C++11 std::thread accepting function with rvalue parameter - multithreading

I have some homework, and I have troubles understanding, (probably) how passing parameters to std::thread constructor works.
Assume following code (I deleted unneeded parts)
template<typename T, typename Task>
class Scheduler
typedef std::unordered_map<std::size_t, T> Results;
class Solver
Solver(Task&& task) : m_thread(&Solver::thread_function, std::move(task))
Solver(Solver&& solver) = default; // required for vector::emplace_back
~Solver() = default;
void thread_function(Task&& task)
std::thread m_thread;
Scheduler() = default;
~Scheduler() = default;
void add_task(Task&& task)
std::vector<Solver> m_solvers;
template<typename T>
struct Ftor
explicit Ftor(const T& t) : data(t) { }
T operator()() { std::cout << "Computed" << std::endl; return data; }
T data;
int main()
Scheduler<int, Ftor<int>> scheduler_ftor;
Scheduler<int, std::function<int(void)>> scheduler_lambda;
Ftor<int> s(5);
scheduler_lambda.add_task([](){ std::cout << "Computed" << std::endl; return 1; });
Why it doesn't compile?
MVS2015 is complaining about
functional(1195): error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 arguments
functional(1195): note: class does not define an 'operator()' or a user defined conversion operator to a pointer-to-function or reference-to-function that takes appropriate number of arguments
note: while compiling class template member function 'Scheduler<int,Ftor<int> >::Solver::Solver(Task &&)'
While G++ 4.9.2
functional: In instantiation of ‘struct std::_Bind_simple<std::_Mem_fn<void (Scheduler<int, Ftor<int> >::Solver::*)(Ftor<int>&&)>(Ftor<int>)>’:
required from ‘void Scheduler<T, Task>::add_task(Task&&) [with T = int; Task = Ftor<int>]’
functional:1665:61: error: no type named ‘type’ in ‘class std::result_of<std::_Mem_fn<void (Scheduler<int, Ftor<int> >::Solver::*)(Ftor<int>&&)>(Ftor<int>)>’
typedef typename result_of<_Callable(_Args...)>::type result_type;
I suppose there are some problems with std::moving to std::thread.

If you use member function as first thread argument, second argument supposed to be this pointer, pointing to the object to which member function could be called to
Good discussion here
Start thread with member function

I don't follow your code, but addressing the question, a extrapolated answer will be( most of the code is psuedocode)
lets assume that there is a function int test(int name).
thread t0;
t0 = thread(test,32);
thread t1(test,43);
Passing a argument to function.
int temp = 0;
int testfunc(int& q)
thread t1;
t1 = thread(testfunc,ref(temp));
In short, you just pass the name of the function that must be run in the thread as the first argument, and the functions parameters follow it in same order as they are in the function definition, for passing by reference you can use the ref() wrapper.See the below example.
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void test(int a,int &a,string test)
\\do something
int main()
int test1 = 0;
string tt = "hello";
thread t1;
t1 = thread(23,&test1,tt);
return 0;
if you are wondering about the use of join() and detach(), refer to this thread: When should I use std::thread::detach?, refer to my answer post in that thread.


Rcpp: how to use unwind protection?

I was wondering how could I make some Rcpp code use automatic unwind protection in all Rcpp object creations.
For example, suppose I have some code like this:
#include <stdint.h>
#include <Rcpp.h>
class MyObj {
int val;
MyObj(int val) : val(val) {};
~MyObj() {
std::cout << "I' being destructed - value was: " << val << std::endl;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericVector crashme(unsigned int seed)
MyObj obj1(rand());
Rcpp::NumericVector out(INT64_MAX-1, 100.);
return out;
When I call crashme, obj1 doesn't get destructed before the function ends, due to R's long jumps which I want to protect against.
I see there is a function Rcpp::unwindProtect, but it's implemented as something that takes a callback.
I'm not 100% sure if I'm doing it right, but I managed to add unwind protection like this:
#include <stdint.h>
#include <Rcpp.h>
#include <Rcpp/unwindProtect.h>
// [[Rcpp::plugins(unwindProtect)]]
class MyObj {
int val;
MyObj(int val) : val(val) {};
~MyObj() {
std::cout << "I' being destructed - value was: " << val << std::endl;
struct NumVecArgs {
size_t size;
double fillwith;
SEXP alloc_NumVec(void *data)
NumVecArgs *args = (NumVecArgs*)data;
return Rcpp::NumericVector(args->size, args->fillwith);
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericVector crashme(unsigned int seed)
MyObj obj1(rand());
NumVecArgs args = {INT64_MAX-1, 100.};
Rcpp::NumericVector out = Rcpp::unwindProtect(alloc_NumVec, (void*)&args);
return out;
Now calling crashme will successfully destruct obj1 and print the destructor message.
But this is very inconvenient, since I have a series of different Rcpp object allocations taking different constructor types, which would imply either defining a different struct and callback for each one of them, or translating all the calls to lengthy lambda functions.
Is there any way to automatically make all calls to constructors of e.g. Rcpp::NumericVector and Rcpp::IntegerVector have unwind protection?

