Plant data is not passing in MM02 - hook

I am updating a custom table based on plant in MM02 using the user exit EXIT_SAPLMGMU_001. The problem is when i am not passing through Plant data\ stor.1 tab plant data is not passing to the exit i am using.
I need to update the custom table even when basic data is changed without changing plant. please suggest me how to achieve this.

You should better imagine SAP organizational structure to answer your own questuion. Company codes are subdivided into plants, plants can be assigned to one or more purchasing or sales organization. So plant division makes sense only while editing material's sales or purchasing master data. As Dirk fairly said, your plant details just shouldn't be normally passed to your user-exit in case you don't open sales or purchasing views in MM02. And if you do, MARC-WERKS is perfectly populated


How does NetSuite calculate inventory?

we recently connected to our NetSuite using ODBC so we can navigate tables and query the database. I'm having difficulty determining how NS calculates inventory levels.
I noticed the table "Item_Location_Map" has quantity on hand which seems accurate, but I don't see a way to specify at what point in time. I figured maybe it calculates real time based on all transactional data but ran into another issue. All the details for a transaction are on the Transactions table and Tranaction_Lines except for...oddly enough...the quantity.
If I look up a say invoices and pull in the quantity field, it is always empty. Some invoices have a quantity_packed or quantity_picked value but that doesn't really help.
Any thoughts on what I might be missing?
A couple ways.
Stock Ledger and Inventory Valuation reports (not saved searches), which you can use through N/query.
Inventory Activity Detail saved search, which you can best use by setting the "Is Inventory Affecting" column criteria to true.
As for how that looks in the database, I am not certain, unfortunately. Also, I highly advise against using ODBC for something like this. A restlet or suitelet would be infinitely faster and more helpful.

Filtering From 2 different tables in DAX

I am having a little trouble figuring out how to properly filter from the one side through a many relationship and back through to another one sided table.
The issue is that a Customer can have multiple accounts which can have multiple Customers.
In the attached image I am trying to filter from a Center# through the All Customer level and then add a filter on the List table to get the correct open accounts.
So the example would be I am looking for all Customers that are associated with Center A and are attached to an account type A.
The inactive one to many relationship from All Cust -> All Accts is what needs to be active instead of the All Cust -> Open table.
I am currently using:
CALCULATE([Cust Enrolls],CROSSFILTER('All Cust'[All Customer Number],'Open'[Primary Customer Number],Both))
to be able to filter for the account type, but that table's customer is just the single primary customer.
Any ideas on how I should either rework the model or how to create the correct measure?
I would recommend re-working your Data Model so that you have a clear 1-M for each dimension table to your fact tables. This will save you a tremendous amount of time and headaches now and in the future by structuring your data properly.

SSAS cube login specific security on data

I've encountered the following problem - I already have a working cube that processes lots of data on a schedule. The requirement I got now was to restrict the data in the cube according to specific logins. I'm aware of dynamic SSAS cube security through roles or even logins but I don't see them helping me as I have a kind of a hybrid scenario, and it is as follows:
For example, imagine you have a cube processing sales and income of an international trading company, and you belonged to a role of country directors; what I want to do is adjust permissions so that every country director sees all the measures and dimensions, but they see sales/income only from their country.
Is this possible?
All help is appreciated.
EDIT: I might not have made the best example above. My scenario is slightly different, in a way that there isn't a business rule that would place any two users in a same group. Basically, every user has to see only data that somehow refers to him/her. And this really can't be done manually as there's over 4000 users...
Best regards,
Yes, both Tabular and Multidimensional SSAS have row filtering options. In your scenario you need:
A Country dimension
Create a role for each Country that has directors
Assign each director to their specific role
Row filter each role by their correspondant Country dimension

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Estimating Dialog

My boss has recently tasked me with developing an estimating form in Dynamics CRM Online for use by his sales team. The idea is that his sales team can enter the parameters into a dialog and have Dynamics spit out a rough estimate for the cost of the project. Sales team members need to be able to do this while on site at a customer's location.
I have no idea about anything with Dynamics. I could easily do this in Excel VBA and make it look nice. I could develop my own app in C# or Java. But the ideal is to integrate this into Dynamics CRM with existing opportunities and associated tools. I've looked at Dynamics on my boss' monitor and I've poked some of the existing dialogs on our old on-premises Dynamics server with a long stick.
Is this kind of application even possible with Dynamics Online? We'd need to take user input, query the product database for pricing info from that input, and do some fancy arithmetic to spit out a number and ideally save the data in some way associated with an opportunity. This is a flooring company, and I envision an estimating tool where you can dynamically add a room to a list in a dialog, specify the size of the room in two text entry boxes (length x width), and select a type of flooring and substrate from a combination of radial buttons and drop down boxes, and finally have a price displayed for that room with a cumulative price displayed for each additional room added to the list.
Somebody please tell me if this is possible and where I can go for some resources on developing for Dynamics CRM to teach me how to do it. Help!
Essentially the current manual estimating process is rather laborious and takes a couple of days turnaround. Sales reps run through a checklist and submit a form to the office with information about the size of the job, substrate, and the products to be installed and then a human operator manually calculates an estimate with that information. An automated system should allow sales reps to input some basic information and get a rough estimate in minutes while on site with the customer making the sale.
At its most basic, the application must be able to accept user input for the substrate under the flooring, the new flooring type, and square footage for each type of flooring. With that information, it needs to query price information from a database and then calculate an estimate for the project. It needs to be available online via mobile devices (tablets or possibly phones) for sales reps who are on location with a customer.
Beyond that, if we can have it save the estimate into an existing opportunity or create a new opportunity within Dynamics CRM, that would be great.
To avoid learning specific CRM development features, you can add web resource, it could be HTML page, add link to the web resource on CRM page and using only javascript populate field you need with any data you need.
This could definitely be accomplished with the out-of-the-box features. It wouldn't work exactly like you envisioned, but it would be close.
You'd need to set up the Product Catalog in CRM. Each Product could be one of your flooring types or substrates. The Pricing List for each Product would show how much 1 square foot of each type of flooring costs.
When Sales creates an Opportunity, they can add Product Line Items for each different type of flooring, along with a Quantity (which would be total Sq Feet for that item). CRM would then calculate the Line Item and the total Opportunity from the Price List and Product Catalog. Each line item total can also be discounted or overridden from the Price List, if necessary.
Once the customer wants a Quote, you can convert the Opportunity into a Quote, and all line items are copied over. You could then print this out and give it to the customer.
If the customer accepts the Quote, you can convert the Quote into an Order. Again, all line items are copied over.
Finally, you can create multiple invoices for an Order, and again line items are copied over and you can override prices or line items if necessary for billing.
There are lots of good video tutorials out there on setting up the Product Catalog, Price Lists, Discount Lists, etc. Hope that helps!

how to call and sort data in a view?

I have two view, one is sorting 2011 data and the other one is sorting the 2012,
2013 is coming and I think, create another view is not good. Then I tried to code a formula to call the data in my database and send to view but it's not working .
please help me :)
I think your best option is to create another view. Notes doesn't do well with dynamic view selection formulas.
Another alternative to consider is to use categories to group data by year. You could then set up an embedded view that shows only a single category, which could be determined by a drop-down field that shows the available years.
A solution I have used when dealing with weekly or monthly date is to use an agent to create a new folder every week and to put the correct documents in the folder. But this is a lot of work and if there is a high volume of data you can run into problems with some of the internal limits of the Notes database structure. Someone with expert level knowledge of Notes can probably manage this, but I do not recommend it as a general solution -- and certainly not for yearly data.
Adding a view once a year is really not that bad. It's two minutes of work every 12 months, just copying and renaming the previous year's view and changing the selection formula.
