Obtaining file names from directory in Bash - linux

I am trying to create a zsh script to test my project. The teacher supplied us with some input files and expected output files. I need to diff the output files from myExecutable with the expected output files.
Question: Does $iF contain a string in the following code or some kind of bash reference to the file?
for iF in $inputFiles
./myExecutable $iF > $outputFiles/$iF.out
Any tips in fulfilling my objectives would be nice. I am new to shell scripting and I am using the following websites to quickly write the script (since I have to focus on the project development and not wasting time on extra stuff):
Grammar for bash language
Begginer guide for bash

As your code is, $iF contains full path of file as a string.
N.B: Don't use for iF in $inputFiles
use for iF in ~/project/tests/input/* instead. Otherwise your code will fail if path contains spaces or newlines.

If you need to diff the files you can do another for loop on your output files. Grab just the file name with the basename command and then put that all together in a diff and output to a ".diff" file using the ">" operator to redirect standard out.
Then diff each one with the expected file, something like:
expectedOutput=~/<some path here>
diffFiles=~/<some path>
for oF in ~/project/tests/output/* ; do
file=`basename ${oF}`
diff $oF "${expectedOutput}/${file}" > "${diffFiles}/${file}.diff"


Iterate through files in a directory, create output files, linux

I am trying to iterate through every file in a specific directory (called sequences), and perform two functions on each file. I know that the functions (the 'blastp' and 'cat' lines) work, since I can run them on individual files. Ordinarily I would have a specific file name as the query, output, etc., but I'm trying to use a variable so the loop can work through many files.
(Disclaimer: I am new to coding.) I believe that I am running into serious problems with trying to use my file names within my functions. As it is, my code will execute, but it creates a bunch of extra unintended files. This is what I intend for my script to do:
Line 1: Iterate through every file in my "sequences" directory. (All of which end with ".fa", if that is helpful.)
Line 3: Recognize the filename as a variable. (I know, I know, I think I've done this horribly wrong.)
Line 4: Run the blastp function using the file name as the argument for the "query" flag, always use "database.faa" as the argument for the "db" flag, and output the result in a new file that is has the same name as the initial file, but with ".txt" at the end.
Line 5: Output parts of the output file from line 4 into a new file that has the same name as the initial file, but with "_top_hits.txt" at the end.
for sequence in ./sequences/{.,}*;
echo "$sequence";
blastp -query $sequence -db database.faa -out ${sequence}.txt -evalue 1e-10 -outfmt 7
cat ${sequence}.txt | awk '/hits found/{getline;print}' | grep -v "#">${sequence}_top_hits.txt
When I ran this code, it gave me six new files derived from each file in the directory (and they were all in the same directory - I'd prefer to have them all in their own folders. How can I do that?). They were all empty. Their suffixes were, ".txt", ".txt.txt", ".txt_top_hits.txt", "_top_hits.txt", "_top_hits.txt.txt", and "_top_hits.txt_top_hits.txt".
If I can provide any further information to clarify anything, please let me know.
If you're only interested in *.fa files I would limit your input to only those matching files like this:
for sequence in sequences/*.fa;
I can propose you the following improvements:
for fasta_file in ./sequences/*.fa # ";" is not necessary if you already have a new line for your "do"
# ${variable%something} is the part of $variable
# before the string "something"
# basename path/to/file is the name of the file
# without the full path
# $(some command) allows you to use the result of the command as a string
# Combining the above, we can form a string based on our fasta file
# This string can be useful to name stuff in a clean manner later
sequence_name=$(basename ${fasta_file%.fa})
echo ${sequence_name}
# Create a directory for the results for this sequence
# -p option avoids a failure in case the directory already exists
mkdir -p ${sequence_name}
# Define the name of the file for the results
# (including our previously created directory in its path)
blastp -query ${fasta_file} -db database.faa \
-out ${blast_results} \
-evalue 1e-10 -outfmt 7
# Define a file name for the top hits
# alternatively, using "%"
# No need to cat: awk can take a file as argument
awk '/hits found/{getline;print}' ${blast_results} \
| grep -v "#" > ${sequence_name}_top_hits.txt
I made more intermediate variables, with (hopefully) meaningful names.
I used \ to escape line ends and allow putting commands in several lines.
I hope this improves code readability.
I haven't tested. There may be typos.
You should be using *.fa if you only want files with a .fa ending. Additionally, if you want to redirect your output to new folders you need to create those directories somewhere using
mkdir 'folder_name'
then you need to redirect your -o outputs to those files, something like this
'command' -o /path/to/output/folder
To help you test this script out, you can run each line one by one to test them. You need to make sure each line works by itself before combining.
One last thing, be careful with your use of colons, it should look something like this:
for filename in *.fa; do 'command'; done