function template specialization for variadic templated function (printf)

I have some Arduino C++11 code that I'm trying to improve: trying to make a printf-like function treat String specially so I don't have to call c_str() myself everywhere I use it. Basically for any builtin type like int float bool etc, I just want to pass the arg as-is, and for String, pass return the c_str(). Hit some snags so I tried this in some of the online compilers available. Starting point is this, using std::string instead of String:
#include <string>
class SerialOut {
template<class ...Ts>
static void error(const char* msg, Ts... args) {
printf(msg, args...);
int main() {
std::string greeting("hi");
SerialOut::error("Message %d %s\n", 1, greeting.c_str());
So I tried creating a function template that just returns the value it gets, with a specialization for std::string:
#include <string>
template <typename T, typename R=T> R raw(T& x) {return x;}
template <> const char* raw<>(std::string& x) {return x.c_str();}
class SerialOut {
template<class ...Ts>
static void error(const char* msg, Ts... args) {
printf(msg, raw(args)...);
int main() {
std::string greeting("hi");
SerialOut::error("Message %d %s\n", 1, greeting);
I get a compilation error when I run this in https://repl.it/languages/cpp11:
clang version 7.0.0-3~ubuntu0.18.04.1 (tags/RELEASE_700/final)
 clang++-7 -pthread -std=c++11 -o main main.cpp
main.cpp:10:25: error: cannot pass object of non-trivial type
'std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>' through variadic function; call will abort at
runtime [-Wnon-pod-varargs]
printf(msg, raw(args)...);
main.cpp:16:20: note: in instantiation of function template specialization
'SerialOut::error<int, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char> >' requested here
SerialOut::error("Message %d %s\n", 1, greeting);
1 error generated.
compiler exit status 1
With https://www.onlinegdb.com/online_c++_compiler there is no error but the raw() specialization is not selected, so the output for greeting is garbage.
In Arduino IDE I get a slightly different error (after replacing std::string by String, of course):
sketch\mqtt.cpp.o: In function `char const* raw<String, char const*>(String&)':
sketch/utils.h:15: multiple definition of `char const* raw<String, char const*>(String&)'
sketch\Thermistor.cpp.o:sketch/utils.h:15: first defined here
sketch\sketch.ino.cpp.o: In function `char const* raw<String, char const*>(String&)':
sketch/utils.h:15: multiple definition of `char const* raw<String, char const*>(String&)'
sketch\Thermistor.cpp.o:sketch/utils.h:15: first defined here
I tried several variations on the raw() functions, to no avail. I figure I'm just missing a subtlety or it's just not possible to do this in C++11.
Update: I found Variadic Macro: cannot pass objects of non-trivially-copyable type through '...', one of the answers solves the above in C++14 (basically use decltype(auto) and overload instead of specialization). I added a slight variation on it that works also in C++11, and with "inline" it also works in Arduino C++ (without "inline" on the overload, the above message about multiple definitions -- turns out this is a linker message so it does compile, I guess the Arduino variant doesn't inline "obviously inlined" functions as other compilers).
Something along these lines, perhaps:
template <typename T>
struct SerialHelper {
static T raw(T val) { return val; }
template <>
struct SerialHelper<std::string> {
static const char* raw(const std::string& val) { return val.c_str(); }
class SerialOut {
template<class ...Ts>
static void error(const char* msg, Ts... args) {
printf(msg, SerialHelper<Ts>::raw(args)...);
Based on Variadic Macro: cannot pass objects of non-trivially-copyable type through '...' I got it to work with this very simple change, which works in C++11 and Arduino C++:
#include <string>
template <typename T> T raw(const T& x) {return x;}
inline const char* raw(const String& x) {return x.c_str();}
class SerialOut {
template<class ...Ts>
static void error(const char* msg, Ts... args) {
printf(msg, raw(args)...);
int main() {
std::string greeting("hi");
SerialOut::error("Message %d %s\n", 1, greeting);
Thanks to #IgorTandetnik comment, it is clear why.

