the following output:
[12:06:04] Local gulp not found in C:\workspace\project1
[12:06:04] Try running: npm install gulp
In both project folders the gulpfile is similar and uses a similar set of plugins. I'd really like to have the dependencies only once (because potentially I have up to 25 projects sharing the same node_modules).
Is this setup possible, or does the seperate project directories need to have their own node_modules folders?

Gulp requires you to have both a global installation as well as a local one. So you need to have your Gulp relatively to your Gulpfile. If your package.json would be located in workspace and your node_modules would be in workspace/node_modules everything would work fine because of Node's search tree, but if you can't move them, the only way to make it work is to "fake" the node_modules folder.
You can do this by creating a symbolic link.
Here's on Unix/Linux/Mac:
ln -s ../cache/node_modules node_modules
Here's on Windows
mklink /D node_modules ../cache/node_modules
(the latter one might work different, I'm not on a Win machine)

You could also try pkglink
From description:
Space saving Node.js package hard linker. pkglink locates common JavaScript/Node.js packages from your node_modules directories and hard links the package files so they share disk space.

Edit: ddprt
On Windows
mklink /D node_modules "C:/fullPATH/cache/node_modules"

you could always use the '-g' parameter with npm install 'package-name', so as to make the module available globally to access across different projects.
See the following links
what does the "-g" flag do in the command "npm install -g <something>"?
How do I install a module globally using npm?
Packages are dropped into the node_modules folder under the prefix. When installing locally, this means that you can require("packagename") to load its main module, or require("packagename/lib/path/to/sub/module") to load other modules.
Global installs on Unix systems go to {prefix}/lib/node_modules.
Global installs on Windows go to {prefix}/node_modules (that is, no
lib folder.)
Scoped packages are installed the same way, except they are grouped
together in a sub-folder of the relevant node_modules folder with the
name of that scope prefix by the # symbol, e.g. npm install
#myorg/package would place the package in


NPM how to configure location of global repository

Does anyone know how to configure location of global repository?
My global repo is somewhere under $HOMEDRIVE/$HOMEPATH/blahblahblah
and all my packages are being installed under that place fopr global reference
but I want to park it somewhere specific and secret like the docroot of my appserver ? so I can operate demos and proof-of-concepts and prototypes ands show them off
can you tell me how I can configure the path to my global repository? I am on windows7 which is thoroughly supported and chmod chown issues are not as prevalent on linux
is this directory anchor controlled by a designated variable within NPM?
is this variable ever referenced by javascript modules indiscriminantly? i would hope not
I assume this variable is within the NPM tool itself.
what about bower... would bower operate the same configurable? or is bower a different animal and place.
is bower a subset of npm? anmd of so does it operate the same configuration as npm?
thank you
See the npm docs about the folders. It states that the global modules are installed under a configured prefix. You can get it from the npm config comand:
npm config get prefix
And you may change it with a similar command:
npm config set prefix /path/to/my/global/folder
However, modules are usually installed globally if want to use some command line command they provide. For using in some node.js application, prefer to install them locally. If you still want to use the globally installed modules inside the application, you should use the link command (though I'm not sure if it works in a Windows environment).
Bower is another thing completely. Looking at the api documentation, you will see that there is no option to install modules globally (which makes sense, as Bower is intended for front-end dependencies).
You could change the default folder using the directory parameter of your .bowerrc file (see the documentation). This way you would be able to set all projects to use the same folder, but notice that's not the way it's intended to use and you would need to set it in all projects.
npm config set registry <registry url>
once this command is run, check in ~/.npmrc, it must show your changes.

keep node_modules outside source tree in development (not production)