Common "include" file between shell and makefile

I've created an (makefiles oriented) include file which contains some variables defined to be used on by others makefiles.
# this is myinclude/makevars file
this "include file" works just great if I include it in other makefiles:
include myinclude/makevars
but would be cool if I might include it in some shell script too!.
Currently I've created another file (myinclude/shellvars) very similar but "shell" oriented:
# this is myinclude/shellvars file
clearly by including this in my (shell) scripts anything works but I have a duplicated file with (semantically) the same info!
any idea to have this two files "merged" into one (myinclude/makevars and myinclude/shellvars) ? any special syntax?
any help is clearly appreciated!
-- kasper!
Try this:
eval "$(cat makevars.inc | tr -d '(:)')"
echo "$MY_LIB"
This loads the text of the target include file into memory, erases all colons and parentheses from it and then executes the result.

storing output of ls command consisting of files with spaces in their names

I want to store output of ls command in my bash script in a variable and use each file name in a loop, but for example one file in the directory has name "Hello world", when I do variable=$(ls) "Hello" and "world" end up as two separate entries, and when I try to do
for i in $variable
mv $i ~
it shows error that files "Hello" and "world" doesn't exist.
Is there any way I can access all files in current directory and run some command even if the files have space(s) in their names.
If you must, dirfiles=(/path/of/interest/*).
And accept the admonition against parsing the output of ls!
I understand you are new to this and I'd like to help. But it isn't easy for me (us?) to provide you with an answer that would be of much help to you by the way you've stated your question.
Based on what I hear so far, you don't seem to have a basic understanding on how parameter expansions work in the shell. The following two links will be useful to you:
Matching Pathnames, Parameters
Now, if your task at hand is to operate on files meeting certain criteria then find(1) will likely to do the job.
Say it with me: don't parse the output of ls! For more information, see this post on Unix.SE.
A better way of doing this is:
for i in *
mv -- "$i" ~
or simply
mv -- * ~

bash script zip filename parsing strangely

I'm trying to zip various files together (one of the included files is actually a zip itself) and name the resulting zip based on a handful of bash variables defined earlier. One of the variables used in the zip file name is being parsed from a #define in a config.h file. I successfully parsed together a .zip with the correct name, but when I tried to implement the same zip script in a slightly different situation I get erroneous zip names.
In Windows explorer, the erroneous zip name looks something like X1276N~E.ZIP
In linux the zip appears with the intended name except with a question mark (which I've come to understand to be some sort of placeholder). i.g. foo-stuff-bar-9.1b?.zip
My current code trying to zip a file with name foo-stuff-bar-9.1b.zip:
rev_number=$(grep define[[:space:]]*SOME_NUMBER $directory/config.h | awk '{print $3;}'| tr -d '/"')
zip "$archive_name".zip file1 file2 backup1.zip file3
So "foo_name" and "bar_name" are strings coming from the terminal when the script is run, "rev_number" is being parsed from config.h, and I'm formatting it all into "archive_name" before using it in the zip command.
I've tried all sorts of variations of quotation marks and brackets and I get the same weird name name no matter what I try. I'm not sure where my error is being caused as I'm parsing from many sources. Any advice is much appreciated.
Per Marc B's suggestion, I piped the string to xxd -b to look at each character byte by byte. It appeared as though I was accidentally parsing a character at the end of $archive_name when scraping the config.h file.
I was able to fix this by just piping my string through tr -d "[:cntrl:]" to remove the any control characters that would give weird file names.

What does this bash script command mean (sed - e)?

I'm totally new to bash scripting but i want to solve this problem..
the command is:
objfil=`echo ${srcfil} | sed -e "s,c$,o,"`
the idea about the bash script program is to check for the source files, and check if there is an adjacent object file in the OBJ directory, if so, the rest of the program runs smoothly, if not, the iteration terminates and skips the current source file, and moves on to the next one.. it works with .c files but not on the headers, since the object filenames depend on .c files.. i want to write this command so it checks the object files not just the .c but the .h files too.. but without skipping them. i know i have to do something else too, but i need to understand what this line of command does exactly to move on. Thanks. (Sorry for my english)
if test -r ${curOBJdir}/${objfil}
cp -v ${srcfil} ./SAVEDSRC/${srcfil}
err="${curOBJdir}/${objfil} is missing - ${srcfil} skipped)"
echo ${err}
echo ${err} >>${log}
while test ${fdone} == "NO"
#rest of code ...
here is the rest of the program.. i tried to comment out the "test" part to ignore the comparison just because i only want my script to work on .h files, but without checking the e.g abc.h files has an abc.o file.. (the object file generation is needed because the end of the script there's a comparison between the hexdump of the original and modified object files). The whole script is for changing the basic types with typedefs like int to sint32_t for example.
This concrete command will substitute all c's right before line-end to o:
objfil=`echo ${srcfil} | sed -e "s,c$,o,"`
echo $objfil
P.S. It uses a different match/replace separator: default is / but it uses ,.