how to invoke thread without creating static function [duplicate]

I am trying to construct a std::thread with a member function that takes no arguments and returns void. I can't figure out any syntax that works - the compiler complains no matter what. What is the correct way to implement spawn() so that it returns a std::thread that executes test()?
#include <thread>
class blub {
void test() {
std::thread spawn() {
return { test };
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
class bar {
void foo() {
std::cout << "hello from member function" << std::endl;
int main()
std::thread t(&bar::foo, bar());
Accounting your edit, you have to do it like this:
std::thread spawn() {
return std::thread(&blub::test, this);
UPDATE: I want to explain some more points, some of them have also been discussed in the comments.
The syntax described above is defined in terms of the INVOKE definition (§
Define INVOKE (f, t1, t2, ..., tN) as follows:
(t1.*f)(t2, ..., tN) when f is a pointer to a member function of a class T and t1 is an object of type T or a reference to an object of
type T or a reference to an object of a type derived from T;
((*t1).*f)(t2, ..., tN) when f is a pointer to a member function of a class T and t1 is not one of the types described in the previous
t1.*f when N == 1 and f is a pointer to member data of a class T and t 1 is an object of type T or a
reference to an object of type T or a reference to an object of a
type derived from T;
(*t1).*f when N == 1 and f is a pointer to member data of a class T and t 1 is not one of the types described in the previous item;
f(t1, t2, ..., tN) in all other cases.
Another general fact which I want to point out is that by default the thread constructor will copy all arguments passed to it. The reason for this is that the arguments may need to outlive the calling thread, copying the arguments guarantees that. Instead, if you want to really pass a reference, you can use a std::reference_wrapper created by std::ref.
std::thread (foo, std::ref(arg1));
By doing this, you are promising that you will take care of guaranteeing that the arguments will still exist when the thread operates on them.
Note that all the things mentioned above can also be applied to std::async and std::bind.
Since you are using C++11, lambda-expression is a nice&clean solution.
class blub {
void test() {}
std::thread spawn() {
return std::thread( [this] { this->test(); } );
since this-> can be omitted, it could be shorten to:
std::thread( [this] { test(); } )
or just (deprecated)
std::thread( [=] { test(); } )
Here is a complete example
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
class Wrapper {
void member1() {
std::cout << "i am member1" << std::endl;
void member2(const char *arg1, unsigned arg2) {
std::cout << "i am member2 and my first arg is (" << arg1 << ") and second arg is (" << arg2 << ")" << std::endl;
std::thread member1Thread() {
return std::thread([=] { member1(); });
std::thread member2Thread(const char *arg1, unsigned arg2) {
return std::thread([=] { member2(arg1, arg2); });
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Wrapper *w = new Wrapper();
std::thread tw1 = w->member1Thread();
std::thread tw2 = w->member2Thread("hello", 100);
return 0;
Compiling with g++ produces the following result
g++ -Wall -std=c++11 hello.cc -o hello -pthread
i am member1
i am member2 and my first arg is (hello) and second arg is (100)
#hop5 and #RnMss suggested to use C++11 lambdas, but if you deal with pointers, you can use them directly:
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
class CFoo {
int m_i = 0;
void bar() {
int main() {
CFoo foo;
std::thread t1(&CFoo::bar, &foo);
std::thread t2(&CFoo::bar, &foo);
std::cout << foo.m_i << std::endl;
return 0;
Rewritten sample from this answer would be then:
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
class Wrapper {
void member1() {
std::cout << "i am member1" << std::endl;
void member2(const char *arg1, unsigned arg2) {
std::cout << "i am member2 and my first arg is (" << arg1 << ") and second arg is (" << arg2 << ")" << std::endl;
std::thread member1Thread() {
return std::thread(&Wrapper::member1, this);
std::thread member2Thread(const char *arg1, unsigned arg2) {
return std::thread(&Wrapper::member2, this, arg1, arg2);
int main() {
Wrapper *w = new Wrapper();
std::thread tw1 = w->member1Thread();
std::thread tw2 = w->member2Thread("hello", 100);
return 0;
Some users have already given their answer and explained it very well.
I would like to add few more things related to thread.
How to work with functor and thread.
Please refer to below example.
The thread will make its own copy of the object while passing the object.
using namespace std;
class CB
cout << "this=" << this << endl;
void operator()();
void CB::operator()()
cout << "this=" << this << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
cout << "CB()=" << i << endl;
void main()
CB obj; // please note the address of obj.
thread t(obj); // here obj will be passed by value
//i.e. thread will make it own local copy of it.
// we can confirm it by matching the address of
//object printed in the constructor
// and address of the obj printed in the function
Another way of achieving the same thing is like:
void main()
thread t((CB()));
But if you want to pass the object by reference then use the below syntax:
void main()
CB obj;
//thread t(obj);
thread t(std::ref(obj));

