Bash script commands not running - linux

I have seafile ( running on my NAS and I set up a cron tab that runs a script every few minutes to check if the seafile server is up, and if not, it will start it
The script looks like this:
# exit if process is running
if ps aux | grep "[s]eafile" > /dev/null
then exit
# restart process
/home/simon/seafile/seafile-server-latest/ start
/home/simon/seafile/seafile-server-latest/ start-fastcgi
running /home/simon/seafile/seafile-server-latest/ start and /home/simon/seafile/seafile-server-latest/ start-fastcgi individually/manually works without a problem, but when I try to manually run this script file, neither of those lines execute and seafile/seahub do not start
Is there an error in my script that is preventing execution of those 2 lines? I've made sure to chmod the script file to 755

The problem is likely that when you pipe commands into one another, you don't guarentee that the second command doesn't start before the first (it can start, but not do anything while it waits for input). For example:
oj#ironhide:~$ ps -ef | grep foo
oj 8227 8207 0 13:54 pts/1 00:00:00 grep foo
There is no process containing the word "foo" running on my machine, but the grep that I'm piping ps to appears in the process list that ps produces.
You could try using pgrep instead, which is pretty much designed for this sort of thing:
if pgrep "[s]eafile"
Or you could add another pipe to filter out results that include grep:
ps aux | grep "[s]eafile" | grep -v grep

If the name of this script matches the regex [s]eafile it will trivially always take the exit branch.
You should probably be using pidof in preference of reinventing the yak shed anyway.

turns out the script itself was working ok, although the change to using pgrep is much nicer. the problem was actually in the crontab (didn't include the sh in the command)


How to find the commands executed by a /bin/bash process? (Linux)

I want to get the command running (if running) in the /bin/bash processes.
I want a script that can identify in the /bin/bash process the command /bin/bash is running. Tried to find it in /proc/[pid]/cmdline but it only show /bin/bash.
Is there a way to do this or what I'm wondeing is impossible. :o
I'm asking because when I run a ps -ef, some processes (like ssh) show how they'r running.
user 30410 30409 0 10:58 pts/0 00:00:00 ssh name# <-- here
There is the ssh command fully printed.
We can see the same if I do the command ps -ef | grep "/bin/bash", it return :
user 20080 4999 0 13:40 pts/9 00:00:00 grep /bin/bash <-- here
There is the command grep /bin/bash printed.
But if I run a bash loop like while true; do echo "hello"; done
And then I do ps -ef | grep "while" It return nothing !!!
that depends on what type of command are you looking for.
for external commands running from a shell, "ps -efH" shows you a hierarchical list of running processes, which you can then find the info you need.
bash built-in commands doesn't show up on ps list, you will have to enable script debugging using "set -x" and then monitor the stderr to see what the script is doing.
To answer the edits you made:
while is a built-in, so it doesn't show up. but the "echo" will show up in the "ps -efH" output i mentioned above.

Run command as another user in Linux with `su - user c` creates a duplicate process

I want to run a process by a service as root user, because the daemon may have its own user.
But when I run it with system("su - root c ./testbin"), the system shows two processes (I check this via ps aux | grep testbin):
su - root c ./testbin
How to achieve a single process?
The "su" process can not be avoided, but you can get it to end before your testbin does.
Your original question using "sleep" looks like this:
(su - root -c "sleep 120" &) ; ps aux | grep sleep
If you execute that line multiple times you will see multiple "su" processes as a result of the grep.
Backgrounding the subprocess allows the su process to end, like this:
(su - root -c "sleep 120 &" &) ; ps aux | grep sleep
When you execute that line multiple times you can see that the "su" processes disappear from the list but that the sleep commands continue.
Note that the ampersand inside the double quotes is for the sub process and that the ampersand just before the parentheses is for the 'su' command which is required to perform your question in a single line and speed up testing this case.
I checked if an equivalent of 'execv' exists for the command line, but this does not seem to be the case. Also, 'su' is a process that runs with the permissions of the caller and the subprocess of su runs with the permissions of the process forked by 'su'. It seems logical to me that you can not replace the 'su' process with its child as 'execv' does in 'C' for security reasons.
ps aux | grep testbin | grep -v grep
I think you just see your "grep" process. Use the command above.

Linux bash script that kills a process (not started by me) after x amount of time

I'm pretty inexperienced with Linux bash. That being said, I have a CentOS7 machine that runs a COTS application server. This application server runs other processes that sometimes hang. Since I have no control over the start of these processes, I'm looking for a script that runs every 2 minutes that kills processes of the name "spicer" that have been running for longer than 10 minutes. I've looked around and have only been able to find answers for processes that are run and owned by me.
I use the command ps -eo pid, command,etime | grep spicer to get all the spicer processes. The output of this command looks like:
18216 spicer -l/opt/otmm-10.5/Spi 14:20
18415 spicer -l/opt/otmm-10.5/Spi 11:49
18588 grep --color=auto spicer
I don't know if there's a way to parse this directly in bash. I'm also not well-versed at all in other Linux tools. I know that awk (or gawk) could possibly help.
I have no control over the data that the process is working on.
What about wrapping the executable of spicer and start it using the timeout command? Let's say it is installed in /usr/bin/spicer. Then issue:
cp /usr/bin/spicer{,.orig}
echo '#!/bin/bash' > /usr/bin/spicer
echo 'timeout 10m spicer.orig "$#"' >> /usr/bin/spicer
Another approach would be to create a cronjob defintion into /etc/cron.d/kill_spicer. Like this:
* * * * * root kill $(ps --no-headers -C spicer -o pid,etimes | awk '$2>=600{print $1}')
The cronjob will get executed minutely and uses ps to obtain a list of spicer processes that run longer than 10minutes and passes them to kill.
Probably you even want kill -9 if the process is hanging.
You can use the -C option of ps to select processes by name.
ps --no-headers -C spicer -o pid,etime
Then you can use cut to filter the results, if the spacing is consistent. On my system the pid field takes up 8 characters, so I'd use
kill $(ps --no-headers -C spicer -o pid,etime | cut -c-8)
If the spacing is inconsistent (but if so, what kind of messed up ps are you using? :-P), you can use awk { print $1 } instead of cut.

