PredictionIO for Content Recommendation e.g. Tweets - nlp

I recently installed PredictionIO.
What I'd like to achieve is: I'd like to categorize content on the words included in the text. But how can I import data like raw Tweets to PredictionIO? Is it possible to let PredictionIO run over the content and find strong words and to sort them in categories?
What I'd like to get is something like this: Query for Boston Red Sox --> keywords that should appear would be: baseball, Boston, sports, ...

So I'll add on a little to what Thomas said. He's right, it all depends whether or not you have labels associated to your tweets. If your data is labeled then this will be a Text Classification problem. Look at this for more detailed info:
If you're instead looking to cluster, or group, a set of unlabeled observations then, as Thomas said, your best bet is to incorporate LDA into the works. Look at the latter documentation for more information, but basically once you run the LDA model you'll obtain an object of type DistributedLDAModel which has a method topicDistributions which gives you, for each tweet, a vector where each component is associated to a topic, and the component entry gives you the probability that the tweet belongs to that topic. You can cluster by assigning each tweet the topic with highest probability.
You also have access to a matrix of size MxN, where M is the number of words in your vocabulary, and N is the number of topics, or clusters, you wish to discover in your data. You can roughly interpret the ij th entry of this Topics Matrix as the probability that the word i appears in a document given that the document belongs to topic j. Another rule you could use for clustering is to treat each word vector associated to your tweets as a vector of counts. Then, you can interpret the ij entry of the product of your word matrix (tweets as rows, words as columns) and the Topics Matrix returned by LDA as the probability that tweet i belongs to topic j (this follows under certain assumptions, feel free to ask if you want more details). Again now you assign tweet i to the topic associated to the largest numerical value in row i of the resulting matrix. You can even use this clustering rule for assigning topics to incoming observations once you have used your original set of tweets for topic discovery!
Now, for data processing, you can still use the Text Classification reference for transforming your Tweets to word count vectors via the DataSource and Preparator components. As for importing your data, if you have the tweets saved locally on a file, you can use PredictionIO's Python SDK to import your data. An example is also given in the classification reference.
Feel free to ask any questions if anything isn't clear, and good luck!

So, really depends on if you have labelled data.
For example:
Baseball :: "I love Boston Red Sox #GoRedSox"
Sports :: "Woohoo! I love sports #winning"
Boston :: "Baseball time at Fenway Park. Red Sox FTW!"
Then you would be able to train a model to classifying Tweets against these keywords. You might be interested in templates for MLlib Naive Bayes, Decision Trees.
If you don't have labelled data (really, who wants to manually label Tweets) you might be able to use approaches such as Topic Modeling (e.g., LDA).
I don't think there is a template for LDA but being an active open source project it wouldn't surprise me if someone has already implemented this so might be a good idea to ask on PredictionIO user or dev forums.


Trying to detect products from text while using a dictionary

I have a list of products names and a collection of text generated from random users. I am trying to detect products mentioned in the text while talking into account spelling variation. For example the text
Text = i am interested in galxy s8
Mentions the product samsung galaxy s8
But note the difference in spellings.
I've implemented the following approaches:
1- max tokenized products names and users text (i split words by punctuation and digits so s8 will be tokenized into 's' and '8'. Then i did a check on each token in user's text to see if it is in my vocabulary with damerau levenshtein distance <= 1 to allow for variation in spelling. Once i have detected a sequence of tokens that do exist in the vocabulary i do a search for the product that matches the query while checking the damerau levenshtein distance on each token. This gave poor results. Mainly because the sequence of tokens that exist in the vocabulary do not necessarily represent a product. For example since text is max tokenized numbers can be found in the vocabulary and as such dates are detected as products.
2- i constructed bigram and trigram indicies from the list of products and converted each user text into a query.. but also results weren't so great given the spelling variation
3- i manually labeled 270 sentences and trained a named entity recognizer with labels ('O' and 'Product'). I split the data into 80% training and 20% test. Note that I didn't use the list of products as part of the features. Results were okay.. not great tho
None of the above results achieved a reliable performance. I tried regular expressions but since there are so many different combinations to consider it became too complicated.. Are there better ways to tackle this problem? I suppose ner could give better results if i train more data but suppose there isn't enough training data, what do u think a better solution would be?
If i come up with a better alternative to the ones I've already mentioned, I'll add it to this post. In the meantime I'm open to suggestions
Consider splitting your problem into two parts.
1) Conduct a spelling check using a dictionary of known product names (this is not a NLP task and there should be guides on how to impelement spell check).
2) Once you have done pre-processing (spell checking), use your NER algorithm
It should improve your accuracy.