Overridden virtual function not called from thread

I am writing a base class to manage threads. The idea is to allow the thread function to be overridden in child class while the base class manages thread life cycle. I ran into a strange behavior which I don't understand - it seems that the virtual function mechanism does not work when the call is made from a thread. To illustrate my problem, I reduced my code to the following:
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;
struct B
thread t;
void thread_func_non_virt()
virtual void thread_func()
cout << "B::thread_func\n";
B(): t(thread(&B::thread_func_non_virt, this)) { }
void join() { t.join(); }
struct C : B
virtual void thread_func() override
cout << "C::thread_func\n";
int main()
C c; // output is "B::thread_func" but "C::thread_func" is expected
c.thread_func_non_virt(); // output "C::thread_func" as expected
I tried with both Visual studio 2017 and g++ 5.4 (Ubuntu 16) and found the behavior is consistent. Can someone point out where I got wrong?
== UPDATE ==
Based on Igor's answer, I moved the thread creation out of the constructor into a separate method and calling that method after the constructor and got the desired behavior.
Your program exhibits undefined behavior. There's a race on *this between thread_func and C's (implicitly defined) constructor.
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;
struct B
thread t;
void thread_func_non_virt()
virtual void thread_func()
cout << "B::thread_func\n";
B(B*ptr): t(thread(&B::thread_func_non_virt, ptr))
void join() { t.join(); }
struct C:public B
virtual void thread_func() override
cout << "C::thread_func\n";
int main()
C c; // "C::thread_func" is expected as expected
c.thread_func_non_virt(); // output "C::thread_func" as expected

Using c++11's std::async inside an abstract base class

Why doesn't making threads like this work inside of an abstract base class? I'm trying to abstract away all of the multithreading details for users who derive from this base class. I don't understand why it says "no type named 'type'" when I clearly write that callbackSquare returns type int.
#include <iostream>
#include <future>
#include <vector>
class ABC{
std::vector<std::future<int> > m_results;
virtual int callbackSquare(int& a) = 0;
void doStuffWithCallBack();
void ABC::doStuffWithCallBack(){
for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
m_results.push_back(std::async(&ABC::callbackSquare, this, i));
for(int j = 0; j < 10; ++j)
std::cout << m_results[j].get() << "\n";
class Derived : public ABC {
Derived() : ABC() {};
int callbackSquare(int& a) {return a * a;};
int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::cout << "testing\n";
return 0;
The strange errors I'm getting are:
/usr/include/c++/5/future:1709:67: required from 'std::future<typename std::result_of<_Functor(_ArgTypes ...)>::type> std::async(std::launch, _Fn&&, _Args&& ...) [with _Fn = int (ABC::*)(int&); _Args = {ABC*, int&}; typename std::result_of<_Functor(_ArgTypes ...)>::type = int]'
/usr/include/c++/5/future:1725:19: required from 'std::future<typename std::result_of<_Functor(_ArgTypes ...)>::type> std::async(_Fn&&, _Args&& ...) [with _Fn = int (ABC::*)(int&); _Args = {ABC*, int&}; typename std::result_of<_Functor(_ArgTypes ...)>::type = int]'
/home/taylor/Documents/ssmworkspace/callbacktest/main.cpp:16:69: required from here
/usr/include/c++/5/functional:1505:61: error: no type named 'type' in 'class std::result_of<std::_Mem_fn<int (ABC::*)(int&)>(ABC*, int)>'
typedef typename result_of<_Callable(_Args...)>::type result_type;
/usr/include/c++/5/functional:1526:9: error: no type named 'type' in 'class std::result_of<std::_Mem_fn<int (ABC::*)(int&)>(ABC*, int)>'
Your problem can be reproduced with any function that accepts a reference:
#include <future>
int f(int& a)
return a * a;
int main()
int i = 42;
auto r = std::async(f, i);
Accepting a reference in your code is risky since the variable will be modified by the loop iteration, creating a data race because the called function also accesses the variable.
Change the function to accept the input parameter by value, or call std::async by passing std::ref(i) or std::cref(i) (in case the function accepts a const reference) if you acknowledge the risk.