Shell script to avoid killing the process that started the script

I am very new to shell scripting, can anyone help to solve a simple problem: I have written a simple shell script that does:
1. Stops few servers.
2. Kills all the process by user1
3. Starts few servers .
This script runs on the remote host. so I need to ssh to the machine copy my script and then run it. Also Command I have used for killing all the process is:
ps -efww | grep "user1"| grep -v "sshd"| awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
Problem1: since user1 is used for ssh and running the script.It kills the process that is running the script and never goes to start the server.can anyone help me to modify the above command.
Problem2: how can I automate the process of sshing into the machine and running the script.
I have tried expect script but do I need to have a separate script for sshing and performing these tasksor can I do it in one script itself.
any help is welcomed.
Basically the answer is already in your script.
Just exclude your script from found processes like this
grep -v <your script name>
Regarding running the script automatically after you ssh, have a look here, it can be done by a special ssh configuration
Just create a simple script like:
ssh user1#remotehost '
someservers stop
# kill processes here
someservers start
In order to avoid killing itself while stopping all user's processes try to add | grep -v bash after grep -v "sshd"
This is a problem with some nuance, and not straightforward to solve in shell.
The best approach
My suggestion, for easier system administration, would be to redesign. Run the killing logic as root, for example, so you may safely TERMinate any luser process without worrying about sawing off the branch you are sitting on. If your concern is runaway processes, run them under a timeout. Etc.
A good enough approach
Your ssh login shell session will have its own pseudo-tty, and all of its descendants will likely share that. So, figure out that tty name and skip anything with that tty:
TTY=$(tty | sed 's!^/dev/!!') # TTY := pts/3 e.g.
ps -eo tty=,user=,pid=,cmd= | grep luser | grep -v -e ^$TTY -e sshd | awk ...
Almost good enough approaches
The problem with "almost good enough" solutions like simply excluding the current script and sshd via ps -eo user=,pid=,cmd= | grep -v -e sshd -e fancy_script | awk ...) is that they rely heavily on the accident of invocation. ps auxf probably reveals that you have a login shell in between your script and your sshd (probably -bash) — you could put in special logic to skip that, too, but that's hardly robust if your script's invocation changes in the future.
What about question no. 2? (How can I automate sshing...?)
Good question. Off-topic. Try

count processes in shell script [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Quick-and-dirty way to ensure only one instance of a shell script is running at a time
I am new to shell script.
what I wanna do is to avoid running multiple instances of a script.
I have this shell script
cnt=`ps -e|grep "cntps"|grep -v "grep"`
echo $cnt >> ~/cntps.log
if [ $cnt < 1 ];
#do something.
exit 0
if I run it this way $./, it echoes 2
if I run it this way $. ./, it echoes 0
if I run it with crontab, it echoes 3
Could somebody explain to me why is this happening?
And what is the proper way to avoid running multiple instances of a script?
I changed your command slightly to output ps to a log file so we can see what is going on.
cnt=`ps -ef| tee log | grep "cntps"|grep -v "grep" | wc -l`
This is what I saw:
32427 -bash
20430 /bin/bash ./
20431 /bin/bash ./
20432 ps -ef
20433 tee log
20434 grep cntps
20435 grep -v grep
20436 wc -l
As you can see, my terminal's shell (32427) spawns a new shell (20430) to run the script. The script then spawns another child shell (20431) for command substitution (`ps -ef | ...`).
So, the count of two is due to:
20430 /bin/bash ./
20431 /bin/bash ./
In any case, this is not a good way to ensure that only one process is running. See this SO question instead.
Firstly, I would recommend using pgrep rather than this method. Secondly I presume you're missing a wc -l to count the number of instances from the script
In answer to your counting problems:
if I run it this way $./, it echoes 2
This is because the backtick call: ps -e ... is triggering a subshell which is also called and this triggers two items
if I run it this way $. ./, it echoes 0
This is caused as you're not running, it but are actually sourcing it into the currently running shell. This causes there to be no copies of the script running by the name cntps
if I run it with crontab, it echoes 3
Two from the invocation, one from the crontab invocation itself which spawns sh -c 'path/to/'
Please see this question for how to do a single instance shell script.
Use a "lock" file as a mutex.
if(exists("lock") == false)
touch lock file // create a file named "lock" in the current dir
execute_script_body // execute script commands
remove lock file // delete the file
echo "another instance is running!"