Scikit-Learn - No True Positives - Best Way to Normalize Data

Thanks for taking the time to read my question!
So I am running an experiment to see if I can predict whether an individual has been diagnosed with depression (or at least says they have been) based on the words (or tokens)they use in their tweets. I found 139 users that at some point tweeted "I have been diagnosed with depression" or some variant of this phrase in an earnest context (.e. not joking or sarcastic. Human beings that were native speakers in the language of the tweet were used to discern whether the tweet being made was genuine or not).
I then collected the entire public timeline of tweets of all of these users' tweets, giving me a "depressed user tweet corpus" of about 17000 tweets.
Next I created a database of about 4000 random "control" users, and with their timelines created a "control tweet corpus" of about 800,000 tweets.
Then I combined them both into a big dataframe,which looks like this:
0,depressed,tweet text .. *
1,depressed,tweet text.
2,depressed,# tweet text
3,depressed,저 tweet text
4,depressed,# tweet text😚
5,depressed,# tweet text😍
6,depressed,# tweet text ?
7,depressed,# tweet text ?
8,depressed,tweet text *
9,depressed,# tweet text ?
10,depressed,# tweet text
11,depressed,tweet text *
12,depressed,#tweet text
14,depressed,tweet text !
15,depressed,tweet text
16,depressed,tweet text. .
17,depressed,tweet text
50595,control,#tweet text?
150596,control,"# tweet text."
150597,control,# tweet text.
150598,control,"# tweet text. *"
150599,control,"#tweet text?"t
150600,control,"# tweet text?"
150601,control,# tweet text?
150602,control,# tweet text.
150603,control,#tweet text~
150604,control,# tweet text.
Then I trained a multinomial naive bayes classifier using an object from the CountVectorizer() class imported from the sklearn library:
count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
counts = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(tweet_corpus['tweet'].values)
classifier = MultinomialNB()
targets = tweet_corpus['class'].values, targets)
MultinomialNB(alpha=1.0, class_prior=None, fit_prior= True)
Unfortunately, after running a 6-fold cross validation test, the results suck and I am trying to figure out why.
Total tweets classified: 613952
Score: 0.0
Confusion matrix:
[[596070 743]
[ 17139 0]]
So, I didn't properly predict a single depressed person's tweet! My initial thought is that I have not properly normalized the counts of the control group, and therefore even tokens which appear more frequently among the depressed user corpus are over represented in the control tweet corpus due to its much larger size. I was under the impression that .fit() did this already, so maybe I am on the wrong track here? If not, any suggestions on the most efficient way to normalize the data between two groups of disparate size?
You should use a re-sampling techniques to deal with unbalanced classes. There are many ways to do that "by hand" in Python, but I recommend unbalanced learn which compiles re-sampling techniques commonly used in datasets showing strong between-class imbalance.
If you are using Anaconda, you can use:
conda install -c glemaitre imbalanced-learn.
or simply:
pip install -U imbalanced-learn
This library is compteible with sci-kit learn. Your dataset looks very interesting, is it public? Hope this helps.

Simple Binary Text Classification

I seek the most effective and simple way to classify 800k+ scholarly articles as either relevant (1) or irrelevant (0) in relation to a defined conceptual space (here: learning as it relates to work).
Data is: title & abstract (mean=1300 characters)
Any approaches may be used or even combined, including supervised machine learning and/or by establishing features that give rise to some threshold values for inclusion, among other.
Approaches could draw on the key terms that describe the conceptual space, though simple frequency count alone is too unreliable. Potential avenues might involve latent semantic analysis, n-grams, ..
Generating training data may be realistic for up to 1% of the corpus, though this already means manually coding 8,000 articles (1=relevant, 0=irrelevant), would that be enough?
Specific ideas and some brief reasoning are much appreciated so I can make an informed decision on how to proceed. Many thanks!
Several Ideas:
Run LDA and get document-topic and topic-word distributions say (20 topics depending on your dataset coverage of different topics). Assign the top r% of the documents with highest relevant topic as relevant and low nr% as non-relevant. Then train a classifier over those labelled documents.
Just use bag of words and retrieve top r nearest negihbours to your query (your conceptual space) as relevant and borrom nr percent as not relevant and train a classifier over them.
If you had the citations you could run label propagation over the network graph by labelling very few papers.
Don't forget to make the title words different from your abstract words by changing the title words to title_word1 so that any classifier can put more weights on them.
Cluster the articles into say 100 clusters and then choose then manually label those clusters. Choose 100 based on the coverage of different topics in your corpus. You can also use hierarchical clustering for this.
If it is the case that the number of relevant documents is way less than non-relevant ones, then the best way to go is to find the nearest neighbours to your conceptual space (e.g. using information retrieval implemented in Lucene). Then you can manually go down in your ranked results until you feel the documents are not relevant anymore.
Most of these methods are Bootstrapping or Weakly Supervised approaches for text classification, about which you can more literature.

Topic models in a structured document? (or would EM or MCMC work?)