I prefer to keep all generated files and dependencies outside my source tree while I work on it.
npm and grunt make that difficult: npm will never allow moving local node_modules, so I have to use --global and --prefix. But grunt does not support such a scheme, apparently.
How can I achieve my objective given the above constraints?
So, if I have a project:
I want no extra files in my tree, specifically, node_modules. (Also bower_components and build etc but this is about npm.) This directory should remain untouched while I am working on it and running it. That is all.
Apparently npm link is supposed to do this, but when I tried it still installed all the dependencies in ./node_modules. Any other invocation I cannot fathom; the docs are not clear.
A related suggestion was to use another directory with symlink to my gruntfile or package.json, but grunt just resolved the symlink and continued to work in my original directory!
So far the closest I have come is to link to e.g. ~/.cache/foo/node_modules from my project. Although it achieves keeping the deps out of my tree, I still have this link cluttering my workspace.
I want to know if there is a better way. Will some combination of npm install, npm link, ln, ~/.cache, NODE_PATH and PWD allow me to run my project, from my source tree, and keep it clean of all non-source artefacts?
Swimming against standards is a Very Bad Idea ®.
What you can (and should) do is add node_modules/ to your .gitignore (or whatever ignore file you have for your given source control system) so you don't version these files.
Also, you can use a directory like src/ to organize your code and "shelter" it from the mandatory configuration files (package.json,, etc).

is good practice to include my modules in node_modules for make require search easy,if not why not?

is good practice to include my modules in node_modules for make require search easy,if not why not?
In node.js cms calipso(
their modules not inside node_modules: then the include the modules without auto option:
calipso = require(path.join(rootpath, 'lib/calipso'));
vs if it was inside node_modules:
calipso = require('calipso');
node_modules is typically ignored in the version control (GIT, etc) and most of the developers assume that this folder contains only packages listed in the package.json. I can imagine the approach on updating the modules just by removing this folder completely and executing npm install. Considering these I would rather say that keeping own modules in node_modules is not consistent with the node.js workflow.
Update: this is assuming that "my modules" is actually just a set of files. If your modules are "npm" modules, that can be restored by executing "npm install" then this is completely fine to keep them in node_modules.

is it necessary to have node_modules folder created for every project while using grunt

while using grunt node_modules directory is created for every project I create and their is a lot of duplication going on, which I don't like....
I am using grunt-collections now but it is very inefficient, and looking for an alternative solution for this.
I don't know much about node but is it not possible to use grunt modules from the central node_modules directory within nodejs directory????
Is their any way to install packages globally...????
yes, it is necessary. First, to deal with grunt version mismatch issues, all the global grunt command really does is delegate to a local grunt dependency installed in your project's node_modules directory.
Second, you really want a local version of your grunt plugins/modules as well. Having everything installed locally to each project allows you to have two separate projects on the same machine that depend on different versions of the same grunt plugin. This would not be possible if everything was installed globally.

How to move npm node_modules folder cross-platform?

I have a very special requirement from my client. We have been using npm to install karma and phantomjs for quite a while. Everything works fine until we have to move everything off the cloud to internal infrastructure. Now things get complicated. The internal infrastructure doesn't have internet access so we cannot use npm to resolve dependencies anymore. We tried to move node_modules folder dev machine to the internal infrastructure machine. It didn't work because dev machine is OSX and Windows and the server is Centos and phantomjs is OS specific but npm is able to workout the versioning. What options do we have to resolve dependencies? I just learn that node_modules name cannot be changed. I was thinking of checking in OS specific node_modules but that wouldn't work since npm only looks for node_modules folder.
I got the same error as this thread PhantomJS Crash - Exit Code 126 when I was trying to use node_modules from OSX in Centos.
Install all dependencies on first OS (i.e. OSX), assuming that you have package.json with all dependencies.
npm install
Rename created npm_modules to npm_modules_mac
Repeat steps above for different OS (i.e. Windows), rename node_modules to something like node_modules_windows.
On target OS, move folders created above to your app folder, create symbolic link (node_modules), which will point to appropriate folder (npm_modules -> npm_modules_mac in OSX)
Why don't you just host your private registry? You can store the registry in the internal infrastructure.
The defacto registry is #isaacs own This can be found here:
It does require using CouchDB as the database, however, and that can be daunting. There are alternatives that allow you to do this. For example, reggie:
