Can't import GMM function from sckits.learn - scikit-learn

I'm getting error ImportError: No module named gmm when I'm using from scikits.learn.gmm import GMM..
I installed scikits using windows installer and no error..
How I can fix it?

That link is very old, the module name was renamed to sklearn as you have installed version 0.16.1 you should be using
from sklearn.mixture import GMM
as per the docs


Cannot import sparkdl into databricks notebook

As I said in the title, I cannot import sparkdl module into databricks.
I followed step by step this official tutorial sparkdl tutorial but when I simply put some code like:
from sparkdl import readImages
I get an error that says I cannot import readImages from sparkdl, the same for other classes such DeepImageFeaturizer.
I checked and It seems there is some sort of problem with the versions of keras,tensorflow,sparkdl,h5py and the maven library spark-deep-learning so I'm looking for a stable combination beetween them.
Taking into account that from Databricks I can only install tensorflow from 2.5.0 up to newer version.
With the following versions:
tensorflow v 2.5.0, keras 2.2.4, 1.4.0-spark-deep-learning,h5py v 3.7.0
I Got the following error while importing DeepImageFeaturizer
from sparkdl import DeepImageFeaturizer ImportError: cannot import name 'resnet50' from 'keras.applications' (/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.9/site-packages/keras/applications/
Any help or suggestion will be really appreciated

Pytorch/Ktrain import name BartForConditionalGeneration from transformers error?

I am trying to use the package ktrain's text function
However, when I try to use it I get the error that
TransformerSummarizer() requires PyTorch to be installed.
I installed PyTorch using different variations of conda and pip, as well as the command given on the pytorch website. After it installs and I try to use it I get:
from ktrain import text
import torch
from transformers import BartForConditionalGeneration
ts = text.TransformerSummarizer()
ImportError: cannot import name 'BartForConditionalGeneration' from 'transformers' (C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages\transformers\
Any suggestions of how to fix this? Thank you!

ImportError: cannot import name '_print_elapsed_time'

Hi so I'm trying to use the make_pipeline module in sklearn. But when I try to import it with:
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
I get this error:
ImportError: cannot import name '_print_elapsed_time'
I've googled it but there seems to be no other posts about this. I tried reinstalling scikitlearn but I still get the same error :/ Anyone have any ideas?
It looks like this was a bug introduced into one of the newer versions of scikit-learn (I got this same issue in version 0.21.2).
I was able to fix this by downgrading to scikit-learn version 0.20.0
>> pip install scikit-learn==0.20.0

How to import WordEmbeddingSimilarityIndex function from gensim module?

When i try to import WordEmbeddingSimilarityIndex, it's giving me the following error:
>> from gensim.models import WordEmbeddingSimilarityIndex
ImportError: cannot import name 'WordEmbeddingSimilarityIndex
The same issue occurs for SparseTermSimilarityMatrix function:
>> from gensim.similarities import SparseTermSimilarityMatrix
ImportError: cannot import name 'SparseTermSimilarityMatrix
Note: I have installed and imported gensim, gensim.models and gensim.similarities. But still it's giving me the ImportError while importing the above mentioned functions.
Can you tell me what I am doing wrong, please?
Fix is change "models" to "similarities"
from gensim.similarities import WordEmbeddingSimilarityIndex
it works in gensim 4.0.1
Try to check the version of gensim that you are using. Usually, the older versions of gensim cause this issue.
from gensim.models import WordEmbeddingSimilarityIndex
if the gensim version is 3.6.x or older update it to 3.7.x or latest version by running the below command. Once you update gensim version should get rid of this issue.
pip install --upgrade gensim

cannot import name 'convert_saved_model'

I am trying to convert a frozen grap to tflite using convert_saved_model in tensorflow, but i am getting the following error
from tensorflow.contrib.lite.python import convert_saved_model
ImportError: cannot import name 'convert_saved_model'
Here's the code i've been using
from tensorflow.contrib.lite.python import convert_saved_model
I am using a Windows 8.1 and tensorflow 1.8.
I've tried using toco_convert but got the error
module tensorflow.contrib has no attribute 'lite'
Please try with Tensorflow 1.9 and file a Github issue if this is still not working