I have a set of documents that each consist of N words. The ith word of each document is selected from a common set of words, Wi={wi1, wi2, wi3, wi4}.
For example, the first word in each document might be selected from: {'alpha', 'one', 'first', 'lowest'}. The second word might be selected from: {'beta', 'two', 'second', 'lower'}. And so on.
These words may belong to different topics. For example, one topic might consist of {'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma', etc...}. Another topic might be {'alpha', 'two', 'third', etc...}. Each document has a different topic usage (just like a normal topic model).
To generate a new document, you go through each position 1...N. For the ith word, you select a topic based on the document's topic usage, then select a word from Wi based on the topic's word usage. Therefore, each topic will have N total words - one for each position.
My question is how do I learn the latent parameters in this model? Specifically, I want to know (1) the topic usage of each document, and (2) the word composition of each topic. This looks very similar to a topic model, but I don't know if I can use anything out of the box?
Because I can write out the likelihood of the data given the parameters, I tried implementing an EM algorithm to estimate (1) topic usage, then use this to update (2) word usage (and keep iterating until convergence). However, this was really really slow.
Another thing I have read is if I can write the joint density function, I can try sampling from the posterior density to learn these hidden parameters (using MCMC). Does this sound feasible? I have ~100 documents, each document is ~1000 words long, and at each word position, you can select from 6 words.
If anyone can help or give advice, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
Pure EM doesn't work for topic models: you need to use variational EM, as demonstrated in the original Blei et al paper. The other way to do inference is to use a collapsed Gibbs' sampler, as described by Griffiths' et al's Finding Scientific Topics paper (and many others too).
Can you clarify the generative process? Are you saying you draw from a different topic for each position i (standard LDA)? That you want a different set of topics for position i than position i+1? That knowing the topic assignment for position i means you know the assignment for i+1..n? If you could write it out as a standard generative model then figuring out how to do inference should be pretty straightforward (and I'd be happy to edit my answer).
You don't explicitly state this, but it looks implicit in your 4th paragraph: Given the topic, the distribution for which word is chosen for the i'th slot is independent of the words that have (or will be) selected for the other slots.
If this is a case, then your model is (conforms to) a Naive Bayesian Classifier, and that is probably your best bet; this type of model can be configured with one pass through the training data, and should be much better than using the EM algorithm.
If you have correlations between the words, given the class, you may want to look into "Tree-Augmented Bayesian Classifiers".

Financial news headers classification to positive/negative classes

I'm doing a small research project where I should try to split financial news articles headers to positive and negative classes.For classification I'm using SVM approach.The main problem which I see now it that not a lot of features can be produced for ML. News articles contains a lot of Named Entities and other "garbage" elements (from my point of view of course).
Could you please suggest ML features which can be used for ML training? Current results are: precision =0.6, recall=0.8
The task is not trivial at all.
The straightforward approach would be to find or create a training set. That is a set of headers with positive news and a set of headers with negative news.
You turn the training set to a TF/IDF representation and then you train a Linear SVM to separate the two classes. Depending on the quality and size of your training set you can achieve something decent - not sure for 0.7 break even point.
Then, to get better results you need to go for NLP approaches. Try use a part-of-speech tagger to identify adjectives (trivial), and then score them using some sentiment DB like SentiWordNet.
There is an excellent overview on Sentiment Analysis by Bo Pang and Lillian Lee you should read:
How about these features?
Length of article header in words
Average word length
Number of words in a dictionary of "bad" words, e.g. dictionary = {terrible, horrible, downturn, bankruptcy, ...}. You may have to generate this dictionary yourself.
Ratio of words in that dictionary to total words in sentence
Similar to 3, but number of words in a "good" dictionary of words, e.g. dictionary = {boon, booming, employment, ...}
Similar to 5, but use the "good"-word dictionary
Time of the article's publication
Date of the article's publication
The medium through which it was published (you'll have to do some subjective classification)
A count of certain punctuation marks, such as the exclamation point
If you're allowed access to the actual article, you could use surface features from the actual article, such as its total length and perhaps even the number of responses or the level of opposition to that article. You could also look at many other dictionaries online such as Ogden's 850 basic english dictionary, and see if bad/good articles would be likely to extract many words from those. I agree that it seems difficult to come up with a long list (e.g. 100 features) of useful features for this purpose.
iliasfl is right, this is not a straightforward task.
I would use a bag of words approach but use a POS tagger first to tag each word in the headline. Then you could remove all of the named entities - which as you rightly point out don't affect the sentiment. Other words should appear frequently enough (if your dataset is big enough) to cancel themselves out from being polarised as either positive or negative.
One step further along, if you still aren't close could be to only select the adjectives and verbs from the tagged data as they are the words that tend to convey the emotion or mood.
I wouldn't be too disheartened in your precision and recall figures though, an F number of 0.8 and above is actually quite good.
