Is there any better way to pass sensitive data to the program, alternative to env variables? - node.js

I want to use npm twitter package, and it recommends to use env variables, but setting it up on windows machines is horror, so I want to avoid env variables. Next try is keep variables in external json file (like here in my repo), which is never be committed, but it’s playing not good with CI, because if it’s not in the repo, how can I use it and test, right?
Let me show.
env variables (windows users’ nightmare):
var Twitter = require('twitter');
var client = new Twitter({
consumer_key: process.env.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY,
consumer_secret: process.env.TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET,
access_token_key: process.env.TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY,
access_token_secret: process.env.TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET,
untestable crap
var Twitter = require('twitter');
var keys = require('./keys.json');
var client = new Twitter(keys);
with this line in .gitignore:
no winners situation; is there any better way?
There are no winners in this situation and it makes me sad. I want to achieve two simple goals: easy consumption and testability. Can you help me? How do you deal with this?
Update: I’m talking in terms of developing opensource lib based on twitter API, not about end user product, that’s I feel unsecure about keeping tokens in repo.
Update 2: Windows users’ have set and setx commands. Hurray! thx to Martin Konecny for noting this.
Solution: while there is no crap in setting up env variables in windows, it’s better to let code consumer to choose how to pass data to his end-product (which is using my lib). So we end up with situation, which has no "data-passing" problem. And because of it it’s testable, because I can use env variables in my tests to test it in Travis CI.

just let your user choose what's best for him. implement (or use library as there are such libraries for most languages) something that will let you pass and shadow properties in many different formats: api, file, envs, command line.
in your local test you can simply use api as part of test configuration
in your integration tests you can put json file (ignored by git)
on travis you can use command line parameters or environment properties
on production you will use environment properties or remote server with configuration

Seeing as this is an open-source project, you will most likely not be able to include your Twitter API keys inside the project itself. I see two potential solutions:
Require the users to register for their own Twitter API
credentials, and add these to your project's config file before
running the project and its tests.
If you are trying to use
something like Travis CI to auto-test any new commits, you may need to mock your requests instead.
Option #2 may not be ideal since it doesn't take into account any future API changes from Twitter, however it allows you to test breakage of any commits assuming the API does remain stable.


NestJS - Using DotEnv

I am working on the NestJS along with TypeOrm (MySQL).
Project itself is provisioned by Terraform, run by Jenkins and deployed on K8.
I will use process.env.******* for the DB Connection, and
when it comes to the deployment (test, stage and prod), I really don't care. Jenkins provides the credentials (provided by Terraform).
However, I want to have a local mode, where it is friendly to other developers to start the service locally.
In my previous project, I had extra file in the root. That file was only wrapper, which loads dotenv and then the main app file.
Something like this:
const lambdaApp = require('./index');
That was simple and easy to use. I just have .env.example file, and if you need if you set it up yourself.
I figured I shall do the same with the NestJS. Unfortunately, I am stuck.
If I were to use local.index.js to start the dotenv, then How can I load and execute the main.ts file. I could call the bootstrap() function, but it wont work.
Simple approach that did not work:
const mainApp = require('./main.ts');
The main.ts, needs to be converted to js from ts.
I could probably find some way to do it in code, but it's looks really wrong. There has to be a simpler way to achieve this, which, unfortunately I am not seeing.
This was the case of not reading the documentation and reinventing the wheel. In my defense, I can say there are so many things to read, I don't have time. That is pure truth, but time and reading can be managed. I should have checked the official documentation first, and I would find the answer in there.
Anyway, right here it is explained. I will not post any codes
samples, since it is pointless to do it. They also use dotenv library and env file.

Rails 6+: order in which Rails reads SECRET_KEY_BASE (env var versus credentials.yml.enc)

For context, I'm in the process of updating a Rails app to 5.2 and then to 6.0.
I'm updating my credentials to use the config/credentials.yml.enc and config/master.key defaults with Rails 5.2+ apps.
The Rails docs state:
In test and development applications get a secret_key_base derived from the app name. Other environments must use a random key present in config/credentials.yml.enc
(emphasis added)
This leads me to think that in production the SECRET_KEY_BASE value is required to be read from Rails.application.credentials.secret_key_base via config/credentials.yml.enc. In test and development environments, the secret_base_key is essentially "irrelevant", since it's calculated from the app name.
However, when I was looking at the Rails source code, it reads:
def key
read_env_key || read_key_file || handle_missing_key
That seems to say the order of reading values is:
Raise error
I use Heroku for my hosting, and have a ENV["SECRET_BASE_KEY"] env variable that stores this secret value.
If I have both ENV["SECRET_BASE_KEY"] and Rails.application.credentials.secret_base_key set, which one takes priority?
Is using the ENV var going to be deprecated at some point?
I have lots of environment-specific ENV variables because I don't want to use my production accounts in development for AWS S3 buckets, stripe accounts, etc. The flat-file format of credentials.yml.enc seems to assume developers only need to access these 3rd-party APIs in production. Is there an accepted format to handle environment-specific credentials yet in Rails?
I read through the comment threads on DHH's original PR as well as a linked PR that says it implements environment-specific credentials, but the docs don't mention this implementation so I'm not certain if it's the standard or if it's going to go away sometime soon.

Using environment variables in Karate DSL testing

I'd like to incorporate GitLab CI into my Karate testing. I'd like to loop through my tests with different user names and passwords to ensure our API endpoints are responding correctly to different users.
With that in mind, I'd like to be able to store the usernames and passwords as secure environment variables in GitLab (rather than in the karate-config as plain text) and have Karate pull them as needed from either the karate-config or the feature files.
Looking through the docs and StackOverflow questions, I haven't seen an example where it's being done.
Updating with new information
In regards to Peter's comment below, which is what I need I am trying to set it up as follows:
set client id in karate-config:
var client_id = java.lang.System.getenv('client_id');
in the actual config object:
clientId: client_id
In my feature file tried to access it:
* def client_id = clientId
It still comes through as null, unfortunately.
You can read environment variables in karate using,
If this helps you to read the environment variables that you are keeping securely on your gitlab, then you can use it in your karate-config for authentication.
But your config and environment variable will look cumbersome if you are having too many users.
If you want to run a few features with multiple users, I would suggest you look into this post,
Can we loop feature files and execute using multiple login users in karate
Using java interop as suggested by peter:
var systemPath = java.lang.System.getenv('PATH');
to see which are all variables are actually exposed try,
var evars= java.lang.System.getenv();
and see the list of all environment variables.

How can I set environment variables for dredd testing in a dredd.yml file?

I'm trying to run a number of api calls using dredd and api blueprint to test a site. I would like to run the tests on circleCI, as there are Selenium tests running in the same place. Each transaction needs to be accompanied by two tokens, which are set as cookies in the headers. Ideally, these would be set in the dredd.yml file. When running on a local machine, if I replace ACCESS_TOKEN and REFRESH_TOKEN with the actual values, the test runs as expected.
- dredd
dredd.yml headers
header: ['Cookie: access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN; refresh_token=REFRESH_TOKEN']
Where ACCESS_TOKEN and REFRESH_TOKEN get replaced by the actual values set in circleCI's environment variables. I have also tried:access_token=$[ACCESS_TOKEN], access_token=$["ACCESS_TOKEN"] and access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN. None of these are being replaced in the headers for the first api call.
The header looks like: {"Content-Type":"application/json; charset=utf-8","User-Agent":"Dredd/1.4.0 (Darwin 14.5.0; x64)","Cookie":" access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN; refresh_token=$REFRESH_TOKEN"}
I am new to yaml files, so I'm probably missing something basic, but I did search around for a while. The hooks file is written with node.js, so I don't think the ruby/rails help will be useful here. If I am missing anything in the question don't hesitate to let me know.
YAML is a data representation language, not a template language (or template processor, for that matter). While an individual program might support loading environment variables or additional parameters named in the configuration, the YAML parser (probably, unless it's a custom module) isn't what's injecting them. While skimming the dredd docs I don't see any references to environment variables or parameters, it may be worth creating an issue on the project and starting a discussion with the developers to see if this is supported.
I can think of a number of ways to solve your specific problem, but they all involve additional tools to render the YAML with your variables injected. Perhaps the easiest solution for your case is to set environment variables in the CircleCI web configuration (NOT version-controled circle.yml). Then, set up a pre-build step, where the YAML configuration is generated. To do this, wrap the YAML in a BASH script, with the YAML document contained inside of it as a here-doc.
# ACCESS_TOKEN and REFRESH_TOKEN are injected by CircleCI
cat <<EOF > config.yml
header: ['Cookie: access_token=${ACCESS_TOKEN}; refresh_token=${REFRESH_TOKEN}']
Then run the rest of your job normally, perhaps deleting the configuration file or restoring it from version control before any artifacts are created to avoid the leakage of your credentials.
The better way to work with headers is by Hook files setting headers before each request. As you are using Node.js, try set Node environment variables:
var hooks = require('hooks');
hooks.beforeEach(function(transaction) {
transaction.request.headers.Cookie =
'access_token=' + ACCESS_TOKEN +
'; refresh_token=' + REFRESH_TOKEN;

What is the proper way to use the bluemix.getServiceCreds() function in node.js?

I have cloned the Concept Insights demo from Bluemix and made some minor changes to use my own corpus. It runs OK locally, but when I deploy it to Bluemix I get an authorization error when it tries to access my corpus. I'm certain that the error is a result of the early call in app.js to bluemix.getServiceCreds('concept_insights'), which apparently replaces my service credentials with some that must be stored in the environment on Bluemix.
Can someone explain the purpose of this function, and the proper approach to what I am trying to do? I could probably just delete the call to that function, but I'm afraid that I may be missing part of the larger picture if I do. Is this a way to keep my credentials out of the code base? If so, how do I make it work?
bluemix.getServiceCreds('concept_insights') gets the concept_insights service credentials from the VCAP_SERVICES variable that is created by Bluemix. (see VCAP_SERVICES)
You probably want to use the credentials from the environment instead of hardcoding them in your app.js file.
When your app runs locally you hardcode the credentials in app.js, but when it runs in Bluemix those credentials are overwritten. If you don't want this to happen remove the bluemix.getServiceCreds('concept_insights')
var credentials = {
url: '',
username: '<username>',
password: '<password>',
version: 'v2'
When creating a service make sure you use the Standard plan.
If you use the Beta plan you will have to use as url.
